



An incredible visualization of what animation could achieve about 80 years ago. Even now, in 2020 it has an impressive air. I cannot imagine how difficult it had to have been to time hand drawn animation to composed music. It is important to remember this movie, as it helped shape the industry.

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There is something irresistebly effective in the combination of a heartwarming message with great oops-what-did-I-get-myself-into-humor. My favourite part was Nicole Kidman and Matt Lucas acting together.

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Vera: 10x03 Dirty
Homecoming: 1x02 Pineapple

The episode where we learn that there's finally more under the layers of what appears normal and from now on out we'll see just how deep the rabbit hole goes. Lead the way Sam Esmail.

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The Wife

Glenn Close's performance outshines the rest of the tepid feeling the movie gave me. I liked Christian Slater in his role too, but I think it could have gone a bit... deeper, ironically enough.

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They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
True Lies

I must have watched this once when I was a kid, because it felt really familiar. That may also have been because I’ve been on a bit of a James Cameron ride lately, having just seen both Terminators and Aliens. This movie is so, so much fun. Cameron pushes the genre of action comedy into something that is otherworldly and yet, is so believable at the same time. If you 90s action movies, Arnold Schwarzenegger and want to see something different, watch this. They put a horse in a fricking elevator, for crying out loud! Jamie Lee Curtis is great in this too and it’s always fun to see Bill Paxton (Man, I miss him). It doesn’t quite deliver on every plot line it goes for, but that’s not why you want to watch this movie. Just, amazing old fun and well done!

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You couldn't have a more simple setting, but the movie is laden with characters that don't bore. "Life is messy", but this movie guides the rollercoaster that it is along the tracks very nicely. Martin is a bit too out there in some scenes for me, but the whole cast ties it together perfectly for me.

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My favourite John Carpenter movie besides The Thing. Such a different story than he usually tells. Bridges is amazing as the alien and Allen trying to explain humanity to him is very human and familiar.

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Alright, this was excellent! I haven't watched a lot of Dario Argento's work (I saw Suspiria and Phenomena), but this was definitely the best of him that I have seen so far. I genuinely loved the misdirection and I was puzzled till the very end about what exactly what was happening. There are small clues in the editing and what is shown that kind of give you hints, which I really love. The soundtrack is just awesome and the tension building through the use of slow panning shots are great. And well, there's a lot of violence, but it did not feel over the top. Kitschy eighties style? Absolutely. Big fan of the fact that it was set in Rome and yet none of the historical buildings were shown. We only see modern architecture and a lot of angular shapes, which give it this post-futuristic feel and look, also making it feel outside of its time. I enjoyed it!

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The Night of the Hunter

Beautifully shot (interesting compositions that work really well). Pacing is excellent with the use of interesting cutting techniques to build tention (and this is before Psycho, which it made me think of, so I wonder how much this has influenced Hitchcock in making it or how much Laughton was influenced by earlier Hitchcock's works). The acting was really outstanding too, I don't think there was any one who fell out of the boat, even the children were really believable. Robert Mitchum plays a really good bad guy and I don't know who came up with using the hymn as a leitmotif for him, but it works brilliantly. My favourite shot was the underwater shot with the flowing seaweed, I really wonder how they did that (if anyone knows that reads this, please do send a message my way). Maybe there is one or two things that are left hanging, but it didn't bother me in the overall sense. It's a shame that this is the only movie we have that was directed by Laughton, but on the other hand if this is the only one we get, I'm glad that it is this one. I thought it was excellent!

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Toy Story 4

Ok, I enjoyed this way more than I thought I would. I wasn't too sure about yet another Toy Story movie, with part 3 being so perfect. But this, despite the main cast of toys not having much to do, did open up some new philosophical insights in their toy lives. And went into some new directions with how toys see and experience the world. It's not as 'good' as the third one, but it is incredibly hard to follow up such a masterpiece. Despite that, I think the story was really good and they did a great job! It made me cry a couple of times, so that is always a good sign for me.

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The Conners: 1x11 We Continue to Truck

Fuck you David. Fuck you.

