Andrea Maderna


Paris, France

Fleishman Is in Trouble

Fleishman is in Trouble has got everything. The actors are great and perfectly cast, it’s visually ambitious and there’s such rich writing, that tackles midlife crisis, couples in troubles, abuses, nevrosis, bad healthcare, classwar, parenthood, small hypocrisies, trauma, being unable to communicate and everything else you could think of. It’s maybe a bit stretched here and there but when it works it’s amazing and that penultimate episode is out of this world.

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Justified: Season 6

After the disappointing season 5, this is a return to form and a great ending for one of the best series of recent years.

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The Night Of: Season 1

The pilot is really amazing and the rest of the series is not on the same level but it's still really, really good, with great characters and a wonderful pair of actors in John Turturro and Riz Ahmed. This is how procedural crime stories should be made.

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Transparent: Season 3

How the fuck does this get better and better every year?

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Preacher: Season 2

Even better than season one. The level of not giving a fuck and doing whatever it wants is amazing.

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Rick and Morty: Season 3

What the fuck wow yeah.

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GLOW: Season 1

The cast is great, writing is really good and the way it mixes the wrestling part with all the different stories that slowly come out is quite gripping. Plus, it's a lot of fun. Maybe it's a bit of a slow burner, but when it burns it's really great. And for once the eighties theme doesn't feel badly done.

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GLOW: Season 2

A couple of episodes to get the engines running and then simply one of the best seasons of television ever. Much better than the already great season 1. Netflix was finally able to make something comparable to Orange is the New Black.

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The Good Place: Season 3

It never stops changing and challenging its core concept and it manages the incredible feat of being traditional and completely fresh at the same time. Season three has the flavor of someone who now really knows what he's doing. Amazing.

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You're the Worst: Season 5

Such a perfect ending, it really is one of the best ever, I think.

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Halt and Catch Fire: Season 3

The amazing chemistry between cast members, the lovely writing, the humour, the tension, it's amazing.

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The Wire: Season 5

I understand it being a disappointment after the masterpiece that was season 4, but this is still an incredibly good ending for this show, that ties up everything in such a lovely and moving way.

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The Bear: Season 1

A beautiful show, it represents in a very thoughtful and specific way the work in a restaurant, reproducing quite well - I'm told - certain obsessions and struggles, even though there's some "poetic licenses", of course. But it goes beyond the specificity and becomes relatable by anybody thanks to the impeccable writing, the great cast of actors and the ambitious direction, both in small things and in bigger stuff like the tracking shot episode. The guest stars are also amazing, particularly "that one": it's already great when you hear that voice in one of the first episodes but then he appears and suddenly the two charismatic stars become gregarious and awestruck. Also, huge shout out to Ebon Moss-Bachrach, who approaches this show charged up like someone who spent twenty years coming from the bench, finally has got the chance of a lifetime as a starter and gives you 42 points, 18 assists, 13 rebounds and 6 steals.

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Industry: Season 2

Industry does something that i love: 85% of the time I have no fucking idea of what they are doing or talking about and still I find it riveting like my life depended on it. Or my cat's life, at least. The cast is amazing, so full of new faces and/or old faces that do something completely unexpected. The soundtrack, production design, costumes, everything is impeccable. And the direction is really ambitious, with stuff like "Let's shoot this stock exchange operation like if it was a bank heist directed by Michael Mann". Season 1 is all about explaining the context, season 2 is about the charactes and what they have inside. I have no idea what they are going to do with season 3 but the premise is really good and I can't wait.

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Banshee: Season 2

Pulpier, bloodier, campier, more romantic and more fucked up than season one. A beautiful second season, more daring both in narration and visual style. Plus, the native american Mazinger and Julian Sands almost compensate for the loss of the albino guy.

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Mad Men: Season 6

What a beautiful, beautiful season. Deep, funny, emotional, amazing in the way it brings forward all of the storylines. Maybe it's a bit heavy handed in how it connects to the real world stuff, but that's it. The rest is great. And it's not news, but what a great cast. Jesus.

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Halt and Catch Fire: Season 2

The decision to focus more on the female characters was incredibly wise: everybody and everything benefit from that. This is where it becomes a great show.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Season 2

Less consistent than season one but probably even better in its high points.

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Succession: Season 3

Six episodes of slow, masterful buildup and then three fucking masterpieces.

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Severance: Season 1

The first three episodes are beautiful but a bit of a slog. It's purposeful though, because it immerses you in the mood and then everything speeds up. And what a great show! Impeccably shot, with great acting, a very interesting plot, fascinating themes and such a good work on charachters and relationships. Can't wait for season 2.

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Penny Dreadful: Season 3

The first few episodes are honestly sub par, but then the season takes off and gives us a great finale for one of the best series in the last few years.

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Fleabag: Season 1

Funny, poignant and deep. Another great TV show from the "30 minutes area".

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Master of None: Season 1

What a beautiful, funny, deep but always light show.

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You're the Worst: Season 3

A couple of episodes are a bit flat but honestly that's nitpicking. The main themes of depression, loss, and love troubles are all incredibly well written and thought out, the supporting cast is much more explored than in the past (and with two great episodes devoted to them) and the last four episodes are amazing. Plus, a full episode made only of tracking shots, and not just for showing off, but with great depth in terms of storytelling. If you're not watching this, I can't even... whatever, fuck off.

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BoJack Horseman: Season 3

Finally a season that fullfills all the potential and is on par with what I've been hearing about this show. The underwater episode and the abortion one are amazing but almost everything is top notch.

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Bluey: Season 1

A lovely show, that makes both me and my daughter laugh so much with its monty pythonesque humour but is also touching, lovingly real, crazily imaginative. What a huge surprise.

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BoJack Horseman: Season 6

I think the first half of the last season is a great return to form, that finally manages to get back to the level of excellence that Bojack Horseman always promised but only in season 3 consistently reached. Also, I like the vibe, how it's preparing the ending by reflecting on the past and touching an all characters. Very, very good. Let's see how it ends.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Season 1

It takes two or three episodes to get the rhythm but by then the series becomes amazing. Great writing, ambitious direction, a very good cast, nice themes and an actually marvelous actress.

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Fleabag: Season 1

Yep, still amazing, even as a rewatch.

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Killing Eve: Season 1

Incredibly well written and acted, it's got an amazing way of subverting cliches and expectations and it's so good at balacing laughs, tension, drama, emotion.

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