Andrea Maderna


Paris, France

BoJack Horseman: Season 2

Great start and finish, a lot of kinda average episodes in the middle, with too many recurring jokes. The animal stuff is always great, though.

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Preacher: Season 2

Even better than season one. The level of not giving a fuck and doing whatever it wants is amazing.

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Suburra: Season 1

Michele Placido's direction for the first two episodes is really bad and the older actors are made of pure wood, but if you can tolerate that you will get a pretty good crime drama, quite engaging when it's about the younger characters (which, fortunately, is most of the time).

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London Spy

The first three episodes are amazing. Gripping, romantic, thrilling, deep, sexy... it trojan horses a spy story inside a drama/romance/thriller thing and it does it in a wonderful way. Episode four is where it collapses by letting the uninteresting sci-fi/spy element take control. Episode five doesn't particularly get better. Still, the amazing start and the great cast deserve a view.

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Rick and Morty: Season 3

What the fuck wow yeah.

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Marvel's Inhumans: Season 1

Shout by Andrea Maderna
BlockedParent2018-01-08T11:08:00Z— updated 2018-04-24T07:04:17Z

It's not that atrocious, a couple of actors are well casted and there's some potential for growing up (but I assume we won't see anymore of this, so... ). The problem is that it's so naive... it's written like a show from twenty or more years ago, it really is out of its time. And yeah, of course, even if you look at it that way, it's not particularly good.

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Lovesick: Season 3

When it takes itself too seriously it's a bit clumsy, but overall it's still fun as hell.

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GLOW: Season 1

The cast is great, writing is really good and the way it mixes the wrestling part with all the different stories that slowly come out is quite gripping. Plus, it's a lot of fun. Maybe it's a bit of a slow burner, but when it burns it's really great. And for once the eighties theme doesn't feel badly done.

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GLOW: Season 2

A couple of episodes to get the engines running and then simply one of the best seasons of television ever. Much better than the already great season 1. Netflix was finally able to make something comparable to Orange is the New Black.

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The Good Place: Season 3

It never stops changing and challenging its core concept and it manages the incredible feat of being traditional and completely fresh at the same time. Season three has the flavor of someone who now really knows what he's doing. Amazing.

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You're the Worst: Season 5

Such a perfect ending, it really is one of the best ever, I think.

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This is bold, rich, it's got personality and identity, a great cast, an amazing look and very good direction. It's interesting, deep, thrilling, funny and moving at times. But even though in many ways it's perfectly fitted for long form, I can't shake the feeling that it could have been better as a movie.

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Halt and Catch Fire: Season 3

The amazing chemistry between cast members, the lovely writing, the humour, the tension, it's amazing.

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The Wire: Season 5

I understand it being a disappointment after the masterpiece that was season 4, but this is still an incredibly good ending for this show, that ties up everything in such a lovely and moving way.

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Marvel's M.O.D.O.K.: Season 1

A fun show, full of lovely easter eggs, with some nice surreal humour and a plot I actually ended up almost caring about.

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Big Mouth: Season 4

Lots of ups and downs for half a season, it gets back on track in the second half, when it starts fucking around with the formula.

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As always with MCU shows/movies, there's great stuff here but it's buried under the usual formula and the need to setup a hundred other things by taking time away from the core of the story. This was sold as the Marvel version of a Shane Black movie but it's basically an anesthetized version of Shane Black.

A (mostly) very good cast for a (mostly) very dull show.

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Tokyo Vice: Season 1

The problem with this show is that Michael Mann directed the first episode and didn't direct the rest. Once you accept that, you find a good show, not particularly original but fun, engaging and well acted. Plus, the locations do most of the work.

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Only Murders in the Building: Season 2

This is exactly what you would expect from a second season. It is of course less "new and exciting" but it's more confident and it knows from the beginning what it wants to be. It gains a few guest stars that want to be in the new shiny thing and it works very well on the knowledge that we are here watching it because we like spending time with those characters. It never made me laugh to the point I had to pause it like it happened twice during season one ma it really entertained me and, apart from the mystery plot and the humour, I liked how characters and storylines evolved. I also liked a lot that it tied everything up and used something (apparently) completely new to set up season three.

