

The Internets

Stargate SG-1: 7x21 Lost City (1)

And they just had to start the episode with that fucker Kinsley. Another episode ruined by having to watch the ugly mug of that political asswipe.

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@pjonsson I have to ask, was someone forcing you to watch this show? Kinsey isn't my favorite character, but he doesn't show up that often. Now I'm curious what you'd think of Kai Winn on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine—another "political asswipe".

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Rush: 1x09 Dirty Work

Reply by dgw

Pretty sure Will was using the stethoscope upside down in that scene where he examines the baby at Rebecca's apartment. Whoops?

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@glasgow1975 Well, derp. Clearly I never went to med school :joy:

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Stargate Atlantis: 1x05 Suspicion

Bates is such a jack ass. So glad when he leaves Atlantis for good.

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@tyrannic_puppy Look at who he previously served under, though. Sumner was no ray of sunshine. :joy_cat:

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Stargate Atlantis: 1x06 Childhood's End

The tone of the episode changed. It's nice to see stuff that isn't straight forward. That said, McKay's superiority sure showed this episode. He was ready to change everything for his own ideology

The two young children had far too much chocolate on their faces for the single bar they got. Regardless, they were adorable.

Side note: Episode with trees

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Side note: Episode with trees

@smatthew More like, "Another planet that looks like Canada" :joy_cat:

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Stargate Atlantis: 1x07 Poisoning the Well

A cool concept and the episode allows us to understand more about the Wraith without reducing how intimidating they are. That can often be a difficult thing to achieve. I like the twists and turns this one goes through on its journey, and I like that this gives Dr. Beckett more to do for the first time. The guest character played by Allison Hossack felt a bit too similar to the one she played previously over on SG-1, but she does a good job here.

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The guest character played by Allison Hossack felt a bit too similar to the one she played previously over on SG-1

@lefthandedguitarist It did feel like I'd seen Perna before. I had, under a different name: Zenna. :grin:

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Stargate SG-1: 8x09 Sacrifices

Ah hell, another episode with the most annoying character in the series.

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@tyrannic_puppy I assume you mean Ishta? Bermanism didn't do Jolene Blalock any favors in her role on Star Trek: Enterprise, but at least T'Pol had logic to temper her volatile Vulcan emotions. It's actually quite funny that Ishta was the one to say, "Kar'yn, you must learn not to let your emotions take you to such extremes."

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Stargate SG-1: 8x09 Sacrifices

Reply by dgw

Ah hell, another episode with the most annoying character in the series.

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@tyrannic_puppy I never believed in the Teal'c × Ishta relationship, so no loss there. :joy: But I guess there's too much of a "Ben and Jake Sisko" vibe to Teal'c and Rya'c for me to draw "annoying" from there. At any rate, I've just proven the well-known saying about "assuming" again. Oh well!

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Stargate Atlantis: 1x13 Hot Zone

This is fine if a little by-the-numbers. It's a standard alien virus sci-fi story in which the main cast need to go into lockdown and have to find the cure before time runs out. But the Atlantis characters do help it along and keep it interesting. The most interesting part is the tension between Weir and Sheppard and I love that they sit down at the end to talk it out - the different dynamic here thanks to the mix of civilian and military personnel do give this show its own flavour.

There's some odd stuff too. Ford is strangely on edge even before he finds out he's infected, and his freak out moment certainly makes sense but feels a bit out of character for him specifically. Similarly, McKay seems to be overdoing it but I guess he can be forgiven in this circumstance.

It also falls back on the standard sci-fi trope of an EMP to fix things, which seemed the obvious route as soon as they figure out that machines are part of the problem.

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@lefthandedguitarist Don't forget that at least Sheppard's radio should have stopped working after the first EMP attempt, and all the active radios in the city should have been killed by the second, bigger EMP. (But I guess the puddle jumpers have their own Ancient comms tech… plot armor edition.)

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Stargate SG-1: 7x10 Birthright

Did SG-1 need to show some Jaffa women? Yes, definitely. The fact that we only ever see Jaffa men fighting for their respective system lords needed to be addressed somehow, and this story did cover it as far as Moloc is concerned.

However, I was deeply disappointed in the wardrobe choices made for this episode. Just like in every video game or action movie featuring women in fighting roles, the Hak'tyl warriors wore unrealistically skimpy outfits that would provide no real protection in battle. These costumes were no better than what Hathor wore* a few seasons ago—and in that case, "Hathor never expects to find herself in active combat" was a flimsy but valid excuse. Ishta and the others here go off to raid other Jaffa parties for symbiotes with no armor at all. It's no wonder they lose so many good warriors in trying to procure symbiotes for the children among them.

