


Game of Thrones: 8x04 The Last of the Starks

Man, what a poor episode, lackluster after lackluster. If this is the culmination of the time and interest myself and others have invested into Game of Thrones all of these years, then it is truly unfortunate and disappointing if not almost bordering on an insult.

Such a shame that this will be the legacy of a series that once took the world by storm with its brilliant storytelling and exhilarating plot twists, hardly recognizable anymore when it parades around in a pathetic shell of its former self.

I can't say I'm excited nor even interested in the remaining episodes, at least not when this season has taught me time and again to lower my expectations as much as possible, but I hope they will at least respect what this series once was and offer a conclusion worthy of its story. sigh

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Supernatural: 15x20 Carry On

Piss off. This was not the ending the series or the characters deserved after everything.

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The Flash: 5x18 Godspeed

This, this right here, this is The Flash. I haven't been this absorbed by a Flash episode since Enter Flashtime.

Superb episode, I hope the rest of the season follows suit.

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American Gods: 2x08 Moon Shadow

What a dull season finale, compared to the last one which had me at the edge of my seat all throughout, this one struggled to even keep me watching past the 20 minute mark.

Truly disappointing.

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Supernatural: 14x20 Moriah

Holy shit. Well, that was quite the episode, arguably the best thing Supernatural has put out in a couple of seasons...

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The Flash: 5x20 Gone Rogue

God, what is happening to this show? Stale acting, dull writing, anticlimactic plots... it's almost insulting with how bad it's gotten.

For the love of everything The Flash once was, if this is the extent of your creativity and imaginative writing, please end the show.

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Supernatural: 14x19 Jack in the Box

Honestly, this is getting beyond frustrating and disappointing...

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The Flash: 5x21 The Girl With The Red Lightning

The narrative is all over the place, resulting in an underwhelming, predictable and overall, lackluster episode.

The whole Cicada plot could've been wrapped up eight episodes ago at most, leaving ample breathing room for the exploration of other avenues, like the Thawne one, which I don't think I'm alone when saying it's probably the only thing the majority of this season's viewers care about.

I remember a time when I would sit patiently waiting for the next Flash episode to wow me, this isn't the case anymore I'm afraid. The quality writing and storytelling this show once flaunted have both taken a back seat to low-quality, overly dramatic, repetitive and above all, undeniably predictable plots.

sigh Whatever, I guess I'll just watch the next episode to conclude the season and then - as much as it pains me - I'll give it the Arrow and Supergirl treatment by dropping it until such time as I either no longer care enough about the coherence, consistency and entertainment value of the story or until such time as all of those three matter once more to the show-runners. :confused:

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The Flash: 5x19 Snow Pack

Well, that was a disappointing mess, even more so considering it followed one of the most solid episodes in recent Flash history...

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The Flash: 6x19 Success Is Assured

I get this is a CW drama, but can we please have one, just one episode where the focus isn't someone's emotional boo-boos? How about some story progression? Maybe character development that takes characters from one dimensional cardboard cutouts to three dimensional figures you can resonate with on some level? Any level? How about focusing on Barry for a change, remember him? He's sort of the main character? He has this whole problem that is of extreme consequence which he has to solve?

sigh Whatever, I digress. This whole season was just one big hallway scene, pathetic writing all across the board. The Flash - if I can even call it that anymore considering how it almost seems like the writers have all but forgotten about Barry - is done, to me at least.

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Attack on Titan: 3x22 The Other Side of the Wall

This has been an incredible season that really did the source material justice, although they took some liberties in a consequential moment or two, it was still beautifully made and exactly what I was hoping to see from this arc's adaptation.

S4 has been confirmed for October 2020 and knowing what's to come of it, I'm on pins and needles!

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The Flash: 5x22 Legacy

Three things:

  1. It turned into a passable episode once the Cicada clusterfuck was over with.
  2. Watching Thawne in action once again was so very incredibly satisfying.
  3. This season was painful in every sense of the word.

I'm not sure if I'm going to pick up the sixth season because frankly, I'm growing ever tired of enduring something this lackluster season after season. Maybe they'll surprise me and actually pull off something amazing next season, or maybe they'll continue to be oblivious to the fact that this show has so much to offer when not limited by the lack of creative imagination on part of its show-runners.

I guess we'll see.

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American Gods: 3x10 Tears of the Wrath-Bearing Tree

Why does it feel like every time I come back and re-invest in this series, I end up feeling bamboozled by the end? I find myself having to echo the same complaints I had last season, the show prioritizes looks over substance, add to it the ridiculously slow pacing and frankly irrelevant elements that eat away at the available runtime and my frustration begins to add up. I mean honestly, how much content did they adapt this season? Ten pages worth? Whatever...

