

The Internets

The Expanse: 1x03 Remember the Cant

Reply by dgw

episode 3 and 4 were uploaded on the 16th please fix

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The air date is when they were/will be broadcast on TV, not when they were made available online.

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Colony: 1x10 Gateway

Reply by dgw

Shout by Roy Williamson

very promising start. Looking forward to the next ep.

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"start"? This is the season finale, lol.

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The Last Ship: 3x01 The Scott Effect

Reply by dgw

2 hours premier of session 3 was postponed because of the shooting in Orlando. My prayers to the families.
Hope with have soon a new premiere date.

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Easy to see why it was postponed, now that I've watched the episode. Too much too soon for the original airdate.

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The Blacklist: 1x02 The Freelancer

Reply by dgw

nice but dont get how the FBI easily get caught out by road blocks and people escape from hospital beds?...

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That happened in episode 1.

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The Last Ship: 3x07 In the Dark

Reply by dgw

The Ending
was very predictable!!!

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That, it was. Ah, well.

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The Last Ship: 3x07 In the Dark

Shout by dgw
BlockedParent2016-07-26T06:44:08Z— updated 2017-02-15T20:22:34Z

"They can both see us. They must have us triangulated by now." Do I need to educate the screenwriters on what the prefix "tri-" means? Retracted, because I was wrong.

Same for "[…] each one heading 180 degrees from our course." There is only one point that is 180° from any compass heading, not two.

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@thogek Fair point re: "Tri". I'll leave the original comment as written, but I should have thought of that. Cheers!

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Dark Matter: 2x07 She's One of Them Now

Reply by dgw

Good second episode, to see if they are well, 5 is a badass

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@juliosoft Second episode…? This is 2x07. Am I missing something?

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Dark Matter: 2x07 She's One of Them Now

Reply by dgw

Good second episode, to see if they are well, 5 is a badass

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@juliosoft >"episode interesting" >6/10
I find that quite interesting indeed. :)

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Battery: 1x08 The Autumn of Endings

Reply by dgw


Shout by dgw

There's a lot of implied drama, but the screen time is spent mostly on obnoxious guy from other school calling Harada "princess" constantly. Meh. Put us inside Gou's head, ffs!

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@bouncyeyeball in this episode bro. I'm commenting on this episode only smh

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Supergirl: 2x04 Survivors

Using the slaughter of the green martians as an alegory of the holocaust is a really interesting concept that I'd like to see develop even further. Comparing J'onn to a holocaust survivor is certainly in line with the personality of the character that we got to see on season 1. If Hollywood has proven something is that stories about holocaust survivors and WWII can be really poignant. I want to see a lot more of M'Gann as [spoiler] a kind of redeemed Nazi who rebelled against the concentration camps[spoiler]. This show always had a lot of potential to dive deep into issues of race, gender, immigration and discrimination, and so far it hasn't taken advantage of it. I really hope they play their cards well, because they've been dealt a pretty good hand

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@jorah-the-andal Your ending spoiler tag is missing the /, so it's not working. :) But I agree with you—more development of this plot line would be good!

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Brothers & Sisters: 1x11 Family Day

Reply by dgw

Watched this episode for the two minutes at the beginning featuring Sasha Craig, AKA Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue's yellow ranger.

Not the worst use of an hour, but I could have used another scene or two with her, especially had it been used as a bookend.

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>watching anything just because of a short scene with an actor you like

GREAT use of time. :P

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Girl Meets World: 2x04 Girl Meets Pluto

Reply by dgw

They want you to take the rolls! Yet another great tribute to Boy Meets World. And to have to love Riley's reaction to Pluto. It's how we all felt!

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I was so happy they included the rolls reference!

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Lizzie McGuire: 1x07 Aaron Carter's Coming to Town

Reply by dgw


Shout by dgw

Aaron's mic is clearly just a wired vocal mic with no cable plugged in. The XLR connector pins are visible in a number of shots.

Mildly cute episode, but the security guard and Lizzie's mom stretch believability too far.

