Bryan Staton




So many plot holes and unrealistic silliness

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Black Adam

Black Adam was great, the rest of the characters not so much

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Liked the main characters and good acting but the plot was surreal, confusing and just bad editing. Don’t want to give out any spoilers but a good portion of the movie appeared like a second movie forcibly being edited in

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Thor: Love and Thunder

Very fun movie and very rewatchable

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Wasn’t horrible but wasn’t great either. A little boring and goofy humor that didn’t seem to land. My kids seemed to enjoy and and wife said she thought it was cute. Theater was about empty for the opening showing, maybe 8-10 people in the whole theater

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Beyond Infinity: Buzz and the Journey to Lightyear

Wasn’t horrible but wasn’t great either. A little boring and goofy humor that didn’t seem to land. My kids seemed to enjoy and and wife said she thought it was cute. Theater was about empty for the opening showing, maybe 8-10 people in the whole theater

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Obnoxiously hilarious. This is comedic gold. Couldn’t have found a better actor for lead role.

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After Life: 3x06 Episode 6

What a tear jerker. Great season.

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Spider-Man: No Way Home

Pretty damn epic. Watch it

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Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Epic, everything I could have asked for. I hope somehow they follow it up with more

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What an excellent movie. Great acting, good singing, and superb story. Hard to get better than this.

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Bad acting, horrible script, and corny action/cgi. Haven’t watched about the last 6-7, didn’t know it got this bad. Remember the first 2 being entertaining ???

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The Croods: A New Age

What great fun. Good animation, plot and action. Love when I enjoy watching the movie as much as my kids.

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Wonder Woman 1984

First 1/3 of the movie was great and then just keeps falling apart. Acting, plot, affects just kept getting worst. I want just the opening Pre-story as a short film and pretend the rest never happened.

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Harley Quinn

Absolutely love it. First animated comic series that I have seen in sometime that is entertaining. I believe it is now my favorite, hope it can keep up the momentum.

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The Eric Andre Show

I think you have to have a lobotomy to enjoy this.

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The River and the Wall

Propaganda starting doofus as himself.

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Orange Is the New Black: 7x01 Beginning of the End

Should of canceled the show after season 2. This season sucks and appears to be mostly propaganda instead of entertaining.

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The Last Kingdom: 2x08 Episode 8

excellent series. Enjoying this more than Vikings. the script and acting is great.

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The Predator

How does the original that is 30+ years old look more realistic than a movie made today. Couldn’t finish, just corny

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A Discovery of Witches

I am pretty entertained. Usually do not care for the vampire shows because they all end up either sappy or shock value gore. This one seems visually appealing and a deep enough story to hold my interest. There are some slow and sappy parts but is better than any of the orher sifi stuff on.

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Killing Eve

Great show with awesome villan. Love the look and feel of each episode. Got some great dark humor and some disturbing thriller parts. Highly recomend this one

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Really wanted to enjoy it as I like both main actors but it was so pointless. Tries to have meaning but there is none. Not a lot of episode so I pushed through thinking it will go somewhere, nope.

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Misfit Garage

Very cool show other than still showing Gas Monkey garage. I get real tired of watching Richard so this was awesome that they split off and got a new show without him.

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Apocalypse Now

So boring and chaotic. It’s like the rewrote the script as they went along and tried so hard to make it different or artistic that it lost all entertainment. One of the worst war movies I have seen.

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Death Wish

Very bad and forgettable. Forced my way through it hoping it would get better but seemed its main purpose was to make a pilitical statement and not entertain. The movie seemed to try and come across as dark and action and ended up being corny and boring with many messups. I am a little irritated I wasted my time since having bruce willis as the lead but I will no longer be using that fact dictate if i am going to watch a movie.

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Our Cartoon President

I try to keep open to comedy at anyone’s expense. This is not funny. Tries way to hard to use liberal propaganda and rhetoric. Just comes off as a hateful cartoon with a junior high production team. I think it’s a shame because they could have made this really good.

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Don’t waiste your time unless you like watching metaphoric crap with no plot.

WTF am I watching. I feel like the movie should be over and it says I have an hour to go. This makes no since and the dialogue is so out of place. It is recordered with over use of surround sound passsing surreal and coming off corny. Reminds me of listening to 3D audio books. So far the plot is non-existant, trying to stay awake to mark it off the list and never watch again.

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Halt and Catch Fire: 4x10 Ten of Swords

Decent ending but so sad the ride is over.

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Halt and Catch Fire: 4x08 Goodwill

This is turning into one of the most depressing shows ever. It has had superb acting from the beginning but this last season is almost too well done. I still look forward to each episode but now I am just not as giddy. The show is coming to and end and it appears it will be wrapped up in a very gloomy way.

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