

The Internets

Eureka Seven

Reply by dgw

Season 2 (Astral Ocean) - a bad sequel and, taken standalone, a bad show. Awful directing, annoying one-dimensional characters, a messy, convoluted plot. Overall, just bad.
Even if you liked E7, I wouldn't recommend this.

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Shouldn't this rating and review be attached to season 2 specifically?

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The 100

Reply by dgw

Starts off pretty bad then all of a sudden you've been awake for 20 hours and binge watched the entire thing.

Persevere through those initial few bad episodes and you're in for a right treat.

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Sounds about right. I was quite disappointed in the pilot, but now that I've finished S1 (so far) I'm glad I gave the show a second (and third, fourth, fifth, and sixth) chance.

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Brothers & Sisters: 1x11 Family Day

Reply by dgw

Watched this episode for the two minutes at the beginning featuring Sasha Craig, AKA Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue's yellow ranger.

Not the worst use of an hour, but I could have used another scene or two with her, especially had it been used as a bookend.

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>watching anything just because of a short scene with an actor you like

GREAT use of time. :P

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Star Trek (canon)

Reply by dgw

Shout by Stryjews
BlockedParent2017-01-03T02:07:37Z— updated 2017-01-05T23:13:31Z

Edited comment:
Trakt (on their Discover page) should list this as Star Trek Universe and not Star Trek Timeline. It's not a timeline list.

Original comment before realizing that Trakt didn't author the list themselves:
This list is sh*t. They've listed the order in which the show/movies were created and not the actual timeline of the Star Trek itself.

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@abstractals Something about taking the high road. Thanks for your support. :)

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Star Trek (canon)

Reply by dgw

Shout by Stryjews
BlockedParent2017-01-03T02:07:37Z— updated 2017-01-05T23:13:31Z

Edited comment:
Trakt (on their Discover page) should list this as Star Trek Universe and not Star Trek Timeline. It's not a timeline list.

Original comment before realizing that Trakt didn't author the list themselves:
This list is sh*t. They've listed the order in which the show/movies were created and not the actual timeline of the Star Trek itself.

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@stryjewski The list page header clearly shows my profile summary, but I accept that you likely scrolled right past the header (as I often do) to get to the content. I don't think that believing the list to be site-created excuses the personal attack (the people behind this site are individuals, too, after all)—but apology accepted.

FWIW I've edited the list description to reflect that it's strictly a release-order list. I can't change how Trakt's "Discover" page displays the list, though, sadly. I had no say in its featured status—just found out it was featured one day when suddenly I started getting likes on the list at an alarming rate! :)

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Designated Survivor

Reply by dgw

It's on Netflix now!

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@donxy Netflix has since dropped the streaming availability. It's DVD-only now. :/

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Halt and Catch Fire

Reply by dgw

This show had big shoes to fill replacing breaking bad in it's time slot. So far, it's doing well. Very, very character driven, yet in a way that isn't so slow that it bores me.

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@redouaaane @youngasiangod As of right now, he has 103 "10" ratings out of 236 total. Seems legit…

(Yes, that is sarcasm. Also, 40 "9"s and 40 "8"s. Hmm. No bell curve here!)

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Red Dwarf: 11x06 Can of Worms

Reply by dgw

This episode has some great moments but also highlights some of the worst things of this series. Basic internal logic is forgotten, it goes from one thing to another not resolving the first thing. too many different ideas are crammed in without resolving them giving little room to breathe. lacklustre episode that had more potential. this must have been known as it is evident audio is added after the live recording (characters speak without moving lips) to help explain. overall very amateur hour.

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@aztele WRT your other comments on this episode, posted just a few minutes apart, you can edit comments and [spoiler]spoiler-tag[/spoiler] things inline. (I frequently do an edit or two in the minutes following publish, because I invariably forget something the first time.)

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Everything Sucks!

