


Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

I am incredibly grateful to Game of Thrones for this adventure I have found myself sucked into for some years now. I am grateful for all the emotions it brought me since day one, bitter and sweet alike. I am grateful for all the laughs, all the tears, all the jokes and gags, every single bit of it, I really am grateful and appreciative of it all. It's been just... wonderful.

That said, I am feeling robbed and betrayed right about now. This ending is arguably one of the worst series finales in the history of television and trust me I realize how bold of a statement that is. The terrible violations the characters have suffered this season, the lack of proper resolution to many of the plots and narratives developed over seasons worth of buildup, the seeking of shock value at the expense of quality writing... that and much much more solidified this as an absolute disappointment of a finale, as opposed to the marvel wrap it could've given this cultural phenomenon.

This episode does have its positives, as always the score, acting and cinematography are perfectly performed but I just do not think it's nearly enough to compensate for how lackluster the writing has been, as much as I wish they did. Oh well, sad as it may be, I'll just hold on to the good stuff and hope that GRRM's book, once finished, will tackle the ending in a more coherent, more respectful and more meaningful way. It's been real y'all...

P.S: I'll leave this here lest some people jump me again. This comment is a representation of my own personal opinion, I am entitled to one just as all of you are. If you enjoyed this season and felt this finale delivered what you were looking for then more power to you mate, but that doesn't nullify my opinion nor does it make yours any valid. If you want to discuss or challenge my views, I'd be more than happy to engage you on that basis but if all you have to offer are petty remarks then please keep them to yourself.

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@seanmsu It's funny how everyone who recycles this comment about the ending of Lost seems to fail to understand a very simple premise of writing. The same premise that had D&D re-do the pilot for Game of Thrones after initially sharing it with a room full of HBO writers and it's that if your audience fails to understand what it is that you're trying to relay, you've simply done a bad job, especially if it's as clear as you imply it to be.

Many audience members don't want to sit down and go full nerd trying to analyze the writers' creative decisions, which is why it falls on the latter to simplify the content for the former, you can of course call anyone who doesn't share your views a mindless twit who couldn't understand what the show was trying to do but the matter of fact is that it's the show's responsibility to make the audience understand and if it fails to do that then it's no fault of the audience, it's that simple.

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne
Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells

What in the actual f*ck.

I'm a reasonable man, I realize I've been crapping on D&D even more than usual this season but I really do have to give them props for doing exactly what they set out to do. They hoped to subvert our expectations and they did just wonderfully in that regards.

We expected all of that buildup over the years to actually amount to something that at the very least passes for a presentable series finale but instead, we got an incoherent, steaming pile of shit. Expectations subverted!

We expected all of that character development to actually result in a beautiful pay-off that respects the journey of self-discovery each and every one of our beloved characters went through to get to where they are now but instead, we got a painful, disrespectful cycle of character regression. Expectations subverted!

We expected the final season of this show to keep us at the edge of our seats with thrilling writing that didn't subvert our expectations for the sake of subverting our expectations via low-quality shock value-seeking writing, but to introduce plot twists that make sense within the overall narrative of the story but instead, we got CW-level predictable, cringe material. Expectations subverted!

I get it. I really do. GRRM let them down by not getting the books ready in time and so they had to improvise away from his influence, but this? This? For a long while, Game of Thrones lived up to the slogan of its parent network, it wasn't just TV, it was something different, something unique and now to have to see it come to this... it's nothing short of disappointing.

On the bright side though, at least this episode didn't suck completely. The acting, score and cinematography were all on point, so I guess it's nice that I didn't walk out of it having appreciated absolutely nothing about it.

So why do I even bother anymore? I honestly could not tell you, though it's probably a mixture of masochism and a faint sliver of hope that they won't flush our collective investment into this series down the drain by the end of it, just one more episode dammit.

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"Just because a show doesn't go in the direction you wanted doesn't mean it's wrong or bad."
I never said that was the case. Game of Thrones is a TV show, its entertainment value is completely subjective to the viewer. Many have enjoyed this season and good on them, they're free to develop their own opinions on how it was handled, just as I'm free to express disappointment over how - in my opinion - it's crashing and burning.

