

The Internets

Lie to Me: Season 3

Reply by dgw

I can see why this series was canceled. This last season was not good at all. Turning Lightman into more of a curmudgeon and making him unlikable really did not help the show at all. There were quite a few episodes where they recycled ideas from previous seasons. The only thing I would have liked to have seen was what they would have done with Michael B. Jordan's character. It almost seemed like they were getting that character ready for a larger role in the next season.

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@ultramookie They were absolutely gearing up for a new person on the Lightman Group staff, and I was disappointed first by how long it took him to come back—then again by the series ending before his role really had a chance to go anywhere.

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The Last of Us: Season 1

Reply by dgw

Just to remind myself, if I ever rewatch this, to skip episodes 3 and 7.

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@amasulem The damage was done long before OP watched this show, don't worry.

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Lizzie McGuire: Season 1

Reply by dgw


Shout by dgw

Averaging the episodes I rated in this season (28 out of 31) yields an average rating of 7.57. Rounding it up feels perfectly accurate.

In truth, I feel like adding a full point, but then it would round up to 9/10—and the season wasn't that stellar.

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@afternoonchillin At some point I started rating every episode, and figuring averages doesn't take long when the browser address bar doubles as a calculator. I don't only do it for Disney :rofl:

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Attack on Titan: Season 1

Reply by dgw


Shout by dgw

Having just copied in my plays for this season from MAL, I am very confused that I rated the show an 8. I don't think it deserves that high of a rating, at all.

Had I watched this show now, I feel like I would have given it a 6, maybe. However, I will not actually revise my ratings on Trakt, MAL, IMDb, etc. without rewatching the content—and I definitely don't want to rewatch this season. I don't intend to see season 2, or the movie, or any other SnK media ever again.

Presumably I had a reason for rating it as I did at the time? My rating "system" has changed over time (or rather, it became a "system" rather than "I feel like giving it n rating"), so really, all I can do about old ratings is shrug and try to ignore them.

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@pocholo1414 It's been seven years since I saw the last episode, mate. I barely remember who that kid front and center on the poster is. I'd have to rewatch the show at this point to figure out why I rated it how I rated it, and that's just not going to happen. Sorry.

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Lost: Season 1

Reply by dgw

Back when I started this season of Lost, per-episode ratings weren't a thing I did. I'll forego the average episode rating calculation and just use my gut. I don't need the mean as a starting point.

This is a very strong first season. Every character's backstory is interesting. Though I put off finishing the season for a while until the episode metadata got squared away (with some help from Justin), I wanted to keep going.

Season two should be quite a ride, if this was any hint at what's to come.

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@tenbrink Not sure why you're asking me. I'm just a user. :sweat_smile: But if you look at the metadata for 1x24 you'll find it has (at present) an 87-minute runtime to reflect that it was a double episode.
TVDB has DVD ordering for this show now (https://thetvdb.com/series/lost/seasons/dvd/1) with 1x25 listed as you'd like, but Trakt doesn't have any way to choose which ordering you want to use. Have a look at the support site and make a suggestion if it doesn't already exist!

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The Orville: Season 2

Reply by dgw

Average episode rating this season: 6.71428571(…, presumably)

The Orville's sophomore season got away from a lot of the sophomoric humor that put me off its freshman outing. This time around it felt much more like a "real" sci-fi show, tackling present-day issues with allegorical stories set in a (mostly) utopian future. Remind you of any other well-known sci-fi franchise? (We know the homage is no accident. Just look at who from *ahem* that other franchise ended up on the production team here.)

I wrapped up my season one review with something of an ultimatum: "If the show doesn't evolve in season two, I likely won't continue following it." (https://trakt.tv/comments/153991), and I'm glad to say that it did evolve. We got more believable dramatic stakes, fewer bad jokes, and an overall higher writing quality that—while still not "Totally Ninja"—was at least adequate. A few Star Trek actors brought in as guest stars (plus Ted Danson as a Union admiral) sweetened the pot a bit, too.

Is this the best show ever written? Well, no. It's not going to win your heart with amazing writing—maybe not even with the characters. But it most definitely is trying to be more than the lame comedy it was at first.

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@jarodkyle It's not "forgetting" if I didn't actually care that she was on the show. I'm a Star Trek fan first, so those are the guest stars I care about. And also, a season one guest star isn't relevant to a review of season two…

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How I Met Your Mother: Season 1

Reply by dgw

Had to start watching this sitcom twice because the first time Marshal (Jason Segel) got on my nerves that much that I didn't watch more than the first couple of episodes. Additionally, I'm not sure if Ted is the right choice for the main character...

Otherwise a solid sitcom with a lot of laughs! That there is no laughter track is very welcome, too.

