



I caught a glimpse of the trailer and thought this could be nice. I had no idea what to expect when I started watching. Maybe that wasn´t a bad point to start from because I really liked this movie. It´s entertaining, visually great but it has a serious underlying message that isn´t thrown down your throat 10 times over. I liked that.

I would also like to give special praise to Raffey Cassidy who I think performed awesome.

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United States of Bacon

Probably the unhealthiest food on the planet but, man, that stuff looks so tasty. Unfortunately there is a whole ocean that seperates me.

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The Real McCoy

Well, you watch a 22 year old movie you got 22 year old lame writing. Not a total bust but highly predictable and not well played either.

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Avengers: Age of Ultron

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParentSpoilers2015-09-27T23:15:52Z— updated 2017-11-20T19:13:55Z

Has it´s Highs and Lows. Technically this is brilliant - but this is almost a given today in this genre. Don´t get me wrong, I liked the movie as I do a lot of the other Marvel stuff. It´s just that the movies today feel pretty common whereas a couple of years ago they were something special. And I don´t think that more and bigger fights with more CGI thrown at it equals better movie. I didn´t like Ultron - he just wasn´t convincing enough.

There is one thing I didn´t like in this movie and that is the parts where they are trying to force something to be funny - like the scene in the Audi near the end (there were other scenes before as well). Personally, I think that´s lame. But that´s just me.

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The Muppets

It´s "The Muppets" not "The Muppet Show" so don´t expect a remake of the 70´s format. This is a totally different, more modern, take and one should approach it as such. Me, I like it and I´m looking forward to see how it will develop

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The Gunman

"The Gunman" is a straight forward action movie that doesn´t differ much from others of this genre. And I don´t mean that in a negative way. Not having 500 CGI shots and explosions by the minute is not cause for calling this movie shit. Actually this kind works better for me.

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Red Army

I´m not sure if I would categorize this is as a hockey/sport documentation or if it´s a political documentary. In case of the former Soviet Union the lines between both topics were always very faint. This film is more about how the athletes were pressured and used by their government. It´s about how sports was only a means to deliver the Soviet doctrine. It is really interesting and although I´m a decade long hockey fan I learned some things from this. There is a lot of interesting original footage but if you are looking for game highlights this is the wrong film.

But, wether you´re a hockey fan or more interested in the political side, this is worth viewing.

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Jupiter Ascending

If only they had put more effort in the script this could have been a really good movie. The background story was really interesting but they got almost nothing out of it. Technically, or should I say visually, this was great. I´d go as far as saying in that regard it beats a lot of recent movies. I can live with the acting. Let´s be honest - Star Wars don´t became a huge success because of great acting.

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Tank Overhaul

I would have liked to see more of the actual restoration work, more detail. There are so many documentarys already.

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Furious 7

Anybody complaining about the lack of realism & story clearly doesn´t understand what Fast & Furious stands for.

Please let this be the last one of the franchise and stand as a tribute to Paul.

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I guess I´m 30 years too old for this because all this gangsta behavior really annoyed me. Those brain-dead characters and all this crap talk destroyed the whole idea of the movie for me which is a shame because technically this was really good.

Furthermore I think that was Jackmann´s worst role and Weaver´s was rather insignificant. So I conclude they were casted to gain interest for the US market.

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When the Game Stands Tall

You should expect a lot of cheesy clichés.

Oh, and the plot description has it all wrong. It´s about getting them back on track after loosing the streak.

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Black Box

Shout by FinFan

I´m normally not into this kind of show - medical drama that is. Saw Kelly Reilly somewhere else and I wanted to see something else from her. Well, Kelly is great in this one but the show in general - I don´t know.

It´s entertaining but I have some issues. It´s weird that about half of the characters working in a neurological institute have themselves mental problems of some kind. What are the odds ? The brilliant surgeon who sleeps with every nurse and than falls in love with the beautiful doctor at the clinic - a bit to cliché. That love caroussel, the on-again-off-again relationship/engagement, the one night stand that becomes a stalker - the show tries to be too much without beeing outstanding in any one part.

