Heather T



Supergirl: 3x21 Not Kansas

I was few episodes behind because I don't like the second half if this season, not even a little. They turned Alex someone who cries every damn episode and woman who wants to have a baby so badly. Nice development throughout the whole season. Don't like that! Chyler is an amazing actress and I believe every emotion she shows but it's too much, it is such a bull. I don't mind political issues being brought in but ffs the writers need to learn how to put them in the episodes. The stupidest thing, I think, was J'onn telling agents they won't be using guns. I mean, if anyone should use them, it's the government and forces like them, highly trained!

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@nykki Because it's soooo realistic that a highly trained secret government organisation that deals with aliens has to resort to something as basic as guns to take down the bad guys every time. I'm pretty sure they can find something better in their bag of science tricks that isn't a gun and that's kind of the point.

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Supergirl: 5x03 Blurred Lines

Rojas is such an annoying ugly jerk. I hope the writers don’t plan on making him Kara’s new love interest. Can‘t they pick someone interesting for her for once?

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@minibutmighty Rojas is the female new owner of CatCo, I assume you're referring to William Dey.

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Supergirl: 5x15 Reality Bytes

We’re haters if we don’t act like this is the best episode, probably. But Supergirls preachy episodes aren’t when it is the most watchable. I am sure more are coming though. Since Melissa Benoist is pregnant.
They’ll probably bring James back too and have another lesson about racism. People watch shows to escape from reality. Not be reminded of it constantly.
Next Supergirl will battle the Coronavirus.

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@jim222001 Maybe stop watching TV shows based on DC comics then? Superman was created as a response to antisemitism. DC Comics has been political and targeting real-world issues from day one. The Arrowverse shows are just following in their footsteps.

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JAG: 5x03 True Callings

So that's it ? Harm's second career as an aviator lastet but three episodes. I mean, it was obvious he wouldn't have a fututre there but they built it up for a couple episodes and this is all ? Seems like the producers wanted him out of JAG to create some new plot lines there between characters.

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@finfan Agreed. I wonder if they had someone lined up to take over from David James Elliott for Season 5 and it fell through so instead of writing him out they had to write in his move back to JAG.

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Lucifer: 5x13 A Little Harmless Stalking

Not bad, but not great either.

What's with this constant need that these characters feel to keep running away from their true feelings. I know you love me but for some stupid reason we can't be together. Can anyone in this show like ever get together?

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@shraa1 Because no one in real life ever does that...

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Lucifer: 5x16 A Chance at a Happy Ending

Considering the build up to the plot, I really think it was only okay.

Lucifer becoming God was like the most obvious stance that the show was heading in, but the way they built up the episode in the beginning, it had one of the perfect setups to make it so that Lucifer chooses Chloe to be the God(ess) and the decision to let Lucifer back into heaven could have been Chloe's...

The plot for Charlie becoming God is put to bed, but that could have been another potentially uncommon ending.

Maze finally accepting Eve was a good change of pace from the usual 'you don't deserve me' or 'I need space/time' theme that's been going on for quite a while on the show.

I think with all the angels showing up, and so much of Ella's dilemma this season related to her faith, I think the writers missed a perfect opportunity to bring back Azreal a little earlier into the season to have conversations with Ella.

So Michael can kill humans, because God left and his restrictions are no longer applicable, but Lucifer can not go into heaven without burning? What a waste of Lilith's invulnerability. And also, Michael doesn't become God after winning the votes because it's not unanimous, but Lucifer returns from heaven as God even without the unanimous votes? That makes zero sense.

God's role was really crappy throughout the season, just lame. Michael was absolutely awesome in the first half, but he's such a disappointing character in the second half of the season.

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@shraa1 Three words: read the comics.

The show may have been very loosely based on the comics thus far but this season it actually went back to a lot of the theology in the comics. For those of us who have actually read the comics (and I'm assuming you haven't because of your "this makes zero sense" comment) this all made a lot of sense.

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Lucifer: 5x16 A Chance at a Happy Ending

Considering the build up to the plot, I really think it was only okay.

Lucifer becoming God was like the most obvious stance that the show was heading in, but the way they built up the episode in the beginning, it had one of the perfect setups to make it so that Lucifer chooses Chloe to be the God(ess) and the decision to let Lucifer back into heaven could have been Chloe's...

The plot for Charlie becoming God is put to bed, but that could have been another potentially uncommon ending.

Maze finally accepting Eve was a good change of pace from the usual 'you don't deserve me' or 'I need space/time' theme that's been going on for quite a while on the show.

I think with all the angels showing up, and so much of Ella's dilemma this season related to her faith, I think the writers missed a perfect opportunity to bring back Azreal a little earlier into the season to have conversations with Ella.

So Michael can kill humans, because God left and his restrictions are no longer applicable, but Lucifer can not go into heaven without burning? What a waste of Lilith's invulnerability. And also, Michael doesn't become God after winning the votes because it's not unanimous, but Lucifer returns from heaven as God even without the unanimous votes? That makes zero sense.

