

Orlando, Florida


Not much I can say about it, but it has quite a number of memorable moments. James Franco is wonderful as always, in any movie he's in. The cast are all first-rate and deliver pretty good performances. The things that bring the movie down for me, are the sometimes terrible visual effects, and the cliche'd elements of the story. It's definitely not very original at times, in terms of presentation, which is interesting, considering it's based on a true story. But there are some visually unique and clever moments that make this an above average period piece.

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Mortal Kombat

This is one of the best video game to movie adaptations ever made. Such a campy classic. I love this movie, even if it has some obvious flaws.

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Don't Breathe

What a great thriller. It doesn't go that far beyond it's concept, but it still kept me engaged and on the edge of my seat, guessing what was going to happen next.

From the people behind Evil Dead, and the amazing Sam Raimi, is a very effective horror?/thriller burglar movie. The direction from Fede Álvarez is just as great as he always is. Lots of panning long takes and a vivid color scheme, even for a movie that takes place in a dark, moody house. I wasn't necessarily terrified at what I was watching, but plenty of new scenarios kept coming up that interested me the entire runtime. The night-vision scene in the basement is one of the coolest sequences I've seen executed in quite awhile.

There's plenty of little twists and turns here and there, maybe a little predictable at parts, but nonetheless, still a very exciting and worthwhile suspense feature.

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The Onion Movie

The most underrated comedy of all time. I mean that.

This has non-stop hilarious skits every minute and every single one hits their mark (Minus one). Each one tackles a different modern topic, ranging from movie critics, to identity politics, to terrorism, to advertising, to celebrities, black people, white people, etc. No one is left behind in this satire of epic proportions. It seriously had me rolling with laughter throughout the entire movie. Steven Seagal as Cock Puncher needs to be a real movie.

I adore this movie. I love it more than Spaceballs.

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The second the movie falls apart is when the mother turns into a bear.

First half okay, second half garbage.

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The Secret Life of Pets

Holy crap, I need to make a video comparing this movie to Toy Story, 'cause some of the plot elements and even lines of dialogue are identical to the Toy Story trilogy. That being said, the movie itself is just above average. Decent music, pretty good animation, and some genuinely funny moments that bring this rip-off to enjoyable-enough levels.

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Mower Minions

I give the Minions a small pass, because they're basically just like those old cartoons from the 40's and 50's that they would show before a movie would begin. The only problem is, the timing doesn't work at some moments. Only 1 joke in this entire short got me to chuckle. The rest was just filler, so at least, thankfully, it was short.

What am I doing with my life, writing this?

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R.I.P. Chester Bennington from Linkin Park

Their song, "What I've Done," plays in the end credits of this movie.

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Mad Max

Reddit has no idea what they're missing out on, they're too busy circlejerking the shit out of Fury Road.

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Super Mario Bros.

Despite it's clunky story, undeveloped characters, and not being faithful to the source material by any stretch, it still holds a special place in my heart. But even so, as a movie on it's own, it's a visual marvel. The underground dystopian city that King Koopa and his minions live is straight out of Tim Burton's Batman, and it's one of the most gorgeous cities ever, even on the same level as Blade Runner. Some of the jokes are cringy, but they're fun in a nostalgic kind of way. I might be a bit biased, and no, it's not a great movie that I'd recommend to normal people, but I still enjoy it. At least check out some of the scenes with clear views of the city. Also, the poster is fucking awesome. It's pure 90's.

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The Empire Strikes Back

Would anyone of my followers like to see me take on the Star Wars movies before the crap-fest Han Solo spin-off comes out? I have some thoughts I could get off my chest, but it'd take awhile to write.

Just going to throw this out there: I like The Phantom Menace.

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My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown

This is the movie where Daniel Day-Lewis truly shines. Easily his best performance role to date, with Lincoln and There Will Be Blood respectively going after. I don't have time now to do a full review, I'll update this later, but go watch this movie! I'm actually shocked at how few people have seen this. Incredible display of acting talent.

