Roman Empire: 1x01 Born in the Purple

Reply by FinFan

The writers have to stick to the facts when they make a docuseries. It’s not proven how Faustina the Younger died, some people say it was an accident, some people say it was suicide. Marcus Aurelius was devastated when she passed away, him murdering her is unproven.

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@minibutmighty That's the problem with this format I'd say. If you have "just" a documentary you stick to known and proven facts and otherwise present theories about things you don't know with certainty. But this is a docu-drama so you need some, well, drama. That is why I am not sure it is a good idea to mix those formats.

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The Big Bang Theory: 12x16 The D & D Vortex

Reply by FinFan

I am actually surprised they got William Shatner to make an appearance.

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@redshirt Makes sense from his point of view. I just don't see him as the type who does cameos that's why I was surprised. Thanks for the info.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 2x07 Light and Shadows

Reply by FinFan

Shout by FinFan

Now it's going to become interesting with the mentioning of Talos IV. Because if I put events in the right order from memory, and with a little internet research, than Pike and Spock had already been there. Or should have been there. As it is still not clear how, or if, this timeline is connected. Which would also mean that the order to avoid Talos should be effective and in turn makes me wonder why it is listed in the computer at all. Maybe someone else has something to add ?
This is again dangerous territory in terms of continuity. And I wouldn't bring this up, again, if Kurtzman wouldn't insist on all of this tying into canon.
I will also admit I was wrong about when they bring in Spock.

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@maeron Thanks, I had not thought of that.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 2x07 Light and Shadows

Reply by FinFan

Good episode, but here I am saying it, I don't like Michael so much :(
and in addition, why the fuck did they change Spock??? He is not the same actor who is doing Spock in the rest of the movies, this should be a timeline stream. Now we have two actors for the same Spock in the same time area.

Discovery is featured 2256–2257
Star trek (2009 movie) is featured 2258–2259
Edit: they are not in the same time-line but still Spock should be played the same actor

I really don't know how they are going to fix that!

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@ahmedhamdy90 I doubt they even made an effort to get Zach Quinto. At the same time I doubt he would have been interested. Anyway, having another actor playing Spock is the least of problems and so far I can't even say how he`s doing, really. All we have seen him doing is mumbling around. I'll reserve judgement until later.
But I agree 100% with you on Burnham.

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The Big Bang Theory: 12x16 The D & D Vortex

Reply by FinFan

I am actually surprised they got William Shatner to make an appearance.

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@y2jin99 what can I say, I don't know it.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 2x05 Saints of Imperfection

Reply by FinFan

Told you they won't show us Spock until the end. The whole episode did not strung a chord with me. Another step sideways instead of forward. I am not surprised Hugh is back, always suspected he would be. They never introduced another doctor. Can't say I care much for the fact or how they did it. The whole explanation was a bit too far-fetched. Plus they milked they whole situation a bit too much. The whole ship is falling apart but again and again they went into all-out "let's explain it to death mode". At some point I was yelling "get the f*** out of there already".

I am somewhat surprised that Section 31 is so out in the open. Tyler walks around displaying his badge to everyone and it seems obvious that everyone knows about them. Kinda weird for a covert ops unit. And I am not just saying that because of continuity. Maybe they were operating like that in this timeframe and where disbanded later, at least officially ?

And Giorgiou is so full of shit. Who in his right mind would ever trust her ?

Best character this season by a wide margin is Pike. He at least seems to be a chip off the old Starfleet block.

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@anthoney65I had forgotten about ENT. Thanks for bringing that up. Makes even less sense then. And that explanation seems to be another half baked attempt to justify their story.
I just remembered they were hinting at time travel at the end of the episode (tachyon emissions) and I have a bad feeling about that they pull that rabbit out of the hat to explain the story in general.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 2x05 Saints of Imperfection

Reply by FinFan

Told you they won't show us Spock until the end. The whole episode did not strung a chord with me. Another step sideways instead of forward. I am not surprised Hugh is back, always suspected he would be. They never introduced another doctor. Can't say I care much for the fact or how they did it. The whole explanation was a bit too far-fetched. Plus they milked they whole situation a bit too much. The whole ship is falling apart but again and again they went into all-out "let's explain it to death mode". At some point I was yelling "get the f*** out of there already".

I am somewhat surprised that Section 31 is so out in the open. Tyler walks around displaying his badge to everyone and it seems obvious that everyone knows about them. Kinda weird for a covert ops unit. And I am not just saying that because of continuity. Maybe they were operating like that in this timeframe and where disbanded later, at least officially ?

And Giorgiou is so full of shit. Who in his right mind would ever trust her ?

