

Omicron Persei 8

3 Body Problem: 1x07 Only Advance

I don't know if it's the actress, the character, or both, but "Auggy" is the most obnoxious and irritating character I've seen in quite a while. Tiresome af, tarnishes any scene she's in.

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The Walking Dead: Dead City: 1x06 Doma Smo

Hope this does not get cancelled, love seeing Jeffrey Dean Morgan on the screen, especially playing Negan <3

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The Walking Dead: World Beyond: 2x09 Death and the Dead

Iris is the dumbest and most unlikable character in the entire show, even more so with every next episode. How could this get so bad is beyond me.

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The Blacklist: 9x09 Boukman Baptiste

This show should've ended seasons ago. If not for James Spader I would have stopped watching too and this episode? WOW at the political bullshit the writers are trying to push down our collective throats.

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Kaleidoscope: 1x08 Pink

I get that FBI lady got got by the Triplets but who and why got Ray lol? Does not make sense, if it's revenge for the heist then why no scene for Stan/Judy? Everyone else is accounted for, the park scene does not do anything for closure - it only confuses the viewer.

This might be an experiment but a failed one it seems.

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Supergirl: 6x12 Blind Spots

Definitely one of the worst if not THE worst episode of this show. Poorly written, hamfisted propaganda that had me rolling my eyes and loudly responding to what was happening on the screen. Good god, who the hell approved this trash of an episode?!

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Stargate Atlantis: 3x10 The Return (1)

MY TURTLES! :D Carson is a sweetheart.

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A Gentleman in Moscow: 1x01 A Master of Circumstance

Ewan McGregor is mesmerizing as always - with an interesting plot such as this it's a wonderful watch!

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3 Body Problem: 1x02 Red Coast

Majority of the first episode got me hooked. Second ep got me slightly bored but I am not one to abandon started TV Shows so I'll see ot through.

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The Umbrella Academy: 3x07 Auf Wiedersehen

Allison is the worst character, just wow, undefendable.

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The Walking Dead: 11x02 Acheron (2)

Decent episode but I have no idea how characters in the show AND people watching it stand Maggie's character. Not only is the acting "not so great" to put it mildly, thr character is a bona fide psychopath. Negan is a labradoodle compared to her lol.

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The Umbrella Academy: 2x09 743

Shout by Jayowski

I was wondering when will the Reginald "Spark Jar Releasing While Nukes Are Flying" Hargreeves scene come around and I was not disappointed (slaughtering the Majestic-12 peeps) :D

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Dark Matter: 1x07 In the Fires of Dead Stars

Seems like Amanda stayed in the same verse that Ryan Prime was dumped into :O

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Stargate Atlantis: 4x07 Missing

I forgot Danny Trejo was in this :D

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Stargate Atlantis: 4x02 Lifeline (3)

Finally, good riddance.
You will not be missed o7

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Stargate SG-1: 10x20 Unending

Definitely a bitter-sweet ending to a series I hold very dear to my heart. Last time I've seen this series in its entirety was like a decade ago, I hardly remembered the later seasons.

Upon recent viewing one thing I find is very jarring - the whole Daniel incident.
It was so not-Daniel to have such a mean outburst at Vala. I understand where he was coming from, it was him not wanting to get emotionally hurt so hurling his anger at her was his defense mechanism.
Even so, the outburst was way too heavy and he should have realized what effect it's having on Vala sooner than he actually did. It was so not Daniel-like.

God damn it, I'm getting emotional for a character on a show yet again! Daniel Shanks, Claudia Black, you magnificient bastards you!

Also, add one to the Daniel Death Count I guess?

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Stargate SG-1: 10x17 Talion

Tony Amendola is a treasure, even for a few brief moments he is on the screen.

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Stargate SG-1: 10x15 Bounty

As always, Vala <3 <3 <3

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Stargate SG-1: 10x14 The Shroud

I absolutely adore Jack<>Daniel interactions, they are solid gold since S02 or S03 :D

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Stargate SG-1: 10x13 The Road Not Taken

"Dotcom millionaire smart-ass" :D
Also, Charlie is such a punchable character, the actor playing him does this character well - I hate him in every scene he's in.

Also, the time-jump between "I got your old job" and "I'm back guys!" was bizarre.

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Stargate SG-1: 10x11 The Quest (2)

Vala really steals every scene she's in, even if she's not saying anything and just looking, reacting :D

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Stargate Atlantis: 3x17 Sunday

Why do they have to kill off our favorite doctors in this universe :/

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Stargate Atlantis: 3x13 Irresponsible

I find two things interesting about this episode.

First one is that in some scenes John's P90 has a flash hider attached and in others a suppressor. Which means he either has a suppresor in a pocket somewhere and he changed it around (to suit the situation) ooooooor it's a goof :D

Second one is the shield. When interacting with the "bandits" Lucius beats them all up, some lose teeth or break their arms. When Kolya interrogates Lucius he suddenly is easily grabbed and submerged in the water.
If the shield only "protects" the wearer then how come Lucius was able to inflict such damage "accidentally" on the phony bandits?
If not then why did he not overpower Kolya's men?


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Stargate Atlantis: 3x12 Echoes

"When was the last time you had a time off?"
Elizabeth seemed puzzled and did not answer, despite her having basically several months off work after coming back to Earth :D
It was like a week, maybe two, since they got back to Atlantis? Rofl

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Stargate Atlantis: 3x11 The Return (2)

Loved seeing this much of O'Neill on the screen, I miss the guy.

Also, he's looking way better than in the short time he was on-screen in SG-1 Season 9 :)

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Stargate SG-1: 10x09 Company of Thieves

Damn you, Cam Mitchell! :D

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Stargate SG-1: 10x08 Memento Mori

Wowza, the former Qtesh partner has a bad case of Orangefaceitis :x
Also, Vala holding the handcuffs key in her mouth after going out of the car was a BIZARRE choice. I understand the need to explain how she freed herself, but I am currently re-watching this episode on a Blu-ray and I had to pause to analyze what it is that I'm seeing. Looked like she had a huge drooling scene lol, can't imagine how this looked in SD lol.

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Stargate SG-1: 10x02 Morpheus

Malikai returns! Window of Opportunity is a helluva drug.

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Stargate SG-1: 9x17 The Scourge

Mitchell speaking Chinese is chef's kiss :D

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Stargate SG-1: 9x13 Ripple Effect

Shout by Jayowski

One hell of a rollercoaster, this episode!
Martouf! Janet! A room full of Carters :D
Alt-SG-1's plan is ridiculous, but everything else is top-notch. It's weird for me that some two-parter episodes are fillerpallooza and yet a concept like this one does not get the 2-episode treatment.

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