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Bowling for Columbine

I remember we watched this in Film class about manipulation in documentary. And I think that exercise still holds up. I don't see why audiences defend this cheat, especially given Moore's recent releases like "Michael Moore in Trumpland." He's the living embodiment, yes, the physical definition of bias-ism in film. Every single one of his films are filled to the brim with one-sided arguments and strawman points, and that's why I think his movies are fascinating to examine. No, not for the content itself, but how Moore constructs his movies. I'm amazed people still pass this guy off as some kind of genius. He's a hack artist, but a good one, I'll admit. I could list off point by point examples in his movies, like the lie about healthcare in Canada, but it'd take too long. Just don't bother with his movies for anything other than film analysis.

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I didn't have time to watch a full movie today, so this short will suffice. Too bad what I picked had to be garbage. I like the idea in concept. For a Halloween live special, Blumhouse productions did a fake live snuff film recording at a Halloween party. This sounds like a cool idea, one that could lend itself to an unprecedented online experience, but the execution here is fucking garbage. It feels so amateurish in it's costuming, set design, lighting, acting, and just everything. Nothing sticks, nothing is scary, and there are so many periods of time and gaps of stuff just not happening. I can't count how many times I wanted to shut it off.

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Darkness, Light, Darkness

Like yesterday, I didn't have enough time to squeeze a feature-length horror film, so I had to suffice to watch a bunch of shorts instead. However, just so there's a topic, I turned to Jan Svankmajer. His surrealist style of stop-motion animation is quite a product of the time. I felt a random rush of emotions and thoughts as I watched this piece, mostly of amusement. The animation can be a little creepy at moments, but you can't deny the fascinating and undeniable talent Svankmajer has. His clay-mation throughout all the shorts I've seen, notably his music video, Another Kind Of Love, are all grotesque and off-putting, but there was an intrigue to it that kept me watching. Worth checking these out.

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American Made

That was fucking badass. And hilarious. Two Doug Liman movies this year and they're both fantastic. I'm not going to say anything else. You have to see this for yourself. I love it. Technically this isn't a horror movie, but this is all I saw today.

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Easy watch today, because again, I'm busy with life and other projects. I'm a fan of Hardcastle's work, from his Pingu's The Thing and his other clay-mation work. Chainsaw Maid though, is a very peculiar series of videos. I love chainsaws in my horror films and this seemed like the perfect combination of sexy and horrific, but there's a good balance. I almost view this maid as the Ripley from Alien: a badass that has to protect a kid. Now, for some reason, Hardcastle has an extreme fetish for this clay-mation and the maid doesn't finally get nude until the third part, which is actually the worst one, but the first works. If you're going to watch any of these, just watch the first, The other two just aren't good enough for recommendations.

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Donnie Darko

Was not expecting to like this one as much as I did. I don't think it's a masterpiece or like the greatest movie ever, but that's not to say I was fully intrigued and focused on it from beginning to end. Enough engaging sequences and surprisingly funny scenes brought this psychological ride to the level that I would consider to be great. I don't necessarily get the huge fan-base it's gotten, but I could see it as more of a cult hit. It's a bizarre movie and not one I'll probably revisit soon, but I'm glad I saw it. When Donnie ripped into Jim Cunningham, I was on the verge of laughing my ass off. That scene alone earns this movie at least four stars.

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The Purge

Eh, for what it is, it's enjoyable enough. What really elevates this movie up though is it's brilliant concept, and how it actually has an effect on it's characters and resolution. There's a few points in the middle I didn't care for, and motivations that felt extremely unrealistic, but it's got it where it counts. I hear the sequels are better though, so I'm excited to watch those. This could use a bit of tweaking, but I'm going to be nice and give this a generous pass. Didn't hate it, don't think it's amazing, but I think it's a cool idea.

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American Beauty

I guess this movie's like non-fiction now, right guys?