We also have to acknowledge that Teal'c's romance with Ishta makes no sense. Had Christopher Judge not written the script, I very much doubt that idea ever would have come up. Though I have no evidence to prove that it was indeed his idea, the lack of any co-writer credits for this script is about as damning as possible. To think that Jolene Blalock took a break from T'Pol's Bermanization on Star Trek: Enterprise to film this, where her character was arguably treated even worse… Sigh.

Honestly, I'm out of energy now to also complain about the huge gaping plot hole: there were at least three symbiotes available at the SGC for reimplantation into Neith, since their original Jaffa hosts had given them up in favor of Tretonin treatments.

In writing this down, I talked myself into revising my rating from 6/10 to 5/10. Whoops.

* — And at least Hathor's skimpy costume covered where her symbiote pouch should be; "Birthright" overlooked that detail a few times.

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@wpafbo79 It's not "the fact that they are female" at all. It's the fact that they are going into battle with no protection, regardless of gender presentation. This isn't only a TV thing; it's been a trope (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChainmailBikini) in video games for decades.

As for the Hak'tyl warriors getting such armor for themselves? They could make it, I'm sure. It can't be harder than raiding other Jaffa for their symbiotes.

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Stargate Atlantis: 1x06 Childhood's End

The tone of the episode changed. It's nice to see stuff that isn't straight forward. That said, McKay's superiority sure showed this episode. He was ready to change everything for his own ideology

The two young children had far too much chocolate on their faces for the single bar they got. Regardless, they were adorable.

Side note: Episode with trees

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@wpafbo79 lol. Let's not be too hard on them, though. Shooting in more exotic locations probably came down to budget. If they ventured further and/or more frequently afield, I can say with absolute certainty that we would have gotten even more recap and/or bottle episodes to make up for it.

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Stargate Atlantis: 3x20 First Strike (1)

Reply by dgw

Nice to see Kaylee from Firefly again.

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@sirtaxedalot About that, all I can say is Shiny!

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Stargate SG-1: 9x12 Collateral Damage

Reply by dgw

"I don't want him hooked up to that damn machine again without one of you present."
Right, General, because all three other members of SG-1 being present helped so much the first time.

The control console for this memory device looks like a minimal redress of the power station controls from "Revisions".

Though it's most certainly different enough to stand on its own, this episode's premise strongly reminded me of "Ex Post Facto" (Star Trek: Voyager 1x08): In both cases, an alien tries to frame a human outsider for a murder using false memories.

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@wpafbo79 "Ex Post Facto" is a VOY story, but maybe the TNG episode you're thinking of is "Violations" (5x12)?

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Stargate SG-1: 9x12 Collateral Damage

"I don't want him hooked up to that damn machine again without one of you present."
Right, General, because all three other members of SG-1 being present helped so much the first time.

The control console for this memory device looks like a minimal redress of the power station controls from "Revisions".

Though it's most certainly different enough to stand on its own, this episode's premise strongly reminded me of "Ex Post Facto" (Star Trek: Voyager 1x08): In both cases, an alien tries to frame a human outsider for a murder using false memories.

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@wpafbo79 I forgot about that one. It's nearly time for a DS9 re-watch, I guess!

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Stargate SG-1: 10x02 Morpheus

Reply by dgw


Shout by dgw

What the hell does "This place is deader than a Texas salad bar" even mean? :joy: Please try to make sense, Mr. Shaft.

Almost a season ago (https://trakt.tv/comments/388513) I was pretty annoyed that Vala had stuck around. At the time, her character felt shallow—and static. Since then, I'm quite pleasantly surprised that the writers turned her around into someone capable of growing and changing, someone with a conscience and a sense of the greater good. So what if her jokes still aren't funny? :grin:

Meanwhile, I still haven't figured out exactly why the creative team puts her in twintails most of the time. Best I can think of is that it's to emphasize Vala's playful, often childish attitude—which works, but doesn't mesh quite as well as the flippancy they were probably trying to replace since O'Neill/RDA left the cast.

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@wpafbo79 The Texans I've spent the most time with are vegetarian lmao, it slipped my mind entirely :see_no_evil:

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Stargate Atlantis: 5x01 Search and Rescue (2)

Reply by dgw

Woolsey as the new commanding officer? Ugh I'm gonna vomit.

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@reguire Hate the Woolsey, love the Picardo. :smiley_cat:

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Stargate Atlantis: 5x12 Outsiders

Worst episode of the series

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Statements like this need at least one reason given, or they're ripe to ignore.

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Stargate Atlantis: 5x13 Inquisition

the season's bottle show

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@apokalupsis Clip shows are a scourge upon the Stargate universe, and I fully expect to skip all of them if I ever do a rewatch.

With the possible exception of "Disclosure" (SG-1 6x17).

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Happy Endings: 3x10 KickBall 2: The Kickening

Reply by dgw

According to production number, this should probably have aired as episode 21 of season 2.

