Andrea Maderna


Paris, France

The Wire: Season 2

This is where it goes from great to amazing. The whole docks storyline is incredibly well written and acted and the way it also works on moving everything around for the overarching plot that will go on in the following years is great stuff.

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The Wire: Season 1

It's got that amazing quality of being great without being obnoxious about it.

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Hilda: Season 2

Having finished adapting the books, the series goes on without missing a beat and adding a bit more horizontal storytelling. All the great things from season one are still here and it remains a lovely watch, full of inventions and with the right amount of spookiness. The variation in episodes length works surprisingly and there's at least four standout episodes that are worth the watch. But the season as a whole is really good.

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Halt and Catch Fire: Season 2

Shout by Andrea Maderna
BlockedParent2020-10-26T10:50:33Z— updated 2020-11-25T15:26:57Z

The immediate rewatch is making me appreciate much more the character development, how later seasons pick up on stuff that was laid down here and already in the first season. The tale of Donna and Cameron and how they basically start acting like Joe when they realize their ambition, the depth of desperation in which Joe is falling, the pit from which Gordon is gonna have to crawl out...

Plus, honestly, this is such a lovely watch, of course when it's entertaining and fun, but also when it gets really sad, because it's so nice to be with such well written characters. What a show. I'm gonna miss it, when we finish this rewatch.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 7

A lovely final season, with a nice ending, some touching moments, and, as per usual, a couple of outstanding episodes. Plus, I appreciated the return of Kevin Tancharoen for the series finale: his action scenes have always been some of the best stuff this show had to offer and he didn't disappoint here. I also appreciate that they acknowledged how silly all these fake deaths have been and they joked about it but still, they've been doing it for too long and it stole all the feeling of danger and tension from the whole show. Still, it was fun.

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Masha and the Bear: Season 1

Funny, bizarre, full of crazy ideas, a good mix of slapstick gags for kids and idiotic humour for parents. Adorable.

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Gangs of London: Season 1

The first five episodes are out of this world and they constantly get better. The last four are still very, very good but they pay the price of having to do so much work to properly end a really complex story.

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Dummy: Season 1

This is a fun show. I honestly don't know what else I could say about it.

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Big Mouth: Season 3

A solid third season, with a couple of standout moments, great consistency and the feeling that by now they really know what they're doing. I'm not sure I want it to go on for two more years, though. We'll see.

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Stranger Things: Season 3

On a rewatch, I found the first two episodes a bit better, even though I still think they're kinda weak. But then it gets into rhythm and it becomes so much fun. Also, having rewatched all three seasons in a row, I love all the little connections, callbacks, details and I'm even more convinced that the evolution in terms of tone has been on point.

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Barry: Season 2

What an amazing bunch of episodes. Hilarious, tense, moving, they've got everything and they are incredibly consistent in not letting you forget what a violent piece of shit is the main character, even if he doesn't want to believe it. I can't wait for season three.

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Barry: Season 1

Wow. Just wow. This is funny, deep, full of amazing performances, incredibly smart in how it's able to tackle very tough stuff while balancing lotos of great laughs, some very interesting drama and sudden, amazing moments of thrilling, unbearable tension. The last two episodes are out of this world.

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Mindhunter: Season 2

Shout by Andrea Maderna
BlockedParent2019-08-28T07:46:06Z— updated 2019-09-29T18:37:01Z

The first half of the season is out of this world, then it loses some momentum (maybe because of the changes on the director's chair) but it's still really, really good. The private life stuff and the way it intersects with work is good, even though sometimes it feels a bit forced/tacked on. The interviews and the investigations are amazing as usual and the Wayne case is treated very well. It also manages to reflect on various issues that are still quite relevant today in a smart way. Overall, though, I have to say that I may be a little biased because I have a young daughter and a whole season 90% based on kids being murdered and/or having issues is quite affecting to me.

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Stranger Things: Season 3

It's better than season 2 in how it uses the whole nostalgia thing and after a couple of episodes it really gets into a great rhythm. The bizarre thing is that almost everything that happens is incredibly predictable but still it manages to be tense, entertaining and moving. As usual, I think that's because of the great cast and the adorable characters.

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Mr. Robot: Season 2

Shout by Andrea Maderna
BlockedParent2018-12-03T12:52:26Z— updated 2023-10-02T05:28:58Z

Saying it's a slow burner would be quite the understatement but when it burns, it really does. And it's so beautifully shot and acted that you tend to forgive every mistake.

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Hilda: Season 1

Visually great, incredibly cute and emotional, smart, well written and amazingly imaginative. My daughter adores it, after watching it we bought the comic book and it's a constant re-read.

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iZombie: Season 4

This gets weirder and better and more fucked up and more entertaining and more ambitious and more [whatever] every single year. I honestly didn't think it was possible for this kind of production. I guess it is.

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iZombie: Season 3

I'm amazed at how this stays consistently good. The procedural part, the overall storyline, everything's really great. Plus, the will to reinvent everything and scramble the status quo every single year keeps it fresh. A great show.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Season 2

The more tongue in cheekey approach is quite welcome and makes everything else much more palatable. Plus, the villains are good and the season overall is quite fun. Probably it's the more consistently entertaining of the Arrowverse series.

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Halt and Catch Fire: Season 3

Here is where the focus really shifted from tech to people and the series flourished. Don't get me wrong: the tech part is fascinating and it's really cool to have it as a background, but the heart of the show is somewhere elese. And it's great.

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The Good Fight: Season 1

All the good elements from The Good Wife are more or less here: intriguing storylines, interesting courtroom drama, strong characters, good actors. So, obviously, it's a really good show. But, I don't know, something's missing. Or maybe it's just that I can barely tolerate how bad of an actress Rose Leslie is.

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Atlanta: Season 1

I'm not sure I now know what it feels like to be black but at least I tried.

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Legion: Season 1

Fun, surprising, fresh, visually striking, full of nice ideas... it's a different and interesting way to do the superhero thing.

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You're the Worst: Season 4

Poor Boone and Olivia, they didn't know what they were getting themselves into.

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Downton Abbey: Season 5

It's still fun but yeah, it kinda lost its magic by now.

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Downton Abbey: Season 4

Some storylines feel a bit formulaic/avoidable, but overall I found it more consistently enjoyable than season three.

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Big Little Lies: Season 1

Great writing, acting and directing, relevant themes, a lot of cliches that get subverted in smart and elegant ways.

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Banshee: Season 4

A really brave and ambitious final season.

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Girls: Season 6

Shout by Andrea Maderna
BlockedParent2017-09-08T06:39:50Z— updated 2018-10-23T20:37:37Z

A wonderful send off for a great series. Really, every single episode is amazing and the way it wraps up everything with the final three is... wow.

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Preacher: Season 1

A wonderful adaptation if you don't care about huge changes from the source material or, even better, if (like myself) that's what you crave. It's smart, funny, full of surprises, visually interesting without becoming pretentious and thematically strong. And it's a lot of fun, which never hurts. Great TV.

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