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Michael Lives: The Making of Halloween

Easily one of the best movie making documentaries ever to be created. Even if you don't care for Zombie's movie, the level of detail that was put into this FOUR HOUR bonus feature is astounding. I want to keep reliving the first time watching. Just a seriously fantastic compilation. Screw those nerdwriter1-esque video essays on Youtube, if you want to actually get into making movies and understanding the business for real, watch this now. It's like you're experiencing everything in real time.

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Blade Runner 2049

Not sure how to rate this one. Just saw it. Will have to let it sit with me for a bit. I do know that I liked it, though. Just not sure if I only liked or loved it.

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The Strangers

That sequence where Glenn Howerton walks slowly through the house while the Mama Tried vinyl plays, and the killer follows behind him, makes this movie worth a watch just for that. A couple of unnecessary slow sequences, but goddamn, there's some nuggets of sheer brilliance locked in this movie. A little more work on the writing would've helped, but overall, the direction and choice of music was superb. I'll be revisiting this movie just for some of the great scenes scattered throughout.

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Snow Steam Iron

To think, Zack Snyder made a more visually interesting movie with his iPhone than Marvel does with IMAX cameras. This short speaks volumes about the movie-making process.

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The Fat and Lean Wrestling Match

Easily my favorite of all of Georges Méliès' films. I was actually laughing out-loud while watching this. An silly and over-the-top visual acting comedy sketch that's timeless in it's humor.

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The Disaster Artist

Like Tommy said, "You can laugh, you can cry, you can express yourself. Just don't hurt yourself."

When they started comparing scenes from this movie to the original during the end credits, I nearly lost my cool in the theater. This movie is not just a masterpiece, but an important one. Everyone is invited to come live on Tommy's planet, where we all love each other, and the world is a better place to live. Anyone who has dreams should watch this movie. It's not just a humorous look at the strange creature that is Tommy, but an inspiration to those who want to make it big in any industry. It hits the mark on every technical level, but manages to tell a surprisingly mixed emotional fable, like, it's hard to believe this really happen. It's human behavior, as Tommy says in the movie.

I can't watch The Room the same way again. James Franco, you are brilliant, sir.

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Annie Oakley

Annie Oakley > Atomic Blonde

I have nothing else to say about this, I just decided to make a random comment as I marathon a bunch of short films before the year ends. Happy New Year, everyone!

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The Snowman

Thanks to 4chan, this movie is now so bad it's funny.

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The Dark Tower

Not one scene lasts more than two minutes. I started timing it, like I got a calculator out and starting counting the amount of time each scene had. As someone who's becoming a professional editor, this movie offends me. This is beyond embarrassing. This is a marvel. It needs to be shown in film and editing classes on what not to do. You could study this. Sony's lucky they had Jumanji last year. I almost want them to fail after this pile of predictable, formulaic, mediocre, bland, and sensory-raping trash. I started laughing my ass off at one part where Matthew McConaughey's dialogue didn't match his lips at all. I had to take frequent breaks every ten minutes just so I could stomach this hour and a half disaster. Like, just, fuck this movie and everyone who edited it.

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Mary and The Witch's Flower

You know that thing people do when they re-watch a movie to test if it was the initial hype or bias blinding them from objective deconstructing? Well, re-watching Mary and the Witch's Flower did the opposite, it confirmed my hype. My rating is actually going up to my perfect-tier. I had tears in my eyes during the credits. Any film that can do that automatically gets five stars, because that is so hard to do to me. I don't like to think I'm cynical towards movies, but at the same time, I think movies have to earn their emotional pay-offs, I hate being cheated. I don't at all feel cheated with Mary. I had minor problems with the script the first viewing, but on a second-view, I don't have those problems anymore. I absolutely adore this movie, I hope more people can see this. Because this was a Fathom Events, we got a sneak-preview after the movie showing concept art for Studio Ponoc's next movie. I'm so happy the movie was a success to further their studio along.

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