

Omicron Persei 8

Kaleidoscope: Season 1

Entertaining but...
1) If you're gonna do music in this particular manner somebody who knows how to do that right. If you don't have the budget for it, leave it out. Because if you do it wrong it will take me out of the picture.
2) New York is a "sanctuary" city. ICE isn't gonna roll up on somebody's house. Especially on a lawyer living in Brooklyn Heights. For that matter an FBI agent sitting in one of their cars will stick out like a sore thumb in that neighborhood.
Also, a federal agent isn't gonna casually back and forth between the Eastern District of NY (Brooklyn) and the Southern District of NY (Manhattan) and--OK, I'm getting pedantic but then set the story iin a place like Metropolis so that I know I should set my Fantasy Meter on 8.

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The New York part I get, the music one got me puzzled. Care to elaborate what you meant by "particular manner", why it was done "wrong" and "on a budget"?

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Into the Night: Season 2

I don't like how all of the soldiers are assholes in this season. Especially since they have an assignment people get scrutinized pretty heavily for.
Is this supposed to sway people against the military?

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It's not like the military men are the best and the brightest... Soldiers are to obey orders, when there are no orders and an officer in charge it's all Lord of the Flies. It's the exact portrayal that we saw in this season - when an officer was in charge things were (mostly) in order. Remove the person in charge, et voila - rampage and macho olympics.

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Stargate SG-1: 2x11 The Tok'ra (1)

Reply by Jayowski
BlockedParent2024-05-05T14:12:05Z— updated 2024-06-20T21:43:42Z


Shout by dgw

The cuts to commercial in this episode are super abrupt for some reason. Happens both on Netflix and Hulu, and I'm sitting here wondering if the DVDs have those same cuts. I'd be annoyed. Is that how the episode originally broadcast in 1998? Yikes.

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There are no such cuts in any of the disc versions.
Also, you guys have ads on Hulu AND Netflix? That's wild.

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Stargate Atlantis: 3x06 The Real World

"3 days ago, you were negotiating a treaty."
So why is Jack O'Neill a 2-Star General? When she was negotiating that treaty, Jack was a Full-Bird Colonel.
Ya done messed up Asurans. The gaseous aliens from Home made the same mistake with Hammond, who was a 3-Star before the Expedition left Earth.

I know the shows were made on a budget, but I do smirk everytime I see the precision Ancient scanning device bounce back and forth when reaching the end of it's stroke each time.

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Yeah, glaring omission - how can he be a general when Jack was not in active duty before he was re-activated for the Ra mission and then RETIRED before the Air Force came to him after Apophis incursion. Even after all this he was still a Colonel lol.

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Stargate SG-1: 9x07 Ex Deus Machina

Carter said she wasn’t exactly single - I think that she and Jack have been seeing each other while she’s been away from the SGC.

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Yes, I grinned like a madman after seeing that scene :D

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Stargate SG-1: 7x18 Heroes (2)

I keep thinking one day I'll get through this episode without crying, but it never happens.

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Yeah, every time it takes me by surprise and I simply tear up.

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Stargate SG-1: 7x18 Heroes (2)

Perhaps it's just typical of the time period when this show was produced, but it certainly feels like Carter cries because she's a… she. When do we ever see tears run down O'Neill's face? Teal'c? Dr. Jackson? Hammond? Very, very rarely, if ever. It's like the male characters aren't allowed to show their grief. That's pretty typical Hollywood, despite the show's Canada-based production. It's a little disappointing.

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And yet in this episode you see Teal'c on the verge of tears and Daniel in the dark corner, obviously crying in solitude. We don't see Jack because of the way it's written and because he's well, Jack - it's a posture.

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Stargate SG-1: 7x17 Heroes (1)

I'm not sure what I hate the most. Dumbass journalists or asswipe politicians. Absolutely crap episode. Whoever wrote it should be shot. For fuck sake, kill that asshole senator or what the fuck he calls himself.

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I have yet to see a comment for an episode that you did not hate.

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Stargate SG-1: 5x12 Wormhole X-Treme!

Why are all of you watching this now? And not while it was on air?

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You now, people of different ages exist, actually.
Also, I watched it when it aired but there are a number of different, popular shows from the late 90s (and early 00s) that I have not seen yet.

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Stargate SG-1: 5x09 Between Two Fires

I can believe an access code was overlooked, but why would they not have defences against the walk-through-wall bracers?

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High-trust society is the answer.

