Heather T



Doctor Who: Specials

Cringey, dull, terrible britsh accents (catherine Tate has always made me wanna bury my head in a bucket of flesh eating beetles.

13yr old me screamed internally when that Freddy's Dead ruiner Rachael Talalay's name appeared in the directors credit - great fucking start!

There's an awful "what-you-missed-previously-and-why-these-episodes-are-happening, to camera piece by the doc and donna, which shouldn't have been anything more than a comicon teaser that sneaked onto youtube, but no, it's awkwardly there at the start of the fucking episode. Only for it to all be repeated 15 minutes later.. but louder!

It's supposed to be family gathered fun. The last time I caught the end of an episode, it looked OK, a Whittaker one with a big spider or something, it didn't look like an 80's music video (again RT's hand in this could be the whole issue)

My kids made it through about 6 minutes before putting their coats on to look for frogs outside in the rain, saying it 'looks like that coronation street crap mum watches'

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@pigfaced "terrible britsh accents" - First, learn how to spell British and second, the actors are actually British so not sure how you can call their accents terrible unless you're being elitist or racist.

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