Heather Leigh


Beaufort, South Carolina

Dashing Through the Snow

Cute movie! I really enjoyed the adult actors... it was fun. The little girl was way over the top and annoyed me (sorry if that’s mean, but I would have wanted that warning!). All in all, a decent Christmas movie with a fantastic soundtrack.

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Five Nights at Freddy's

As someone who works with kids, everything I know about FNAF is against my own will.

The movie was silly. When it tried to be scary it was laugh at loud funny.

It was both too fast and too slow. Clearly I am not the indended audience - which makes sense.

BUT. Matthew Lillard. :clap_tone1::clap_tone1::clap_tone1::clap_tone1: He is so underrated. What a brilliant actor. Love him.

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Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3

I had to call out of work the day after I saw this movie because of a migraine due to dehydration from crying.

I will NEVER watch this movie again. It had funny parts but I’m scarred for life.

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Put off seeing this movie because of all the hype. Then I bought it and have watched it several times since.

Hilarious. Poignant. Fanciful. Real.

Truly beyond my wildest expectations.

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Haunted Mansion

I hate to say this because I was SO looking forward to it… this movie was so boring and so forgettable.

I can’t even tell you the plot beyond they bought a mansion and it’s haunted.

So disappointing.

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If You Were the Last

This movie is super unrealistic with cheesy sets and goofy production.

And i LOVED it.

The acting was great and I believed the chemistry of the two main characters.

Full disclosure, my husband walked out on it half way through with clear instructions of “don’t tell me how it ends because I don’t care,” so it’s clearly not for everyone.

But the movie sure was for me!

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This was so dumb. It wasn’t the worst movie ever, but it had the most annoying humans characters. I didn’t care if they all died. The sloth was cute. And honestly really impressive with the literacy, tech skills, and murder.

I liked sharknado more, but Alpha is adorable. If I’m going to be killed petting something I shouldn’t, at least she’s cute enough to make it worth it.

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The Burial

The acting and casting was superb. I really enjoyed this movie! I didn’t google how much of the story was true because I’d like to believe it all was at least mostly accurate.

I usually avoid “based on a true story” movies because real life is such a drag. But I am so glad I took a chance on this.

Not to mention - that soundtrack is fantastic.

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Totally Killer

I LOVED this movie. It’s okay, judge me. It was the perfect Halloweeny movie for me. Silly horror with a sci fi flavor. I thought it was hysterical. Also what a great cast. I’d definitely watch again and again.

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This was vulgar, silly, and HYSTERICAL. Solid cast choice. Fantastic soundtrack.

It really was great. Disturbing but great.

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Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey

Silly old bear.

This movie was dumb and silly. The graphics were ridiculous. It wasn’t the worst movie I’ve seen but it wasn’t good.

The masks were creepy. I really wish Owl, Kanga, and Roo were in it.

I am going back and forth from a 3/10 or a 4/10. Trust me, its god awful. But will undoubtedly be a cult classic. It wasn’t “so bad it’s good,” but I keep laughing at it after it’s off - and I guess that’s worth the extra point.

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No One Will Save You

Kaitlyn Devers is phenomenal in everything.

This movie was… weird.

It wasn’t terrible, per se, but it sure wasn’t good. I did appreciate some of the fight scenes. And I thought there were some creepy parts.

Don’t go into this movie expecting it to be scary. Maybe that was my mistake. It wasn’t. In fact it was kinda dull at parts. It was confusing and weird and sometimes intriguing. But it wasn’t scary.

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Visually appealing. Overall boring. I didn’t care for the main character. She was annoying.

Some parts were fairly funny. It was surprising sensual. Not in a conservative-dont-show-your-kids type of way. But in a way that left me with a LOT of questions that probably were more inappropriate considering this is a Disney Pixar movie.

Favorite parts: when the grandmother died and poofed and at the end when the water dude told her that she needs her chimney cleaned. Overall, it was okay. I wouldn’t watch it again.

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The Little Mermaid

I don’t love live action remakes as a whole. For me, they lack the magic and nostalgia. But you better believe I made a point to try this one due to all the racist backlash.

I will say, this is probably the best live action remake Disney has made!

The cast is phenomenal. Halle Bailey was absolutely perfect in this role. Javier Bardem - helllllo Daddy Triton. Daveed Diggs as Sebastian? I mean has he ever had a role in which he didn’t blow it out of the water?! I even appreciated Awkwafina as Scuttle - even those I’ll admit it this initially gave me pause.

I didn’t love how they made Flounder. He was creepy. They coulda picked a cuter fish, in my absolutely-not-a-marine-biologist opinion! But if that’s my biggest complaint, good job Disney!

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Love Again

This wasn’t a particularly good movie. It wasn’t the worst? Sam Heughan is a beautiful man, even though his character was cringey.