"Daenerys always had a bit of crazy in her. It should not have been that shocking for her to burn down the city to provoke fear."
I don't think anyone was shocked that Dany went the "mad queen" way, it was foreshadowed for quite a bit and seeing it finally unfold on screen doesn't make it any more surprising.

What's got me disappointed though was the writers' complete disregard for her character development, seeing as quite a bit of said development was built around her being better than her father and brother. Dany was always mad for the throne, but this is extreme even for her, in my opinion, the writers didn't do her character justice.

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Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells

What in the actual f*ck.

I'm a reasonable man, I realize I've been crapping on D&D even more than usual this season but I really do have to give them props for doing exactly what they set out to do. They hoped to subvert our expectations and they did just wonderfully in that regards.

We expected all of that buildup over the years to actually amount to something that at the very least passes for a presentable series finale but instead, we got an incoherent, steaming pile of shit. Expectations subverted!

We expected all of that character development to actually result in a beautiful pay-off that respects the journey of self-discovery each and every one of our beloved characters went through to get to where they are now but instead, we got a painful, disrespectful cycle of character regression. Expectations subverted!

We expected the final season of this show to keep us at the edge of our seats with thrilling writing that didn't subvert our expectations for the sake of subverting our expectations via low-quality shock value-seeking writing, but to introduce plot twists that make sense within the overall narrative of the story but instead, we got CW-level predictable, cringe material. Expectations subverted!

I get it. I really do. GRRM let them down by not getting the books ready in time and so they had to improvise away from his influence, but this? This? For a long while, Game of Thrones lived up to the slogan of its parent network, it wasn't just TV, it was something different, something unique and now to have to see it come to this... it's nothing short of disappointing.

On the bright side though, at least this episode didn't suck completely. The acting, score and cinematography were all on point, so I guess it's nice that I didn't walk out of it having appreciated absolutely nothing about it.

So why do I even bother anymore? I honestly could not tell you, though it's probably a mixture of masochism and a faint sliver of hope that they won't flush our collective investment into this series down the drain by the end of it, just one more episode dammit.

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"Maybe you should watch the series again ?"
I don't see how that would help given that my opinion of this radical change in her character is based off of my take on the character development she was exposed to all of those seasons.

So as to end this pointless cycle of repetition where someone just disagrees without providing any arguments to counter mine with, allow me to yet again state that you're entitled to your own opinion and take on this issue, just as I am entitled to mine.

The fact you disagree with mine does not render it null or make yours any valid, nor do condescending requests to re-watch the series satisfy that expectation.

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Superman & Lois: 2x04 The Inverse Method

What is this nonsense Lois’s article side story. So stupid.

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@whos_ur_buddha And why the hell are they making a big deal of the thing Lois left out anyways? The article still holds merit even if Lois didn't submit Lucy's bullshit hallucinations into it, I swear it's big drama over nothing.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x01 New World Order

It's alright. Definitely not WandaVision levels and nowhere near the same hype for the next episode. It's only the first episode, though

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@volksdk Yeah well, keep in mind that three episodes in, everybody crapped on WandaVision. I'm of the opinion that we should give this one time to breathe and settle and find its groove the same way WandaVision did, there's a solid foundation here, I don't think it will disappoint.

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Superman & Lois: 1x03 The Perks of Not Being a Wallflower

It's like they want to have the show be like what comic books use to be. Like they aren't reimaginating the stories to fit some new socio-political agenda.

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@cmonster It's great, isn't it? This! This is what I've been looking for, a straight shooting superhero show that's just fun, wholesome and focused on telling a Superman story. I have high hopes for this show, I really hope they don't do a 180 down the line.

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The Flash: 5x20 Gone Rogue

God, what is happening to this show? Stale acting, dull writing, anticlimactic plots... it's almost insulting with how bad it's gotten.

For the love of everything The Flash once was, if this is the extent of your creativity and imaginative writing, please end the show.

