Alexander Johnson


Sydney, Australia

RuPaul's Drag Race UK vs the World: 2x01 The Queens' Variety Show

Shout by Alexander Johnson
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-02-10T08:25:37Z— updated 2024-02-12T12:26:57Z

Thank god get rid of Mayhem, filler from the start. I’m upset that we didn’t get Cracker like we were supposed to.

Some amazing international talent this season.

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Battle Beyond the Stars

This was perfect fine. This obvious rip on the success of Star Wars was not offensive, lower budget of course and it shows. Overall it was fine. Not life changing, but I understand why it’s a cult classic.

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Plot? What plot? Character development? Who’s she? It’s tragic given the cast. Basically the series took all the best from the book and the movie and really improved it in every way. Ultimately this movie is a wash because the series was made, if you loved the book I’m sure you’ll enjoy this, but never watch this after seeing the series.

TW: Racism, Sexism, Homophobia

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I was so bored I could die. This is easily one of the worst horror movies I’ve ever seen. Dakota Johnson gives her usual monotone level of bullshit, but I’d argue it’s mostly a trash fire script. Basically just don’t even bother. I’m so mad at myself for sitting through this.

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Masters of the Universe: Revelation

Nothing tastes as good as salty dude bro tears, honestly watching all these men have a tantrum makes this even better.

As a nineties kid I never watched HeMan, and honestly it’s too dated for me to enjoy at this point, so I am coming in fresh here. But this is amazing animation, and incredible voice talent.

The story is compelling and enjoyable, with twists and wonderful female empowerment. This is modern animation at its finest and I am very invested in the future of this program.

I hope to see queer representation also as was done with She-Ra.

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Doctor Who: 13x01 The Halloween Apocalypse

I consider Doctor Who to be very similar to Star Wars. In the sense that it’s all Star Wars, you can have favourite characters and episodes, but saying things like “I don’t like the prequels they ruined it”, I’m sorry but you’re not a real Star Wars fan. This mentality can be used with Doctor Who. People who don’t skip whole seasons because they don’t like the person playing the character or the show runner is bad is not a real Doctor Who fan. This is what the show is, complaining about it won’t make you enjoy it more. Jodie is an amazing Doctor, Yaz is a great companion. You’re all just complainers.

I love this return to serial style set up. This episode is obviously all setup and there was a lot of characters to keep track of, but I really enjoyed this. I’m excited to see where it goes. I love this. Is it my favourite Doctor? Companion? Show Runner? No. But I understand and accept those things are out of my control. It’s all Doctor Who. And it’s all good.

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NCIS: Sydney

As an Australian this is just ridiculous, crimes like this don’t happen. We don’t have access to guns like this, it’s just completely unrealistic. The American acting is tragic and out of place, the Australianism is turned up just a little too far for my liking. I forgave the first episode but by the end of the second I just can’t. No.

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The Invisible Man

I was so bored. Don’t bother.

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Queer Eye: 8x06 When I Say Sexy, You Say

Karamo’s entire story with Anh was absolutely disgusting. He may be, or at one time, a licensed psychotherapist, but he has no right to do that, no right to do it on television. He should have sat her down and said “you have many unresolved issues and you need therapy to heal” and taken her through the process of applying for therapy and asking the right questions.

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The Boys

God this was exhausting, it drags and drags, we get it superheroes are bad guys, blood and guys, loooooooong episodes with bizarre sex and stuff.

Let me say this I’m not crapping on the violence or the sex, it’s just not done tastefully and it just won’t stop. I lost interest half way through season one and I am just incapable of stopping midway through.

It’s basically torture

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 14x07 The Daytona Wind

Why are we here? This challenge was bullshit, adding the farts and fart humour were stupid, no bottom two, everyone safe. What the fuck is this? I get it we have a safe because Kornbread went home, but look we're all steamed that we don't have Kornbread we want some of these filler bitches gone. Also some of these costumes are hella questionable and continue to be questionable. Just... I don't care. Willow, Bosco, Angeria top three right night lets just skip to the end now because I just don't give a fuck. Props to Lady Camdon for the win, that runways was great, but you won't win the season so yeah lets just jump to the end I don't care about all the filler.

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Call the Midwife: 7x07 Episode 7

Destroyed me. More than any other episode. The emotional core of the show.

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Karaoke musicals are bullshit. Either use Rodger and Hammerstein’s music or write your own. All but two of the cast have a strong enough voice to carry the movie.

The movie itself is fine, I have no issue with the plot. The costuming, the acting, and script are all fine, it’s funny. Cinematography could be better though.

But honestly it’s very let’s get a bunch of very now people, to sing music that is either very now or everyone knows. Most of the cast have just meh voices, breathy and poppy and meh, barely appropriate for music they’re singing.

Also James Cordon, why.

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Pose: 3x03 The Trunk

That opening scene was one of the most powerful things this amazing program has ever produced. I continue to be impressed by where this show goes.

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RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: 9x07 Meeting In The Ladies Room

That was the worst acting challenge in years.

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Doctor Who: 1x05 Dot and Bubble

That was exceptional, it was so subtle. Privilege rivilege is a hell of a drug, I didn’t see any of it. That honestly hurt.

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FEUD: 2x01 Pilot

Sorry, the incredible acting aside, I can’t stand his voice, and let’s be honest it’s not Susan Sarandon and Jessica Lange as Bette Davis and Joan Crawford and it never will be

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 16x05 Girl Groups

This season is just not giving, cut the filler please. I mean this episode is a start, but I can already tell top three and just move on with it.

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Queen of Oz

This is much better if you’re Australian I’ve got to say. More please, it was great.

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RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: 3x06 Handmaids To Kitty Girls

Just straight up iconic queer television.

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Canada's Drag Race: 4x01 Premiere Ball

Give it to denim, let’s not belabour this.

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RuPaul's Drag Race UK: 5x08 Episode 8

That was incorrect on many levels

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NCIS: Sydney: 1x01 Gone Fission

As an Australian, cringe big time cringe, but just kind of good enough for me to keep going. But yeah this will get cancelled after the first season for sure.

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Everything Everywhere All at Once

Deserved every single Oscar, every single award, it was exceptional story telling from beginning to end.

But also give Angela Basset her Oscar as well.

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Not bashing it, but it was the second sports anime I watched, I wished it was the first because Yuri on Ice!!! Is infinitely better.

The characters are fantastic though, well written, likeable, their intentions and motivations are fantastic, their relationships are even better. I enjoyed what I got through. But my god it was repetitive, not as bad as Dragon Ball or Naruto (not Shippudin) but it was an effort to get the second season

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Killing Eve: 4x08 Hello, Losers

The actual fuck was that!? I am beyond pissed. :relaxed::relaxed::relaxed:

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RuPaul's Drag Race UK: 5x05 Episode 5

Well, Ru can’t be accused of favouritism.

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An exceptional movie, I am baffled that Tetris took so much to make happen. I highly recommend, it’s a long movie but so full of twist and turns that you don’t even notice! A thrilling ride from start to finish.

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Castlevania: Nocturne

A fantastic spiritual successor to the original. I thoroughly enjoyed these new characters and new plots. I can’t wait for more and see these stories fleshed out and see if they can top the original

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Hocus Pocus 2

The first twenty minutes, amazing!

Everything else was a complete and total let down as I knew it would be. There was a reason it wasn’t done for over twenty years.

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