Alexander Johnson


Sydney, Australia

RuPaul's Drag Race UK vs the World: 2x08 Grand Finale

Love all of them but Marina did not loose that lipsync

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Oh but she did, it was far from her usual standard, Hannah prepared better, on a song that is uniquely appreciated in Australia, Hannah won the second she chose the song. I understand you’re upset, it wasn’t the outcome I expected either, but accept it, she lost, and after all track record does not come into account in these lip syncs.

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Call the Midwife: 7x07 Episode 7

Destroyed me. More than any other episode. The emotional core of the show.

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I just watched it again, honestly how dare you? Still how very dare you!?

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Battle Beyond the Stars

This was perfect fine. This obvious rip on the success of Star Wars was not offensive, lower budget of course and it shows. Overall it was fine. Not life changing, but I understand why it’s a cult classic.

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Enjoyable trash I suppose. It is very slow paced for sure.

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Masters of the Universe: Revelation

Nothing tastes as good as salty dude bro tears, honestly watching all these men have a tantrum makes this even better.

As a nineties kid I never watched HeMan, and honestly it’s too dated for me to enjoy at this point, so I am coming in fresh here. But this is amazing animation, and incredible voice talent.

The story is compelling and enjoyable, with twists and wonderful female empowerment. This is modern animation at its finest and I am very invested in the future of this program.

I hope to see queer representation also as was done with She-Ra.

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@kaisaria once again I say, this is not Twitter I’m not going to sit here and argue my review with you. Almost every other review is harsh, critical, and in my opinion over the top. I’m sorry it’s not what you expected or hoped for but sometimes things change. This is my review, I liked it. I liked it more because people were mad and I happen to like progressive, feminist forward media. That’s it, that’s my review. Feel free to post your own which I won’t comment and argue with, let me be the one person in fifth that likes something and hopefully my review will be seen by somebody and will encourage them to watch it, rather than listen to the fifty people who aren’t watching it for what it is and are stuck with their childhood memories. Sometimes things are not for you and that’s okay,

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Masters of the Universe: Revelation

Nothing tastes as good as salty dude bro tears, honestly watching all these men have a tantrum makes this even better.

As a nineties kid I never watched HeMan, and honestly it’s too dated for me to enjoy at this point, so I am coming in fresh here. But this is amazing animation, and incredible voice talent.

The story is compelling and enjoyable, with twists and wonderful female empowerment. This is modern animation at its finest and I am very invested in the future of this program.

I hope to see queer representation also as was done with She-Ra.

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@johnsonalexander150 NOTHING about this series was compelling :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:.... I find it so telling that those of your ilk never want to create something brand new, but you're ALWAYS willing to take what someone else created and deconstruct it and/or destroy it to push an ideological narrative. so compelling....:grimacing:

And FYI: criticizing something as 'terrible' because IT IS terrible is not "dude bro tear tantrums". it's simply criticizing

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You are entitled to your opinion, as is everyone. But my opinion is that this is good, I enjoyed it, and the fact that so many people are offended makes it better for me. Now kindly get over yourself and keep off my reviews, this isn’t Twitter we’re not having an argument about this. If I am the only person who likes this show and left it a positive review why does that offend you enough to post a rebuttal.

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A Clockwork Orange

At the top of the list of the most deranged movies I've ever seen.

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@lesajm And you gave it a three?

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Pose: 3x03 The Trunk

That opening scene was one of the most powerful things this amazing program has ever produced. I continue to be impressed by where this show goes.

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Honestly this entire episode was heartfelt, wholesome, magical, and exciting. Elektra deserved this episode!

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"buncha slack jawwed faggots!..this stuff'll make you a goddamn sexual ty-rannasaurus...just like mmee"

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@mr-sackamano did you seriously just ask me to be tolerant of a gay slur? As a gay man? Are you deficient. I mean should I have just left this alone? Yes I should have, this is the wrong forum for this kind of discussion. But to ask me to be tolerant of something that directly offends me and is used to other me? Wow.

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"buncha slack jawwed faggots!..this stuff'll make you a goddamn sexual ty-rannasaurus...just like mmee"

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@mr-sackamano yes a homophobic movie quote, using a word that should never have been used. So please do better.

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"buncha slack jawwed faggots!..this stuff'll make you a goddamn sexual ty-rannasaurus...just like mmee"

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@mr-sackamano flag the homophobia thanks.

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This movie is special to me. There's just something about it, the general feeling/vibe it has. I don't really know, I just really like it.

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@devalabra Girl, same. Just same.

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