J Lucas C


, Federal District

The Irishman

....I didn't like it.
There was no plot.
There was no literary protagonist. There IS a main character, though.

When I say plot, I mean an objective that the protagonist is after from the beginning; Some kind of imbalance that they sense needs to be rectified or corrected. When there is no objective, there is no obstacles in their way, either. This movie is 3.5 hours of, just, things that happen and it never clues the audience in on the endgame...so there's also hardly any climax, either. Its just, this happens, then that, then that, then that...with characters you can't really call "likeable" or "rootable" I wouldn't have cared if DeNiro died at any given moment in the film because I couldn't connect with him.

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@iamdwg Well, I can understand not liking it. It is not for everyone. But if you are looking for a likeable MC in a Scorcese movie, I have bad news for you. Your definition of plot is all wrong too. What Scorcese is telling here is a hollywood (netflix *cough) version of the REAL history of Frank Sheeran, Hoffa, Bufalino etc. All those people are or were alive at some point and some events in the movie actually happened. Well, this isn`t exactly new with Scorcese, most of his movies are like that.

The real difference between this movie and all his other movies is that this one doesnt glorify the MC. Remember Cassino? Or better yet, GoodFellas? I mean, all these mafia people are in the MAFIA. I dont know about you, but I feel really icky if they make such characters as likeable or rootable. They are criminals, that doesnt mean they shouldnt convey a sense of understanding of his motivations, but likeable and rootable are things I like on actual good MCs like the cops that arrested those people.

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This is a cliche-filed solid action movie with crazy gunfight sequences. It lacks a good narrative but the thrilling action makes up for it.

If you are looking for nuance there are tons of Dramas out there. It is not trying to be one of those films. This is an action movie as advertised.

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@addaks Agreed, however you should rate a movie based on its genre, no? Comparing to dramas, action always loses in my opinion. I think, compared with other action movies, this deserves at least a 7 as youve stated, but I gave it a 8 based on that continuous shot (not the best like the first Kingsmen, however quite good) and some twists concerning the matter that the MC isnt your typical guns blazing "[insert nation here, usually american] hero". The characters here can be seen getting extremely hurt and the direction shows it rather than ignores it or basically makes them bullet proof or beyond resistant. He is just a mercenary who had a damaged past, a cliched one, but this was still better compared with Underground 6 or those Statham action series "The Transporter".

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Zack Snyder's Justice League

Review by Jordy
BlockedParent2021-03-17T20:15:46Z— updated 2023-06-02T20:02:59Z

This is a fascinating watch, it’s such a great insight into filmmaking.
I’d advise anyone to watch this and the theatrical cut back to back, you’ll learn so much about the process, rearranging scenes, editing, etc.

- Compared to BvS: the script is much more structured, coherent, and simple. Also, this film doesn’t try to have any political depth or social commentary, which is a plus because that requires a filmmaker with subtlety, and Snyder is no such filmmaker. Finally, it doesn’t make any major mistakes like the Martha scene or Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor.
- Compared to the theatrical cut: it does a much better job at fleshing out the characters. This particularly helps for Cyborg and Steppenwolf. It kinda turns Cyborg into the coolest character of the DCEU. Also, the editing of the action scenes is much better.
- I love that it has a big, epic tone. The storytelling feels like it takes a lot of inspiration from Lord of the Rings.
- Some great character moments, particularly with Alfred (I also liked Flash running back in time, the killing of Steppenwolf and Aquaman’s scene with Vulko ). There are actually quite a few laughs in this, more so than you’d expect from a Snyder film.
- The score is good (ignoring the overplayed WW theme).

- It looks kinda hideous. There is an artificial and fake feeling to most of the scenes. The way it’s directed and shot can only be described as cheap and a visual overkill.
- Casting. Some of the main actors aren’t competent enough to star in a film like this. As long as they keep Momoa, Gadot and Miller, these films will always feel like discount Avengers films.
- It kinda drags, there are some scenes that could’ve been cut or shortened in order to improve the pacing. This is one of the things the theatrical cut does way better, even if it’s much more bland as a cut.
- The Flash still runs and acts like a moron. It particularly stands out in this cut because his Looney Tunes-esque antics are cringeworthy and don’t fit here, and his character still feels very barebones.
- Like BvS, the setting up of future films feels very clunky and forced.
- Though nowhere near as bad as in BvS, I once again noticed some painfully overwritten and forced dialogue.

In short:
Is it better than the theatrical cut, or BvS? Yes.
Is it a good movie? Not by any metric.


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@jordyep I agree with the whole sentiment, how ever I must point out that Momoa and Miller are only terrible because their part is terrible in itself. Miller have played a great part in the movie We need to talk about Kevin. He wasn't the MC, it was his mom played by Tilda Swinton but it was a good part nonetheless. Even though I believe this, I grant that Miller hasn't really put in the effort to make part in good movies.

Then, Momoa really do need to step up his game. However, I still believe he could do it with a better script and a better director.

I cannot even get in talking about Gadot since I really like Wonder Woman 1, but hated the second. She also lacks parts in good to great movies as she basically just started her Stardom (I mean, really started). I don't know if her accent gets in the way, but I hope she isn't just another pretty face (similar with Miller).

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The Irishman

As a skeptical person, the preachy tone of the movie kind of annoys me, not enough to make me stop, but it does make me have a more biased opinion about such religious thriller/suspense. In one hand I found the scary scenes really boring and in no way scary, in the other hand, the point that if a person lives a life of mainly hedonistic pleasures won't find happiness is something I believe as well. While I'm not the norm, one doesn't need to be religious to avoid alcoholic beverages, the use of heavy drugs and other hedonistic pleasures.

That said, the part where one doesn't need the church to be religious was actually a nice message. One does not need an institutionalized religion/church to be religious and/or spiritual. Being an agnostic atheist doesn't make one already a hater of religion in itself (especially since I also take some of its teachings - and from other religions - to heart) but it does make me wary of such organized religious groups like the Catholic Church, or cults like the Church of Scientology.

Regardless of such ideological and moralistic debate, this movie didn't age well, especially if you identify yourself as an atheist, agnostic or whatever definition based on skepticism and rationality to heart. Hell, I don't think that even a religious person would like this movie that much, regardless of its position of organized religion.

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@jlucascaraujo Oh, and Thomas Kopache is the actor that makes Last Week Tonight's inside joke of Commercials teaching Trump stuff he should know already.

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