


City in the Sky

Excellent doku-series about the current state of commercial aviation and what is nessecary behind the scenes to keep it going. Informative and entertaining.

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The Company

This is great. Even with the names involved I didn´t expect this level of quality from a TV show. Great Cast, loved Michael Keaton.

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You´ve got to give it to the BBC, they know how to make great documentaries. The amount of work they put into this is amazing. They came up with the most awesome footage of sharks I´ve ever seen. Whether you´re interested in sharks alone or in sea life in general this is higly recommended.

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When I first read the plot I thought this could be interesting, something new. But it became something else entirely - and in the process unfortunately not so new and interesting.

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Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Yes, this has no Hollywood-like CGI, then again it didn't had a Hollywood budget. But it's fun too see some of the old Star Trek cast again.

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Attenborough's Life in Colour

I am easy to impress. David Attenborough and BBC is enough for me.

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A Christmas Carol

Every year at Christmas I watch a version of A Christmas Carol. I usually go with one I already know. This year a new verions showed up and I thought I give this a try, not having seen any trailers before. This was the first year I didn't finish the tale. To my excuse I could say this isn't even the real Christmas Carol because I barely recognize this.
This is a classic you can't just mess with. You don't put in that many garbage and get away with it. You don't change so many things and pat yourself on the shoulders for having done a great job. I won't go into details any more but let me just say this is NOT A Christmas Carol. You cannot even call this "The Adult Edit". In my eyes this is just smearing over Dickens legacy.
But maybe it is just a mirror of the times we're living in where you need all that profanities, sex and swearing to get people to look at this tale. If that is the case it would at least explain this version to a certain degree. It wouldn't make it it any better though.

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Generation Kill

This is terrible. I couldn´t even make it through the second episode.

A bunch of kids pretending to be tough marines while most of them leaving the impression they couldn`t even tie up their own shoes. Stupid dialogue with constant repetition of the f-word in every second sentence as if there where a rule to do so.

After just having seen Over There this shouldn`t even been mentioned with the same breath.

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I can only repeat what I said on multiple similar shows before: I am a firm believer that there are other intelligent cultures somewhere in the universe but I don't think even one has ever been here.
This is just another docu where people claim to have evidence that is ultimately circumstancial and inconclusive. Most of the time they say it's unexplainable (to which I can agree) and therefore it has to be from outer space (to which I don't agree). Now, I am not ruling out the possibility but for me there isn't hard, undeniable proof.
Plus the style, like almost every documentary I've seen on this topic, is leaning very much towards over dramatizing, conducting interviews in abandoned warehouses f.e., which ultimately is another thing that makes me doubt many things.
Maybe one day we'll have proof one way or the other. And I for one are very much looking forward for that happen. That there'll be a day where there is no shred of doubt left. And I would accept it even if we could proof nothing of it was from another world.
But we are not there yet.

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Marvel's Inhumans

Took me the total of two episodes to decide to pull out. Just because it has Marvel written in front does not make this a good show. Scripts are shallow, dialogue is bad, acting is mediocre - I really don´t have anything positive to say about this. And most of it has been written anyway.

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Salvage Hunters: Classic Cars

Feels a bit like a bandwagon show to be honest.

Hey, there's some money to be made in classic cars so let's flip some. I don't think they really feel the cars.

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Huge dissapointment. This has little to do with Colditz. You actually see little of the castle. Don´t be fooled into thinking this is an escape film. It´s a predictable cheesy love story nothing more.

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Martina is very versatile but not everything is funny. Still, couple of good laughs each episode. Which is about what I was expecting. So, no regrets watching this. I like watching her.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2023-04-10T11:58:32Z— updated 2023-04-11T12:50:32Z

So, I watched the first two episodes. The quality of the footage is OK although it's not real HD. I mean, the resolution might be there but just don't expect crisp and clear pictures.
I'm am however very much on the fence concerning this production. Like I said, footage is good, which is a main selling point. But I don't like the over dubbed sound or the narrative nature of it. Furthermore it jumps back and forth through time and events, there is no real chronology. And a lot of times I get the feeling they are using footage just to fit the narrative. The edditing is too fast - you barely have more then a couple of seconds before there is another cut.

Since it also only focusses on the American involvement in the war the title of the show itself becomes misleading. It should say "WWII (from America's pov) in (mostly grainy) HD"

Ultimately I'd rather have a real movie or a hard documentary instead of this in between style.