God's role was really crappy throughout the season, just lame. Michael was absolutely awesome in the first half, but he's such a disappointing character in the second half of the season.

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@justanotherdud It's still a TV show based ON comics. Personally, I thought it all made a lot of sense, whether you read the comics or not. But if you're still confused, read the comics. That was my point.

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The Flash: 7x02 The Speed of Thought

Hang on... what? Seriously? You mean to tell me that Barry didn't have super speed thinking all along? Then how was he able to use his powers successfully and to the extent that he has? That's the one defining trait that allows Flash to make use of all of his powers, that's how his brain can keep up with everything around him when he's moving very fast and how he can speed read among a lot other things.

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@jinzulen I have no idea where you get the whole "that's the one defining trait" thing. Barry has always been a clever guy. He's a scientist in his own right.

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S.W.A.T.: 4x04 Memento Mori

Is this entire season going to be about BLM and evil, racist white guys? I get it, all whites are racist and not all cops are bad, just most of them.

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@upnysk Well until now in most TV shows (especially US ones) all people of colour were either criminals or terrorists, so it's about time the shoe was on the other foot.

You also paid absolutely no attention to this episode it seems. The bad guy wasn't a racist; he was a grieving kid raging at the crappy justice system.

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The Flash: 7x02 The Speed of Thought
Supergirl: 6x12 Blind Spots

Amazingly written. This is one of the most important messages out there right now and the episode was amazingly written by the star of the episode: Azie Tesfai.

As allies, if you choose to be, we should keep asking the questions Azie and the other writers handed to us. Let's do better instead of commenting that it's all political.

Also, human rights isn't propaganda or political bullshit, it's a f*cking RIGHT. Thank you and goodnight

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@jaimyy_ Well said. The episode was phenomenal, and hopefully it got through to some people.

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Supergirl: 6x15 Hope for Tomorrow

So great National City has an instant adoption process without any red tape or waiting...

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@glasgow1975 Hardly. Alex specifically lists all the procedures they have to go through before they get to fully adopt Esme, right at the start of the episode. It started with an emergency hearing, and her list ends with six months of fostering. No where does it even say that they've fully adopted her. The way Alex says all of that even shows how worried she is that something could go wrong at any stage. But Esme is a little kid who has just been abandoned by her previous family and as shown in this episode is traumatised by that (and possibly other experiences) so it's understandable why they're concentrating on giving her a stable environment instead of acting as if it's temporary again.

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Supergirl: 6x20 Kara

Supergirl started as the weakest (by far) superhero series. S1 was a complete mess. After being taken by CW, the quality improved significantly (at least in comparisson with S1). Of course, the heavy "let's put serious subjects on our plot" that CW tends to do in every of his shows (at least in the ones i see about superheroes) is a downer; but even taking all of that in consideration, i think it was an appropiate finale. The final battle at least was interesting (something that hasn't been happening in shows like Flash or Legends of Tomorrow, where they are constantly solving their "big bads" with the "power of love, and talk" or, in the case of LoT, let's just dance and do something completely shitty), with almost every major character showing up and taking part of it. I liked the inclusion of the oldies Jimmy and Winn; even Cat was a nice surprise. Tbh, in the last couple of seasons it became the show that i "most" wanted to see each week, between all the other heroes shows. Still, i believe that the Arrowverse as we have know it should finish once and for all; the Crisis event was an amazing crossover and a really good way to close all of them (sadly, they only did it with Arrow). Still 3 series to go (i personally think that Flash and Batwoman won't have much longer).

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@wither Serious subjects in plots is what comics have been doing since they began. I suggest educating yourself about the creators of Superman and why they created him, and learning the Stan Lee's "Stan Soapbox" columns. Those serious subjects that you're blaming on the CW have always been there.

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Supergirl: 6x20 Kara
Vera: 11x05 Vital Signs

this hasn't aired yet!

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@quagmire36 It aired in the US.

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Leverage: Redemption: 1x14 The Great Train Job

Shout by Marc Friedolin

This episode would have been fun if it wasn't so damn insulting to germans.

1st of all (not that insulting): Being royalty means nothing in germany - they lost their priviledges after WWI and never got them back. The only politician of royal descent I can think of would be Von Gutenberg and that was a few years back.

2nd: No one close to the chancelor would be caught dead with someone idolising nazi propaganda. And any halfway decent conman would know that.

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@player8472 They were conning zealots. It wasn't about being historically accurate, it was about appealing to the mark's beliefs which is what they did. Plus Breanna even states that she got the information from wikipedia which says it all.

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FBI: Most Wanted: 3x04 Inherited

I don't really like how drastically the writers made tali change. It doesn't feel natural.

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@streamitcam Exactly! Apparently no one else remembers what it was like to be a teenager.

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FBI: Most Wanted: 3x04 Inherited

I don't like those rebellious teenager confrontations - they should simply address the cliffhanger from season 2 which is, I guess, the reason why Tali acts the way she does, especially in her actions towards Sarah, and be done with it. I mean, having the ex-husband of the new girlfriend of your father come into your home and threaten you can't be very good for the relationship... after all, without the girlfriend there wouldn't have been a threat.

