

Omicron Persei 8

Love & Gelato

i wanna crawl in a corner and die

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Twist of Fate

This show was somehow underdeveloped and overdue at the same time. I've watched this every week and god did it feel like they were avoiding the main storyline on purpose. It got so bad that they destroyed the main characters while they were at it. How many times is it ok for the main guy to punch another guy because he was jealous? None. That's the answer right there. Punching someone is not hot KanalD. For the love of god, please stop.

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One Step Behind the Seraphim

Wow. Didn't expect this one to be so good!

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After We Fell

Saw it in the cinema. Everything was predictable even before entering the theater. The best part of the experience was me screaming "NO, SHIT" very loudly after the big reveal. The structure of the movie was basically sex scene-conflict-sex scene-conflict-sex scene-conflict-sex scene-conflict-sex scene. And I'm not joking there were 5 sex scenes in this 1 hour and 48 minutes movie (just between the MCs O_O). The sex scenes weren't even filmed well. All the actors who were good were replaced. Charlie Weber was definitely the piece that was missing the most. I guess you could say he was replaced because the look of his character was more important in this one, because of well...obvious reasons if you've seen it, but he was replaced with basic white guy which makes the change not reasonable. The total 5 minutes when Carter Jenkins was featured were enjoyable (we couldn't not have some eye candy) and that one particular dream sequence was not as bad as I expected it was gonna be from previous shots.

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SAS: Red Notice

There was an attempt

This movie somehow managed to play all its weeknesses.

The acting was mostly fine. Not deserving of praise but fine. I don't agree with the Ruby Rose haters cause she did in fact show no emotion which is fitting for a psychopath.

Sam Heughan was in fact the only reason I finished the movie so praise to him for being able to that. The scenes in French were cool and I like how they did they subtitles.

Why waste Andy Serkins like that? Tom Hopper does not have evil face.

This is such a forgetable movie. The sound department did something cause I couldn't hear shit. Thank God for the subtitles!

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Twist of Fate: 1x11 Episode 11

"What happens now? They either kill each other or kiss." I love the self-awareness of the cast.

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Twist of Fate: 1x10 Episode 10

One of my favorite episodes. He was totally fucking with her and I love it.

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It's Kind of a Funny Story
New Amsterdam: 3x11 Pressure Drop

I excused Max's tunnel vision before but poor Ryan almost choked on the words when he had to say "Gloves off".

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MacGyver: 5x10 Diamond + Quake + Carbon + Comms + Tower

Finally they said it. Kinda seems like Mac has no fuckin clue still tho. Like did you just hug her? Sure, man. Do whatever you want.

Edit: Nevermind i had a minute left in the episode.

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Legacies: 1x12 There's a Mummy on Main Street

We didn't get enough white walkers? Did we?

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Arrow: 7x13 Star City Slayer

Omg. I really hate those flashforwards and the obvious things. They needed 13 episodes to say that Mia is actually Felicity's daughter. That was really a no shit sherlock situation.

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This felt like a sports movie for people who don't watch sports.

Cutting the ending like that makes the whole thing unsatisfactory.

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Solid. So sad that Rudy Pankow is not gonna play Sam anymore.

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Leap Year

Is there such a thing as an Irish fetish? If there is this is the movie for those people.
I expected them to end up together cause duh...Romcom but I didn't expect them to get married. In the end, it felt like they barely tolerated each other. A kiss and the end. Not more needed.
It felt like one of those movies where you imagine yourself as the MC with the added factor of also replacing the dude with any Irish crush. If this one was Jacksepticeye does anyone know a Scottish one so I can cross James McAvoy off the list?

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Horse Girl

What the actual fuck? I know this movie deals with mental illness, but all it managed to do was give me severe anxiety. I think they were supposed to make the ending metaphorical but they just made it confusing... I'd watch the show she was watching any day. Not only because of MGG but the only time I didn't feel bored was when she was watching it. How do you make the show in your movie better than the movie?

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Nurses: 1x10 Lady Business

Everybody got a happy ending except for Wolf. I'm mad. :\

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Eighth Grade

For a movie by Bo Burnham I expected it to be a lot funnier.

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Life Sentence: Season 1

This was not realistic in the slightest but man it was emotional.
I laughed, i cried, i got mad.
This might be my new favorite show.

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Almost Family: 1x13 Expectant AF

Shout by Irine

Considering that they canceled the show they should have cut the scene with the kiss. It kinda fucked up the whole thing.

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MacGyver: 3x09 Specimen 234 + PAPR + Outbreak

Shout by Irine

For a Romanian this episode was so fun to watch.
First of all no one is named Jeffrey in Romania. I might be looking too much but the airport scenes were kind of stereotype-y because we're white af and i don't think that was a proper representation. I really like the attention they put on the stuff Mac used. He used flour at one point and it actually had things on the package written in Romanian.
Mac doesn't know how to pronounce "Ionescu" properly which is bad because he's supposed to be a genius that knows multiple languages and Romanian is easy because it's spelled exactly as it sounds. Neither does Bozer.
Some people just casually started speaking in English. Which is cool because we slip some phrases here and there but that guard who yelled at Bozer should have said something in Romanian and then switch to English. "Hey/Hei" doesn't count since it's the same pronunciation in both languages.

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Arrow: 7x12 Emerald Archer

OMG!!! i really liked that new concept they tried but i think and hope is just an episode. Why didn't they put Batman in the documentary or a reference ? i know they said something about Gotham but is not enough. And why is Barry in it ? Hello? Secret identity ? Yeah i know he works for the CCPD or whatever but he is a fucking forensic scientist.

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