


The Wicked Lady

It'd be interesting to see this remade with a more sympathetic version of Barbara, an intelligent woman, full of life but given the times, her only options were marriage and a trapped life.

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On second watch this is a bit meh, not scary enough, although a few good jump moments.
I enjoyed it a lot on more my first watch ( ) but it really doesn't reward a second viewing.

I'll still be off to watch the second chapter though.

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Dialogue is bit too philosophical and ott at times, and it lost me at some point in the middle, but there are some really great moments in it.

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Kept me entertained, but certainly wouldn't be one I'd be rushing to rewatch.

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I'm not sure I buy the romance at all in this film, and isn't he like old enough to be her father... but it's a nice watch.

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Smokey and the Bandit

Ah this is just a classic. Remember watching it so many times on video, not because it was great, but because it was one of the few videos we actually owned!

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Game of Thrones: 5x07 The Gift

I like the idea of the Sand sisters, but think they're depicted in a quite cartoonish way.

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This Is Us: 2x03 Déjà Vu

Sly! Also a big fan of Rocky

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The Last Kingdom

Shout by Dearbhla

You know, it really doesn't pay to be a woman in Uhtred's life does it...

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Professor Marston and the Wonder Women

Interesting, and entertained me while I was watching but I get the feeling that it glossed over a lot of things. Rebecca Hall was fantastic, but her character's worries didn't seem to get much explanation.

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Primal Fear

So I think the title is a bit misleading, makes you think it'll have more of an unsettling atmosphere.
Also I have an issue with the ending, not that it's bad, but it does perpetuate the stereotype that mental health issues are merely fake excuses that let criminals get away scott free, and even trained experts can be fooled.

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Star Trek: 2x12 The Deadly Years

Kirk really needs to check himself, surely the crew and the ship come before his pride in his own abilities.

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First rewatch in a long time, and I really don't think it's as good as I remember. Everything is well done, looks and sounds great. But all a bit full of its own importance and men being menly.

De Niro gives a great performance, but Pacino is a tad too GREAT ASS! To work for me

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The Duel

It tries, but never really succeeds. Also the plot with the wife just never made much sense

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American Made

It is an interesting film, but it never quite works. I mean are we supposed to empathise with Cruise's character? Cause he is a bad dude, no questions. He may not be shooting people but he taking money from murderers and facilitating the expansion of their business. I don't think that aspect was ever really explored, the consequences of the business he was in.

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Star Trek: 2x16 The Gamesters of Triskelion

You know I'm getting pretty fed up with the Kirk is "teh uber" and wins at everything and is always right.

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I enjoyed this a certain amount. For such a long film though the story could have been better with development rather than sudden jumps in character interaction.
Also I now want more about the witchy woman. Best thing in it

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not sure why this one got so panned on relief. it was pretty much what you'd expect from the premise. not fantastic, but enjoyable enough tosh

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Interesting, plenty of dark humour, and we'll told.

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Color Out of Space

Full Nicholas Cage, with alien lovecraftian horror.

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The Celts: 1x01 ...In the Beginning

Amazing how dated this looks. I still enjoyed it and will watch more, but I but damn, 2001 was a looooong time ago!

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The Ghost of Monk's Island

A lot of this film makes absolutely no sense. It was still good fun, and a perfect Sunday afternoon sort of film.

But you have to feel that if it was made to day no child would be allowed out in a boat by themselves so it'd be over fairly quickly :)

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Not great, but not terrible either.

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Uncut Gems

Performances were great. Story was tense. But it was just so shouty and Howard was so intolerable that it didn't engage me at all

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City Slickers

Entertaining enough in it's way

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Out of the Fog

Average enough film, although the soundtrack was a bit over the top with its jauntiness

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Star Trek: 2x14 Wolf in the Fold

I'm sorry did Spock really say that the reason this serial killer murders women is because women feel more fear than men, and are easier to scare! say what now!

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I remember first watching this, thought it was hilarious. Now I feel it is mildly entertaining.

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Shot Caller

So I expected this film to be pretty awful and only really watched it because of Coster-Waldau. And while I can't say that it is a great film, or even a very good one, I did find it an interesting take on the prison film. Also, it has Jon Bernthal, so that's a point for it in and of itself.

It is full of violence, fairly raw violence at that, but it is worth watching to see how the prison environment can make a criminal.

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Isle of Dogs

I was disappointed with this to be honest. It was okay, and had some nice touches but didn't work for me overall

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