


Lucky Number Slevin

In my opinion one of the modern classics. Amazing storyline with some unexpected twists (think Usual Suspects unexpected), great comic book-like feel to it (thanks to set design, camera angles, color palette etc), some really unique characters, and great acting from every single actor (Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman and Ben Kingsley in one movie!). 

First time I saw this I thought it was really amazing and a couple years later it's still one of my favorites! I don't understand why this didn't get more popular. 

Go watch it if you haven't already!

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My Neighbor Totoro

I'm 27 and I just saw this anime for the first time. In fact, it's the first anime I ever saw and I only watched it because a friend kept telling me how great it was. It had been sitting on my shelf for over two years and last night I figured: what the hell, let's try it.

This movie blew me away. It so perfectly captures the innocence and the exploratory nature of childhood. It enables you to view an ordinary day through the viewpoint of two ordinary young girls. It shows how boring we adults are, and how much fantasy, discovery, emotions and playfulness we have lost since we were kids. There's no macho behaviour, no bad guys, no evil to beat, just two kids growing up in a normal life, but extraordinarily presented.

A perfect coming-of-age movie and one of the most impressive movies I've ever seen. Already one of my all-time favourites. If the rest of Hayao Miyazaki's films are anything close to this, he will have a new lifelong fan.

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Into the Wild

Made me dream, made me wonder, made me think. Great commentary on the path dependency of modern society, making a strong case to escape civilization and live life more freely and adventurous. Also a great reminder that "happiness is only real when shared".

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Rain Man

It's almost 25 years old, I've seen it a dozen times, and I still like it :)
The movie is slow, looks old, Tom Cruise is already annoying, but after a while this movie will make you laugh, make you wonder, make you lose track of time, and it's one of the best feelgood movies ever! Dustin Hoffman is amazing to watch in one of the most memorable roles I've ever seen.

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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Total classic! An emotional rollercoaster (intrigued by Jack Nicholson, angry at the nurse, excited about the escape, laughing at the boat trip, sad about some patients, amazed by the Chief etc etc) that very few movies can match. Great acting, great story, great filming, great setting, great everything; it just all comes together in this film. Everyone should see this at least once! At least!

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The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

This movie tries very hard to bring the same feelgood vibe as the first Mummy, but it fails throughout. I can't really nail it down, because it's got everything it needs: ancient villain, interesting backstory, over the top action and chases,cheesy dialogue and oneliners, unrealistic storyline, pretty nice special effects and romantic interests.

The only thing I guess is missing is some soul. I didn't really laugh once, I didn't care who won the end battle, I didn't worry if the main character would get hurt, I didn't feel any romance/chemistry between any of the characters. I just missed the fun.

Even the badass looking yeti's/dragons/hellhounds/zombies (I could go on..) couldn't make this right. This whole film just felt too formulaic and empty.

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The Incredible Hulk

Mindless action, not much of a story. In my opinion Norton does a great job in the chasing scenes, and the Hulk action scenes look great (although they are too much and too long), but they don't really fit together in the same movie. I guess Hulk is great as a side character, but too difficult a character and story to fill a 90 minute movie with.
Conclusion: worst movie in the 'Avengers' series, and I won't be watching again.

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The King's Speech

Unbelievable how they can make an interesting movie about someone trying to conquer his stammering. A great character study by Colin Firth who makes me feel happy, sad and angry at the same time. Geoffrey Rush also plays an incredible part, but somehow I kept waiting for him to go "Arrr!! Captain Barbossa is here!" This movie is carried by these two lead actors as they really allow you to connect with their characters.

I waited a long time to see this, because I thought it would be kind of boring. Turns out it's not boring at all. Just don't expect an action filled ride, but get ready to get dragged into the emotional world of an insecure king.

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Big Fish

A story that shows what storytelling is all about and why it's so important. I think it's expertly done: when they compare the 'fantastic story' to the 'factual story', you can't help but feel sorry for the guy who prefers the factual version and misses out on all the fantastical stuff. And besides that, it's just great fun to watch!