PS: What's the difference between Aaron Carter and Justin Bieber? Seriously, they're practically the same person. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/U0lFdlul_-Y/hqdefault.jpg

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@justin At times like this, when the URL auto-linker fails, it would be great to have manual Markdown link syntax.

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Scum's Wish: 1x02 I'm Here for That Warmth

Reply by dgw

The second episode was pretty good as well as we got introduced to more of the secondary characters. I'm pumped for the next episode as that is when the fireworks will start to go off a bit (as shown by that nice little preview we got at the end). I definitely prefer the anime to the manga so far, especially since nothing is being skipped and the art & sound of the adaptation is quite strong.

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I hope you used "fireworks" on purpose! It's a very appropriate term to use when talking about this show.

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Homeland: 4x06 From A to B and Back Again

Reply by dgw


Shout by Jean Duarte

Finally a decent episode of the first 3 seasons

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@jeanduarte You've got 5 comments spread across 70 minutes that all say the same thing in two languages… I'm guessing Trakt was glitchy that day? :)

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Homeland: 4x09 There's Something Else Going On

Reply by dgw

I thought it out of Saul's character to let himself be talked out by Carrie on the runway. He should've stuck to his principles and gone out with a bang. Disappointed with that scene. Otherwise, such a great episode.

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@patoo Could you put a spoiler alert on this comment? I think it needs one.

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Dollhouse: 1x02 The Target

Reply by dgw

Shout by Asnaghy

I'm really curious on how they got that arrow out his body

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@asnaghy Same, tbh… Magic, maybe?

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The Expanse: 2x04 Godspeed

This show is pretty F good, except the fact they are constantly forgetting that there is no gravity in space

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@dumbsloth87 I think @fenkins was likely talking about the process Miller used to get the bombs off the cart on Eros. He very clearly lifted each unit up, then rested it on the cart as if it was very heavy while changing grips to lift it over the railing. Right before setting each unit down, the base lit up as if to indicate a magnetic fastener activating, but all of Miller's movements up until putting each unit down indicated that he was under gravity—which he wasn't, in-universe.

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Colony: 2x05 Company Man

Reply by dgw


Shout by Chilkara

Maybe they'll finally kick Gracie out for good.

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@d2dyno Better Lindsey, really. Gracie's innocent here.

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Colony: 2x04 Panopticon

Reply by dgw


Shout by dgw

Homeland put cameras everywhere in that house, didn't they… even in the shower. WTF? I guess the Hosts don't have child pornography laws.

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@jamatiknakmuay It's called sarcasm.

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Homeland: 5x12 A False Glimmer

Reply by dgw

Shout by Deleted

A bit of a letdown this season finale, but two things were awesome IMO: Quinn's letter being interrupted by Saul wanting a minute with Allison, and the scene where Saul gets his really bad-ass revenge. The thwarting of the terrorists' plot went down way to fast though, not really consistent with the amount of time they spent building it up.

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@jelmerf "a minute with Allison"? Saul wanted to talk to Carrie.

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Homeland: 5x12 A False Glimmer

Reply by dgw

Shout by Deleted

A bit of a letdown this season finale, but two things were awesome IMO: Quinn's letter being interrupted by Saul wanting a minute with Allison, and the scene where Saul gets his really bad-ass revenge. The thwarting of the terrorists' plot went down way to fast though, not really consistent with the amount of time they spent building it up.

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@jelmerf Looks like the same comment got posted twice by mistake; this is the same as https://trakt.tv/comments/65851

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Colony: 2x08 Good Intentions

Reply by dgw


Shout by Chilkara

Thank God Gracie is dead. She needed to go.

Also: Will. Stop blindly trusting new people you meet.

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@d2dyno Gracie's not dead… Her name was Lindsey. But yes, she needed to go. I'm perfectly happy about it.

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Supergirl: 2x15 Exodus

Reply by dgw


Shout by dgw

The ship's engines burn out because Kara is preventing its forward motion? Please.

