


Gangster Squad

Good movie, entertaining. Reminded me a bit of The Untouchables at times. Not a deep story though and you know almost any time what is going to happen next. But nicely filmed gunfights.

The worst thing in my opinion: Sean Penn. That was the worst attempt of a DeNiro impersonation if I ever saw one.

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Olympus Has Fallen

Was actually better than I thought it would be.

Like most others said there are a lot of comparisons to "Die Hard". This movie does not reach the first of the "Die Hard" series but let's be honest, the last two weren't that good either.

That beeing said I would recommend Olympus if you're looking for a couple of hours to keep your mind of, don't analyse it to death. Like a lot of other action movies it can't hold a lot of water.

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If you already know the history of Formula 1 this will propably tell you nothing new. If you only know F1 from its modern days whatch this.

In any case this is the best documentary about F1 that I've seen so far. The pictures together with the soundtrack are awesome. Mixed with quotes from former drivers gives you an insight how it was and what it meant to be a race drive in the 60's and 70's

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Fast & Furious 6

Well, it´s Fast & Furious. You know what to expect when you read the title. And it delivers.

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Shoot 'Em Up

Absolutely unrealistic and over the top action movie. LOVE IT!!!!

Turn on your speakers and enjoy ;-)

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Trouble with the Curve

First movie in a while that kept me in front of the screen from start to finish.

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Zero Dark Thirty

Honestly, I´ve seen better documentaries than this. If you´re not heavily into such movies don`t bother watching.

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Cloud Atlas

This movie depends on the urge of the viewer to want to watch the end despite it´s confusing back-and-forth plot. I had to convince myself every 15 minutes to go on with it but after about two hours I lost interest. After that it played along without me taking much notice.

An hour and two stories less might have done the trick.

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at first I considered not watching this because i really don´t like Tom Cruise. Would have been a mistake to skip it, though.

Personally I think the plot was solid. Not full of surprises but sufficent. I didn´t felt that something was missing. I concur with most reviews that the visuals and score are great (BluRay FullHD and DTS master).

One of the better movies I´ve seen lately.

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G.I. Joe: Retaliation

if you know what to expect from theese kind of movies you won't get dissapointed.

yes it's nothing knew, everything has been seen before but on the other hand an action movie is what it is. Some have decent story lines others don't. Beside that an explosion is an explosion and a gun fight is a gun fight.

If you don't like it don't watch it.

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starts well but becomes agonizingly slow in the middle. i got so bored after about 90 minutes that i lost interest in finish watching it.

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Taken 2

I agree, not as good s the first. Still better than a lot of other action movies.

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Open Range

I´m a Western Fan. Although the story is very typical for the genre and predictable this is worth watching. Duvall & Costner are really good together.

If you´re looking for sfx and lot´s of action this isn´t for you. Otherwise give it a try. nice to see a movie about moral and principles from time to time.

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The Diamond Hunters

turned it off after 20 minutes and even those were painfull to watch

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Total Recall

Just watched the ext cut. Actually if you take the movie itself without comparing it to the first it´s quite good. If you like action and CGI you won´t get dissapointed. Story is OK for the genre and if you do compare it to the first I think the story is even better in places.

It is not a must-see-movie but it´s good entertainment.

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Clash of the Titans

i´m no expert in greek mythology but simply seen as a movie it was entertaining. Nothing special though in terms of FX or acting.

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Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

If you like that kind of movie you´re probably in for a treat.

It´s absolutely not mine therefore the weak sauce

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TRON: Legacy

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParentSpoilers2013-01-01T17:47:03Z— updated 2016-06-26T11:45:29Z

Movie is OK.

But where the original Tron was outstanding, and at it´s time something special, Legacy doesn´t offer anything new. Today it´s just another CGI Movie. It doesn´t stand out in my opinion.

Don`t like the fact they put the Tron charakter in but choose to make him faceless despite the few scenes at the beginning. And the Clu charakter looked kind of weird. Supposed to look like a younger Flynn he seems more like an old one who had plastic surgery.

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The grand-grandfather of CGI. Revolutinary at it´s time. Still fun to watch

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Cheap Alien look-a-like.

Thin story, weak acting, poor sfx.

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The thing I like most about Ridleys movies is the fact that he uses CGI only when absolutely necassary and does as much practical shooting as possible. And he always tells a story. Just watched the extended cut which gives it a little more depth.

I can`t remember a bad movie from him but Gladiator sure is one of Ridleys masterpieces.

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Falling Down

Great movie !

You can watch a movie like this anytime because it doesn`t need CGI and SFX, it tells a stroy. And one that in todays society might be more true than in the 90s.

It doesn`t take much to put one over the hill.

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The Fly

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2012-12-25T15:54:40Z— updated 2016-06-26T11:46:23Z

I´m not much of a horror fan. This is one of the very few exceptions.

The make-up for the Fly looks great even today. Because it´s not CGI, which of course wasn´t available, it´s so much more real and believable.

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The Black Hole

If you take into consideration when this movie was made it´s really good. Yes, the story is a bit thin but it´s quite entertaining. I remember seeing it back when I was young and I still like it.

Funny thing with all this HD technology today you can easily detect all the wires they used.

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American Beauty

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2012-12-23T17:24:11Z— updated 2016-06-24T20:01:50Z

had its moments but not my kind of movie.

nicely made and good acting though but as I said didn`t reached me

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The Green Hornet

If you have nothing good to say it´s sometimes better to say nothing at all

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Don`t know what people expect from those kind of films ?

Unrealistic scenes ? Well, yes - its a sci-fi movie not national geographic.

I agree they could have gotten more into the aliens to give it a bit more depth and overall the whole movie is like a melting pot of severall others.

Nevertheless sometimes I need movies where I don´t need to much intellect.

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Robin Hood

Every new Robin Hood movie seems to tell the story different.

Still better than Costners in my opinion because that had to much weight on the romance.

Not mind blowingly good nevertheless enjoyable for a movie evening.

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Gary Moore : Live At Montreux 2010

If you are, like me, a fan of Gary`s hard stuff than this will bring you back. It will simply blow you away. Amazing, memorable performance. Not just because this was the last Live recording before he passed away. He even played three new songs that where supposed to be on a new album he was working on.

In my opinion he is still one of the best guitarists ever because of the way he played, He could make it talk to you like few others and he shows it here.

So turn up your gear because the sound is awesome. Enjoy.

RIP Gary, we miss you.

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Act of Valor

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2012-11-23T20:33:34Z— updated 2016-06-24T20:07:09Z

Didn´t know what to expect of it at first but I really liked it. If they had used known actors people would have watched this mainly because of the names and not for the movie itself. and the level of authenticity wouldn´t be just not right. it would just have been another hollywood action movie. This is about the people.

I think the camera work was awesome. it had a lot of really good shots and I don`t mean the ego-perspective.

I enjoyed it, maybe those who don`t should wait for "dredd" - names, action and (maybe) a story

just kidding, NOM

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