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I almost thought this was a great movie. The characters are unique, fun and intriguing. The story is different from the usual. The film-editing is eye-catching. I was almost laughing, almost excited, almost drawn into the story, but for some unexplainable reason it just didn't do it for me. I kept waiting for the film to turn it up just one notch, to suck me in, but it didn't happen. That just sucks, because I really liked the characters, the boxing/diamond setting and the squeaking dog...

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The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

Not sure what to make of this.. Didn't like it, didn't dislike it, just opinion-less. I expected something weird and I got something super-weird. The feeling of mystique that this movie brings is brilliant, the actors all do a really great job, but all the while I was wondering where the story would take me.. If anywhere at all. In the end I should have just enjoyed all the fantastical imagery and thoughts on the screen and not worried about any story whatsoever. Now I just ended up with this strange feeling that I might have seen something awesome, but it didn't come together for me.

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Scary Movie

Yep, after ten years it's still a terrible movie, but still very very funny at times :D Goes without saying that it's only funny if you've seen the movies that are parodied (Scream, I know what you did last summer, exorcist etc.) Loved the Budweiser commercial parody: Wazzaaaaaaapp!!

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West Side Story

Supposedly one of the greatest musicals on film. I have to agree that some songs, like America and I Feel Pretty, were really great and popped off the screen (with great lyrics, music and choreography), but the surrounding depiction of the story was terrible. It's starts with teenage gangs (played by 30 year olds) doing ballet-pirouettes to show how tough they are.. The Romeo and Juliet part between rival gangmembers is unbelievable as the two characters have barely met and just don't seem to care about each other. The clash between racially different gangs is an interesting plot, but is ruined by the ballet choreography and the lack of personalities within each gang. So some interesting elements in this movie, but they completely didn't match with the feeling they wanted to express.

Perhaps I just don't like musicals put to film, but I'd recommend seeing this on a stage, where they can probably capture the atmosphere way better than on a screen.

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Die Hard 2

Even though it's not nearly as good as the first Die Hard, this is still an entertaining movie. The basics for a good action movie are there, even a somewhat unexpected twist at the end and another iconic 'Yipi-ka-yee motherfucker'-scene. Some of the 'ordinary guy in extraordinary situation'-flair of the first movie seems to be missing however, which gives this just an entertaining status as opposed to the classic status of the first

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Mission: Impossible

The good: great themesong, two iconic scenes (hanging inches from the floor and exploding from a helicopter onto a speeding train), lots of action and spy-stuff.

The bad: terribly annoying plot that only consists of running from one actionscene to the next. Whenever some plotpoint gets stuck it gets solved by the fact that someone was doublecrossed, even if it doesn't make sense.

The ugly: Throughout the movie I kept expecting development in the (cardboard) characters, some overarching storyline or some surprising twists to get me emotionally involved, but this movie consists only of empty thrills. I might as well have only watched the actionsequences and skipped the rest of the 'story'. I get the feeling this movie was only made because Tom Cruise wanted to star in an actionfilm.. There is no tension throughout the film, no excitement, no funny dialogue, no romance, no emotion whatsoever: just actionscene followed by a doublecrossing, actionscene followed by a doublecrossing...

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Now this is your typical I-don't-have-anything-better-to-do-tonight-so-let's-just-watch-this movie. Everything about it is average: the story, the acting, the music etc. It does have a feelgood vibe about it, with suntanned people running around on yachts and beaches, so it makes for some decent entertainment.

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Dances with Wolves

Loved it. Beautiful shots of the American prairie and its animals. The story is slow at times, but there are so many great scenes that it's worth it. The story is done many times (pocahontas and avatar come to mind), but this is an excellent effort, where I genuinely hated the army guys and got really intrigued by the Indian way of life. Of course there should've been more nuances (not every Indian should be a good guy, not every American should be violence-obsessed), and the movie should've been shorter, but overall it's a great movie, with many many great shots!