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@jim222001 The entirety of the Arrowverse is one massive clusterf*ck right about now, Legends appears to be the only show that has its shit together nowadays and even they are swaying lately...

As a long-time fan who jumped on this bandwagon since the early days of Arrow's first season, this goes beyond mere disappointment, it genuinely breaks me seeing what it has become today.

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The Crown: 1x10 Gloriana

It's too sad how Church treated divorcees.I feel bad for Margaret and her Uncle

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@comrade_mode You do realize her uncle was a supporter and close friend of Hitler's, correct? He made personal visits to Hitler in The Berghof, reviewed SS guards, offered Nazi salutes and was prepared to betray his family and country all so he could have his cake and eat it too by being married to Wallis and being king at the same time.

He doesn't deserve your sympathies.

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American Dad!: 17x02 Downtown

Why are the seasons off? The latest season is 14 according to my tv.

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@tory-stokes-yahoo-com Count's been messed up ever since American Dad moved to a new network, the official American Dad Twitter however says this is the fifteenth season.

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Titans: 2x07 Bruce Wayne

As a standalone episode, this was decent, but as a season finale however, it left much to be desired; it's funny, the season premiere didn't feel like a premiere and now the season finale didn't feel like a finale...

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@huffj3 Oh wow, well, I feel like an idiot; I took Trakt's listing at face value and didn't think to second-guess it because it's usually on point... facepalm

I appreciate the correction, mate!

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The Flash: 7x02 The Speed of Thought

Hang on... what? Seriously? You mean to tell me that Barry didn't have super speed thinking all along? Then how was he able to use his powers successfully and to the extent that he has? That's the one defining trait that allows Flash to make use of all of his powers, that's how his brain can keep up with everything around him when he's moving very fast and how he can speed read among a lot other things.

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@justgeekingby Ah, sorry, I don't know how I got it into my head that biological limitations means cognitive limitations, silly me. Cheers for clearing it up for me. Also I'm not exactly sure why you keep harping on about Barry being a clever scientist when that has never been a point of contention but uh... alright... I guess? :neutral_face:

I suppose I should at least thank you for confirming what I already stated, which is that speed thinking is a core trait for speedster characters. Thanks, this was a truly engaging chat.

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The Flash: 7x02 The Speed of Thought

Hang on... what? Seriously? You mean to tell me that Barry didn't have super speed thinking all along? Then how was he able to use his powers successfully and to the extent that he has? That's the one defining trait that allows Flash to make use of all of his powers, that's how his brain can keep up with everything around him when he's moving very fast and how he can speed read among a lot other things.

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@justgeekingby I get it from the fact that I'm longtime comic fan. Super-speed thinking is a defining trait for all speedster characters, it always has been, as I explained before, it is core to their abilities and it's what allows them to make full use of their powers since without it, their brains wouldn't be able to keep up with their own powers, a basic example of why this trait was made core to a speedster's catalog of powers in the DC universe is the Tiger Beetle, an insect that runs at 9Km/h but has to stop and reorient itself all the time because it's literally too fast for its own visual system to accurately process the world around it.

That's why all Flash authors maintained speed-thinking as a core power for all speedster characters, because it's not an add-on, it's a consequential necessity if they want to use their powers. This isn't about how clever or not clever Barry is.

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The Blacklist: 1x17 Ivan

Harrison Lee is the most boring Blacklister on the show so far. The fact that everything he did was for a girl to fall in love with him was so stupid.

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@legendaryfang56 I realize this is an old comment but I'll leave this here anyways. Harrison isn't a Blacklister, Ivan is, Red didn't even know the former existed until Liz informed him. I do agree though that as far as the "case of the week" is concerned, this was the most boring by far and it would've gotten a lower score had it not been for the story progression that took place in the background.

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The Flash: 6x04 There Will Be Blood

Really...Zombies. That’s the best the writers can come up with.

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@d0ndada Uhh, what? They didn't come up with anything, Haemokinesis is one of Bloodwork's canon abilities in the comics, he can control other people's bodies through their blood.

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