


Transformers: Age of Extinction

Yes, story is thin. Characters are weak - but, hey, it´s Transformers not Shakespeare. Liked it better than the last one. Could have been half an hour shorter, though.

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Family Guy: 22x13 Lifeguard Meg

I have no idea what the intention was with this episode. Was hoping for a cool Meg story which this wasn't.

The Chase commercial was good, though.

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Family Guy: 22x04 Old World Harm

That was actually a really good episode.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 1x12 Days of Future Past (2)

Mystique is Rogue’s adoptive mom ?! That's a forced plot twist if I've ever seen one.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 1x02 Night of the Sentinels (2)

I'm actually surprised they killed off one of the X-men. That's unusual in itself and for a kids show even more so.

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Futurama: 8x09 The Prince and the Product

Wow, that was incredibly .... boring ? Stupid ? A waste of time ? All of it ?

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Star Wars Rebels: 1x11 Call to Action

The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.

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Star Wars Rebels: 1x10 Vision of Hope

That's actually a neat twist that Trayvis isn't the hope for rebellion but rather a tool for the Empire to find and get rid of anyone who opposes them.

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Star Wars Rebels: 1x05 Out of Darkness

Some good character background and development for Sabine but basically a monster-of-the-week kind of episode. Still fun to watch.

We do hear the name "Fulcrum" for the first time and I'm surprised I didn't recognize the symbol when I watched this the first time.

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The Simpsons: 34x22 Homer's Adventures Through the Windshield Glass

I like the idea with the suspended car crash but the story itself was really weak. Again, I must add. And that's not even taking into account this was the 750th episode.

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Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham

Animation isn't bad. But it's yet another interpretation and the horror element with all those monsters doesn't work for me.

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Vikings: Valhalla: 2x06 Leap of Faith

Hmm, I guess that works, too. Dead is dead. But wasn't as satisfying if I'm honest.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x05 Partings

Lying, cheating, backstabbing, scheming - this sure has GoT traits doesn't it ?

But this was the first episode where I felt for the first time that the story is progressing. Things are happening and motives are laid out.

I found one thing particulary interesting and maybe I'm just reading too much into it. When Halbrand talked to Galadriel about the dark things he'd done they showed the Humans bowing to Adar. Are those two seperate timelines ? Also, could Adar really be Sauron ? Could the Stranger be Gandalf ?

And that song they used for the end credit is absolutely beautiful.

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Light & Magic
Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x05 Part V
Prehistoric Planet: 1x03 Freshwater

Watching this I cannot help but wonder how the planet would look like today, had it not been for a stray comet some 65 million years ago.

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The First Lady: 1x05 see saw

Pfeiffer does an amazing job as Betty Ford. That last scene was immensely powerful.

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The Pentaverate: 1x01 Episode 1

Ok, it's not a street sweeper kind of show. It's the Mike Myers revival show and he seems to be stuck a couple of decades in the past. The best parts I'd say are more in the background. But it's only six episodes, about three hours. The idea is cool, so I stick with it.

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x07 Monsters

If you've watched Neeson's latest movies you know what to expect. If you're looking for anything more than that, you shouldn't bother watching.

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Vikings: Valhalla: 1x01 The Greenlanders

Really good start for the show. Some of the shots looked amazing. The pacing was good as was the fight choreography. They managed to introduce all the characters without rushing through it and establish a basis for their actions.

I quit watching "Vikings" at the beginning of S5 because it held nothing of interest for me any longer. This looks very promising and I hope it stays that way.

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The Chronicles of Narnia
Monsters at Work: 1x04 The Big Wazowskis

I'm really looking forward to the new episodes each week. The MIFTers are carrying the show now. I start smiling just by looking at them.

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Monsters at Work: 1x03 The Damaged Room

Working at MIFT must be a dangerous profession as they seem to have lost a lot of employees according to Cutter.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x04 The Whole World Is Watching

Ahh, why did they help that a*** Captain? I so enjoyed how they beat the shit out of him.
If you'd ask me they killed the wrong guy but it's clear why they did it for the story to move on. Here's hoping that wannabe is next.

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I be honest, after Endgame I was done with Marvel and had zero interest in the franchise any longer. And would this not be included in Disney+ I probably wouldn't even watch it.
I went into this with zero expectations and was probably as confused as many at the beginning what to make of this. But in the end I really enjoyed it. It was different and actually had a plot instead of just sewn together CGI shots.
And now I am willing to look into what's coming next.

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BONDiNG: 2x07 Stand Me Up, Stand Me Down

That turned bad pretty fast.

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The Right Stuff: 1x03 Single Combat Warrior

Honestly, I am disappointed so far. They are showing everything I don't care for and nothing I am interested in. The launch at the end looks great. But seeing them screw around with girls and drinking all the time makes you wonder if those guys have The Right Stuff.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x05 Gambit (2)

Nice try convincing us Picard was dead. But that's not what this is about. It's a really fun and entertaining episode. Lot's of adventure, action, charades, deceptions and so on. This episode, beside its interesting story, is a testament as to what this show has acchieved at this point. The chemistry between the actors and their familarity with their characters makes it absolutely believeable that those people would understand each other without saying a word. Althought Worf seemed to have some issues with that. But this is than addressed in a great conversation between him and, acting Captain, Data. Which is another highlight of the episode to see him mimicing Picard in certain aspects while preserving his own style of command. Another moment I liked was at the beginning of part one where Troi confronted Riker about not attenting the memorial service. That was a powerful moment.
Interestingly I only realized that Geordi was missing after I watched the episode. So what does that mean ??
And I never registered the irony of an isolationist movement on Vulcan while there is one of unification on Romulus. Until now.

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And this comes from the same guy who did the Starsky and Hutch remake and the Hangover Trilogy ? I can almost not believe that.

This movie is sick, and it has to be. It pulls you into a spiral of madness, and you can see all the pieces falling into place, until there is no escape und you get: The Joker.

The look, the atmosphere, the music and last, but not least, Phoenixs outstanding performance makes this movie an absolute masterpiece. I don't know if it will recieve any Oscars, it's not the type of movie that does usually. But it sure would deserve it. But even if it doesn't it is one of the highlights of the year.

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