Reply by dgw

I fairly enjoyed this show. It was very different from what I expected. It did however kind of feel like Netflix tries to recycle the idea of another 80’s, Strangers Things inspired group of kids. But it’s fun and I didn’t mind it too much, it’s worth the watch. And with the way this ended it better get a second season!

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@sophievdw Too bad it was canceled. No season two. Ugh. I'm rationing the remaining episodes to make it last as long as possible…

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Pretty Little Liars

Reply by dgw

The Season 5 episodes list it's all wrong!!!
"We Love You to DeAth" it'a a special! It's not the 5x13! "How the 'A' Stole Christmas" it's the real 5x13 and not the 5x14! And finally "Through a Glass, Darkly" it's the unaired 5x14 episode and not the 5x13"!
Please fix it!

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@gigaberry This is just a note from the future, to say that TVDB's mods are still just as obnoxious, stubborn, and logic-resistant as they were back in 2015.

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A Man Called Hawk

Reply by dgw

Well, there is the mediocre to bad acting, the not very ambitious writing. And than there is Avery Brooks whose portrayal of Hawk made this worth watching for me. That and the fact that I like those kind of characters. The loner with the mysterious past.
You will also recognize a lot of familiar faces playing roles on this show. A lot of whom have long become stars in there own right. One thing I can never get into my head watching shows from that period: did people really wore such ridiculous clothes. I do remember shoulder pads but those look like a quarterbacks. Maybe I'm just blocking it out.

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@finfan I'm just curious, where did you find/watch this show? I just found out about it, but it looks like my only option is to buy the home video release or try to get it from my local library.

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A Man Called Hawk

Reply by dgw

Well, there is the mediocre to bad acting, the not very ambitious writing. And than there is Avery Brooks whose portrayal of Hawk made this worth watching for me. That and the fact that I like those kind of characters. The loner with the mysterious past.
You will also recognize a lot of familiar faces playing roles on this show. A lot of whom have long become stars in there own right. One thing I can never get into my head watching shows from that period: did people really wore such ridiculous clothes. I do remember shoulder pads but those look like a quarterbacks. Maybe I'm just blocking it out.

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@finfan I went and found Becker "somewhere in the depths of the internet" myself, because it has both Ted Danson and Terry Farrell, so I'm not above watching shows (at least the first few episodes or first season) just because of cast connections!

Streaming is indeed not an option at all, but for a short series like this one it might actually be practical to just find it at the library and dedicate a week or two of TV watching to just the one show. Thank you for your considered opinion on whether the show is worth buying! I think I'll just keep my eyes open for now, and maybe start looking more actively in a few weeks (after I return from an upcoming trip abroad).

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Lost: Season 1

Reply by dgw

Back when I started this season of Lost, per-episode ratings weren't a thing I did. I'll forego the average episode rating calculation and just use my gut. I don't need the mean as a starting point.

This is a very strong first season. Every character's backstory is interesting. Though I put off finishing the season for a while until the episode metadata got squared away (with some help from Justin), I wanted to keep going.

Season two should be quite a ride, if this was any hint at what's to come.

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@tenbrink Not sure why you're asking me. I'm just a user. :sweat_smile: But if you look at the metadata for 1x24 you'll find it has (at present) an 87-minute runtime to reflect that it was a double episode.
TVDB has DVD ordering for this show now (https://thetvdb.com/series/lost/seasons/dvd/1) with 1x25 listed as you'd like, but Trakt doesn't have any way to choose which ordering you want to use. Have a look at the support site and make a suggestion if it doesn't already exist!

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Step by Step

Reply by dgw

A decent 90s sitcom that stayed on the air too long. The show goes downhill as it goes along and it takes a steep decline when they have to replace Cody.

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@meng3267 Oof, sounds exactly like what happened to Community.

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The Ark: 1x02 Like It Touched the Sun

Reply by dgw

This is an adolescent high school soap dressed up as a wannabe SciFi. Maybe it's just trying to find its legs, but I very much doubt it.