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Barbarians Rising

If you expect anything coming from The History Channel to be historically accurate you clearly never have seen any production from them.
That doesn't mean that their content can't be entertaining. Unfortunately this is another one of those shows that is a mix of scripted drama and documentary with lots of experts talking you through the events. I don't like that. I'd rather have it one way or the other. And as someone before me stated, the legitemacy of some of those experts seem rather questionable.
I get historians bringing things in context and maybe even some retired military to explain strategies. But when a retired US Marshall compares fugitives today with Spartacus I scratch my head. And that's just one example of many when it comes to these "experts"
I wouldn't have gone to the end had this had more then four episodes. Which is about as much as I could bear.

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Classic Car Rescue

It's the umptienth re-heat of the same "car show" concept. And they are making the same mistakes again and again.
Look, I don't care that the whole financial aspect of those builds is rubbish. You don't restore an E-Type for 8k f.e.. The labour costs alone would be way higher. A respray alone is several thousands plus all the parts. That all doesn't add up.
But please stay away from all the unnessessry added drama. All the swearing and calling each other names. That always turnes me off.
After two episodes I decided to drop out. I'm sorry but whoever decided it was a good idea to put these two idiots on a show should have a reality check. Two of the most unlikeable people I've ever seen on TV. And it doesn't matter if all this is scripted or they are really like that. It's unbearable to watch.

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NASA TV UHD - Earth View

Awesome footage. Personally I don't like the choice of music which doesn't go along well with the pictures.

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World War II: The Price Of Empire

My problem is I have watched so many WWII docus and there isn't anything new to tell. History is what it is and at best you get a different opinion or viewpoint on things. But this wasn't very engaging to watch so I gave up after two episodes. That's not me saying it isn't worth watching.

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Supernatural Nazis

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2017-09-26T22:52:36Z— updated 2017-10-05T21:37:16Z

I know a lot of the Nazi leaders were into occultism but making a connection from nearly every decision they made to some occult believe seems at times very far fetched. Science is presenting a theory an then proving it. Here it seems that they took the historical facts, formed a theory and then used said facts to prove their theory. One theory is Hitler stopped the V2 programm because of his believe in Hörbigers World Ice Theory. The proof ? Well, he stopped the V2 programm, didn´t he?

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After Hitler

Good documentary that deals with the fall-out of WWII.

But what is it with this new docus that they all feel the need to mess around with the original footage ? All this re-colouring and over dubbing of sound effects is crap. No one would repaint an old picture because the colours have faded. This footage is historical and should not be tempered with just to make it apear more dramatic. The original b/w with no sound oftentimes is more powerful.

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The Making Of Live Aid

I´d say that probably everone around my age knows what Live Aid was. Like millions of people I followed it when it happened and it was something that had never been done before. I never know, or cared for that matter, about the history behind it.

This is a great inside into the event of the last century. What happened behind the scenes and what all had to come together to make this happen. It was a pain in the *** and was on the verge of collabsing from the get go and even throughout the show itself. You get some nice anectodes and lots of interviews with the artist who have been there.

If you have been there on the TV, the radio or even personally I think this is worth watching because I am sure most of us don´t cared back than.

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Hitler vs Churchill: The Eagle and the Lion

OK if you want a quick overview about the historical facts but I absolutely hate the re-colouring and overdubbing of original footage. It always looks awful and shouldn´t be tampered with in the first place.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2017-02-26T15:12:31Z— updated 2017-03-01T21:32:53Z

To rushed, to shallow. You put a whole man´s live in 150 min of running time you are racing through it. Should have made this 8 or 10 parts and discover some aspects of his life further.

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CI5: The New Professionals

I needed one episode, or to be exact 15 minutes of it, to decide that this it not worth my time.

As a successor to the original Professionals this is an epic failure. Thin charaters, poor acting, weak story - the whole setup is wrong. Even if you view it as a stand alone show - this is bad with a capital "B". There are better shows of that genre. I can absolutely understand this didn´t get more than 13 episodes.

After going through the first and part of the second episode I quit.

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Expedition Great White

Very dissapointed by this one. I´m very interested in sharks but this is more like a soap than a serious documentary. Didn`t made it through the third episode.

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The Classic Car Show

As much as I love shows about cars, especially classics, I could have done without those stiff moderators and their scripted commentary. As much as the content is concerned this is more a show about the lifestyle and less about the history and technical part of classic cars.

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I'm very interested in the history and strategy of war. I just don't get it why History Channel always has to re-enact everything and use flashy graphics and soundtracks.

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Keep Your Head Up, Kid: The Don Cherry Story

If you like North American Hockey you may or may not like Don Cherry.

If you like Don Cherry you should whatch this. It tells his Story roughly from childhood until becoming a commentator on CBC.

He always is true to himself, and that´s what I respect him for.

Greatly played by Keeso.

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Whole setup doesn't work for me. First episode had nothing in it that made me want to watch more. Dropped it right after that.

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