

The Internets


Reply by dgw


Shout by chazTV
BlockedParent2015-06-23T01:22:21Z— updated 2016-12-05T01:29:09Z

It's OK -- they bought the rights to the concept and butchered the original 2012 Swedish version, appropriately titled 'Real' Humans ( https://trakt.tv/shows/real-humans ) - "Äkta Människor". It wasn't adapted from a book, the creator (Lars Lundström) developed it as an original screenplay for Swedish television: www.svt.se/akta-manniskor/

The original was outstanding, both seasons -- by the end of the 1st season of the remake, there isn't anything from the original plot -- it's been simplified and homogenized. The original, with English subtitles, can be found on Vimeo. As they've completely changed the story, no need to worry about spoilers... ;-)

"Real Humans" trailer: https://vimeo.com/35140857

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I'll have to watch the Swedish series now that I've finished this version, but I really don't see the point of comparing the two as you have. "Synth" as short for "Synthetic" works just as well as "Hubot" does as short for "Human-bot" (which would make it "hew-bot", not "hoo-bot").

There are a lot of elements to like in this remake, and I'm sure there will be just as many in the Swedish series.

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Dark Matter

Shout by Peter
BlockedParent2015-08-09T00:43:59Z— updated 2016-07-31T22:25:29Z

Low budget sci-fi, which seems promising on first look, but soon starts squeaking from multiple directions. For me it fits into category of "fill" series, which I watch when I have nothing better to do. My opinion is based on 9 watched episodes.

Few examples: [Minor spoilers]
*Jodelle Ferland aka Six wants to play immature girl, but is not really working. Everyone acts like she is about 14 years old, but she is clearly much older than the character she is playing, which is funny.
*I've also seen multiple attempts of funny scenes, but show didn't get anything more than "huehueh" from me.
*Four is a guy from traditional samurai family. I always facepalm when I see their soldiers "going to battle", with traditional samurai armor, drop their swords and start shooting with guns. (And no, their armor is not bulletproof).

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Six isn't a girl, though. That's Five.

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Flowers of Evil

Reply by dgw

Hey Trakt! This show has not ended. It's super clear at the final episode. There is gonna be a second season. When? I don't know, but it's super obvious. And we all wanted it!

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Correction: The final episode was meant to shout, "Give us a second season!" A lot of anime end as if they're going to continue, and then don't get the funding necessary. This was such a case, because it sold so poorly.

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Eureka Seven

Reply by dgw

Season 2 (Astral Ocean) - a bad sequel and, taken standalone, a bad show. Awful directing, annoying one-dimensional characters, a messy, convoluted plot. Overall, just bad.
Even if you liked E7, I wouldn't recommend this.

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Shouldn't this rating and review be attached to season 2 specifically?

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High School Fleet

Shout by sp1ti

That twist is so cringey I just had to stop with this show.

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I'm worried for myself that I can't resist watching more, even with the cringe factor as high as it is. What is wrong with me?

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Pillow Boys

Reply by dgw


Shout by dgw

Convinced to spend an hour watching this absolute pile of crap by literally my oldest friend. Am now questioning whether she's really a friend. But oh, did we laugh at this. It's SO BAD.

@LuckyNumber78, it's your turn.

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I guess that proves to me that @-mentions work as expected. Great tool for challenges, Trakt. A+

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The 100

Reply by dgw

Starts off pretty bad then all of a sudden you've been awake for 20 hours and binge watched the entire thing.

Persevere through those initial few bad episodes and you're in for a right treat.

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Sounds about right. I was quite disappointed in the pilot, but now that I've finished S1 (so far) I'm glad I gave the show a second (and third, fourth, fifth, and sixth) chance.

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Designated Survivor

Reply by dgw

It's on Netflix now!

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@donxy Netflix has since dropped the streaming availability. It's DVD-only now. :/

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Halt and Catch Fire

Reply by dgw

This show had big shoes to fill replacing breaking bad in it's time slot. So far, it's doing well. Very, very character driven, yet in a way that isn't so slow that it bores me.

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@redouaaane @youngasiangod As of right now, he has 103 "10" ratings out of 236 total. Seems legit…

(Yes, that is sarcasm. Also, 40 "9"s and 40 "8"s. Hmm. No bell curve here!)

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Spice and Wolf

Reply by dgw

When I See Review About The Whole Series, I See So Many Negative Reviews & Some Pos. I Think I Must Giving It A Shut. But.... Hmmm. I Can't Get Anything From It. Romance? Not Really! Adventure? Not Really! Love? Not Really! Good Plot? Not Really!
This Series Have So Many Think But Not In a whole package. In Season 1 U Get 4 Good Episode And The Other Just Waste Of Time. In Season 2 U Get The Same 4 Good Episode! In General, I Feel choosing this, just another bad idea!

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Reading This Shout Hurts My Brain.

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Everything Sucks!

Reply by dgw

I fairly enjoyed this show. It was very different from what I expected. It did however kind of feel like Netflix tries to recycle the idea of another 80’s, Strangers Things inspired group of kids. But it’s fun and I didn’t mind it too much, it’s worth the watch. And with the way this ended it better get a second season!

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@sophievdw Too bad it was canceled. No season two. Ugh. I'm rationing the remaining episodes to make it last as long as possible…

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Eromanga Sensei

Reply by dgw

I'd hesitate to call this a "bad" anime. It does have some genuinely funny moments, and the characters are very smoothly animated (some of them, at least—rumor has it Sagiri had her own key animator, separate from the other characters). But this show is not good, by any stretch of the imagination. (OK, I'm also just a sucker for ClariS theme songs. You'd think Qualidea Code would have taught me not to blindly follow every show ClariS grace with a song, but I guess you'd be wrong.)