Maybe if it would have gotten another season it might have played out satisfactory. And here is where I´m getting more and more anrgy with Networks nowadays. I went into this fully aware it was a cancelled show. But please, if you do cancel, do so in time for the writers to get at least some form of closure.

Rating is 6 for the show and +1 for Kelly.

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The Company

This is great. Even with the names involved I didn´t expect this level of quality from a TV show. Great Cast, loved Michael Keaton.

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CI5: The New Professionals

I needed one episode, or to be exact 15 minutes of it, to decide that this it not worth my time.

As a successor to the original Professionals this is an epic failure. Thin charaters, poor acting, weak story - the whole setup is wrong. Even if you view it as a stand alone show - this is bad with a capital "B". There are better shows of that genre. I can absolutely understand this didn´t get more than 13 episodes.

After going through the first and part of the second episode I quit.

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Our Girl
The Theory of Everything

Beautiful movie, higly emotional. Amazing performance not only from Redmayne. Loved every minute of it.

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Taken 3

OK, I´m a bit biased ´cause I´m a Neeson fan but this was actually quite good. Better than the second but doesn´t reach the first. I like that it´s not all out over the top action. This is more reminiscent of action movies of the 80s or maybe 90s. I like that.

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Taking into account that this is 50 years old this really is entertaining. I liked Fireball XL5 so it was logical to go with this. You recognioze the amount of work and dare I say love that went into this even if the stories from our point of view now apear silly.

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Lost in Transmission

Well, another car builder format. And it follows the same rules as the other ones - building cars for an unrealistic budget in a timeframe that can´t be done. So why do I watch it ? I´m a car nut and it´s the before-after effect I want to see. The rest I just ignore.

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You´ve got to give it to the BBC, they know how to make great documentaries. The amount of work they put into this is amazing. They came up with the most awesome footage of sharks I´ve ever seen. Whether you´re interested in sharks alone or in sea life in general this is higly recommended.

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Expedition Great White

Very dissapointed by this one. I´m very interested in sharks but this is more like a soap than a serious documentary. Didn`t made it through the third episode.

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These Final Hours

The plot sounded interesting but I just never reached a point where it peaked. the whole movie just is flat. And althought it might sound a bit zynical - but if it`s the end of the world what does it really matter what you do ?

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The Classic Car Show

As much as I love shows about cars, especially classics, I could have done without those stiff moderators and their scripted commentary. As much as the content is concerned this is more a show about the lifestyle and less about the history and technical part of classic cars.

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Fireball XL5

You have to take into account when this was made but I had a lot of fun watching this.

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About what I expected. Not to overdramatic which is a plus. I wish there would have been more detail but maybe they can`t do it for security reasons. But they show that it takes a lot of work and dedication to become a fighter pilot. And sometimes not even that is enough.

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When I first read the plot I thought this could be interesting, something new. But it became something else entirely - and in the process unfortunately not so new and interesting.

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Lords of the Car Hoards

Well, another car building show. I like the idea with the hoards and Rick Dore sure has a name in the business. But what is it with these car shows there is so much garbage going on besides the build. Why has there to be constant fighting about almost everything. What´s the deal? First of all it´s not very convincing, it looks and feels staged. And second we all know that in the end they get it done and everything will be fine. So why not just concentrate on the build. I think that would make these shows a lot better.

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Man On The Moon with Walter Cronkite

This stuff is old. And by old I mean really old. Newest material is from early/mid 80ies, most of it though from the 60s. It´s not a typical docu, it`s a recollection oftentimes only the pictures without any narrative. Still with hours of original and untampered footage this has some merit. But propably only if you really have an interest in the subject.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2014-12-06T12:47:32Z— updated 2016-06-26T11:58:14Z

I wouldn´t categorize Godzilla as an awful movie in general. It´s not worse than most of the other Hollywood blockbuster. But it also isn´t a must-see movie by any means. For me it has one general flaw. Although I like the idea of not showing minute-long monster fights, because we`ve seen enough of that in other movies, it doesn´t work here. You need strong and interesting characters to support such a move and that´s what´s missing here.

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