


Secret War

Made it 10 minutes into episode one. I have great interest in the history of WWII and this seemed to be yery interesting to me. But, and I don't say this often, this is unwatchable. All the original footage is overdubbed with sound effects and the music doesn't fit at all. I don't even know why it has to be there in the first place. Awful !

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Watched twenty minutes of the first episode and decided this isn't for me.

Snippets of film commented by Bernie with no real cohesion or depth. Those first minutes already covered the whole of the 60s. And the commentary is very hard to understand (althought that could also be the setup of my audio system).

Anyway, even as a massive fan of the old F1 days I thought this was boring.

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The Last Days of World War II

Typical History Channel documentary containing loud music and over dramatisation. Those pictures have enough weight to speak for themself, as do the eyewitnesses. Which is the only reason I would recommend this: the eyewitness accounts.

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Fighter Pilot: The Real Top Gun

Well, so far it's OK. But it suffers from the usual problems of the reality-docu format. The pilots say exactly what you expect them to and the commentary is at times over dramatized.

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Blue Planet Live

I love the Blue Planet series, it is one of the best nature docus ever. But this isn't working for me.

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WWII's Most Daring Raids

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2019-02-09T18:43:06Z— updated 2023-02-28T21:24:41Z

It's the kind of documentary that brings WWII history to the level of a computer game with over-dramatization with loud, attention grapping music. Combined with a narration that is a tad too eager and experts that seem a bit too enthusiastic.
I like documentaries more factual. This feels more like a b-movie.

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Adventures of Captain Marvel

This is, of course, far removed from anything MARVEL or DC are putting out today. This is 1941, keep that in mind. The serial style with cliffhangers at the end of each episode also was common in that time.
Having said all this I like to watch this very early attempts at superhero TV a lot not only for nostalgic reason. To understand where something is at, it helps to know where it came from. The effects are really not bad for the 40s. Yeah, you can see how they did it but that's not the point. See above. Many people will say this is cheesy, predictable, repetitive and lame and I won't even repuke that. But the same can be said for many modern stuff as well. So, like always, it comes down to the individual.
I'd say if you can get a hold of a copy, give it a try.

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The Mists of Avalon

I have never read the books, I know they are a worldwide best seller, but this short series is still no advertisment to do so. To be honest I couldn't even bring myself to watch the second half of it because towards the end of the first it drifts a little bit too much towards a soap opera.
Then there is the thing that every time the Arthur tale is told it is told differently. F.e. I can't remember that a lot of the main characters were related and that there was incest between Arthur and his sister. While this might be omissions of knowledge on my part I can still not give this a high rating.

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Sex Traffic

Very good, very intense and, sadly, absolute believable script.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2016-12-09T11:48:22Z— updated 2016-12-21T09:22:59Z

Low budget TV production that doesn´t care much for believablity.

Which usually shouldn´t be a problem with disaster plots but this is liveless, with weak acting (althought there are some well known names involved), one dimensional characters, no real thrill and home made CGI. Got as far as half the movie/show and lost interest.

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Star Trek: Lower Decks

Why even write something about it?

Those who hate it, too, will probably agree, those who like it may call me a disgruntled Trekkie. What the heck, I've been called worse.

I've endured the Abramsverse, Discovery, and Picard but this is where Star Trek dies.

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Spitting Image

Back in the 80s this show was hilarious. Like many others I became aware of it through the "Land of Confusion" video by Genesis. The 2020 version is soso at best. Some jokes are good and hit the point. But there are also complete episodes that didn't even produce a smile from me.
If you are of the older generation and remember the world history from the past you should probably better watch the old episodes. That is, if you can find them anywhere.

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Combat Countdown

Typical AHC stuff. Light on facts but heavy on loud rock music and testosterone driven commentary.

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The Indian Wars - A Change of Worlds

Informative but not very engaging. Another one of those documentaries where you just see footage to support an audio book style commentary.

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American Muscle Car

I love cars, especially old cars. Since there aren't many car documentaries around (car docus not car building reality shows) I gave this a slightly higher rating than it deserves. Nonetheless it shows some great cars and has lots of original footage and the info content is good, too. You know what ? On second thought it totally deserves the high rating.

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Crashes That Changed Flying

Very superfical. They cover several incidents within every episode which comes to less then 10 min per. And if you have watched Mayday you know those incidents already anyway

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Bombing War: From Guernica to Hiroshima

Again I have to subtract at least 10 % for re-colouring and sound effect overdubbing of original footage. I simply think it isn´t appropriate.

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I am a fan of the Australian Touring Cars so I knew of Peter Brock but I was so bored I turned it off after 40 min.

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Man On The Moon with Walter Cronkite

This stuff is old. And by old I mean really old. Newest material is from early/mid 80ies, most of it though from the 60s. It´s not a typical docu, it`s a recollection oftentimes only the pictures without any narrative. Still with hours of original and untampered footage this has some merit. But propably only if you really have an interest in the subject.

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Battleground Vietnam: 1954-1975

It's not bad in general. Unfortunately they are using the same footage over and over again even within one episode. So while this still is original footage it sure isn`t always from the event they are talking about.

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Hunters in the Sky

Since this is an older production it contains nothing new in terms of footage and/or content. And every episode is only a bit over 20 min long so it's a bit superfical. But with the amount of eye witness accounts, not only from american pilots, this still is worth watching.

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The Wil Wheaton Project

I like a lot of the shows mentioned but is that supposed to be funny? Cause I don't think it is.

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Expedition: Bismarck

The pictures of the wreck are amazing and they reveal what really happened back then. But overall it's too Hollywood for a serious documentation.

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NASCAR: Driven To Win

Boring. Loosely cut together crap with little content in poor VHS quality.

Even as a longttime NASCAR fan I could not stand to watch this.

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