
1 follower

Munich, Bavaria

Bitter Daisies: 2x06 Being Harsh is a Kindness

10 hearts. What else? As I said: loved it.

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Bitter Daisies: 2x05 Yes and No

Great! If only all episodes were this good. Love it!

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Bitter Daisies: 2x04 Pleasure and Pain

Oh wow, I'm thrilled!
The quality of the episodes this season has fluctuated so far, but now it's absolutely great!

Small minus point:
What I don't understand is why the bad guys didn't just shoot Eva and Laura after handing over the hard drive.
That would have ended the series, but it would have been the only logical action.

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Bitter Daisies: 2x03 Like Brutes

After the somewhat weak episode 2, this one was actually exciting again.
I am looking forward to the next one :)

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Bitter Daisies: 2x02 The Other Shore

Was I too hasty with my praise?
This episode was rather bland.

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Servant: 4x08 Tunnels

Oh wow!
Somebody's fighting back!

Best episode in a long time. Wonderful!

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Liaison: 1x02 Chaos

After the getting-to-know-you episode, things finally get going in earnest. And now with Laëtitia Eïdo, in a promising role :)
I liked it a lot.

The only downer:
For me it is not believable that a woman in this position and profession simply accepts the loss of her mobile phone without doing anything about it. Especially not because she must know who has it.

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Bitter Daisies: 2x01 Shade or Man

Season 1 took a while to get going.
With season 2, I'm already excited about episode 1.

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Bitter Daisies: 1x04 Those who are already dead

It took a while, but now I am absolutely thrilled:)

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Bitter Daisies: 1x01 Through me...

Great actors and actresses, beautifully staged. But could be more exciting.

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Liaison: 1x01 Storm Warning

Too early for a rating - but now that we know the main characters and the basic idea, I'm curious to see what happens next.

Two small comments, however:
- When clouds of smoke darken the kitchen in my house, I open the windows - surprisingly not necessary here.
- It wasn't really comprehensible why Albert (?) left the flat in a huff shortly before the end of the episode, just because his wife mentioned that her boss didn't mean him any good.

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Servant: 4x07 Myth

I don‘t believe anything someone tells in this episode.
Can‘t believe that Sean isn’t ashamed by his tv show.

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Loved everything in this movie.
At first I was a bit disappointed that my favourite character wasn‘t the main character and disappeared for a while, but it was worth waiting for her return.

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Fear Street: 1666

Didn‘t finish this movie.
Lost any interest in any of the characters.

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Servant: 4x06 Zoo

What a successful birthday party!

Poor Leanne.
But she knows how to help herself :)

Very nice episode. Too bad it will soon be over.

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Servant: 4x05 Neighbors

Loved this episode (in contrary to the director‘s new movie, I’m not a Night fanboy).
Poor Leanne.

I am very curious to see how the series will end.

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Servant: 4x04 Boo

Wonderful episode!
Is this really how people celebrate Halloween?
Nice to see Leanne happy, scary the last two sentences from Sean in this episode.

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Servant: 4x03 Séance

I couldn't stand Dorothy from the beginning, but she hasn't been as annoying as she is now for a long time.
The séance was a nice idea.
Love this episode.


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Servant: 4x02 Itch

Love this show so much.

Dorothy is more annoying than ever, and Leanne seems stronger than I previously thought.

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Fauda: 4x12 Episode 12

What a finale!
And all questions unanswered.

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Fauda: 4x08 Episode 8

Missing Nurit very much, but love this season as the former three. More strong women would be nice nevertheless.

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Candy: 1x03 Overkill

Didn’t finish it.
This is all to depressing for me.

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Warrior Nun: 2x08 Jeremiah 29:13

Loved it and can’t believe that there will be no season 3.

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Warrior Nun: 2x05 Mark 10:45

Still absolutely thrilled.
This time, however, one star less because of Adriel's appalling chatter.

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Wednesday: 1x01 Wednesday's Child Is Full of Woe

Only read good things about Wednesday on Twitter.
Join me, though I've always liked The Munsters more than The Addams Family.
Would certainly be interesting to talk at work to a social educator about the girl though.

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Blockbuster: 1x01 Pilot

Did not finish watching this episode.
Uninteresting characters, a lot of talking, no plot.
Unbelievably bad.

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The Walking Dead: 11x24 Rest in Peace

I expected a lot more deaths, and then my heroine of all people gets it :(

As often in the last episodes, not everything was completely comprehensible and sometimes sloppily staged.

What was not convincing at all in this episode: the crowd scenes. Surely the whole Commonwealth consists of more than 20 or 30 people?

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The Walking Dead: 11x22 Faith

Of course, these last episodes are more superficial and cheaply produced than when the series was at its peak.
But still: I like it and am looking forward to the big bang.
There is not much time left.

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The Walking Dead: 11x19 Variant

Still love it. Season 11 ist a good one, and I'm dying to find out if a certain person will be finally discovering their conscience.
And that two more will continue to remain among us.

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The Walking Dead: 11x18 A New Deal

When I first watched this episode, I was totally hooked.
Only when I watched it a second time did I notice that the events leading up to the end were very contrived and not very convincing.

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