Struck me this week how damned convenient it is that everyone is so neatly paired off…

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@goncaalo Winn? No bet! Lol

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Colony: 2x10 The Garden of Beasts

Reply by dgw

Bram is such an unlikable character. Bland, always making bad decisions. I don't get why he cried over Maya. She used him and they were never serious.

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@d2dyno There is definitely a teenage boy stereotype that goes something like "hurr durr omg a girl likes me", and they're using it for Bram. It's not a good stereotype…makes for shallow writing.

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Supergirl: 2x16 Star-Crossed (I)

Reply by dgw

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-03-21T06:33:31Z— updated 2017-08-19T10:28:15Z

Yeah, baby! I'm all about crossovers. And a vintage musical crossover? Sign me the fuck up!

I love the fact that Melissa Benoist, Grant Gustin and Darren Criss all used to be on Glee. It must've been a fun little reunion for them to shoot this thing.

Well, would you look at that. Fuckboy isn't just a former slave owner, he's a former prince of slave owners. What a catch, am I right?
(Can he please just die already?)

At least Kara dumped his ass for now, but let's be real, this is the CW. She'll take him back despite the fact that he's a toxic piece of shit. Just free her from this awful relationship. What do I have to do? Cause I'd sell one of my kidneys to make that happen.

Cop Maggie! Cop Maggie! Cop Maggie! Give me more of that, please! Give me 42 minutes of that, I don't give a damn. I love her so much.

Winn is really unlucky when it comes to the ladies. But seriously, this one was his fault. Having sex in a museum? Don't you have a bed for that? Or, I don't know, a kitchen counter? Or any other flat surface in your apartment? If you want an adventure, go skydiving, not commit felonies. And fine, I understand why Lyra did what she did, but why did she even need Winn for that in the first place? She's invisible, for crying out loud. She didn't need a patsy to take the fall. The police would have never been able to prove it was her, anyway.

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@aniela-krajewska Yeah, Lyra needing a patsy was the least believable thing this show has done all season…

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The Expanse: 2x10 Cascade

Hmmm, they're starting to drag their feet. We used to have action, this episode was a total bore

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@ramadri I second @jamatiknakmuay… if you're expecting constant action, you're watching the wrong genre.

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Homeland: 6x04 A Flash of Light

Reply by dgw


Review by Andrew Bloom
BlockedParent2017-02-22T02:34:15Z— updated 2017-04-10T05:04:40Z

[8.4/10] Despite the fact that, more often than not, Homeland tells its stories piecemeal, developing different threads until it ties them together when the endgame is in sight, it likes to draw thematic parallels. Characters may not cross paths for episodes, but still have a connection in the kinds of choices presented to them. And in “Flash of Light,” many of our heroes are pulled between loyalty on the one hand, and their principles, what they think is best for the world, on the other.

The easiest example is Carrie herself. Even when prompted by the President-Elect to squeal on Dar Adal (or, to use their delightful euphemism of choice, give the administration something with which to “leverage” him), she is reluctant. Carrie doesn’t like Dar Adal, and as her confrontation with him outside of Franny’s school indicates, she thinks that he and his ilk are a big reason why the world is in its current state, a state she wants to change. But she was an intelligence officer, and as she puts it, even Dar had her back in that guise. She does not want to betray that loyalty, that group of people bound by the sacrifices of people who died in services of it, even when pressured by the soon-to-be leader of the free world.

But on the other hand, she’s committed to the vision for that better world. The President-Elect’s pitch is a persuasive one, that if sidelining Dar means reforming the CIA in her image, helping to create a world with fewer Brodys, fewer Aayans, fewer Quinns to be perpetrators and casualties in this war, then it may very well be worth it. The episode leaves things ambiguous, but hints that Carrie, for the moment, hasn’t given them much, though the possibilities weigh on her.

They weigh on Sekou as well, and come to a head as Carrie confronts him. After her stunt manages to get him released from prison, his orders are to lay low and not comment to preserve the deal. Sekou initially seems accommodating, but when former associates accuse him of being a snitch, he releases another video defending his honor and outing the real informant. Sekou too has principles, and wants to show that he is as committed to his cause as someone like Carrie is committed to hers. He wants to wake people up, shock their consciences and let them see the ugliness of what he sees as the truth.