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After Yang

Shout by Deleted
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-03-07T01:34:18Z— updated 2022-03-08T11:25:23Z

A bunch of humans who grow attached to a materialistic item. The parents show regret for having let a “technosapian” look after their adopted child and reflect on what they missed, as a result of being poor parents.

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Sounds like you only watched the first 15 minutes of the film.

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Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2021-11-18T12:06:54Z— updated 2021-11-30T19:10:21Z

A bit of a nothing burger, it doesn’t really get interesting until the final 20-30 minutes.
There are a few entertaining bits inbetween (e.g. there’s a fun scene with Paul Rudd in a Wallmart), but there’s not nearly enough going on.
It’s just mostly bland: some decent acting and directing, but there’s not a lot of action, mystery, charm, clever comedy, drama or characters to get invested into (besides McKenna Grace).
For example, Finn Wolfhard gets as much development as the older brother from Jurassic World, he’s a teen and he wants to get laid. That’s all you get, and it’s not that interesting.
There are, of course, a lot of ‘member berries, which add nothing besides empty nostalgia.
The original Ghostbusters leave the biggest impression with just 5 minutes of screentime, and they clearly didn’t even give a shit about being there.
It’s not the worst thing ever, but this falls short of the benchmark for this kind of movie.
Just watch the original, or anything directed by Spielberg and Cameron in the 80s/90s.


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Found one of the critics from the metacritic! ;)

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The Walking Dead: 11x02 Acheron (2)

Shout by kazhuveri

In the story Maggie says to establish her toughness , what were those 'animal like things' fell from the attic with 'still round belly' ?

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People, women to be exact. She gives a precise description of these women - cut off limbs, gouged out eyes, cut vocal cords, everything cauterized. Basically, human incubators ;(

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The Courier

This is a good spy-thriller film of course. But the main problem I had was, throughout the movie, I didn't actually feel the gravity of danger the world's facing or even the risk they are facing doing something like this that much. But nevertheless, hat's off to Benedict's acting, this man is incredible.

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I don't think the gravitas is felt in such moments - only after they pass one does realize how these situations shape the world we live in.

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The Rookie: 4x21 Mother's Day

since when is the music so annoying?

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Since the first episode of first season, it's easily the weakest thing about this show and that days a lot.

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The Northman

Reply by Jayowski

Coincidence that Alexander Skarsgård — aka. Eric Northman — stars in this movie? I think not!

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I was hoping there'll be something referencing Eric from True Blood (:pound_symbol:TeamEric), however, there is sadly nothing of the sort :( Unless there is an after-credits scene I missed that is.

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Dark Matter: 1x03 The Box

A multimillion dollar company, with a team of several people working on the same project, yet only ONE of them knows how to operate the box? Riiiight...

Also, I really wish they'd stop with the Nintendo Switch finger snap every time they swap realities, it's getting terribly annoying, by now.

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It's called compartmentalization - one hand does not know what the other one is doing.
But yeah, in this particular case it's fishy :)

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Dark Matter: 1x01 Are You Happy in Your Life?

Not enough meat for a season premiere, but I guess it was just enough to make me want to keep watching.

I really miss 2015's Dark Matter, though...

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@amasulem it was such a fun and engaging sort of space mystery series! And to think SyFy decided to go with Killjoys instead of Dark Matter... Ugh!

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Killjoys was a different beast, more pulpy, while Dark Matter was fleshed out and thought through.
Idiotic decision by SciFi execs.

I know it's a slightly different genre initially (no spoilers), however, Netflix's Archive 81 is a great example of a show that keeps you guessing the entire time, is ambitious, strange, and yet got cancelled after only one season. With a cliffhanger season finale as well :( So much potential!

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Dark Matter: 1x01 Are You Happy in Your Life?

Erm...yup, another Apple show for sure.

1) confusing story
2) just arbitrary confusion
3) things escalate asap
4) WAY too many characters to follow
5) Nothing enticing; if not free, I wouldn't have this service.

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You were probably confused watching Witcher too, huh?

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Stargate SG-1: 10x12 Line in the Sand

I have to agree with other comments. How many weak willed pansies do we have to put up with? It is getting to be very annoying that the universe is apparently filled with so many cowards.

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You do realize that the world, the one in the show and our actual one, is filled with cowards who would sell their mothers to avoid death?
Most of the people cave in under pressure, if you think otherwise you are deceiving yourself.

"Heroes" are few and far between, when faced with a decision only some of us take the high road, otherwise the world would look hella different.