The majority of the visual content is fanservice. The characters and their "dreams" are just puppets to set up situations to produce said fanservice. There's no plot to speak of, just a static premise. I guess Sagiri develops a bit as a character, if you can call her one (she's a big blob of moe kawaii imouto tropes, at best, I'd say), but nobody else does. And I am 100% serious about that "puppet" comment—it often seems like the characters are literally saying whatever is necessary to set up the fanservice du jour, regardless of how it relates to (or contradicts) their previously stated goals.

Am I foolish for wanting character development—or believable characters—from a show with "ero" in the title? Probably. But I know the author of this story can do characters. One need only look at Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai to know that. (The dead giveaway? The main cast of Oreimo characters have a cameo in this show.) As ridiculous as Kirino and Kyousuke's relationship was, there was measurable development (regardless of the bullshit ending to S2). It also helps that that show had something to say about otaku culture.

Eromanga-sensei is just pandering. I don't even like most of these tropes…

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@arumadesuga And in my opinion, it wasn't even particularly fun, either. To each his own, I guess.

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Pretty Little Liars

Reply by dgw

The Season 5 episodes list it's all wrong!!!
"We Love You to DeAth" it'a a special! It's not the 5x13! "How the 'A' Stole Christmas" it's the real 5x13 and not the 5x14! And finally "Through a Glass, Darkly" it's the unaired 5x14 episode and not the 5x13"!
Please fix it!

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@gigaberry This is just a note from the future, to say that TVDB's mods are still just as obnoxious, stubborn, and logic-resistant as they were back in 2015.

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A Man Called Hawk

Reply by dgw

Well, there is the mediocre to bad acting, the not very ambitious writing. And than there is Avery Brooks whose portrayal of Hawk made this worth watching for me. That and the fact that I like those kind of characters. The loner with the mysterious past.
You will also recognize a lot of familiar faces playing roles on this show. A lot of whom have long become stars in there own right. One thing I can never get into my head watching shows from that period: did people really wore such ridiculous clothes. I do remember shoulder pads but those look like a quarterbacks. Maybe I'm just blocking it out.

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@finfan I'm just curious, where did you find/watch this show? I just found out about it, but it looks like my only option is to buy the home video release or try to get it from my local library.

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A Man Called Hawk

Reply by dgw

Well, there is the mediocre to bad acting, the not very ambitious writing. And than there is Avery Brooks whose portrayal of Hawk made this worth watching for me. That and the fact that I like those kind of characters. The loner with the mysterious past.
You will also recognize a lot of familiar faces playing roles on this show. A lot of whom have long become stars in there own right. One thing I can never get into my head watching shows from that period: did people really wore such ridiculous clothes. I do remember shoulder pads but those look like a quarterbacks. Maybe I'm just blocking it out.

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@finfan I went and found Becker "somewhere in the depths of the internet" myself, because it has both Ted Danson and Terry Farrell, so I'm not above watching shows (at least the first few episodes or first season) just because of cast connections!

Streaming is indeed not an option at all, but for a short series like this one it might actually be practical to just find it at the library and dedicate a week or two of TV watching to just the one show. Thank you for your considered opinion on whether the show is worth buying! I think I'll just keep my eyes open for now, and maybe start looking more actively in a few weeks (after I return from an upcoming trip abroad).

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Step by Step

Reply by dgw

A decent 90s sitcom that stayed on the air too long. The show goes downhill as it goes along and it takes a steep decline when they have to replace Cody.

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@meng3267 Oof, sounds exactly like what happened to Community.

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God, I still hate Lori

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@alex1798 Obviously this resonates with a lot of people, based on the like count, but… I must be thicker than the Hosts' colony walls. Who is Lori???

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Reply by dgw

There are a lot of TV series that get cancelled and while I might get upset, I always understand why. Not this time though.
Every new season of Colony kept getting better and better; they took time to develop every character (except Bram, fuck Bram); acting was mostly good; even though it was centered around a family, they managed not to turn it into a family melodrama; avoided most of the clichés of the genre and created something good. Still it got cancelled. Not even a two part mini series to properly end things. Nothing.

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(except Bram, fuck Bram)

@katebishop :clap::clap::clap:
I understand why they kept him instead of Charlie for season three (because he was old enough to do the Community Patrol + secret life + protect Gracie thing), but yeah. Bram was the show's one failure of characterization. Many characters were (political) puppets in-universe, but Bram felt like the writers' puppet to serve whatever plot need they had.

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Reply by dgw

God, I still hate Lori

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@alex1798 Oh my god, I get it now. Thank you!


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Reply by dgw

season 4 starts soon :)

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*hovers mouse over Report button*

*sees who posted this comment*

*moves mouse off of Report button* :smiley_cat:

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Reply by dgw

season 4 starts soon :)

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@justin All I hear is "This is an historical artifact and we shouldn't delete it" :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The Wonder Years

Is there anything more evil than Winnie Cooper ?? Man, it hurts !!

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@hljrichard I'm combing through memories of what Kevin's done and honestly, I can't think of much. If my recollections can be trusted (and that's somewhat in doubt :sweat_smile:), generally speaking, Kevin occasionally makes Winnie jealous by e.g. being too flirty with a waitress, or totally overreacting to her interactions with another boy. Meanwhile Winnie cheats on him at least twice, in addition to overreacting any time he so much as glances at anything with long hair.

It's tempting to see if anyone published an academic analysis of their relationship. This show seems like it could be great material for a college writing class like the one I took freshman year (except mine was about music in TV, not relationships).

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