


The 100: 3x16 Perverse Instantiation (2)

Pike saved Octavia more than once to try and redeem himself. Warrior Princess wannabe had to kill him anyway. She f'd one grounder so that makes her Xena ?
Solid episode nevertheless.

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Im happy that she killed him lol u cant redeem urself for killing someone

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Arrow: 5x17 Kapiushon

Actually a great episode. I rather see Oliver chained and tortured throughout. Than hear Felicity's voice. So it was a nice change lol.
Although she's in the end. Would have been nice if she wasn't at all.

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@jim222001 Its one thing to complain about too much Felicity like season 4 wich i totally hated, another thing is too be a little cry baby because she had like 3 lines.

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Zack Snyder's Justice League

Although I did enjoy the whole 4 hours ( with breaks of course ) and with respect to Snyder's vision of color reproduction and decision to go for the 1.33:1 aspect ratio " adding more visual content " .. I found it stupid because the whole world watched it on TV with black bars or cropped to fit the full screen and thus having little content invisible. I went for the cropped in an attempt to enjoy the full screen experience for an hour or so, then switched to the intended 1.33:1 aspect and swallowed my pride for the remaining duration of the movie.

I enjoy cliff hangers a lot... They leave something to the mind to wonder about rather than brining the story to an end.

Additional characters reveal was a plus especially one specific beloved member of the league... Which got me excited and looking forward to future installments of the movie.

I don't usually have a lot to say about films I enjoyed.... So that's that.

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@typongtv and who are you to speak for the “whole world”? As if most people would remember to even change the aspect ratio

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Babylon Berlin: 2x07 Episode 15

An amazing story well told and everything but like... I realised I am not enjoying this at all.

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@thoroughmas because unfortunelly this is the real stuff, what we saw right here, this is reality, these will happened once and are happening again. i cannot express how well this series is made, showcasing what we did wrong once and are doing wrong again!!

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Supergirl: 3x06 Midvale

Like how they did a little tie in to Smallville.

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@matter99 10 years ago right? So cute

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The Flash: 3x04 The New Rogues

The Flash: still terrible CGI

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@jorah-the-andal Considering the low budget CW shows have, The Flash and the other DC shows have pretty good and sometimes outstanding CGI

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Wayward Pines: 1x10 Cycle

The show wasn't cancelled, this mini-series resumes the book trilogy in one season only, so it was always planned to have one and only one season.

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Com um final destes como podem deixar a série assim? :/

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Shout by Olly

Fans of Smallville may recognise the outside of the Queen family home. It was the same building used as the Luthor mansion in Smallville.

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I knew it!!! I watched Smallville after watching Arrow and i could see it's the same.

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Westworld: 4x03 Années Folles

The player piano in the new 1920s park was playing Bad Guy by Billie Eilish :joy:

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@nescobar-a-lop-lop if that's all that you had to say better to just stay quiet

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Euphoria: 2x04 You Who Cannot See, Think of Those Who Can

fyi if anyone is about to watch this, DO NOT watch it right after or while eating. i ate like seven meatballs before watching and hoooooly shit, regretting that decision sdghfjkgjhjgk.

overall, it was alright. the visual aspects + performances are great as always, but some scenes did not need to be as long as they were.

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@smarterperson do people really feel like vomiting just bc watching someone else do it? feels more like an automatic response to discomfort much like covering the eyes (when you're young) or feeling weird when watching a sex scene with someone by your side, the image is so unsettling, by societal standarts, that it would be scary if we remained unchanged and indifferent to it, making us the ones that are sick in the head.
allow yourself to be mad and rebel.

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Nocturnal Animals

Tries to sell something big, but in the end it's nothing...

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@hitsbam a movie is always something, even the most shittiest, some are just not sensible enough to see it.

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The White Lotus: 1x06 Departures

A good finale. I guess I did wanted a bit more of black and white in this show. The portrayals are great, the satire is good, but I think it needed just a bit less, just a bit less, of gray areas. Like, don't give any triumphant tone to a finale where all the rich people get away with everything.

Just to clarify, I think it's a great way to end, in a sour note, just make that sour note a bit more obvious (focus, soundtrack, etc), and not end with the liberating tone of the white kid going for his dream.

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@funger92 i guess the rich people getting away with everything and the workers being the only ones who suffer is indeed the triumphant finale. it's not a good conclusion but its what we have no? isn't that the world we live in today ?

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x01 Out of Time

Decent episode with Oliver Queen being in a significant amount of the episode. The only complaint that I have is the writing for Sara Lance/ White Canary. Ok writers, we get it. She's a lesbian. Does that constantly need to be referenced during each episode? It will be interesting to find out what happened to Rip.

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@typowell40 did u complain about the forced relationship between Kendra and Ray last season? Cause i hope so! That hetero relationship was much more forced than what happens with Sara's flings, Sara is much more natural. Don't complain.

