

The Internets


Shout by dgw
BlockedParent2015-02-24T06:08:34Z— updated 2017-01-15T09:04:05Z

M*A*S*H has been in and out of my world since I was a kid and my parents watched reruns when they came on the local TV networks. I'm starting on a real watch-through (only a few episodes in yet) and it's really exciting to think about going from start to finish with this, especially now that I've seen the original film.

(Updated Jan 15, 2017, to fix trakt picking up the *s in the title as italics.)

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Engineering Disasters

Shout by dgw

There are some interesting facts in this show. Too bad they're dramatically overshadowed by the hyper-sensationalized narration that attempts to make the average viewer deathly afraid of anything technological.

Oh, and most of these aren't disasters of engineering at all. The vast, VAST majority of incidents this series scrutinizes are either natural disasters that no amount of engineering could prevent or protect against; or human failures of the people responsible for maintaining the systems that were engineered to perform well within tolerances. I'm sorry, but equipment that goes 16 years without inspection, or human errors at the controls, do not qualify as engineering problems.

Skip this.

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Childhood's End

Shout by dgw

I'm not normally one to complain about slow pacing, but it's warranted in this case. This story could have been told in half the time. Not that it's anything to write home about. There's some potentially interesting backstory that gets no screen time whatsoever. The only interesting part is about ten minutes in the third episode when we spend some real, quality time with the Overlords.

Granted, I haven't read the source material. But given that this miniseries' contemporaries include The Expanse, I know that good sci-fi can still be put on TV in the mid-2010s. This just…isn't it.

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Celestial Method

Shout by dgw

It took me (checks MAL) 486 days to force myself through this series. I have not watched the OVA. I don't need an extra 11 minutes† to know that I don't care for this show. Allegedly it still has yet to be either renewed or cancelled, but I hope that Studio 3Hz will move on and leave this behind. It really shows that production values alone cannot make an anime good. The writing in Sora no Method just isn't there, and no amount of moe can hide that.

Up next from Studio 3Hz is Dimension W, which will hopefully be better. (Yes, I'm way behind on anime.)

† - The OVA shows as 25 minutes because no metadata source that Trakt pulls in allows overriding episode duration. It's set at the show level, and that's what you get, period. It's too bad.

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Haruchika – Haruta & Chika

Shout by dgw

The setup is a high school concert band that wants to get to nationals…and there are maybe two pieces of music in the entire show? This was not good. The whole thing is focused around mysteries that the main characters get distracted by when they're supposed to be making music. They're not even interesting mysteries. Every one is the same: Stump the two self-appointed detectives until some deus ex machina reveal lets them solve it. Character development is mostly nonexistent.

I'd award an extra point for having a queer MC, but the show never actually does anything with that fact after establishing a love polygon in episode 1 (which persists for the rest of the series, unmentioned except for a couple throwaway comic bits).

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Pillow Boys

Shout by dgw

Convinced to spend an hour watching this absolute pile of crap by literally my oldest friend. Am now questioning whether she's really a friend. But oh, did we laugh at this. It's SO BAD.

@LuckyNumber78, it's your turn.

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Minority Report

Shout by dgw

By strict average of my episode ratings, I should give this show a 7. But there were too many things that bothered me about the production quality, the writing, and directorial decisions to give it quite that high a score. 6 will do.

At least by the end, they stopped flashing us Meagan Good's cleavage at every opportunity.

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Shout by dgw

By way of averaging my episode scores, this show should get a perfect 7.0, but I can't quite give it that. There's a long slump in the middle where the writing kinda goes to shit and nothing really interesting happens. I can take that kind of thing from a show if the characters are interesting or likable, but that's not particularly true of this cast.

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Shout by dgw

I refuse to round my mean episode score of 4.91 up to a 5. This wasn't even "Meh". The few good episodes were completely buried by the worse-than-shit-tier writing of the rest.

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Qualidea Code

Shout by dgw

I feel ambivalent about rounding this show's raw average of 8.6 up to a 9, but really…all that keeps me from giving the series a 10 is the Bermuda Triangle nonsense and the somewhat weak writing at the very end. The rest of the show is very strong, and it deserves the 9.

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Yuri!!! on Ice

9.5/10 (if only trakt supported that)

By rights, I should give this season an 8 (my per-episode ratings average out to 8.41). But I enjoyed it a lot more than that. I don't feel like a 10 is completely justified, since I did have a few bones to pick with the narrative, but a 9 is a bit shy of what the show deserves.