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The Bear: Season 1

A beautiful show, it represents in a very thoughtful and specific way the work in a restaurant, reproducing quite well - I'm told - certain obsessions and struggles, even though there's some "poetic licenses", of course. But it goes beyond the specificity and becomes relatable by anybody thanks to the impeccable writing, the great cast of actors and the ambitious direction, both in small things and in bigger stuff like the tracking shot episode. The guest stars are also amazing, particularly "that one": it's already great when you hear that voice in one of the first episodes but then he appears and suddenly the two charismatic stars become gregarious and awestruck. Also, huge shout out to Ebon Moss-Bachrach, who approaches this show charged up like someone who spent twenty years coming from the bench, finally has got the chance of a lifetime as a starter and gives you 42 points, 18 assists, 13 rebounds and 6 steals.

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Industry: Season 2

Industry does something that i love: 85% of the time I have no fucking idea of what they are doing or talking about and still I find it riveting like my life depended on it. Or my cat's life, at least. The cast is amazing, so full of new faces and/or old faces that do something completely unexpected. The soundtrack, production design, costumes, everything is impeccable. And the direction is really ambitious, with stuff like "Let's shoot this stock exchange operation like if it was a bank heist directed by Michael Mann". Season 1 is all about explaining the context, season 2 is about the charactes and what they have inside. I have no idea what they are going to do with season 3 but the premise is really good and I can't wait.

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Big Mouth: Season 6

By now I put Big Mouth in the same "relax zone" Rick and Morty is. I'm always there for them because I love the shows, I love the characters, I love they intelligent way they tackle certain themes, but also because there's always a couple of great episodes and they don't take too much of my time. At the same time though, I feel their best years are long gone and maybe they should end before things start to go really bad.

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Star Wars: Visions

Halfway through the third short I literally said "What the fuck am I doing?" and I turned it off.

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Idris Elba on a hijacked plane? I’m in! Also, the plot twist: he is not a superhero, not a secret agent, not a soldier, not a cop, not even a boxer, a martial arts expert, someone who learned how to fight at the school of hard knocks. But he does have a superpower: the art of negotiation. And he will use it to defeat (?) the terrorists. Hijack doesn’t have high TV drama ambitions and it’s not a masterpiece, but it’s got tempo, thrills, fun, all the stuff you want from something like this. It kinda reminded me of 24, not in terms of structure, clearly not because of the main character, but in its general vibe.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 3

A really, really good third season, with quite a few standout episodes (4,722 Hours, Closure, Parting Shot, Spacetime, Ascension... ) a compelling storyline, some nice character evolution and a villain that's much better than what I expected. Plus, finally we're seeing a bit more superpowers.

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Banshee: Season 2

Pulpier, bloodier, campier, more romantic and more fucked up than season one. A beautiful second season, more daring both in narration and visual style. Plus, the native american Mazinger and Julian Sands almost compensate for the loss of the albino guy.

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Fear the Walking Dead: Season 2

It's different enough from the main series to be interesting, even though themes are obviously similar and also in terms of structure it doesn't go very far from it. Some missteps, but also a bunch of really good moments.

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Marvel's Luke Cage: Season 1

Great themes, amazing sense of place, wonderful use of the soundtrack, very nice ideas and some beautiful moments, but also the usual Marvel/Netflix issue: this shit is too long, it would benefit sooo much from shorter seasons and less fucking around.

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Crashing: Season 1

It's not as good and ambitious as Fleabag, more of a typical sit-com with all its clichés, but it's fun and smart.

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Scream Queens: Season 2

Even more weird, over the top and fun than season 1. It's got ups and downs, but certain scenes made me cry out of laughter.

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