I feel I have to ask myself if investing further is a wise decision or not and I hate to do that because I'm a massive fan of Gaiman and especially of this title. I will stick around for next season, if there is one, and depending on how that goes, I might have to drop this puppy. :confused:

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Game of Thrones: 8x03 The Long Night

Fair but incredibly anticlimactic, all of that buildup and hype over the years just wasted in one episode like this, disappointing doesn't even begin to describe it. sigh

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Lucifer: 6x03 Yabba Dabba Do Me

Ironically, the episode I thought I wouldn't like based solely on the synopsis turned out to be the episode I liked the most so far. Really well done.

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The Flash: 6x01 Into The Void

Oh wow, I've to say, it somehow feels like a whole new show... definitely subverted my expectations for this season.

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Attack on Titan: 3x19 The Basement

Here we go, boys. The real Attack on Titan has officially just begun! 'Tis gonna be a wild ride.

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Supergirl: 4x03 Man of Steel

Easily one of the best Supergirl episodes in a very long while.

I'm a fan of how they told this episode's story from a somewhat objective standpoint, showing both sides of the coin all the while allowing you a better understanding of why the other side, specifically Agent Liberty, is doing what he's doing.

It's very difficult not to sympathize with the guy following tonight's episode, I'm curious to see how the story progresses from here. - Also, an appearance from Xander Berkeley is always appreciated, kudos to them for that.

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The Flash: 7x02 The Speed of Thought

Hang on... what? Seriously? You mean to tell me that Barry didn't have super speed thinking all along? Then how was he able to use his powers successfully and to the extent that he has? That's the one defining trait that allows Flash to make use of all of his powers, that's how his brain can keep up with everything around him when he's moving very fast and how he can speed read among a lot other things.

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Titans: 2x01 Trigon

I'll admit, I was a bit thrown aback, if not disappointed, by the fact they disposed of the threat they spent an entire season building up not even thirty minutes into the episode and in such low-key fashion; but I've to say, that frown turned to a big child-like grin the moment the "eye-patch" came into focus, I'm really looking forward to seeing such an iconic character of the Titans franchise brought into this adaptation and I hope they treat the character well and respect his story.

All in all, while it didn't exactly the deliver on the hype it promised with last season's finale, it was a fair episode that offered the show an exciting new story and character development; great casting decision on Bruce as well, a bit old for the role I feel but great nonetheless.

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Lucifer: 5x12 Daniel Espinoza: Naked and Afraid

Best episode of the season so far. Just... brilliant.

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One-Punch Man: 2x11 Everyone's Dignity

I could hardly look away from the screen for one moment... Easily the best episode of not only this season, but arguably of all of OPM so far.

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Family Guy: 18x01 Yacht Rocky

Family Guy is just spitting in the face of its audience at this point; completely and utterly disappointing would be an understatement.

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Lucifer: 5x09 Family Dinner

A rather dull return-to-form sort of episode, it was alright. Lucifer didn't realize it but he debunked his own claim before having even issued it thanks to Amenadiel giving an affirmative answer to his questions on Charlie; we even see Amenadiel's conviction later when he pleads with his father to render him mortal instead of his son so Charlie would be spared the suffering all humans go through. Amenadiel is evidence that the "apples" are capable of love, and so the "tree" must be as well.

I suppose this will be one of the last stops in Lucifer's journey of self-discovery, where he will have to yet again prove to himself that he is not as he thinks he is, with the eventual goalpost being making peace with his father once he makes that realization. Oh well, I'm on board, it should be interesting watching his growth.

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Grey's Anatomy: 7x18 Song Beneath the Song

Damn can Sara Ramirez sing! This is probably the only musical episode of anything I've ever enjoyed.

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The Sopranos: 2x05 Big Girls Don't Cry

"I don't understand. The guy didn't say anything?"
"He didn't have to. That's the whole point of the exercise."

The Sopranos is really one of the few shows I never went into expecting to burst out laughing but man, this brilliant writing had me break into hysterical laughter on more than one occasion and it doesn't even have to rely on forced, in-your-face cheesy tactics to do so. Fantastic!

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Harrow: 3x02 Damnant Quod Non Intellegunt

"Buffy, Van Helsing, those two cute guys from Supernatural":smile:

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The Blacklist: 3x08 Kings of the Highway

So that's why they blew all that subtle build-up with Aram and Samar? So she can have an excuse to access Ressler's laptop and he can find out she helped Liz and thus fire her? Convoluted nonsense for the sake of forced drama, come on...

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The Flash: 6x04 There Will Be Blood

God damn man, tears all over with that final scene...

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 4x16 Hey, World!

Pretty average season finale given Legends' track record, though some of my qualms with the mismanagement of characters ( were tended to so I guess there's that.

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