



The fact that it doesn't go anywhere and that the movie reaches the point it wants to make before even a third of it has passed doesn't mean it can't be a stylistic and well acted throw in the right direction. They just missed their mark.

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The Conners: 1x11 We Continue to Truck

Fuck you David. Fuck you.

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Sucker Punch

Style Over Substance: The Movie

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Drive Angry

Screw it, we'll do it with cgi

Fun, Nicholas Cage being Nicholas Cage. William Fichtner is really good in this, David Morse deserves more screentime. First Billy Burke movie I'm watching, he's pleasant. Who is Amber Heard?

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Air Force One

Passable. I was entertained. Last half hour = meh. Great suspense.

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

I feared rewatching this for the exact reasons I hated this.

The story makes no sense, I have no idea what mcguffin leads to the other mcguffin and I have no idea why they need it. Shia LaBoeuffs character does nothing to add to the story, remove him and you have the same movie minus one scene with swordfighting.

It's such a cool idea, but it's hobbled together like a rusty old car is held together with ductape. The cinematogrphy is awful, it did not inflict the nostalgia on me I had hoped for and expected. I'm sorry Steven, but what the hell?

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Jojo Rabbit
Creepshow: 1x05 Night of the Paw / Times is Tough in Musky Holler

That was a disappointingly brief appearance of David Arquette

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The Mandalorian: 1x07 Chapter 7: The Reckoning

Finally! A good episode! Gosh, I enjoyed this one, the previous one established how dangerous he could be. This one takes you back to the story of the first two episodes and makes some progress with it. Honestly, for what, 8 episodes? I thought they could have fleshed out the main story a bit more, this feels very episodic. Oh wait...

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First Reformed
The Dark Knight

Shout by IsharaLion

Of course, I couldn’t not see The Dark Knight after watching Joker and Batman Begins. It’s better, oh so much better. Unlike Batman Begins, its villain has center stage. And 11 years (!) after the fact, Heath Ledger’s Joker knocks it out of the park. I cannot compare it to Phoenix’ in Joker. Neither one is better than the other. The both put whatever they have in the character and are very entertaining in their own regards.
Nolan cranked it up a notch in this one. It’s aged way better than Batman Begins and I’m curious now how The Dark Knight Rises will hold up too. I miss Ledger, but for this role to be his final act of acting (sorry...) on this world... I can’t be mad about that. Just not the way that he went. But if he hadn’t, I don’t think we would have had this performance to enjoy. I just wish he was still here to dazzle us with his talent.

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Batman Begins
The Old Man & the Gun
Everybody Knows

I like foreign movies that take place in a small village, it gives a good view of how life must be like there. Combine that with some strong acting and writing, you get a family crime drama that pulls the story from the deep drama a big family can contain within the confines of such a small space. It's a good flick if you're into intrigue, mystery and eye-to-eye calling each other out on all the shit. A bit misguided with camera work, imo, but a well-brought movie that'll keep you guessing until the reveal.

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Mary Queen of Scots

Shout by IsharaLion

Strong players and an excellent wardrobe do not prevent this clutter of plotlines and characters to be an entertaining watch. It jumps from point to point without a clear line of where it wants to go exactly and spends time delving into situations that would have been better suited to flesh out the actual rivalry between Mary and Elizabeth.

At the end, you're scratching your head wondering what exactly happened and what part each and every character actually played in the eventual downfal of the Queen of Scots. A pity, since the story must have been part to the concept of ASOIAF, yet it is sadly mistreated in this incarnation.

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Mary Poppins Returns

Raises nostalgia, wonderfully animated part, made me smile and laugh. Horribly cut around including an actor for 2 minutes. Didn't like the deus ex Mary Poppins. It doesn't fit her. Besides that, a wonderful movie for children to look at with wonder, just like I did with the original.

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The Front Runner
Mortal Engines

Despite some stunning (and sometimes not so stunning) visuals, this movie never lifts me up to really be enthralled into the setting and story. I think it has an amazing setting, but I miss it being drenched in lore. It could have used a dash of mystery, wonder and soul.

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Dudley Moore is great and his physical comedy entertains, but something's missing that lifts this movie from its starting blocks into greatness

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The Spy Who Loved Me

The best James Bond while Roger Moore donned the role. Jaws is probably one of the creepiest villains out there. The quips are on point and there are some really cool shots, especially with the Lotus and the helicopter in Sardinia.

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The Island

Not many movies are saved by the story until about the middle. Just yikes. Bay's directing style gives me headaches.

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Apocalypse Now

Cursed with bad luck which just adds to the haunting and hallucinating atmosphere it leaves you with a tangeable feeling of what this war was actually like for the human being.

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Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Awesome special effects barely save this movie from it's dull and dialogue-heavy pace.

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Rocky II

You never stop rooting for Rocky.

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I Am Legend

If it wasn't for Will Smith's strong performance and the excellent dog trainers, this movie would fall through in all regards. The effects are laughable for its time and its budget. This could have been better.

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The Fog

Not the sharpest movie in Carpenter's portfolio, but also not the worst. Of all, this is the most sinister and creepy. Acting was so-so, mood was decent, effects were splendid for its time.

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Annie Hall

I'm not too familiar with Woody Allen movies, so this was a first timer for me. I can understand that, in the 70's this was a very good romantic comedy taking the public by surprise and I can see that in the movie. Both characters, of Alvy and Annie, have a very likability to them in that time period. I could relate with both of them and recognized the problems/feelings they had.

But for me the comedy didn't work, I was touched though by how two such very different people managed to get together and have a splendid time together. They weren't shallow and that's why this is such a good movie. For me this was a very splendid romance story between two unusual people with some humor elements in them. I wasn't roaring with laughter, but I did smile throughout the movie.

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