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@drnkmnky Was posting the same comment twice a play on starting the series twice? :D (https://trakt.tv/comments/50896)

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The Magicians: Season 1

Reply by dgw

Average episode rating: 5.923

That feels about right. I could be talked into Math.floor()ing that, too. Oops, I just did.

The season got off to a pretty underwhelming and off-putting start, then got pretty good for a couple episodes before dropping back into the trap of overly sexualizing every situation possible.

Hollywood writers—especially any who work for Syfy—say it with me: Not everything is about sex.


Say it again.

Repeat until you actually understand the words.

I call out Syfy writers specifically because one need only look at the other shows on their slate recently to find examples of characters being put in bed with each other for no particular reason other than "sex sells". It happens in Killjoys a lot, too—another Syfy Original. Based on just the two, I'm not inclined to give any other Syfy original shows a chance. (I haven't watched enough of Wynonna Earp to know if it also falls into this trap, but the likelihood that I will ever watch another episode of that show has just dropped even further.)

Between characters screwing each other at every possible opportunity and the sheer amount of gratuitous blood & gore, I'm downright resentful that I still want to know what happens next. This show wasn't fun to watch, and it's not even using the sex and violence to make a worthwhile point. The real surprise for me, at this point, is that I managed to get through the whole season in just under 9 months.

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@annismckenzie Oooh, yeah the network activity feature only shows plays for now, but I believe there are long-term plans to put more stuff in the activity feed. Comments would be good to include, as would ratings. Those could be stacked on the "Play" entries if added soon after a play, rather than taking up multiple feed slots… Sometimes I wish I was part of trakt somehow so I could get more directly involved with this stuff, but afaik they're not hiring (small team of friends).

An alternative idea would be imitating Last.fm's "Now Playing" page, which displays info about whatever track your player is currently playing (if NP notifications are supported) or the last track played (if not supported). Trakt's version could be a live dashboard of sorts that shows the basic item info (poster, title, episode/season/number if applicable) and also presents relevant comments. Shouts and reviews for the currently playing episode, pulling in season-level and series-level comments near their respective ends, stuff like that. (For movies, just that film's comments, of course.)

@justin, is this kind of thing worth an idea thread on UserVoice? I wasn't able to find anything relevant in a quick search.

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The Magicians: Season 1

Reply by dgw

Average episode rating: 5.923

That feels about right. I could be talked into Math.floor()ing that, too. Oops, I just did.

The season got off to a pretty underwhelming and off-putting start, then got pretty good for a couple episodes before dropping back into the trap of overly sexualizing every situation possible.

Hollywood writers—especially any who work for Syfy—say it with me: Not everything is about sex.


Say it again.

Repeat until you actually understand the words.

I call out Syfy writers specifically because one need only look at the other shows on their slate recently to find examples of characters being put in bed with each other for no particular reason other than "sex sells". It happens in Killjoys a lot, too—another Syfy Original. Based on just the two, I'm not inclined to give any other Syfy original shows a chance. (I haven't watched enough of Wynonna Earp to know if it also falls into this trap, but the likelihood that I will ever watch another episode of that show has just dropped even further.)

Between characters screwing each other at every possible opportunity and the sheer amount of gratuitous blood & gore, I'm downright resentful that I still want to know what happens next. This show wasn't fun to watch, and it's not even using the sex and violence to make a worthwhile point. The real surprise for me, at this point, is that I managed to get through the whole season in just under 9 months.

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@annismckenzie It's so much clearer to express the idea of rounding something down that way, haha. I'm not involved with trakt, just a slightly "younger" VIP member, but I do agree that the commenting functionality could use some building-out. Could be useful to index comments, too, and add them to the search feature. (Speaking of search, the VIP forum is kind of useless because you can't search for threads.) At least that duplicate comment's sorted—thanks for helping me learn about the block on deleting comments with replies, by the way!

As far as second-screening specifically goes, I already do usually keep the episode page open on a second monitor while I watch something on the primary. Were you looking for more of a live-chat kind of thing?

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Arrow: Season 2

Reply by dgw

Quit after the 2nd season. What was barely tolerable in season 1 got really on my nerve (models instead of actresses, silly costumes to hide the identities of the superheroes, mediocre storylines) as well as the partly boring flashbacks were to much for me to enjoy the show. Going to give Mr. Robot a try now.

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I hope you liked Mr. Robot. I found this show considerably more watchable.

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Supergirl: Season 1

Reply by dgw

There are only 20 episodes in Season 1 according to the following sources, not 21 like listed on Trakt:


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1x21 is back for more… I verified TVDB's listing, and initiated a data refresh here. If it doesn't clear up soon I'll open a ticket.

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