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The White Lotus: 1x06 Departures

what a great fucking show!! loved it so much for it's diverse viewpoints and no higher understand by the writers leaving it upto the audience to take sides like in IRL there is no black and white to situations and people make decisions based on what serves them best at the present influenced by their past determining their future. over-all this show was LIT!!! 11/10


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@afterkush im obsessed with the theme song too

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The Matrix Resurrections

Woke nonsense... 2 and a half hours I won't get back
The 'escapism' of watching movies is dead, as every single new flick has to be infused with wokeism and politics

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@the_argentinian No ... I'd just prefer not to spoil it for others and have them make up their own minds about the movie.
Also, I believe that (what I percieve as) woke persons should go and watch and support the movies they SOOOO wanted, while the rest of us wait for something actually worth watching, like 'Spider-man: No Way Home' ... that movie was a nice escape from the political dump this world has become.

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its a Wachowski movie what did you expect? The Matrix was always a political franchise .. art is supposed to make you think, I really did not like no way home for how bland it is, clearly im considered WOKE

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Supergirl: 2x13 Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-02-21T04:24:56Z— updated 2017-08-19T10:34:26Z

This was such an enjoyable episode. Mr. Mxyzptlk was a good villain and Kara was an absolute badass. I didn't know drinking orange juice could be sassy, but she totally pulled it off. And the way she tricked him was so damn clever. But somehow I think Clark will have something to say about her destroying the statue of his dad.

Can we please get a break from men falling in love with Kara? I get it. I really do. I'm in love with her too. But let that poor girl rest. First Winn's feelings for her almost ruined their friendship, then the guy she just wanted to mentor started pursuing her, and in this episode a dude literally threatened to destroy the world to get her to marry him. Stop. She doesn't need this shit. She needs a hug, a dog and a chance to focus on herself instead of some ain't-shit fuckboy who thinks that he can get away with not listening to her and being the epitome of toxic masculinity, and that respecting her is a super impressive thing to do. No, dickhead, you don't promise to respect her just because she's mad at you and you want to get her off your back. You respect her because it's what decent people do. Also because she's obviously smarter and more experienced than you, and she's the best, kindest, most selfless person you'll ever meet. She deserves respect and that trashcan of a person is only willing to give it to her when it's convenient for him. This is why I hate Mon-El. The bar is set so fucking low for him at this point - just like for any other cishet white male in the history of everything - and he still fails to reach it. And he gets the girl anyway. This is bullshit.

Wow, good for Winn. I'm really happy for him. I definitely want to see more of Lyra. Let's just hope that she doesn't turn out to be evil, or the DEO might just officially ban Winn from dating ever again.

Maggie is a nerd who loves bonsai trees. Your fave could never. And her story absolutely broke my heart. I had tears in my eyes when she was telling it. She's a good, pure cinnamon roll that needs to be protected at all costs. I wish she got enough screentime for us to actually get to know her. She's such an interesting character with so much potential, but she practically doesn't exist outside of her relationship with Alex. I mean, I adore Sanvers. I live for Sanvers. And what Maggie did for Alex at the end of the episode made me weep like a little bitch. But let her be her own person too.

Oh, and stop interrupting beautiful, moving, heartwarming Sanvers scenes with Karamel crap. This isn't the first time this has happened and I hate it.

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@aniela-krajewska Well the show isn't about Danvers but about Supergirl so i guess she has a priority? lol

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Once Upon a Time: 5x18 Ruby Slippers

Shout by Jim222001

Yep they've gone and made Dorothy and Red Riding Hood lesbians.

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I don't remember the Red Riding Hood and Oz being love stories unlike Cinderella and others, so they were free to make them love whoever they wanted

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manly men's show. period.

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i love glee and i love banshee is this a paradox

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The Last of Us: 1x06 Kin

I don't understand why they have to put a black person as a leader or a wife for somebody everytime.

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@nicol1212 that's a lot of progress both for women and non-whites i'd say. 50 years ago we wouldn't have a women as a leader nor a portrayal of a mixed relationship.

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The Crown: 5x03 Mou Mou

I don't understand why the Palace has had such a scathing review of this series, it just makes them all seem so much more human.

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@anonymousse Didn't you learn from episode 2 that they dont like to talk about what goes on in the family, much less for someone else to make a tv show about it.

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The Sandman: 1x04 A Hope in Hell

I really want to love this show, it has a lot of potential, but something just feels off.

The whole John storyline just feels very dull and generic, and Dream himself is kinda boring. I kinda liked what they were doing with the fight/challenge in Hell, but if we're being honest, it was kinda dumb. Why would Lucifer even start by saying "I am a direwolf" if she could have just said she was one of the better things right away? After that challenge happens once, it would never have to happen again because they'd very quickly find what can't be beaten. The little pep talk the raven gave Dream took me right out of the scene too - really not liking the voice actor at all.