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Stargate SG-1: 9x10 The Fourth Horseman (1)

Okay but like why is Daniel beefier than Cam???

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Add one to the Daniel's rep count!

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Stargate Atlantis: 1x17 Letters from Pegasus

So they talk of taking a ZPM, but they don't talk of taking the one from The Brotherhood? That should have been the first suggestion.

The best part of the episode was the disposition on the inadequacies of Dr. Weir.

It also has a remarkably touching conclusion.

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The ZPM that The Brotherhood hid on another planet and they will not divulge this information since Eartlings are not Lantians?
Yeah, good luck with that.

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Stargate Atlantis: 1x02 Rising (2)

The wraith make a much scarier enemy than the Goa'uld. They almost make the Goa'uld seem silly.

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Weird, I had the opposite reaction - Wraiths were always comical to me.

Goa'uld are evil, vain, arrogant and egotistical sadists, while the Wraiths are just boogeymen lol.

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Stargate SG-1: 8x01 New Order (1)

Weird that Dr. Weir is already played by someone else. Surely the production team knew at the end of season 7 that they'd need her back, and held Jessica Steen's availability for when filming resumed for season 8? Jarring that they didn't even match hair colors.

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I never particularly liked Higginson's acting, Dr Weir could be so much more and I'd prefer to have Steen play Doctor Weir for SG-1 and Atlantis, but you know, can't have it all.

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Stargate SG-1: 7x05 Revisions

I always thought that this was such a cool sci-fi concept, and it struck me as being quite original. I wouldn't be at all surprised if something similar already existed (Star Trek: TNG's 'Remember Me' has some vague relation), but I have a strong memory of being pretty fascinated by this when it first aired. It's still good fun to watch now, and seeing Christopher Heyerdahl in the first of what will be many appearances in this and other sci-fi franchises is always a good thing. He brings a calming but emotional quality to his work, and I was always jealous of his hair.

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@lefthandedguitarist That hair is a thing of beauty.

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The Swede! Great seeing him in a wholesome character :)

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Stargate SG-1: 7x04 Orpheus

It's nice to finally get the issue of Tretonin addressed after it's introduction last season. Is it as effective as a symbiote? Will it have any side effects? And what happens when you don't have enough of it? I had been wondering these things and it almost felt as if the show had forgotten about it outside of vaguely mentioning its name a couple of times.

The episode is a fairly large story split into two distinct halves. Both halves are good, but I think I was most taken with Teal'c's recovery because it reveals things not only about him but for Daniel too.

The action in the latter half is fairly epic and very nicely done, with some strong material for Teal'c, Bra'tac and Rya'c. And I love that once again it looks like Bra'tac is going to die, but no!

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Bra'tac's "dying" is on par with Daniel's actual deaths :D

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Stargate SG-1: 6x18 Forsaken

"Corso", eh? Another Corso shows up in a later series created by SG-1 producer Joseph Mallozzi: Jace Corso from Dark Matter. Hmm…

The guards don't react at all to the sound of artifacts crashing to the floor in Quinn's lab? Curious.

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Thank you! It was doing my head in where I heard "Corso" in :D

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Stargate SG-1: 6x12 Unnatural Selection (2)

Overall a good episode. I very much enjoyed it in spite of the stupid decision to evolve the replicators.

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You do realize that the Asgard's intent was to slow the passage of time inside the bubble? Replicators stopped the machine from starting and adjusted the settings, so that the time flew faster inside the bubble (so they evolved instead of pausing).

The Fifth changed the settings so that the time now flows slower inside the bubble, so exactly how Asgard initially intended.

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Stargate SG-1: 6x10 Cure

A good episode overall, and deeply relevant to the Tok'ra.

But I have to wonder, If Egeria was so opposed to the Pangarans using her young in the way they were, why did she not stop spawning? Surely she doesn't HAVE to spawn new symbiotes on a regular schedule.

Or for that matter, why leave them blank slates? One could have taken a host and then freed her, allowing her to renew the Tok'ra in earnest.

Instead, for sixty years, she continued pumping out brain dead slugs for the culture imprisoning her to run tests on and exploit.

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I'd argue that as a Tok'ra, the first one no less, Egeria would not take over a host, even if it means she'd suffer.

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Stargate SG-1: 5x21 Meridian

I'm gonna miss Daniel's big dumbass energy. Also, add one to the Daniel death count :sob:

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I literally have tears in my eyes after this episode (again!), came to read the comments and yours made me laugh out loud <3 I will miss him... also add one to the Daniel death count :D

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