I like Celine Dion, but can I tell you… this movie laid it on a THICK about Rene. She even had a line about how their relationship was just professional until she won Eurovision… it sounded VERY deliberate to distract from the fact that he was a groomer.

Besides them at grossness, the movie was fine? I won’t watch again. But I won’t judge you if you do!

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You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah

I am definitely not the targeted audience of this movie, but it was enjoyable! I won’t watch again, but it was cute enough.

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Red, White & Royal Blue

Huge book fan here! But also, a realist when it comes to a book adaptions.

I love these adaption! Was it perfect? Heck no. Did they leave a lot out? You betcha. Was the book better? Times a billion. But they got a lot right - including at least capturing some of the butterflies the book gave me!

I don’t know how they did it, but the casting of Prince Henry was PERFECT for me. I don’t know this actor but he was exactly who I pictured when reading. I also liked Alex. They seemed to have good chemistry and were easy on the eyes.

But listen - the movie totally underutilized the side characters. It’s criminal how much they underutilized them. Please read the book and you’ll see what I mean. Go on, I’ll wait.

Beautiful movie for an absolutely brilliant and wonderful book.

Also did you see what book Alex was reading on the hammock? That’s another you should read (wondering if they’ll be adapting that next??)

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The Super Mario Bros. Movie

I was so excited for this movie but heavens to Betsy was it boring. I gave it 1 additional star for nostalgia; 1 additional star for voice talent (Jack Black, Keegan-Michael Key, and Charlie Day). Otherwise this movie was more than terrible.

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The Out-Laws

If you want to see a funny movie, watch the 2 minute preview. Don’t waste time on this. All the characters were either boring, unlikeable, or annoying. I loved the cast. I love happy Madison movies. This has the recipe to be a winner but man. What a waste.

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Magic Mike's Last Dance

I couldn’t finish this. It was so bad. Beyond boring and just awful. I enjoyed the first movie and the second was entertaining enough, but this one… yikes. I’d rather get a Pap smear than sit through another minute.

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I was really excited about this movie. The previews looked funny. It was not. The preview was about 5x funnier than the actual show. Also, it was so long. I understand it was only an hour and a half but heavens to Betsy it felt longer than avatar.

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Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai

I have loved Gremlins since I was a little girl. I LOVE this show. The animation is weird but I adjusted to it quickly. This is a prequel, the backstory of how The Old Man got Gizmo. It’s weird and dark, and magical in ways that would not translate to live action. I will forever remain hopeful for a Gremlins 3, but for a prequel I cannot wait to see where this goes.

Also - this has an all star cast, Steven Spielberg produced, and written by the OG Gremlins writer.

10/10 totally recommend, especially for fellow Gremlins fans. It’s not what we grew up on, but it’s enough to keep that nostalgia alive.

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The Call

I watched this because I saw articles that it was giving people nightmares. Big hype for bigger let down. It was okay. Then it was meh. Then by the time it ended it was just dumb.

The articles I read must’ve just been the work of a good PR rep. But hey, got me to watch it so I guess they won. The acting was decent and I do love Korean films. This one just didn’t work for me.

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Scream VI

I have been a huge scream fan since the beginning. I will say this one was surprisingly very good! It has the campiness I live for (or die for?). I laughed, I yelled at the screen, I rolled my eyes, I cringed. All in all, everything I wanted from this franchise. Also my favorite character lived so I’m happy!

Can’t wait for the next one. I have already picked out who I want to be the killers, especially if it’s the last one.

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I’ve loved the game since I was little but was not expecting to love this movie. It was really fast paced and kept my attention. It was really a wild ride. I definitely recommend it, even if you don’t think you’d enjoy it.

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Daisy Jones & the Six

I really enjoyed the book (the audiobook was stellar). But man, this show. My heart is aching now that it’s over. I love the soundtrack. Sam and Riley - wow. I absolutely loved this entire journey and once I stop crying I’ll likely rewatch

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We Have a Ghost

It was entirely too long. Too. Too. Long.

Great cast. Okay story. The funniest parts are in the trailer.

But man. It’s so beyond long.

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Super cute movie! I loved it. Bob was so cute. Fantastical - Sam would definitely have some trauma happening. Great ending but let me just tell you - there are few animated characters I hate more than Captain!!! What a mean character for no reason.

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Shotgun Wedding

Probably my least favorite J Lo marriage movie, but it got a 7/10 because Jennifer Coolidge. “He didn’t RSVP!” - best line in the movie. It was dumb but not the absolute worst. Not a rewatch, but I don’t necessarily regret the last 100 minutes.

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I liked this movie. It only had a couple of funny parts, so don’t go into it looking for laughs. It also didn’t have too much of a plot. But I enjoyed the family dynamics and character development. Lydia is by far the best character.

All in all, a solid film for what it is, and not a terrible way to spend 90 minutes.

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