Last thing I wanna say is that I feel that the show is constantly trying to have these sort of 'epic' moments. They have nice visuals and great music to create these moments. But the problem is, these moments haven't been earned. They fail to actually be epic or memorable because none of the characters are overly strong and we haven't had much reason to like any of them. The only character I've seen anyone really caring about was the female Constantine last episode - but it doesn't seem like she's going to be a big part of the show other than that one episode.

The show isn't bad, it's entertaining and an alright watch. But certain things in the writing are just preventing it from going from okay to good/great. Not sure if that's just because of the source material, or if it's because Netflix messed something up.

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@ragreynolds It's not a Netflix production, it's Warner Television

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It's a Sin: 1x01 Episode 1

Review by jackal_uk
BlockedParent2021-01-22T22:12:47Z— updated 2021-01-27T19:12:09Z

Queer as Folk for a new generation or an older generation looking at the past. Russell T Davies's new gay drama didn’t disappoint in it's first episode.

It covered all the usual RTD’s bases:

Imminent tragedy

The story is the rise of the AIDs virus in London during the 1980’s which is very prescient for the 2020’s. It does feature some worrying parallels with 2020/21, even at this early stage of the series.

Olly Alexander didn’t disappoint in his first serious role and it will good to see more of him in future (not that there’s much more left of him to see after the first episode!).

Neil Patrick Harris also delivered an excellent and touching performance in both main aspects of the show with some excellent one liners and comedic moments, but also the darker elements.

Callum Scott-Howells also deserves mention for a very accurate portrayal of Colin. Someone who we've all been at some part of our lives and readily recognise in others. It will be interesting to see how his character develops.

Music wise it is spot on, the direction and photography also spot on. 1981 lives again (thankfully only on TV).

The urge to binge the lot is rising, but I’ll try to resist. Oh well, if you insist, maybe just one more.

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@jackal_uk How about you mark the spoilers as such?

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The Flash: 6x09 Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Three (III)

Crisis on Infinite Earths...
5 different shows, but I only watch The Flash.
Gave up on Supergirl, Arrow and LoT. Never any interest in Batwoman.
Pretty sure they try this crossover thing every year in the hopes that The Flash can save those other stinkers.

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@phug dude can't you just watch the crossover episode from other shows ? interpret it as a big Flash episode divided by 5 LOL

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My Brilliant Friend: 1x03 The Metamorphoses

If anybody is wondering, 10 Lire in 1958 were 0.14 EUR or 0.16 USD. Pretty cheap even for back then Lulù: come on, you're better than this.

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@branfi thanks for the info :)

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Mr. Robot: 1x10 eps1.9_zer0-day.avi

This is a good season 1 of a great show. It's not my favorite show ever but, it's far more interesting than Outcast, Preacher, and Animal Kingdom. Glad I could binge watch this. I'll def be back for season 2.

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@teenwolfpack Outcast and Preacher were boring but i loved Animal Kingdom

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Humans: 2x05 Episode 5

I'm confused by that date. Is season two on brand-new or no

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@starbryte76 Yes season 2 is playing now on Channel 4 UK, only in 2017 on AMC

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The Flash: 2x18 Versus Zoom

Shout by Deleted

This show doesn't make any sense and Barry comes up with the dumbest plans... just to fall minutes mater into the traps his enemies create. But damn if Evil Jay isn't hot af.

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Right omg good Jay was ugly but bad Jay damn guuuuuurl

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The Flash: 2x07 Gorilla Warfare

Shout by Vero

There is one thing that made me think that Henry is actually Zoom. When Henry came back and was talking to Barry, he said that he had been fishing, like Zoom said to Barry in the previous episode. Moreover, he wasn't so lovely with Barry as he used to be. I am thinking about Zoom being Henry and trying to kill his own son, although from Earth-1. Besides, If Zoom can kill Barry whenever he wants to, why doesn't he kill him by himself istead of sending metas to do it for him?
Perhaps, as it happened with Robert and Ollie, their roles could also be changed in Earth-2 too. This will explain Barry's visión when he saw his future in the speedforce in episode 1x23. Barry was in prison and therefore, he could have taken Henry's role. So, perhaps, it was Barry from Earth-2 the one who went to prison for Nora's death. This whole Zoom issue is gonna drive me crazy!

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Wells from Earth 2 said he created Zoom, or at least its whats supposed, and when he saw Henry he didn't react like "omg thats zoom" so i dont think your idea is right.

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Da Vinci's Demons: 3x01 Semper Infidelis

WRONG!! Season 3 doesn't start today

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Unfortunelly :( Nobody knows when it starts

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Supergirl: 3x07 Wake Up

No lgbt ... thank god. Horrible acting for the "birth" if Reign. Those screams and hand gesture...omfg... where did they find that actress... school of garbage actresses? Glad to see Mon-El back. We need a real man role in here. Jimmy and Winn are ...to effeminate...J'on could dissapear from the show...he has no value. Hope to some villainy from Mon'el ... i dont expect much from Reign... but poor playing

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@ramadri how can a person like you be watching this show? when the show makes a good effort of showing how bad people like you are. sexist human crap you are. homophobic, racist and sexist.

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