

Basque Country

Das Boot

Highly recommended movie! It makes you want to live in a submarine.

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Ichi the Killer
The Tell-Tale Heart

As a follower of Robert Eggers' work, I had high expectations for his short film "The Tell-Tale Heart," based on the famous Edgar Allan Poe story. However, upon witnessing what unfolded on the screen, I found myself surprisingly perplexed, as instead of a faithful and terrifying adaptation of the master of horror, it appeared more like a parody in the style of Wes Anderson.

Anyone familiar with the original tale knows the significant emphasis placed on the old man's eye and the nights. Yet, in this interpretation, for some reason, the focus shifts to the elderly man's "physiological habits" rather than his eye. Furthermore, during the night of his death, the old man's eye fails to become a crucial element, contradicting the original story, in which the protagonist's paranoia stems from the belief that he is being watched.

What's even more bewildering is the absence of dialogue and detailed shots, resulting in a narrative that feels concise and lacking in nuances. In my opinion, this lack of visual and narrative exploration fails to distinctly align with either the style of German expressionism or modern filmmaking.

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Things to Come
Close Your Eyes
A Man Escaped

I find it truly fascinating how the film's almost total absence of establishing shots does not prevent us from understanding the plot. Bresson, as did Carl Th. Dreyer and other filmmakers, has shown that narrative and direction can be just as effective, if not more so, than an abundance of situational shots. It is a shining example of how cinema can tell a story in a unique and memorable way.

It is also worth noting that Bresson believed in an austere, minimalist style of filmmaking, far from pompous sets, where traditional acting, with professional actors, often came across as artificial and affected. For him, the camera and its ability to capture reality were essential to telling a story. Or to put it another way, if the world is a shadow on the wall of the Platonic cave, the cinematograph allows us to go back to the reality of the Idea, because it captures that shadow; it does not imitate it.

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The Amusement Park

Curiously enough, there is an interview with Jean-Luc Godard in Cahiers in which he talks about cinema in relation to spectacle. In this interview, the filmmaker says that he would like to film people reading and, after a pause, he adds that even in a wall there is spectacle: "We look at a wall and end up seeing things."

Curious medium-length film. My respects.

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Nanook of the North

It's such a tender and touching footage... I think it's something everyone should see.

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Star Wars

Shout by Aitor

Let's start with something that all or almost all of us will agree on. "1917" if it is not the best visual experience of 2019, it has been very close to it, because technically it offers a very detailed vision of how it must have been lived during the battle of Passchendaele, although, of course, it would have to be analyzed to what extent it is truthful.
However, there are certain aspects that do not convince me. For example, the lack of continuity in the story makes the sequences look like independent plots, isolated events (although they have a connection) that juxtaposed together make up the footage. On the other hand, the story lacks a climax, and for this very reason, there is no memorable scene that differentiates it from other war films (not to mention that this film is more of a road movie than a war film). The most striking, to say the least, is when William Schofield arrives at the trench of the 2nd Battalion of the Devonshire Regiment, due to the photographic similarity it has with Stanley Kubrick's "Paths of Glory".

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The Danish Girl
Mighty Joe Young

I know that for many this work is just a pseudo remake of King Kong, and that, because of this, its flamboyant splendor withered prematurely when it was ignored. One only has to compare the cultural impact between the two: only a few nostalgic vestiges of this film remain in popular culture. Needless to say, many elements are similar and the script is not new in many aspects. However, I can affirm that it is one of the great works of stop-motion, where this technique is exploited, boasting the different possibilities offered by this method of effects.

To put it in context, this film starts from the already experienced Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack, who had worked together on the aforementioned film King Kong, and a young Ray Harryhausen (who would end up being the universal reference of stop-motion) who would take the reins of the special effects, resulting in a unique footage, rich in thrilling and visually powerful effects and a much more professional elaboration than the magnum opus King Kong, where the gorilla had perspective failures and had limited his movements (something totally justifiable, as it was the first film to use these effects).

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Bad Taste

A lousy script with some supra-topic sentences that delve into absolute absurdity, a hard rock soundtrack that accompanies the ridiculous action scenes amplifying the absurdity of the story, bad acting at the same level of the total conglomerate, laughable gore scenes, etc. Basically there is no other way to sum up this movie.

However, while it may seem an attack on pure reason, for a B-movie these are the perfect elements. And they behave like Euler's identity: no one would ever think that such an insanely absurd mise-en-scene would have such a balance and harmony that seems mathematical.

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Total Recall
Money Monster

Shout by Aitor

The story is about a Wall Street guru who talks about his stock market predictions. So far so good, however, in my opinion, the climax of the movie comes too soon. We are put in tension very soon and it is impossible to keep us in that state throughout the film. Because of this, much of the film consists of a tedious back-and-forth between Lee Gates and Kyle Budwell. It was obvious that George Clooney's character was not going to die. On the other hand, without being a bomb expert myself, it seems to me that a frequency jammer could disable the bomb and end the film after ten minutes.

Oh, and apart from this, at the end, when they start interrogating Walty Camby, the IBIS director, you can see several continuity errors in Kyle's gun.

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Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile
The War of the Worlds
Get Out

The film is entertaining and at times it manages to make the viewer nervous. But Chekhov's weapons and some key elements are very obvious. The cell phone flash, the work of the protagonist's best friend, etc. I mean, when he discovers what happens with the flash, also when his best friend starts to investigate, when the protagonist is tied up and looks at the cotton of the chair..., I already knew how the story would end.

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The Prestige
Nosferatu the Vampyre

Herzog's masterpiece. The truth is that the mise-en-scéne in the film is very powerful and has a choice of very daring shots that manages to disturb and even terrify the viewer. However, in my opinion, the soundtrack is not memorable and perhaps it detracts a little from the final result, but it is a personal opinion. On the other hand, this film is not entirely faithful to Bram Stoker's book and that can be seen it in some points of the story, where it is somewhat more abstract and personal. Another point I see where the story is weak is in supposed Chekhov's weapon, at the beginning of the film: When Jonathan arrives in Transylvania, at the inn he is given a Bible and a cross, however, Dracula manages to bite him even with the cross around his neck.

In short, I have enjoyed this film as much as the original 1922

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Angel Heart

Yes, it is a mystery movie. To get started, it is an entertaining movie although I was hoping for a kind of mindfuck that would make it more transcendental. The story is not very solid and there are certain gaps in the plot.

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The Lovely Bones

What the hell… This looks like a movie to a childish 10-year-old audience. There are incompatible ingredients like Hitchcockian cinema with fantasy… and this is an example.

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The Blues Brothers

What the hell…!! If this movie was made now, I would have called it "Grand Theft Auto: The Movie"

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A very interesting movie. The characters are very cartoonish, I mean, they are bohemian in their own way. The plot is not completely unpredictable, and that's very good, as it allows the viewer to play detective. It is not a complex film but it is not obvious either.

The only thing that has aged a bit may be the end, but it still remains a magnum opus.

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The Post

The story is interesting but the end result has not convinced me. In my opinion, the script does not reflect at all the anxiety that journalists experienced, staying many times in presumptuous and pedantic dialogues. On the other hand, the film lacks a notable soundtrack; It only has the typical orchestra that is in the background for typical pro-America soliloquy. A true topic. And finally, what could have been an interesting outcome, ends quickly, without explanation, with a scene jump. I mean, the monologues last longer than the ending itself.

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