The whole thing looks like it was developed on a shoe string budget and then someone spent half of it on lunch.

I only rolled my eyes several times this episode.

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I remain hopeful. Stargate Universe seemed like a soap opera too with all the interpersonal drama at first, but it grew out of that.

Too late to avoid cancelation, but it did grow out of that.

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Reply by dgw

season 4 starts soon :)

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*hovers mouse over Report button*

*sees who posted this comment*

*moves mouse off of Report button* :smiley_cat:

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Reply by dgw

season 4 starts soon :)

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@justin All I hear is "This is an historical artifact and we shouldn't delete it" :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Sabrina, the Teenage Witch: 7x17 Romance Looming

Reply by dgw

This doesn't make sense. How is it that she said yes when he doesn't even know her.

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Pressing onward with previously planned story beats after Josh's actor left the show was a questionable choice.

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Sound! Euphonium the Movie – Welcome to the Kitauji High School Concert Band

Reply by dgw

This movie is just a shortened down version of season 1. There won't be anything new that you haven't already seen. I guess it would be good for quickly summarizing season 1 before starting season 2.

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In 2024, with season 3 of the series starting, a refresher is exactly what I'm using this and the season 2 summary movie for. That's pretty much the best use for them, getting reacquainted with a franchise in less time than it would take to re-watch the whole thing.

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The Unkissed Bride

Reply by dgw

Awful, unfunny, sexist nonsense. Poorly drawn stereotypes inhabit a world of dark farce. Overtones of rape, incest, and anti-feminism abound. Just do yourself a favour and watch something else. The only thing this movie gets any points for is the entertaining character of the female psychiatrist, but by the end of the film, her character has fallen apart, as even she joins Ted's harem, until he gets too frisky and tries to rape her. I hated this movie, and I bet you will, too.

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Whoa, I didn't know Trakt supported inline spoiler markup.

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Star Trek (canon)

Reply by dgw

Shout by Stryjews
BlockedParent2017-01-03T02:07:37Z— updated 2017-01-05T23:13:31Z

Edited comment:
Trakt (on their Discover page) should list this as Star Trek Universe and not Star Trek Timeline. It's not a timeline list.

Original comment before realizing that Trakt didn't author the list themselves:
This list is sh*t. They've listed the order in which the show/movies were created and not the actual timeline of the Star Trek itself.

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@stryjewski I never claimed the list was ordered by in-universe chronology. That said, 183 people disagree with you and think the list is pretty great. Maybe you just need to search for lists with "star trek timeline"? https://trakt.tv/users/ruben_vw_/lists/star-trek-timeline (@justin this URL auto-links incorrectly without backticks because of the underscores)

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Victoria & Abdul

Reply by dgw

All the moral complexity and historical sensitivity of a Disney sequel.

At least Judi Dench is brilliant. As usual.

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@luckynumber78 And to think that last week, my mom wanted to go see a movie and tried to talk me into this one…

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Star Trek (canon)

Reply by dgw

Hey! Is this list in the order that I have to see? All produced tv shows are here?

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All the Trek series and movies that have been released are here, yes, ranked by production order.

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Reply by dgw


Shout by chazTV
BlockedParent2015-06-23T01:22:21Z— updated 2016-12-05T01:29:09Z

It's OK -- they bought the rights to the concept and butchered the original 2012 Swedish version, appropriately titled 'Real' Humans ( https://trakt.tv/shows/real-humans ) - "Äkta Människor". It wasn't adapted from a book, the creator (Lars Lundström) developed it as an original screenplay for Swedish television: www.svt.se/akta-manniskor/

The original was outstanding, both seasons -- by the end of the 1st season of the remake, there isn't anything from the original plot -- it's been simplified and homogenized. The original, with English subtitles, can be found on Vimeo. As they've completely changed the story, no need to worry about spoilers... ;-)

"Real Humans" trailer: https://vimeo.com/35140857

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I'll have to watch the Swedish series now that I've finished this version, but I really don't see the point of comparing the two as you have. "Synth" as short for "Synthetic" works just as well as "Hubot" does as short for "Human-bot" (which would make it "hew-bot", not "hoo-bot").

