

The Internets

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

No Quidditch for years, and suddenly we get tryouts and snippets of a match because it's plot-relevant again. I know there's only so much that can be packed into a movie series, even one with such long installments as this, but a little backstory on how Harry got to be team captain and what happened to Wood would have been nice.

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Kill Command

Shout by dgw

I think the actors did their level best to put believable characters on screen after being given very little to work with by a mediocre script. There's a lot of focus on the robot battles, but the characters seem underdeveloped.
The visual effects could be called impressive given the small budget this film had to work with, but visual effects are kind of the easy part of filmmaking these days—the software has already been written, you just have to use it.
Scriptwriting is the hard part, and this story could have said so much more. It started to develop characters in the first act, but once the action started all character work basically fell by the wayside. It's too bad, really—there's a kernel of good world-building in here that was never really utilized.

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13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

Shout by dgw

Spectacular effects with a weak grip on realism. What do you expect from a Michael Bay film?

"This is a true story", but no doubt the real details are less…Hollywood.

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Some good and some bad. The pacing issues are understandable, as the fourth book was the longest yet in the series and they still had to cram it into a 2.5-hour movie. A major continuity error (the awning ripped in half by Harry's dragon magically is repaired for a later wide shot) and incorrect application of the Expelliarmus spell (Krum is still holding his wand after landing on his back, unconscious) drag it down a bit, as do editing shortcuts that mangle character in a few spots.

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Supergirl: 1x20 Better Angels

"The Kryptonians were using Myriad for mind control because the frequency penetrates neural tissue. Now, they're increasing the frequency. Exponentially. We're talking terahertz jumps." — Clueless scriptwriting trying to use the same word for two different things and making zero technical sense in the process. All the talk of electromagnetic potential just reinforces the incorrect word usage. The frequency stays the same; the AMPLITUDE changes. What's increasing is the energy carried by the wave.

Kara's hair shouldn't blow about in space. It can float, but that's not what it does on screen.

If she's in space, and can't generate thrust, how did she hang back to get rescued while Fort Rozz continued on an escape trajectory?

For that matter, why did taking Fort Rozz into space magically solve the Myriad Wave problem? If the power is still building exponentially, and is being fed through the LordTech satellites anyway, it should have made zero difference until the ship was far enough away to break contact with the satellite network. Nothing about how Myriad "works" makes sense.

Look at all these technical errors. Just look at them! Ugh. Telling a good story doesn't require disregarding the laws of physics!

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Today's Special

Shout by dgw

Feel-good, it is, but it's hard to overlook the slow pacing and predictability.

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Limitless: 1x22 Finale (2)

Shout by dgw

Kind of disappointed they pulled the deus ex machina plot card and made everything perfect again, but honestly a "bad" ending would have contradicted the tone of the entire season.

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Limitless: 1x21 Finale (1)

Shout by dgw

Well, saw THAT coming a mile away.

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The 5th Wave

Shout by dgw

Lots of bad CGI and questionable writing. The ending screams, "Please give us a sequel!" but there almost certainly won't be one.

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Engineering Disasters

Shout by dgw

There are some interesting facts in this show. Too bad they're dramatically overshadowed by the hyper-sensationalized narration that attempts to make the average viewer deathly afraid of anything technological.

Oh, and most of these aren't disasters of engineering at all. The vast, VAST majority of incidents this series scrutinizes are either natural disasters that no amount of engineering could prevent or protect against; or human failures of the people responsible for maintaining the systems that were engineered to perform well within tolerances. I'm sorry, but equipment that goes 16 years without inspection, or human errors at the controls, do not qualify as engineering problems.

Skip this.

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Engineering Disasters: 1x06 Trapped Under Seattle

Shout by dgw

Poor choice of words to say that an engine fire that disabled a ship left "thousands of vacationers dead in the water", no? Surely there was another idiom that would have served the purpose without implying that anyone died.

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Engineering Disasters: 1x05 California Pipeline Catastrophe

Shout by dgw

"Co-two-du-lack"? That's not how "Coteau-du-Lac" is pronounced… It's "Coo-toe-du-lack". Learn some French, announcer guy.

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HAPPYish: 1x10 Starring Christopher Hitchens, Philip Larkin and Josef Stalin

Thank Skidmark Jesus I don't have to listen to this show's theme song ever again.

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HAPPYish: 1x09 Starring Bill Hicks, Joseph McCarthy and Alfred Bernhard Nobel

Shout by dgw

Lots of points for being thought-provoking, but points off for the ridiculous depiction of the after-school activity center.

