

The Internets


Reply by dgw


Shout by chazTV
BlockedParent2015-06-23T01:22:21Z— updated 2016-12-05T01:29:09Z

It's OK -- they bought the rights to the concept and butchered the original 2012 Swedish version, appropriately titled 'Real' Humans ( https://trakt.tv/shows/real-humans ) - "Äkta Människor". It wasn't adapted from a book, the creator (Lars Lundström) developed it as an original screenplay for Swedish television: www.svt.se/akta-manniskor/

The original was outstanding, both seasons -- by the end of the 1st season of the remake, there isn't anything from the original plot -- it's been simplified and homogenized. The original, with English subtitles, can be found on Vimeo. As they've completely changed the story, no need to worry about spoilers... ;-)

"Real Humans" trailer: https://vimeo.com/35140857

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I'll have to watch the Swedish series now that I've finished this version, but I really don't see the point of comparing the two as you have. "Synth" as short for "Synthetic" works just as well as "Hubot" does as short for "Human-bot" (which would make it "hew-bot", not "hoo-bot").

There are a lot of elements to like in this remake, and I'm sure there will be just as many in the Swedish series.

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Dark Matter

Shout by Peter
BlockedParent2015-08-09T00:43:59Z— updated 2016-07-31T22:25:29Z

Low budget sci-fi, which seems promising on first look, but soon starts squeaking from multiple directions. For me it fits into category of "fill" series, which I watch when I have nothing better to do. My opinion is based on 9 watched episodes.

Few examples: [Minor spoilers]
*Jodelle Ferland aka Six wants to play immature girl, but is not really working. Everyone acts like she is about 14 years old, but she is clearly much older than the character she is playing, which is funny.
*I've also seen multiple attempts of funny scenes, but show didn't get anything more than "huehueh" from me.
*Four is a guy from traditional samurai family. I always facepalm when I see their soldiers "going to battle", with traditional samurai armor, drop their swords and start shooting with guns. (And no, their armor is not bulletproof).

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Six isn't a girl, though. That's Five.

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The Expanse: 1x03 Remember the Cant

Reply by dgw

episode 3 and 4 were uploaded on the 16th please fix

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The air date is when they were/will be broadcast on TV, not when they were made available online.

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The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Reply by dgw

great plot twists
didn't find out what does u.n.c.l.e mean tho

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It's (almost literally) spelled out at the very beginning of the ending credits. Watch the video carefully.

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Star Trek (canon)

Reply by dgw

Hey! Is this list in the order that I have to see? All produced tv shows are here?

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All the Trek series and movies that have been released are here, yes, ranked by production order.

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Flowers of Evil

Reply by dgw

Hey Trakt! This show has not ended. It's super clear at the final episode. There is gonna be a second season. When? I don't know, but it's super obvious. And we all wanted it!

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Correction: The final episode was meant to shout, "Give us a second season!" A lot of anime end as if they're going to continue, and then don't get the funding necessary. This was such a case, because it sold so poorly.

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Colony: 1x10 Gateway

Reply by dgw

very promising start. Looking forward to the next ep.

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"start"? This is the season finale, lol.

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Supergirl: Season 1

Reply by dgw

There are only 20 episodes in Season 1 according to the following sources, not 21 like listed on Trakt:


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1x21 is back for more… I verified TVDB's listing, and initiated a data refresh here. If it doesn't clear up soon I'll open a ticket.

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13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

Reply by dgw

tell me please how the hell do you or anyone stream this. .or watch it tell me please I'm green rookie [email protected]

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I hope you've enjoyed the boost in spam email that comes from posting your address on the public Internet like that. :)

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Eureka Seven

Reply by dgw

Season 2 (Astral Ocean) - a bad sequel and, taken standalone, a bad show. Awful directing, annoying one-dimensional characters, a messy, convoluted plot. Overall, just bad.
Even if you liked E7, I wouldn't recommend this.

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Shouldn't this rating and review be attached to season 2 specifically?

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High School Fleet

Shout by sp1ti

That twist is so cringey I just had to stop with this show.

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I'm worried for myself that I can't resist watching more, even with the cringe factor as high as it is. What is wrong with me?

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The Last Ship: 3x01 The Scott Effect

Reply by dgw

2 hours premier of session 3 was postponed because of the shooting in Orlando. My prayers to the families.
Hope with have soon a new premiere date.

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Easy to see why it was postponed, now that I've watched the episode. Too much too soon for the original airdate.

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The Unkissed Bride

Reply by dgw

Awful, unfunny, sexist nonsense. Poorly drawn stereotypes inhabit a world of dark farce. Overtones of rape, incest, and anti-feminism abound. Just do yourself a favour and watch something else. The only thing this movie gets any points for is the entertaining character of the female psychiatrist, but by the end of the film, her character has fallen apart, as even she joins Ted's harem, until he gets too frisky and tries to rape her. I hated this movie, and I bet you will, too.