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The Mandalorian: 1x07 Chapter 7: The Reckoning

Finally! A good episode! Gosh, I enjoyed this one, the previous one established how dangerous he could be. This one takes you back to the story of the first two episodes and makes some progress with it. Honestly, for what, 8 episodes? I thought they could have fleshed out the main story a bit more, this feels very episodic. Oh wait...

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First Reformed
Rocky II

You never stop rooting for Rocky.

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Annie Hall

I'm not too familiar with Woody Allen movies, so this was a first timer for me. I can understand that, in the 70's this was a very good romantic comedy taking the public by surprise and I can see that in the movie. Both characters, of Alvy and Annie, have a very likability to them in that time period. I could relate with both of them and recognized the problems/feelings they had.

But for me the comedy didn't work, I was touched though by how two such very different people managed to get together and have a splendid time together. They weren't shallow and that's why this is such a good movie. For me this was a very splendid romance story between two unusual people with some humor elements in them. I wasn't roaring with laughter, but I did smile throughout the movie.

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Homecoming: 1x01 Mandatory

Sam Esmail does it again. I shall follow his career (and this show) with great interest. I love his use of camera, aspect ratio and pretty much all the rest. I'm really glad they give him a platform to perform to the best of his abilites on.

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The Mandalorian: 1x05 Chapter 5: The Gunslinger

Shout by IsharaLion

Fun, but pointless. C'mon guys we're 5 episodes in and you don't even talk about the main problem? Stop with the fillers, it's season 1 for crying out loud, give us context please. I want to know where Baby Yoda comes from and then you even remove him from the sideplot as well just urgh. At least Amy Sedaris was a fun addition.

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Tight and gripping. Dips 3/4th in. Very human and a great attempt at creating something very real. The atmosphere is very dense in the sense that there's only the sound of the engines on the background and the set is only lit by the interior lights and any kind of moonlight/city lights. It's bleak and serene and I found the attemps to keep it as simple as possible commendable. If it wasn't for Joseph Gordon-Levitt's excellent perfomance, it would not come in as strongly as it does. In my opinion, it's one of those little gems of cinema that try something else, succeed, but will never have a big audience. For me, it could have done with less chaotic camera movements, less cuts, longer takes to really drive home the situation.

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The Kid Who Would Be King
Ray & Liz

I can best describe that this movie is shot like a moving photograph, combined with the tight ratio, it gives a really compressing view on the bleak, saddingely real life this family is leading. Their lack of empathy reflects how society feels about these kind of people, making it even harder for them to ever get out of this vicious cycle. This is their life, that's how it was then, that''s how it is now and that's how it will be. A forever unchanging line that does not waver.

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Horror Express

"Monster? We're British, you know."

A tightly filmed, claustrophobically set, dialogue-brilliant, well done make-up, blessed with several good actors cult-classic adaptation of "Who Goes There?". It's not good enough to have won any awards, but it has certainly set the example for any future movies in the same genre.

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Insidious: Chapter 3

Much better than the second one, can't tip the first one. James Wan's influence is still there in Whannell's go at it, his directing is way more stable and less... sweeping camera, open door way, wide-angle lensed, this is red so pay attention to it, directing... like Wan likes to do.

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Batman Begins
The Old Man & the Gun
Everybody Knows

I like foreign movies that take place in a small village, it gives a good view of how life must be like there. Combine that with some strong acting and writing, you get a family crime drama that pulls the story from the deep drama a big family can contain within the confines of such a small space. It's a good flick if you're into intrigue, mystery and eye-to-eye calling each other out on all the shit. A bit misguided with camera work, imo, but a well-brought movie that'll keep you guessing until the reveal.

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Dudley Moore is great and his physical comedy entertains, but something's missing that lifts this movie from its starting blocks into greatness

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The Fog

Not the sharpest movie in Carpenter's portfolio, but also not the worst. Of all, this is the most sinister and creepy. Acting was so-so, mood was decent, effects were splendid for its time.

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The Mandalorian: 1x04 Chapter 4: Sanctuary

The Seven Samurai plot but with The Mandalorian and a rogue soldier. A bit of love interest side-plot. Baby Yoda is still cute. Doesn't progress the story, expands the world a little bit. Nothing to really write home about except for the battle. It's nothing new under the sun.

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