


Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne
Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells
Game of Thrones: 8x04 The Last of the Starks
House of the Dragon: 1x04 King of the Narrow Sea
The Sopranos: 6x21 Made in America
Supernatural: 15x20 Carry On
The Sopranos: 5x12 Long Term Parking
The Flash: 5x18 Godspeed
American Gods: 2x08 Moon Shadow
Supernatural: 14x20 Moriah
The Flash: 5x20 Gone Rogue
Game of Thrones: 8x02 A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
Supernatural: 14x19 Jack in the Box
The Flash: 5x21 The Girl With The Red Lightning
The Flash: 5x19 Snow Pack
The Flash: 6x19 Success Is Assured
The Sopranos: 5x10 Cold Cuts
Attack on Titan: 3x22 The Other Side of the Wall
The Flash: 5x22 Legacy
American Gods: 3x10 Tears of the Wrath-Bearing Tree
Game of Thrones: 8x04 The Last of the Starks
Game of Thrones: 8x03 The Long Night
American Gods: 2x08 Moon Shadow
The Flash: 6x17 Liberation
Supernatural: 14x14 Ouroboros
The Sopranos: 6x02 Join the Club
The Flash: 6x19 Success Is Assured
DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 4x09 Lucha de Apuestas
The Sopranos: 6x09 The Ride
The Sopranos: 2x06 The Happy Wanderer