The most powerful moment, however, is when Carrie calls him on this. She displays a loyalty to him, a sense that even though she doesn’t know him, even though she’s virulently opposed and offended to the things he says and does, she stands up for him because she doesn’t think what happened to him is right. She, better than anyone, understands what the intelligence community’s approach to terrorism has resulted in. (And her statement that this has gone crazy since 9/11 is pretty bold stuff, even for a show on premium cable.) But she gets through to him, enough for him to appreciate her loyalty, see the look of joy in his mother’s eyes at having him home, and realize that there is something at home worth preserving, worth sacrificing for.

Saul is tested in similar terms. He meets with the Iranian puppet he installed three years ago, to try to get to the bottom of the parallel nuclear program suspicions. Saul continues to harbor his own suspicions that he’s being set up, or at least used by his brethren in the CIA. But he’s also loyal to where he comes from, enough to where he wants to be absolutely sure that his compatriots aren’t on to something before he acts on those suspicions. As his partner in crime resists but hints at, they’re too invested in what they’ve built with Iran to let it go so easily, and it’s enough to risk a lot to preserve.

But it puts other loyalties and friendship in the crosshairs. As it was in the prior episode, Saul’s sister is emblematic of this theme, chastising her brother for taking the side of the Arabs and betraying his people, but lying for him to Mossad in order to keep the cover on his story. And Etai is nominally Saul’s friend too, someone who presumably doesn’t want to lock Saul in de facto jail until he spills the beans. But Etai is just as loyal to Israel, to his people, and to the idea that they need a place of safety, even when it seems like they’re beset by risks on all sides.

The only individual who isn’t being pulled in these directions is Quinn, whose spy instincts seem to have sniffed out something genuinely fishy rather than a product of his paranoia. I don’t know how I feel about him turning out to be right in his Rear Window-esque madness, but the episode does well to toe the line between him being on to something and him just being crazy, replete with dismissals from Carrie, fairly well. The man from across the way is, at least seemingly, involved in taking out Sekou

And that is how Sekou’s loyalty is rewarded. When he takes down his video, goes back to work, and tries to, for lack of a better term, straighten up and fly right, he gets caught up in forces much greater than himself. It’s not hard to imagine that this is false flag terrorism, whether it’s Dar Adal or Conlin or someone else affiliated with the intelligence apparatus going with a last resort to prevent the new paradigm dreamed up by Carrie and the President Elect from having the popular support or political climate to be instituted.

Like Aayan before him, he becomes a pawn in a greater game, perhaps not wholly innocent, but someone who seems to understand that the people of this country, the people he’s trying to wake up, are not all bad. That they understand and are, perhaps, worth respecting. As he turns that corner, he becomes another casualty of the back-and-forth that Carrie is desperate to stop, a move that Dar Adal believes would be a dereliction of duty, of his own loyalty to his country and compatriots.

That is, perhaps, the larger theme of “Flash of Light.” That individual loyalties and individual beliefs about the greater good conflict in difficult ways, intersection at choke points that bring people in opposition to one another. When that happens, no matter how well-intentioned everyone may be, people get hurt, sometimes innocent people, and stopping that takes hard choices between the connections you’ve shared with other and the chance to preserve what you believe in.

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@andrewbloom It appears that the spoiler tags in this review are not functioning properly.

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Under the Dome: 2x10 The Fall

Reply by dgw

Até parece que eles ia conseguir sair, tem 3º Temporada pela frente.

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English translation: "It looks like they could get out, Season 3 is ahead."

@rebeligado Please post in English, per Trakt comment rules. :)

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Under the Dome: 2x11 Black Ice

Reply by dgw

Acho que o frio é o jeito do Domo de eliminar as pessoas, sendo aquelas mais fracas.

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Another English translation: "I think the cold is the Dome's way of eliminating people, those being weaker."

English only, people. We have comment rules!

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