Given the "SEE YOU NEXT LEVEL" tag at the end of the season, I can only speculate that a second season is planned (or at least, pitched). I would gladly watch more of this.

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The Great Passage

Arithmetic mean of my scores for the season: 8.2727…
What I think the show as a whole deserves: 9.8

10 it is. What a stunningly beautiful series.

I would happily welcome a second season, but I highly doubt that will happen. The story is finished.

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Magical Girl Raising Project

Shout by dgw

Average rating across episodes (season 1): 6.5
Subjective rating based on enjoyment: 3

5 it is, then. Had its good parts, but was far too bloody overall and didn't give any characters any depth. Not even the protagonist, really. Tried to be another Madoka, but fell far short.

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Izetta: The Last Witch

Shout by dgw

Episode rating average (season 1): 7.333…
Enjoyment: 9
Yield: 8.1666…, rounded to 8
Penalty: -1 point for over the top, out of place fanservice

Not completely solid, and not quite up to the expectations I had for it at the start of the season, but still a good show worth watching. Alternate history is always enjoyable, though I question some of the writing choices (like the slice-of-life episode in the middle that did nothing for the overall plot, or having Bergmann and Izetta both be still alive despite heavily implying that both died).

I would probably watch a second season of this, but I'd hope it had less fanservice and more solid writing (with fewer "coincidences").

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Girlish Number

Shout by dgw

Episode rating average: 7.0

How did that happen? I don't know. But I do know that character development was too little too late for me to bump up the score any, so I'll stick with 7.

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Poco's Udon World

Episode rating average: 7.333…

The show feels kinda slow for most of the season, like more should be happening. For the pacing, I'm knocking the score down a point. Would be more, but the ending ties it up nicely enough to make up for some of the slowness.

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JINSEI - Life Consulting

Shout by dgw

There are some great moments in this show, but they're buried in so much boring crap that it's a chore to watch.

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Flip Flappers

Shout by dgw

Rating average: 7.46153846

I see great strides here from the studio that inflicted Sora no Method on the world. There are echoes of the same writing problems—the story's pretty convoluted, and you'll be lost easily if you miss any details—but less pronounced than the previous series. (Dimension W, I can't speak to…it's still on my watchlist.)

Flip Flappers has a lot to recommend it, even if it's only for the visuals. Papika will worm her way into your heart if you let your guard down even a little, and you'll get to visit a number of fantastical worlds with Ichimichi Mao's voice to guide you and Cocona along. While I don't know if I would call it "Superb" (a Trakt 9) or even "Great" (8), it's definitely a solid "Good" (7) plus—if Trakt allowed half-points I'd be giving this a 7.5.

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Matoi the Sacred Slayer

Shout by dgw

Based on season 1 (average episode rating: 6.83333333) I'm giving this a 6. It's pretty generic, but there are a couple stand-out episodes that make it a bit better than "meh" IMO.

Not sure if that tag on the last episode is a plea for season 2 or just a gag…

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Captain Earth
Eromanga Sensei
Liv and Maddie

I enjoyed this show for what it is. It's perfect for throwing something on while eating lunch or the like—entertaining without requiring too much focused attention. In return, you get scattered rewards in the form of really nice character development, some A+ jokes, and a good feeling when things inevitably turn out fine in the end.

Honestly, I'd rank this among Disney's better sitcoms.

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BanG Dream!

Shout by dgw
BlockedParent2017-08-18T03:53:27Z— updated 2024-06-09T05:37:20Z

This space reserved for when I finish the other two seasons. Season 1 review originally posted here now lives at https://trakt.tv/comments/137937 on the Season 1 entry.

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Great Selection Taxi
The Inspectors

Shout by dgw

How does this qualify as E/I programming???

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The Captains Close Up
Breaking In

Shout by dgw

It's a shame that this show was cancelled mid-season. It really started to hit its stride in the latter part of season two, in the episodes that FOX never aired.

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Lizzie McGuire

Shout by dgw

I can't quite average all of my episode ratings, because I skipped a few at the beginning. But I think it's safe to give the show as a whole the same rating its seasons earned: 8/10.

Sure, along the way there were a few duds, but so many of these episodes are just superb and not to be missed.

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