Best character this season by a wide margin is Pike. He at least seems to be a chip off the old Starfleet block.

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@broknsymetry According to Memory Alpha the episode Brother takes place in 2257 when Pike comes back from his first five year mission.

In 2257, Captain Christopher Pike mentioned that he had been on a five-year mission aboard the USS Enterprise, a considerable distance away. They had not been ordered to return during the Federation-Klingon War, which had taken a toll on the crew. (DIS: "Brother")

That same year the incident with said creature happened

In 2257, the Farragut engaged the dikironium cloud creature at the planet Tycho IV. The creature killed Captain Garrovick and two hundred of the ship's crew. Farragut's record tapes of the event included Lieutenant Kirk insisting upon blaming himself for the disaster...

That's the information I based my comment on. If you've a different source and dates please let me know.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 2x05 Saints of Imperfection

Reply by FinFan


Shout by kinky

Everyone's so worried about Section 31 being out in the open, just like that, but no one snaps knowing this was the first time ever we saw littering aboard a Federation starship?

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@misnomer oh, THAT ! yeah, actually think that was kind stupid because, what's the point ? That she's a b**** ? that's already recorded history.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 2x05 Saints of Imperfection

Reply by FinFan


Shout by kinky

Everyone's so worried about Section 31 being out in the open, just like that, but no one snaps knowing this was the first time ever we saw littering aboard a Federation starship?

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@misnomer maybe because no one noticed ? Sure know I didn't.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 2x03 Point of Light

Reply by FinFan

Holy fuck! The Klingon side story is crazy enough to make the most emotionally twisted Latin American telenovelas ashamed of themselves! Discovery is clearly embracing its soap opera nature and I'm loving it! I can't wait for another episode of 'oH maHvaD!

Also, isn't the thumbnail for this episode a spoiler?

And I'm VERY curious about Section 31, I'm sure they're gonna destabilise things and bring some serious fun to the show!

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@misnomer yeah, huge spoiler. I thought so myself. Concerning 31 I am a bit troubled they will overdo it. They always were intresting because of the mystery surrounding them and I am not sure if having them more in the open is actually a good thing.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 2x04 An Obol for Charon

Reply by FinFan

I'll take a whole episode where Reno, Linus, and Number One are sent on a shuttle mission together, please. Suddenly, this show is cranking out one solid supporting character after the other.

I love that Pike effectively gifted Kirk a ship that was gutted to be more old school than the rest of the fleet because he was sick and tired of all the new tech malfunctioning. And because he was scared of ghosts.

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@maeron > I love that Pike effectively gifted Kirk a ship that was gutted to be more old school than the rest of the fleet because he was sick and tired of all the new tech malfunctioning. And because he was scared of ghosts.

It's their way of trying to bring this up to established facts to silence the longtime fans. But at least they are trying.

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The Office: 2x02 Appraisals

Reply by FinFan

I'm back from a hiatus and oh my god this show is so boring. 29 minutes feels like two hours…

Thank the Lord BBC it's only 4 more episodes.

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@dgw I am totally with you on that. Went in with high expectations after watching The Extras. But this is just plain awful.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 1x04 White Knights

Reply by FinFan

Wonder if the time ship crash was a nod to the Heights 611 UFO incident...

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@cluisanna had to look that one up but could very well be. Interesting fact.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 1x03 Blood Ties

Reply by FinFan

Great titanic reference. (Actor was ship's captain in the movie "Titanic"

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@izzmo actually he wasn't. Garber played Thomas Andrews the Titanics constructor. But the joke nevertheless hits home.

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The Flash: 1x09 The Man in the Yellow Suit

Reply by FinFan

the reveal of Reverse Flash at the end was just perfect.

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@marinka678 Then I will eagerly wait for the conclusion. Thanks.

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The Flash: 1x09 The Man in the Yellow Suit

Reply by FinFan

the reveal of Reverse Flash at the end was just perfect.

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@marinka678 I suspected Wells since episode three but I actually dismissed him while I watched this. Wells got beaten up by the Reverse Flash. How does that work ? That last scene left me puzzled. (if you've already watched further please don't spoil)

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Bones: 12x08 The Grief and the Girl

Reply by FinFan

Shout by katamberka

And still... Why are they killed Max?!

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@katamberka They had to raise the stakes. Kovacs is a nobody as a character. They needed the audience to hate him.

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Bones: 6x23 The Change in the Game

Reply by FinFan

You've got to be kidding me right!

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@jojo-sxm it was out of necessity. Emily was pregnant for real. But I share your sentiment.

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Designated Survivor: 2x12 The Final Frontier

Reply by FinFan

Shout by sparkplug

Audrey and Jack back together again, more!

