


Jojo Rabbit
Love Actually
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

About half-way through I realized I wasn't watching something in the ordinary. I've only watched it once before and wasn't really paying attention to it. I was now, and I think it's one of those hidden little gems that combines very good acting with a funny homage to the neo-noir genre. The dialogues beteen Robert Downey Jr's Harold Lockhart and Val Kilmer's Gay Perry.

"Look up "idiot" in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?"
- "A picture of me?"
" No! The definition of the word idiot, which you fucking are!"

Yes. More of this please. I need more dialogue humor like this in my life.

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The Mandalorian: 1x08 Chapter 8: Redemption

Best kind of Star Wars I've seen in a long time! Finally, the middle of the season was a bit wobbly, but they delivered!

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The Mandalorian: 1x07 Chapter 7: The Reckoning

Finally! A good episode! Gosh, I enjoyed this one, the previous one established how dangerous he could be. This one takes you back to the story of the first two episodes and makes some progress with it. Honestly, for what, 8 episodes? I thought they could have fleshed out the main story a bit more, this feels very episodic. Oh wait...

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First Reformed
The Kid Who Would Be King
Homecoming: 1x02 Pineapple

The episode where we learn that there's finally more under the layers of what appears normal and from now on out we'll see just how deep the rabbit hole goes. Lead the way Sam Esmail.

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Homecoming: 1x01 Mandatory

Sam Esmail does it again. I shall follow his career (and this show) with great interest. I love his use of camera, aspect ratio and pretty much all the rest. I'm really glad they give him a platform to perform to the best of his abilites on.

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The Wife

Glenn Close's performance outshines the rest of the tepid feeling the movie gave me. I liked Christian Slater in his role too, but I think it could have gone a bit... deeper, ironically enough.

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The Woman in Black

One could edit this movie into 30 minutes of Daniel Radcliffe just skulking about and looking sad/scared.

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Maybe one of the most important documentaries of the decade, showing how inequality, not only towards women, is still prevalent in what we call a 'modern' society. There are still many things we have to learn and change, but it is great to see that there is at least one great person out there trying her best to change things. And I'm cheering her on.

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The Mandalorian: 1x05 Chapter 5: The Gunslinger

Shout by IsharaLion

Fun, but pointless. C'mon guys we're 5 episodes in and you don't even talk about the main problem? Stop with the fillers, it's season 1 for crying out loud, give us context please. I want to know where Baby Yoda comes from and then you even remove him from the sideplot as well just urgh. At least Amy Sedaris was a fun addition.

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The Mandalorian: 1x04 Chapter 4: Sanctuary

The Seven Samurai plot but with The Mandalorian and a rogue soldier. A bit of love interest side-plot. Baby Yoda is still cute. Doesn't progress the story, expands the world a little bit. Nothing to really write home about except for the battle. It's nothing new under the sun.

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The Mandalorian: 1x03 Chapter 3: The Sin

The turning point episode. I'm glad to see that The Mandalorian is not an entity devoid of moral grounds. Then again, had anyone expected him to be? Maybe a bit more down the season, but the story line forces him to make the decisions now. It does leave him with some big enemies though, but I'm sure he'll get some back-up soon. Jon Favreau is a good writer, I'm just waiting for him to write a story that will really fly off. I hope it's this one. This is the way. I have spoken.

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The Dark Knight

Shout by IsharaLion

Of course, I couldn’t not see The Dark Knight after watching Joker and Batman Begins. It’s better, oh so much better. Unlike Batman Begins, its villain has center stage. And 11 years (!) after the fact, Heath Ledger’s Joker knocks it out of the park. I cannot compare it to Phoenix’ in Joker. Neither one is better than the other. The both put whatever they have in the character and are very entertaining in their own regards.
Nolan cranked it up a notch in this one. It’s aged way better than Batman Begins and I’m curious now how The Dark Knight Rises will hold up too. I miss Ledger, but for this role to be his final act of acting (sorry...) on this world... I can’t be mad about that. Just not the way that he went. But if he hadn’t, I don’t think we would have had this performance to enjoy. I just wish he was still here to dazzle us with his talent.

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The Godfather
They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
Batman Begins
Green Book
True Lies

I must have watched this once when I was a kid, because it felt really familiar. That may also have been because I’ve been on a bit of a James Cameron ride lately, having just seen both Terminators and Aliens. This movie is so, so much fun. Cameron pushes the genre of action comedy into something that is otherworldly and yet, is so believable at the same time. If you 90s action movies, Arnold Schwarzenegger and want to see something different, watch this. They put a horse in a fricking elevator, for crying out loud! Jamie Lee Curtis is great in this too and it’s always fun to see Bill Paxton (Man, I miss him). It doesn’t quite deliver on every plot line it goes for, but that’s not why you want to watch this movie. Just, amazing old fun and well done!

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The Old Man & the Gun

Perhaps a tad too long and a shade stretchy in its concept, yet the film drenches you in the personality that is Zain. The very young actor embodies this role fully.

A rough life, but sweetnes and love is found anywhere, even in the darkest of places. It's only so heartbreaking to see how this young boy tries to do everything he can to do the right thing, and yet the world around him is not letting him. Shockingly real for how it must be in real.

It had me in tears.

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It Chapter Two
Ray & Liz

I can best describe that this movie is shot like a moving photograph, combined with the tight ratio, it gives a really compressing view on the bleak, saddingely real life this family is leading. Their lack of empathy reflects how society feels about these kind of people, making it even harder for them to ever get out of this vicious cycle. This is their life, that's how it was then, that''s how it is now and that's how it will be. A forever unchanging line that does not waver.

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Despite half of it being a talking head documentary, which I'm not for, the combination of the powerful women telling their story with the images shot in the eighties of the race is absolutely stunning. You cheer them on because they're there to set the trademark for all women after them, opening a door for them for opportunities. These girls are saying now again that if you listen to what people tell you you can't do, human kind would not have been great at all. And that is a strong message that I will take to heart.

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