There are a lot of elements to like in this remake, and I'm sure there will be just as many in the Swedish series.

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Dark Matter

Shout by Peter
BlockedParent2015-08-09T00:43:59Z— updated 2016-07-31T22:25:29Z

Low budget sci-fi, which seems promising on first look, but soon starts squeaking from multiple directions. For me it fits into category of "fill" series, which I watch when I have nothing better to do. My opinion is based on 9 watched episodes.

Few examples: [Minor spoilers]
*Jodelle Ferland aka Six wants to play immature girl, but is not really working. Everyone acts like she is about 14 years old, but she is clearly much older than the character she is playing, which is funny.
*I've also seen multiple attempts of funny scenes, but show didn't get anything more than "huehueh" from me.
*Four is a guy from traditional samurai family. I always facepalm when I see their soldiers "going to battle", with traditional samurai armor, drop their swords and start shooting with guns. (And no, their armor is not bulletproof).

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Six isn't a girl, though. That's Five.

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Pillow Boys

Reply by dgw


Shout by dgw

Convinced to spend an hour watching this absolute pile of crap by literally my oldest friend. Am now questioning whether she's really a friend. But oh, did we laugh at this. It's SO BAD.

@LuckyNumber78, it's your turn.

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I guess that proves to me that @-mentions work as expected. Great tool for challenges, Trakt. A+

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Star Trek: Voyager: 2x23 The Thaw

According to the votes people obviously like this one but as far as stupid Star Trek episodes go this has a shot at being right at the top. The general idea is good but the excecution is - shall we say - to artistic for my taste.

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@finfan I don't think the average score means that much for most shows. It seems to always be in the 70-80% range, roughly, for episodes with a statistically significant vote count. It's almost like Trakt ratings follow a regression toward the mean(ingless).

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Home Improvement: 4x22 Tool Time After Dark (1)

Reply by dgw

They wasted 2 espisodes in a row (this is part 1) of showing clips from previous episodes...If I wanted to watch reruns I would watch those episodes. Total waste of time...

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@giyex74541 Total waste of tool time!

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Silicon Valley: 4x07 The Patent Troll

Reply by dgw

"We may not be a global epidemic yet, but... we've leapt from bat saliva to humans and... and we've just killed our first few villagers."

Watching this during COVID, and I hear that line :grimacing:

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@morphinapg ikr? I had to double check the air date

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Stargate SG-1: 1x21 Politics (1)

Stargate did clipshow episodes, a money-saving measure that was an unfortunate necessity for many American television shows at that time. They are never fun to watch. This franchise did at least try to make the episodes as interesting as it could, though. In fact, the Stargate clipshows could sometimes be some of the more important ones for pushing the overall story forward. 'Politics' definitely falls under that description, making it a necessary watch.

Outside of the clips, the episode is actually fantastic. The introduction of Senator Kinsey gives us a really loathsome villain who is a lot of fun to watch, especially with all the verbal sparring that accompanies him. The SGC become ever more desperate as they attempt to defend the Stargate program to a person who has already made up his mind. It's a one-room episode that works really well, and the introduction of more political elements to the show opens things up for some good future conflicts.

But, I just can't excuse the use of all the clips from previous episodes. They are also taken from a number of the more awkward episodes, making them even less appealing. Well, at least we can be thankful that they didn't use anything from 'Hathor', I guess.

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@lefthandedguitarist Given the dramatic impact of this episode's events, I wish it had been objectively better. I'm sure you know as well as I do that it's possible to tell a good sci-fi story without having to leave your home base/ship/whatever, but this ain't it chief. They should have asked the DS9 or Voyager writing teams for advice :joy_cat:

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