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Whoa, I didn't know Trakt supported inline spoiler markup.

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Pillow Boys

Reply by dgw


Shout by dgw

Convinced to spend an hour watching this absolute pile of crap by literally my oldest friend. Am now questioning whether she's really a friend. But oh, did we laugh at this. It's SO BAD.

@LuckyNumber78, it's your turn.

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I guess that proves to me that @-mentions work as expected. Great tool for challenges, Trakt. A+

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The Blacklist: 1x02 The Freelancer

Reply by dgw

nice but dont get how the FBI easily get caught out by road blocks and people escape from hospital beds?...

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That happened in episode 1.

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The Last Ship: 3x07 In the Dark

Reply by dgw

The Ending
was very predictable!!!

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That, it was. Ah, well.

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The Last Ship: 3x07 In the Dark

Shout by dgw
BlockedParent2016-07-26T06:44:08Z— updated 2017-02-15T20:22:34Z

"They can both see us. They must have us triangulated by now." Do I need to educate the screenwriters on what the prefix "tri-" means? Retracted, because I was wrong.

Same for "[…] each one heading 180 degrees from our course." There is only one point that is 180° from any compass heading, not two.

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@thogek Fair point re: "Tri". I'll leave the original comment as written, but I should have thought of that. Cheers!

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Dark Matter: 2x07 She's One of Them Now

Reply by dgw

Good second episode, to see if they are well, 5 is a badass

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@juliosoft Second episode…? This is 2x07. Am I missing something?

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Dark Matter: 2x07 She's One of Them Now

Reply by dgw

Good second episode, to see if they are well, 5 is a badass

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@juliosoft >"episode interesting" >6/10
I find that quite interesting indeed. :)

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The 100

Reply by dgw

Starts off pretty bad then all of a sudden you've been awake for 20 hours and binge watched the entire thing.

Persevere through those initial few bad episodes and you're in for a right treat.

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Sounds about right. I was quite disappointed in the pilot, but now that I've finished S1 (so far) I'm glad I gave the show a second (and third, fourth, fifth, and sixth) chance.

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Battery: 1x08 The Autumn of Endings

Reply by dgw


Shout by dgw

There's a lot of implied drama, but the screen time is spent mostly on obnoxious guy from other school calling Harada "princess" constantly. Meh. Put us inside Gou's head, ffs!

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@bouncyeyeball in this episode bro. I'm commenting on this episode only smh

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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2

Reply by dgw


Shout by -A
BlockedParent2015-11-20T02:38:57Z— updated 2016-10-20T21:29:46Z

Mockingjay Part 2's biggest mistake is being completely faithful to the book, considering that it is the worst one of the trilogy. They had the chance to make the story better but chose to stick to what they had. Being the final chapter of the story, it has emotional bits, but miserably (and unfortunately) fails to sell them, rushing the scenes which we were supposed to remember the most. However, its political and action turmoils are its best parts and were beautifully developed. After all, piecing the four movies together, it remains a good story.

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In fairness, I'd bet that Suzanne Collins had creative power over the screenplay and vetoed any rewrite of the ending (or would have), even though the ending is super cringe-y. Just cutting the time skip into the future would have made it better. And an open ending might have been just what the series needed, considering that there's the potential for a fifth film, according to Jon Feltheimer (Lionsgate CEO). But we're stuck with this.

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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2

Shout by -A
BlockedParent2015-11-20T02:38:57Z— updated 2016-10-20T21:29:46Z

Mockingjay Part 2's biggest mistake is being completely faithful to the book, considering that it is the worst one of the trilogy. They had the chance to make the story better but chose to stick to what they had. Being the final chapter of the story, it has emotional bits, but miserably (and unfortunately) fails to sell them, rushing the scenes which we were supposed to remember the most. However, its political and action turmoils are its best parts and were beautifully developed. After all, piecing the four movies together, it remains a good story.

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@aag Amazon X-ray showed the possibility of a fifth movie during the credits, but I also remember it being in the news back in February. It could be either a sequel or a prequel…but I'm with you that a prequel would be better. One of the other things that bothers me about the whole Hunger Games series is the limited perspective. I know it's pretty common in YA stories, but we practically never see anything that Katniss isn't there for, because she's the protagonist. Doing a prequel set before Katniss was born would force the use of other characters' perspectives!

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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2

Reply by dgw

Mockingjay Part 2's biggest mistake is being completely faithful to the book, considering that it is the worst one of the trilogy. They had the chance to make the story better but chose to stick to what they had. Being the final chapter of the story, it has emotional bits, but miserably (and unfortunately) fails to sell them, rushing the scenes which we were supposed to remember the most.
@aag's review (https://trakt.tv/comments/62697, and we need proper internal link markup on Trakt!)

