Omicron Persei 8

Mike & Molly: Season 6

Well, not bad but also not as good as some of the previous seasons and therefore I am not very sad that this was the last one!

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Parks and Recreation: Season 7

For me, this is the weakest season, which is good and bad: bad because it is sad that they didn't manage to finish when on the top. Good because it makes it easy to go on and watch other sitcoms!

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Parks and Recreation: Season 6

As with the previous season: there are some very funny episodes, others are good and a few are mediocre. All in all a fun watch but not more.

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Dexter: Season 8


Well, as always, very gory and brutal. It's not the best season IMHO but I have to disagree with the other posters here: I think it was a worthy and good finish! Additionally Dexter got exactly what he deserved!
Maybe got even more than he deserved by keeping this life because, let's face it, in the end it was him who was responsible for the murder of some innocents (e.g. LaGuerta or Deb) and despite his Codex he's still a killing psychopath!

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Parks and Recreation: Season 3

It's OK but not hilarious. It think the setting is just too limited, the characters are too shallow and somehow there is something missing to make this third season (and Parks and Recreation in general) an outstanding season (sitcom).

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Parks and Recreation: Season 4

BlockedParent2016-02-16T07:54:02Z— updated 2016-09-11T15:03:03Z

After having finished watching The Office, I got back to Parks and Recreation. And while Season 4 is still funny, my hopes that (as did The Office) P'n'R would get better after the good but not outstanding first season were, not fulfilled: I am going to continue to watch this show but currently I do not think that I will ever love it the same way as I did The Office (or Friends, Scrubs or Big Bang Theory for that matter)!

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The Office: Season 9

During this last season the fact that for the position of "The Boss" no permanent solution was found, gets a little annoying: we had this scenario in Season 8 already. IMHO this was the reason for some of the weaker episodes.

However, overall this is another great season and especially the awesome Finale made me sad that it is all over now. I think the last episode is one of the best episodes of a sitcom I have ever seen!!!

So this leaves me with the final rating of the whole show I guess: while it cannot quite reach the brilliance of Friends, Scrubs or Big Bang Theory IMHO, The Office is definitively one of my all-time favorite sitcoms.

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The Office: Season 8

I feel that the people behind The Office did not quite know where to go after Steve Carell as Michael Scott left, but still they managed to put together a lot of hilarious episodes! So I have to agree with what Brendyn wrote: the episodes individually were mostly fantastic, but the season as a whole just felt a little weird.

However, I am definitively going to watch the last 9th season!

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The Office: Season 7

This is the last season featuring Michael Scott / Steve Carell. It is still going strong which I find amazing considering that this is the 7th year they managed to make episodes about the day to day life in an office fun, witty and so enjoyable. Looking forward to see how they tackled the new boss scenario!

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My Name Is Earl: Season 4


For sure the weakest season of them all. Don't get me wrong, there are still some very funny episodes (e.g. most of the ones with Joy and Darnell in witness protection) but there also are quite a few disappointing ones. I did especially not like episodes 4x24 - 4x26 and there are a few others that I didn't enjoy very much. Therefore, when starting to watch 4x27, I thought "Well... maybe it is not so bad that they quit after this season because everything seems to goes south". However, the hilarious very last episode "Dodge's Dad", with its Cliffhanger ending, made it quite hard for me to understand why the series was shut down!!! Stupid studios!

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My Name Is Earl: Season 3

Nothing to complain about this third season which I watched on Netflix. The show is still strong and I cannot comprehend why they shut the series down after the fourth season! But perhaps when watching the last season, which I am definitively going to do, things becomes clearer...

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My Name Is Earl: Season 2

After enjoying the first season quit a lot on Netflix, I had to continue watching and I wasn't disappointed: most episodes are really funny and despite the ever same setting (Earl tries to undo his past mistakes with the help from his friends) it does not get boring. Two thumbs up!

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My Name Is Earl: Season 1

I put off watching this for a long time and finally gave it a try on Netflix. Man, am I a moron for not having started watching this show earlier. Most episodes are hilarious and while the setting of the show seems not very promising, some how it just pulls it off. I am very much looking forward to the next seasons, its a shame that there are only four of them overall!

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Supernatural: Season 10

Great, just great! Can't wait to watch season 11

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The Office: Season 6

As good as the previous 5 seasons! Hopefully Seasons 7 - 9 can keep up!

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The Office: Season 5

Still loving it! It cannot put the finger down why it is funny, but it just is! Excluding the first season, I would say that this series is among the best ones every made: while not quite on par with Friends, Scrubs or Big Bang Theory, I would definitively name it along such great shows as Modern Family, Seinfeld or Two and a Half Men.

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The Office: Season 4

When beginning to watch "The Office" I was skeptical if a sitcom about some boring office guys doing boring office jobs could be fun for more than 1 or 2 seasons. But after watch season 4 I stand corrected: it is still hilarious and there seems to be no end in sight!

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The Office: Season 3

Wow! After the only mediocre to good 1st and the really good 2nd season, this 3rd season is the best so far!!! I can only hope that they keep up the good work for the coming seasons...

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Parks and Recreation: Season 2

Similar to "The Office", I did not love the first season of "Parks and Recreation" but decided to give Season Two a try anyway. And I am quite happy about it because it does not disappoint: while there are still some goofy and rather weak episodes, the series gets better and I hope this trend continues with Season Three, which I am going to watch for sure.

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The Office: Season 2

I'm very happy about not having given up on "The Office" after some mediocre episodes in season 1, because this second season is not only better overall but there is also not a single bad episodes. Additionally, I get to like the characters / actors more and more: while I normally do not like Steve Carell because I do not find him funny but quite a douche-bag, he is the perfect cast for Michael, a not-funny-at-all douche-bag boss!

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Supernatural: Season 9

Great! 8 seasons down and Supernatural is still going strong. I'm very happy to have found out about this series and the 9 season is a good example why: there is not a single bad episode, and although we know all the protagonist by heart by now, it does not get boring. That the angels play a (more) important part in this season (than previously) is something I like, too!

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Supernatural: Season 8

As were the previous seasons, this 8th season of Supernatural is highly entertaining!

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The Office: Season 1

Not great, but a solid and funny first season. I am going to give season 2 a try, but do not expect this sitcom to become another Scrubs or Friends.

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Modern Family: Season 1

After Big Bang, Scrubs and Friends the best sitcom I know and another great example for why a laughter track is absolutely no requirement for realizing an outstanding sitcom! I can only recommend this series!

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Chuck: Season 5

As before: funny, witty and fast paced action and spy TV series with some crazy ideas. I love the characters!

However, it becomes obvious that the producers ran out of new ideas and it is a good thing that the series ended after this fifth season before the story telling would begin to suffer!

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Chuck: Season 4

It's season four and the series is still going strong, although some aspects begin to repeat themselves.

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Chuck: Season 3

I continue to like this series! It's refreshing an a blast to watch, two thumbs up!

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Chuck: Season 2

As was season one, the second season is fun to watch and a lot is happening. I can only recommend giving Chuck and his friends a go if you like action series.

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Chuck: Season 1

Funny, witty and fast paced action / spy TV series with some over-to-top ideas. But the lovable characters make up for a lot!

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Game of Thrones: Season 1

Great opening season but still overly brutal from time to time (as are the books). Because of its fast pace the TV series is not as nerve-grating as the books are: here one's empathy with the protagonists that suffer and die is short lived because the plot is moving forward very fast while when reading the books one suffers endlessly when George R. R. Martin decides to kill off (yet) another of the good guys he built up painstakingly or when he lets the evil ones live and flourish even though moral dictates that they have to suffer or die.

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