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Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

After falling in love with My Neighbour Totoro by this same anime director, I decided to see if Nausicaa is just as great. And it is, but in a totally different way. It requires some fantasy on the viewer's part, and has a steampunk sciencefiction backstory, which will make it less approachable to some viewers.

This imaginary world dragged me into an epic struggle, where a young girl is forced to chose between her friends or her passion, between fighting or surrendering and between her country or her life. (For connaisseurs: it's like Dune). A wild ride follows where the girl finds her way and I was on the edge of my seat. At times the message to follow your heart, be eco and 'make love not war' was a bit overdone, but this epic story was so exciting and delivered that message so strongly that it deserved to be a bit preachy.

Amazing imaginary world crafting, beautifully drawn, a powerful message and just a great story. It sucked me right in and I'll be watching this over and over.

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Beverly Hills Cop

As a kid I used to love this movie! I remember laughing throughout the entire movie and watching it over and over again. Now I've rewatched it and must say times have changed. It a decent action/comedy, maybe even better than most recent Hollywood efforts, but it's nothing more than that. If anything; it's a great look into the 80's. The theme music is legendary, Eddie Murphy's fast trashtalk, laughing and movements are iconic, and the whole interaction and atmosphere breathes 80's. Unfortunately the 80's are more than 20 years ago and this movie feels just as oldfashioned as Madonna's (then) revolutionary videoclips from that same time.. The rebel behaviour is not so rebel anymore, the jokes are rather lame, times have changed..

I still enjoyed it, but wouldn't recommend this as a great action/comedy, but more as a great example of a general 80's movie, just like Ferris Bueller and The Breakfast Club.

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Winnie the Pooh

Incredibly cute and innocent movie. I guess perfect for younger children, perhaps a bit too childish for adults. But an enjoyable experience nevertheless.

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This movie had such a big impact on pop-culture. It's a tribute to the 60's that became an iconic 70's product. The songs, the romance; Grease is the word! And it's almost impossible to have missed it. But for some reason I had never seen it.

Good things first: the songs are great. The happy songs make you feel happy, the dancing songs make you want to dance and the romance songs make you want to hold your partner. Choreography is also great and really adds to the songs. A real musical!

But.. the actors are supposed to look like teenagers, but look like 30 year old actors. The storyline can probably be written on a napkin. The acting (outside the songs) is just plain bad. And the morality is: boys be as macho as you can, girls be as slutty as you can, bully as many as you can, then all your dreams will come true! wtf..

Perhaps I'm just not a musical person, but I'd recommend watching the songs (they're great!) and skip the rest of the movie. You'll have a great time!

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I didn't know what to expect when I put this on, but I thought it was awesome! A modern fairytale for (semi) grownups by Neil Gaiman, with sky-pirates, ancient witches, 'the wall' and a leading role for the northern pole star. Great cast, great setting, great storytelling. It's not perfect, but it's got that genuine feeling to it that most Hollywood films miss nowadays. This is a new favorite of mine!

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127 Hours

I watched this movie because I couldn't understand how a 90 minute movie about a guy being stuck in a canyon could get such good reviews. To me, it sounded really boring. And honestly, there are some boring bits, but overall they did a really good job making it interesting. Some scenes are incredibly intense, I almost had to look away in agony. The power of this movie lies in the creative portrayal of how a hopeless situation can drive someone crazy and the places an individual can find strength and hope.

Great filmmaking, nice shots of canyons, great actor, great story about hope and the will to survive, but it's just too intense for my taste. I just hope nobody ever gets into a situation like this again, it must be truly terrifying..

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Gangs of New York

The best thing about this movie is the atmosphere. It does a great job of taking you to New York 1863. I'm no history buff, so have no idea how accurate it is, but the setting is great and there are some truly great shots in this movie. Bill the Butcher is an exceptionally memorable character as the extreme patriotist, played very well by Day-Lewis. The rest of the cast is just ordinary.