Seriously. The big dramatic moments are unbelievably rushed—there's no time to dig into them. There's too much focus on bad CGI and not enough on characters. Basically every character is 2D at best, except maybe Katniss and Peeta. But that's also due to sticking true to the book. None of the characters in the books were particularly well fleshed out, either, as I recall (from reading them 3 ½ years ago).

I also found the story very predictable. Obviously there's some amount of subconscious influence from having read the books, but it's also just absolutely clear when the big surprises/twists are going to happen, and what they'll be. They end up not being surprising at all. (Not to belabor the point, but the book had this problem too.)

My other big issue—which applies to the whole series—is that we barely see anything that happens away from Katniss. I know it's quite common in YA novels to present a limited first-person perspective from the protagonist's point of view, but in a big political saga like this I feel like that severely limits the storytelling.

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@aag "romance bullsh*t" is right. YA novel or not, that was much too heavily emphasized. (Now that you fixed it I can edit the brackets out of my quote :D)

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Supergirl: 2x04 Survivors

Using the slaughter of the green martians as an alegory of the holocaust is a really interesting concept that I'd like to see develop even further. Comparing J'onn to a holocaust survivor is certainly in line with the personality of the character that we got to see on season 1. If Hollywood has proven something is that stories about holocaust survivors and WWII can be really poignant. I want to see a lot more of M'Gann as [spoiler] a kind of redeemed Nazi who rebelled against the concentration camps[spoiler]. This show always had a lot of potential to dive deep into issues of race, gender, immigration and discrimination, and so far it hasn't taken advantage of it. I really hope they play their cards well, because they've been dealt a pretty good hand

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@jorah-the-andal Your ending spoiler tag is missing the /, so it's not working. :) But I agree with you—more development of this plot line would be good!

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Brothers & Sisters: 1x11 Family Day

Reply by dgw

Watched this episode for the two minutes at the beginning featuring Sasha Craig, AKA Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue's yellow ranger.

Not the worst use of an hour, but I could have used another scene or two with her, especially had it been used as a bookend.

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>watching anything just because of a short scene with an actor you like

GREAT use of time. :P

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Girl Meets World: 2x04 Girl Meets Pluto

Reply by dgw

They want you to take the rolls! Yet another great tribute to Boy Meets World. And to have to love Riley's reaction to Pluto. It's how we all felt!

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I was so happy they included the rolls reference!

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Star Trek (canon)

Reply by dgw

Shout by Stryjews
BlockedParent2017-01-03T02:07:37Z— updated 2017-01-05T23:13:31Z

Edited comment:
Trakt (on their Discover page) should list this as Star Trek Universe and not Star Trek Timeline. It's not a timeline list.

Original comment before realizing that Trakt didn't author the list themselves:
This list is sh*t. They've listed the order in which the show/movies were created and not the actual timeline of the Star Trek itself.

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@stryjewski I never claimed the list was ordered by in-universe chronology. That said, 183 people disagree with you and think the list is pretty great. Maybe you just need to search for lists with "star trek timeline"? https://trakt.tv/users/ruben_vw_/lists/star-trek-timeline (@justin this URL auto-links incorrectly without backticks because of the underscores)

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Star Trek (canon)

Reply by dgw

Shout by Stryjews
BlockedParent2017-01-03T02:07:37Z— updated 2017-01-05T23:13:31Z

Edited comment:
Trakt (on their Discover page) should list this as Star Trek Universe and not Star Trek Timeline. It's not a timeline list.

Original comment before realizing that Trakt didn't author the list themselves:
This list is sh*t. They've listed the order in which the show/movies were created and not the actual timeline of the Star Trek itself.

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@abstractals Something about taking the high road. Thanks for your support. :)

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Star Trek (canon)

Reply by dgw

Shout by Stryjews
BlockedParent2017-01-03T02:07:37Z— updated 2017-01-05T23:13:31Z

Edited comment:
Trakt (on their Discover page) should list this as Star Trek Universe and not Star Trek Timeline. It's not a timeline list.

Original comment before realizing that Trakt didn't author the list themselves:
This list is sh*t. They've listed the order in which the show/movies were created and not the actual timeline of the Star Trek itself.

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@stryjewski The list page header clearly shows my profile summary, but I accept that you likely scrolled right past the header (as I often do) to get to the content. I don't think that believing the list to be site-created excuses the personal attack (the people behind this site are individuals, too, after all)—but apology accepted.

FWIW I've edited the list description to reflect that it's strictly a release-order list. I can't change how Trakt's "Discover" page displays the list, though, sadly. I had no say in its featured status—just found out it was featured one day when suddenly I started getting likes on the list at an alarming rate! :)

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