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HAPPYish: 1x03 Starring Vladimir Nabokov, Hippocrates and God

Shout by dgw

"Maybe I should enlist. I'll bring Julius. 'Take Your Son to War Day'."
"I'm hoping we don't get that desperate."
That's all the dialogue you need to know from this episode.

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HAPPYish: 1x08 Starring Rene Descartes, Victor Frankenstein and HRH The Princess of Arendelle

Shout by dgw

And now we're back to overly drawn out jokes. Lee's rant about Frozen is pretty good, though, and you only need to watch the first few minutes for that.

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HAPPYish: 1x07 Starring David Ogilvy, Anton Chekov and Lady Liberty

Shout by dgw

Trigorin, eh? Hah. Best episode so far, hands down.

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HAPPYish: 1x06 Starring Helen Keller, Moses and Lenny Bruce

Shout by dgw

Was an 8 until the tried-too-hard Ferris wheel scene. Ah, well.

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HAPPYish: 1x05 Starring Josey Wales, Jesus Christ and The New York Times

Shout by dgw

"He dies at the end." First real laugh at this show.

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Public Morals: 1x10 A Thought and a Soul

Shout by dgw

Dialogue goof right at the beginning, eh? Rusty says "Nothing more?" but all Patton said was "I have nothing to say to you, Rusty."

And it really does just end. Wow. Nothing.

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Boy Meets Girl

Shout by dgw

45 minutes in, I still have almost no idea what's happening. But I've had my fill of bad foley, bad editing, obvious splices where part of a shot was replaced with a different take, poor dialogue sync, a scene where half the French dialogue wasn't even subtitled, poor dialogue replacement (including some places where characters continued talking even though their lips weren't moving)… This film might be brilliant, but I just see a lump of coal. The technical flaws could be excused if it had been made a few decades earlier, at least. But unless something drastically changes in the next 58 minutes I won't have anything to say but: "Don't bother."

Edit: It did not get better, except for about ten minutes just after the halfway mark. Oh well.

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Supergirl: 1x15 Solitude

Python 6? Seriously? This is clearly meant to be set in the present or near future, so why throw out an inflated version number of a programming language that ACTUALLY EXISTS?

"You're just a glorified Windows Vista" is a great line, though.

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Supergirl: 1x14 Truth, Justice and the American Way

Shout by dgw

They held a certain headbutt shot waaaaaay too long—long enough to see Kara's head reverse direction. Someone needs to relearn editing.

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Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)

Shout by dgw

Love the cinematography, but that's about it. Plot gets a 3/10 from me, for triteness and for being obvious an hour before the climax. Some good performances, yes, but also some flat ones.

I seem to be finding a lot of critically acclaimed media "meh" lately.

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Supergirl: 1x13 For The Girl Who Has Everything

So much good, and also so much meh. Still don't know why Hank inexplicably reverts to his human form at the strangest moments. Probably won't ever know.

Benoist was good playing Hank-as-Kara, but the way "he" was written didn't sound like Hank at all, really.

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Supergirl: 1x12 Bizarro

Since when is kryptonite an ionized compound? I can't find any mention of it being charged, just that it's radioactive. Hooray for chembabble…

Wasn't sure about the thing with Adam starting, and even less sure why it ended. Seems like a lot of the relationships in this show happen (or stop) because the plot requires them to, not because they are or aren't working. It's too bad, because the actors are trying their level best to make it work no matter what the writers throw out.

Worth it for Max Lord's political commentary, though: "But holding people indefinitely against their will? Nothing more American than that."

Is it just me, or are the episode-ending teasers of next week's monster getting a little over-the top?

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Supergirl: 1x10 Childish Things

There are 10 bombs about to go off, better use my powers to make an inch-thick wall of ice. Nobody's gonna get hurt by flying bits of shattered ice—they're NOTHING like glass!

A lot of good character stuff happening with Hank/Jonzz. Not so sure about the James x Lucy plot; their chemistry feels off. Should be interesting to see how Winn x Kara plays out.

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Beyond the Boundary: I'll Be Here – Past

Edited down copy of the TV series, and it shows. There are a lot of details missing that make a lot of the scenes kind of nonsensical at times. What's there is beautiful, but what isn't there really detracts from the experience, even if you've seen the show.

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Limitless: 1x13 Stop Me Before I Hug Again

Shout by dgw

Not digging the schtick with the dinosaur dude. Not at all.

And who are "the calvary"? Someone should have caught that on set. (While we're on the subject of mangling the English language, apparently Brian "Recoreded" an NFL game?)

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Your lie in April: 1x02 Friend A

Shout by dgw

I've been playing the violin since age 4, and I cringed at the violin animations. Using all the bow in half a second, then drawing several more seconds of sound out of the last two inches, etc.

Loved it anyway.

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