
1 follower

Boston, Massachusetts

Britain's Most Evil Killers: 6x05 Lee Ford

That guy getting the sentence that he did ... for what he did ... was absolutely ridiculous. I felt awful for the father.

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Nightwatch: 5x01 Answering the Call

I love Nightwatch. Don't get me wrong. I always have. But after what A&E did to Live PD, that loyalty is under tension. A lot of tension.

Also, haven't been following Nightwatch news, but why isn't it Titus & Dan anymore?

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Alone: 7x01 Million Dollar Mistake

Shout by jmmorrison

That one guy nailing the squirrel with the rock was hilarious. "I know my Little League baseball would come in handy." Or whatever he said.

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The King of Staten Island

I had pretty low expectations for this movie, mostly because I've never found Pete Davidson to be very funny, but I was pleasantly surprised. Was it the greatest? No, but I think it did a decent job of mixing comedy with tragedy. And Bill Burr is hilarious, if nothing else.

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Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown: 10x07 Seattle

I thought it was hilarious — the constant serial killer references — probably specifically Gary Ridgway, the Green River Killer since it's so close by

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Crossing Swords: 1x06 My Super Sweet Period Party

"You promised me a perfect party, not a pussy prison!"

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Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown: 8x04 London

It's not very nice, I know, and I'd probably regret it immensely, but I'm pretty sure I'd try to hook that bastard bird that stole my fishing bait.

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Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown: 8x03 Sichuan with Eric Ripert

I don't think I've laughed as hard in a long time as when Ripert, normally such an icon of refinement and sangfroid, totally losing it when he couldn't get into the rabbit skull, saying the hell with it and smashing it against the curb. Definitely pretty far from Buddhism, I would think.

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Live PD Presents: PD Cam: 4x14 Episode 14

Shout by jmmorrison

I'm dumbfounded as to why a DA would choose not to prosecute a guy that was arrested with 500+ grams of crystal meth!

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We'll Meet Again: 2x05 Escape from Cuba

I could only hope down the road, when I'm old, to know that I made such a difference in people's lives — to influence someone so much that not only did they dedicate their life to saving others as a fire captain because I saved theirs, but also to come find me decades later just to say thank you — would be life's greatest gift and to know that you left life better than you entered it.

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Live PD: 4x22 Episode 22

I forget which police department it was, but it was the one where they arrested a black guy for reckless driving and his cousin was with him in another vehicle, so he could park it somewhere nearby and it wouldn't get towed. But that guy that got arrested ... the way he was so delayed in his answers and the bizarre way he spoke, I couldn't tell if he was super impaired, had some kind of neurological condition or what!

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South Park: 23x09 Basic Cable

Relationships are like diabetes x10

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Ray Donovan: 7x01 Faith. Hope. Love. Luck.

I'm not a fan of Big Pharma by any means, but listening to that Manson flower child was stupid and potentially deadly. Most of them have no science or healthcare training and have no idea about interactions between meds they're taking and what they're giving them (I'm guessing ayahuasca/DMT, the most powerful hallucinogen you can take). Just stupid.

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Forged in Fire: 7x12 Family Edition

Definitely more of an enjoyable episode without the annoying cut short episodes because someone's blade falls apart

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Top Gun: Maverick

Loved Top Gun as a kid and so excited for this to come out (although I fully expect Hollywood to ruin my childhood)

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Bob's Burgers: 6x09 Sacred Couch

You're an old train depot!

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License to Kill: 1x02 Dying For A Cure

I really wonder if she actually had an unblemished record as an 20 year ER physician or it was missed. Because if not, how does a woman of science and medicine do something like this?

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License to Kill: 1x01 Deadly God Complex

Shout by jmmorrison

I'm glad he was finally stopped and put in prison, but it's truly saddening that he still killed two people and maimed countless others

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The Coroner: I Speak for the Dead: 3x05 Wound Patterns

So sad that someone who tries to do the right thing and make a better life for others has to be murdered

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River Monsters

How is this listed as a returning series? The last episode was a while ago. They made it pretty clear they weren't making more seasons

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Cobra Kai: 1x09 Different But Same

Wanna go inside? I could eat

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The Warfighters

This was a pretty good show. I hope it actually returns

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Tanked: 13x03 DeMarcus Cousins and a Snake Tank

Jesus. What's with all the athletes?

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Most Expensivest

Was good in the beginning but then just got kinda dumb & like he just wanted free shit, lol

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Forged in Fire: 5x16 Bagh Nakh

I think the weapon would've been so much cooler if it didn't have the blades at the ends and had just been left claws

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