The Golden Girls

An all time favourite. This show always puts me in a good mood.
Sophia is my spirit animal.

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This one of my ''can re-watch over and over without it getting boring'' kind of show.I love this show and in the future I am going to re-watch it(right after I have finished Gossip Girl ,hopefully)

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Beauty and the Beast

Got hooked after the second episode,Totally worth watching.

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The Great North

Review written after finishing season 1

It's not quite at the same level as Bob's Burgers and a lot of the jokes do fall a bit flat HOWEVER it's not bad and the characters do grow on you and I think it definitely has potential if it's given some more time. It's hard not to compare it to Bob's Burgers but honestly even if you do it's still pretty enjoyable and I was a bit surprised by how much I liked the songs.

Judy was the first one that I developed a liking to, mainly because she's The Great North's equivalent to Tina and I feel like she's the most interesting so far and I really enjoy the scenes when she's talking to Alanis but Beef has a certain charm as well. It definitely leaves something to be desired but I'll keep watching it for at least a while longer just to see if it finds its footing a bit more.

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Being Human (US)

Last season was a bit weak,however,the rest of the show is excellent.

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The first 6/7 episodes has the most terrible acting,line delivery and the writing is so cliché.

After that though it got better, or maybe I got used to it, I don't know, either way, I like it better now,
but it still makes me cringe at least 5 times per episode(compared to every 20 seconds for the first few episodes).

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Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2018-10-09T18:27:58Z— updated 2018-12-02T18:59:31Z

Definitely a show made for binge-watching.
I agree with @paosv about it being a bit of a mix of Gossip Girl and How to get away with murder, it kind of has that vibe.
It's a bit cliché at times but I do think the characters are well rounded(most of them) .
I didn't figure out who killed Marina until the very beginning of episode 8, so it took me a while, but it wasn't who i would have suspected from the start.

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Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

It's fine,nothing too special.It took me til episode 10 to realize that hey,this show might actually be something.So it doesn't pull you in immediately,at least for me it didn't but I wouldn't mind a second season.
It's funny,a bit awkward at times but it isn't the best I've seen.

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30 Degrees In February

So many embarrassing moments,so many,like maybe 40 in one episode,Glenn's moments being the most awkward.
It's a great show though.Very funny,but as I said,so very very awkward and embarrassing.
In season two specifically, Joy started to get on my nerves so badly and Majlis is just being a dumbass.

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I like Aimee Teegarden and Matt Lanter so this was really amazing for me.I thought it would be really bad but to my suprise I actually loved it.I can't wait for more episodes and thank god this isn't ABC.God that channel cancels EVERYTHING...

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Full House

I have not seen the original but I really enjoyed this version.Everybody seemed to hate Mintra,I actually quite liked her.All the blame was put on Min as soon as something bad happened but it was mainly just Mike being a jerk most of the time.It was really funny and cute and the whole mammoth thing,girl,just,wtf,hilarious af.
Om-Am was just an adorable character and I really liked her from the start.She's too nice at times though.
This is the first Thai series I've ever watched and I am not disappointed.
I'd recommend it.

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10 Things I Hate About You

If you don't compare it to ''10 Things I Hate About You (1999)'',it's actually kind of good.It's funny and I like it.
It is not completely like the movie and I think that's a good thing.

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A more original twist on the mermaid theme. It's refreshing. So far so good and hopefully it stays that way.

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Just Between Lovers

A lot more realistic than a lot of other dramas. It really pulls on your heartstrings, that's for sure.
I think I would even recommend it to people who normally don't like kdramas.

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After watching the first 5 episodes:
I actually quite like it.This isn't typically the type of show I'd go for but so far it's pretty fun and the acting is surprisingly good.

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Way to go,ending it on a cliff-hanger.

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This is like a thai version of Skins.If you like that kind of stuff,you'll like this,if not,you probably won't.

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Behind Her Eyes

What kind of fuckery??!
As soon as I thought I knew what was going on new stuff was revealed. It's original, very engaging and it doesn't drag.
If you can I would recommend going into it completely blind, don't read anything about it and just watch.
That ending made my blood boil. I liked Rob and he's been the one fucking everyone over this entire time. God damn. It does explain Adele's behavior though. Throughout the show I tried to understand what happened for her personality to switch so drastically and now I know why.
As long as you can accept the astral projection thing(or whatever that was) it's a great show. I didn't really understand it at first and it wasn't really thoroughly explained but if you just accept it and go with it it's a very enjoyable show

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Kiss Me First

It wasn't what I exptected. It's unique, definitely.
It reminded me of Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, probably because it's quite odd.
It's a bit confusing at times but certainly intriguing.
If it does get a second season I can't wait to see what they do with it.

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Really cheesy and just boring and totally 5 year old:ish

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Deadly Class

I don't know how this show compares to the comics but on its own it's very good.
The acting is pretty good for the most part and the soundtrack is great.

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It's terrible.Don't even bother.I can usually see something good in everything(when it comes to tv shows) but this is just pure sh*t,honestly.

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The Messengers

One of the worst shows I have seen in a long,long time.It's so bad and I am normally not very critical when it comes to tv shows but this is a special kind of bad.
I only watched one episode,and that is very rare for me(I usually watch at least five,even with shitty shows like Glee.)
Just horrible.

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I only started watching it because of my mom,actually not that bad....

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I feel like this is gonna be a bad one....

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The Mighty B!

I hate this show, but I also kind of love it. This bitch is annoying and loud and not charismatic in the slightest, yet for some reason I always liked it.
Also, what's with the hate on zucchinis? girl chill.

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Huset Silfvercronas gåta

Barndomsnostalgi är allt jag har att säga.
Kommer ihåg att jag till och med tyckte att den var lite läskig.

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