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@michaeldoone and bringing her in after the death of the wife you begin to speculate.

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Designated Survivor: 2x11 Grief

Reply by FinFan

Shout by Wheelz_TTV

Guy was paid to kill the presidents wife.

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@graphicwheeler God, I hope not. Please not another of those out of the blue constructed conspiracies.

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Designated Survivor: 2x11 Grief

Reply by FinFan

Does anybody know if Natasha McElhone wanted out ? It does not make much sense to kill FLOTUS in what seems to be a random car accident.

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@amckinlay21 I see, thanks. Althought this seems to be old news I didn't know. Maybe a good thing, had I known I might have anticipated something.

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Designated Survivor: 1x17 The Ninth Seat

Reply by FinFan

I think the plot of the bad guys are getting out of hand

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@juliosoft Isn't that how this shows always go ?

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x15 Will You Take My Hand?

Reply by FinFan


Shout by Mark Linton

So when they hail the Enterprise next season, assuming season 2 happens and sticks with The Discovery, will it be Zachary Quinto or CGI leonard Nimoy standing beside Pike... hmmmm.

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@redshirt season two has already been confirmed in October last year.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x14 The War Without, The War Within

Reply by FinFan

After the action filled episodes this takes a step back and slows things down. But I must agree I am not that much in favor with this episode.
First the writing seems rather convenient. They need to replenish the spores so they just terraform a moon in a nearby system. The depiction of the way the Klingons fight the war sound eerily like terrorist methods. The plan to go to Qo'noS and the explanation of how only military targets will be selected - this all has war on terror written all over it and not in a favorable way. Instead of raising questions if it is moral to do so here it seems like justification. Putting the Emperor in command as Giourgou with the lame explanation she's just recently been rescued makes no sense but maybe it was part of an agreement that wasn't shown to us. The whole Tyler-Burnham arch I was never in favor and now it becomes a millstone that has to be dragged along because I don't think with the conversation between those two it is done with.
Let's see what the season finale will bring but I think we are due to another 180 degree spin.

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@onlime Well, since they already time travelled from the Mirror Universe to where they are now (they "overshot by nine months" althought I can't recall something like that happening before in Trek) I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibilities. At the same time it would be a total sell-out from a story telling perspective so I hope there is something else.

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The X-Files: 11x03 Plus One

Reply by FinFan

So, how about doing just normal x-files episodes and forget about the big mystery ?

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@scancom althought if it was a lie and they do another 180 about that it would be exactly the thing I hate. And I had totally forgotten about the girl, since the episode didn't happen she obviously didn't die. But I didn't missed her either so maybe not important But I agree, not that interesting anymore.

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The Long Road Home: 1x02 Into the Unknown

Reply by FinFan


Shout by Chilkara

The moment of "I just killed three generations of one family" really wrecked me. I can't even imagine a soldier trying to cope with that.

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@d2dyno in an invented script this would have been a cool quote, but here, knowing it happened, that hit me too.

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 1x11 Lead Horse Back to Stable

Reply by FinFan

This show has a weird way of getting you to semi like a character in one scene then despise them in the other. Colleen asking one of her students to risk her job and pulling the "I am your sensi" card was selfish. She could've asked her to show her the way and then she can get the meds herself. I was happy she did her "job" and called The Hand. But then they think so little of Colleen to send a couple of kids to deal with her, and she discovers they're not who they thought they were, and maybe Danny wasn't so wrong. Even though he always sounds like a brainwashed machine who's being used to destroy things blindly and without question, which I'm not sure the writers are aware they're doing with their "hero" of the story. Anyway, in that moment I found myself suddenly and for the first time rooting for her? So happy she kicked their asses and escaped. That scene at the end in the rain with Colleen and Danny is probably the only believable and good scene with them so far this season.

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@khawlah Isn´t that how it mostly works in TV ? The good guys turn out to be the bad guys. Then they are trying to explain to good guys why they aren´t the bad guys only to discover later on that they really were the bad guys. And then they redeem themselves by fighting with the good guys. That´s almost the one o one of writing.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x04 The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry

Reply by FinFan

Upon watching this I find it more and more likely that a theory I have read about is possible.
I'm not quite over the Klingon revamp but placing the show in the Mirror Universe would nullify the problems and explain how "un-star trek" the Starfleet people are acting. Even the amount of lighting in the ships, tech and the general feel of it all (including the ominous shadowy figures of Starfleet Command) make sense in the Mirror Universe..
Even if the theory isn't correct: big fan of this show.

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@mansemat That´s an interesting theory. Wish I hadn´t read it thought (but that isn´t meant to be critique). But it would turn everything upside down.

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