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@piquedgeek Indeed, and that's where it is in the DVD order. Hulu/Netflix also have it in that spot.

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Lizzie McGuire: Season 1

Reply by dgw


Shout by dgw

Averaging the episodes I rated in this season (28 out of 31) yields an average rating of 7.57. Rounding it up feels perfectly accurate.

In truth, I feel like adding a full point, but then it would round up to 9/10—and the season wasn't that stellar.

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@afternoonchillin At some point I started rating every episode, and figuring averages doesn't take long when the browser address bar doubles as a calculator. I don't only do it for Disney :rofl:

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Fresh Off the Boat: 6x12 The Magic Motor Inn

Reply by dgw

Seems like they were hoping to get an Indian spin-off.

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@jim222001 Indeed. https://deadline.com/2020/06/fresh-off-the-boat-modern-family-spinoff-mad-about-you-abc-boss-acquisitions-1202961854/

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Superstore: 4x15 Salary

I’m so happy that Amy gets to finally be manager. She earned every single ounce of her new salary, however she does not deserve all that crap from her coworkers.
I get that it’s supposed to be funny, but it just comes across as pretty ridiculous, I mean, for instance, Garrett casually announcing her contract without a bat of an eye and Cheyenne also casually mentioning Amy’s salary to a customer? I mean, what the fork is wrong with these people. Again, AMY DESERVES BETTER. (Minus Jonah because they’re actually perfect for each other).

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@lemicomo I handle sitcoms being ridiculous as a test of disbelief suspension. At some point, you almost have to make the characters do something unrealistic or you end up with another straight drama. The situation is supposed to be the source of the comedy—hence "sitcom", for "situation comedy".

Of course Garrett wouldn't have done that in real life, but it's OK because he's a TV character and it sets up the situation.

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Superstore: 4x17 Quinceañera

I don’t know if it was the show’s budget or what but that party looked very scarce for someone who makes 120k a year

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@aars26 She's only been at that salary level for, what, three episodes? It's fine.

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Superstore: 5x08 Toy Drive

Reply by dgw

The characters do some dumb things occasionally.

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@theavereviewer Yeah, at least once a week. :joy:

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Superstore: 6x08 Ground Rules

These past couple of weeks have been hard on me and after watching this episode I’m like “hey it could be worse, at least you are not Noah.” I feel so bad for laughing at Noah’s misery but it distracted me from mine, and he never gives up so I’m gonna take that as inspiration.
I feel bad for Mateo and I totally get where he’s coming from, but Cheyenne’s not to blame, I hope he can find a place where he gets to grow professionally and be safe. Let his case be a reminder of what immigrants go through and all the obstacles they face in trying to be productive members of society, lets put an end to ICE’s prosecution on people!!!

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@aars26 Who's this Noah guy you keep mentioning in comments?

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 4x08 Skyfire Cycle

Does someone know why did Kevin have right? I too think it is 50%-50%. :D:D

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@zrbrg I'm years late, but someone did address this in a comment less than two weeks after you posted. https://trakt.tv/comments/118279

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 4x21 The Bank Job

Reply by dgw

"Oh, I'm pretty sure I'm bleeding internally."
"I'm so sorry"
"Why? This is going great"
I admit it, I never really liked Pimento, but in this chapter he came out XD

And Gina... fuck, once they find out, what a belly she has.
I don't know if it's a character, or if the actress is really pregnant, but her belly has grown from one scene to another XD Pimento is a laugh hahahah. Moment with the coke

When Jake takes the shot and makes that face, look at Rosa please, she is holding her laughter xD

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@guillem7 Chelsea Peretti absolutely was pregnant for real. They'd been trying to hide it with wardrobe for a few episodes. This seems to have been the solution for when it became impossible to hide.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 2x05 Reptile Boy

Reply by dgw

Pretty dumb episode, and the most useless giant demon snake guy ever.

On the plus side, Willow was brilliant. Also, "Angel, how do you shave?" :joy:

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@ajperez81 But actually! One stab and he's down. Utterly useless.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x08 He Said, She Said

Reply by dgw

Shout by Deleted

Booring feministic theme in this one.

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I love how appropriate "Booring" is as a typo.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 8x03 Blue Flu

"This is a very frustrating conversation."

I don't know about you guys.. but this episode was hilarious to me. :joy:


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@dftv We know it's "a picture of not a doctor", and that it's not a decimal point.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 8x07 Game of Boyles

This season seems determined to shit on Boyle. First they make him the "overly enthusiastic with reparations to the point of being patronizing" guy (which, to be fair, is in line with his character). Then they have the cancer scare. Now they have him not actually being a Boyle. Give the man a break!

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@jasperkazai O'Boyle must suffer, I guess.

(Reference: https://www.trekbbs.com/threads/obrien-must-suffer.139334/)

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