There are two reasons why I didn't like this movie. 1: there is only negativity; in the dark setting, the unlikeable 'hero', the motives of the characters (hate and fear), the fighting all the time, the sad ending, everything. 2: there is no character development, they all stay exactly the same throughout the entire film.
It can be said that these two point were done intentionally by the director, to make people walk away with the sad, empty feeling that bad things will never change, but in my opinion it missed something to make me care about. Now I just shrugged my shoulders and moved on.

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A.I. Artificial Intelligence

This starts with a great concept about a robot experiencing human emotions and the consequences that would have. The movie also starts off pretty decent by showing how an emotionless robot is pretty scary, but how emotional humans are also pretty scary. Then it turns into a carnivalesque chase/quest, which is funny, exciting and looks amazing: great mid-story. There were a couple of ways I could see this end, so I figured it would lead to something great. And then, when I least expected it, I got to witness the worst ending I'd ever seen in a sci-fi movie (or Indiana Jones 4), guided by a voiceover (!) literally explaining the moral of the story over and over for 20 minutes.

I was willing to look over some plotholes and some annoying characters (yes teddy and mommy, i'm looking at you) because I liked the fact this movie made me think about what it means to be human. But the ending changed this from an above average movie to a terrible movie. It made me ashamed to be a sci-fi fan...

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L.A. Confidential

LA Confidential starts off pretty slow, but gets better with the minute. The first half hour I kept mixing up names and places and didn't really get where the story was going. But after a while it picked up speed, the characters developed, the 'plot thickened' (as they say), and through all kinds of side-stories and personal quests it was slowly revealed where the story was headed to end with a bang.

The story itself is pretty decent, but has been done (many times) before. The good stuff about this film is the film noir crime feeling, which really adds to the suspense. The best stuff about this film is the amazing acting by almost the entire cast; they managed to give so much personality to their individual characters that they really lifted this film from mediocre to great!

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The reason I wanted to see this was to see some dark twisted fantasy about ragdolls living in a postapocalyptic setting, fighting for their lives. And that's what I got: visually stunning, beautiful grim environment, some nice action moments and a rather superficial story to tie it all together. The story moves pretty slow, almost to the point of boring, but the better parts made me deal with it and enjoy it all in all . Glad I saw it, won't be watching again, but sure hope there will be more 'dark' animated movies.

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Mission: Impossible II

Lots of stunts, lots of slowmotion and very little story. Good thing I already expected this; now I could enjoy this as a mindless action movie. Wouldn't recommend it however, there are way better action movies out there. Best part of the movie is the great soundtrack!

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Your Highness

I like silly movies. 'Dude where's my car', 'Roadtrip', 'the naked gun', even 'Scary movie' can really make me laugh. This is supposed to be just as silly. I also like the fantasy quest theme this movie parodies. So I figured this would be an okay movie for some easy laughs.
During this entire movie I didn't laugh once! It seems the 'jokes' in this movie are aimed at adolescents who find the word 'penis' the funniest thing in the world. Perhaps Americans are more prude (to quote Eurotrip) and enjoy so many sexual references; European as I am, I just thought it was boring. Natalie Portman was the only highlight in this movie, the rest was just a big waste of time..

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Romancing the Stone

Can't honestly say it's a good movie, but it is entertaining! A romantic action-comedy that both guys and girls can enjoy. Most things are over the top (chasing-scenes, dodging bullets) and don't make much sense storywise. The romantic moments aren't awfully romantic and the comedic moments aren't laughoutloud funny, but this movie still manages to provide some mindless entertainment and put a mild smile on your face.

Kind of recommended for a laidback evening with your girlfriend/boyfriend, when you don't really want to focus on the movie, but still want to be entertained. Just don't expect a particularly good movie.

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