(And they should also finally explain where the whole LaCroix family disappeared to: the in-laws and his own father.)

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@nicky2910 That is not how trauma works. Even if they removed Sarah from the show, if her and Jess broke up the trauma that Tali went through would still exist. She would still act out, she would just find someone else to direct it to. Sarah's just the easiest target at the moment. If she wasn't there it would be Jess.

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FBI: Most Wanted: 3x04 Inherited

I don't like those rebellious teenager confrontations - they should simply address the cliffhanger from season 2 which is, I guess, the reason why Tali acts the way she does, especially in her actions towards Sarah, and be done with it. I mean, having the ex-husband of the new girlfriend of your father come into your home and threaten you can't be very good for the relationship... after all, without the girlfriend there wouldn't have been a threat.

(And they should also finally explain where the whole LaCroix family disappeared to: the in-laws and his own father.)

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@nicky2910 We don't need to know exactly what happened. The fact that an armed man was breaking into her home is enough to traumatise any teenage girl.

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The Equalizer: 2x05 Followers

I thought painting the accusatory shopper as 'white' against black was a bit unfair. There are New Yorkers that have moved down to SC who treat everyone that way. Everyone is below their notice unless they can take advantage of them. strange way to approach life.

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@cebess If the scene had just been about shopping then you would be correct. The racist element came in when Lori called the police and proceeded to act as though she was in the right simply because she was white. Unless you're implying that all New Yorkers call the police over a shopping disagreement?

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FBI: Most Wanted: 3x04 Inherited

I don't like those rebellious teenager confrontations - they should simply address the cliffhanger from season 2 which is, I guess, the reason why Tali acts the way she does, especially in her actions towards Sarah, and be done with it. I mean, having the ex-husband of the new girlfriend of your father come into your home and threaten you can't be very good for the relationship... after all, without the girlfriend there wouldn't have been a threat.

(And they should also finally explain where the whole LaCroix family disappeared to: the in-laws and his own father.)

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@nicky2910 I'd be happy to just leave it as "let's agree to disagree" if your reasoning was even plausible.

You may wish to read this article that clears up some of the confusion - https://www.cinemablend.com/television/2573909/how-fbi-most-wanted-resolved-season-2-finale-cliffhanger-kenny-crosby-shot-crossover

As it explains, Isobel literally says to Jess in episode one of season 3: "I just talked to OPR. You and Crosby have officially been cleared in the killing of Hugh Holt at your house."

So yes, it did actually happen, and the writers did actually clear it up. They're not dropping the ball, they're continuing the storyline with a realistic trauma reaction from a young girl.

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FBI: 4x13 Pride and Prejudice

I liked this episode - but I didn't quite understand the ending with Omar's denying any wrongdoing by that counter-terrorist-agent and therefore preventing any kind of supervising action.

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@nicky2910 Agreed, and it's not the first time that Omar's backed down when he's disagreed with a higher up's decision or action. It's going to start eating him up, and I think we're going to seen an explosion at some point.

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Death in Paradise: 11x07 Murdering Lyrical

Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-02-20T12:48:47Z— updated 2022-02-21T20:20:27Z

Fair. A story about locals at last. Which is obviously a good thing. It's still a stereotype approach: Reggae Dancehall, colorful outfits, obese girls, muscle-packed men, sexual debauchery. This sister story is annoying. They either take this side story serious or they should skip this part.

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@alexlimberg "obese girls" - I'm not sure who you're referring to because none of the suspects were even close to being plus size.

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SEAL Team: 1x21 The Graveyard of Empires
Agatha Raisin: 4x01 Kissing Christmas Goodbye

Poor attempt at a slapstick murder mystery. It’s absurd in premise, awful in execution, and not even cartoonish humor. Haven’t read the books but I can’t believe they are as bad as this interpretation.

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@dabrouwer It's called British humour.

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CSI: Vegas: 2x17 The Promise

The way they react, when the child‘s body is of a girl. As if it were more devastating than the body of a boy. And of course the cops back in the day were ALL racist (implied). There‘s so much lazy mass-writing these days. It‘s just boring.

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@swisssenna There was no implication that it was more heartbreaking because the child was a girl, and racism is still a huge issue (especially in the USA), so storylines like this are still hugely relevant. If it's so boring to you, don't watch it.

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The Equalizer: 3x10 Do No Harm

This was definitely the most stupid episode I have seen. Robin had so many chances to disarm her. She was able disarm the hostage.
Disappointed in this episode :cry:

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@papanz As soon as she disarmed the woman, the cops would come in, and the little girl wouldn't get the life-saving surgery. This was pointed out multiple times throughout the episode.

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NCIS: Hawai'i: 2x16 Family Ties

Great episode! I think it's fantastic that it shows some relationship-bonding with Kate and Lucy.

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@idanyl They're so adorable :)

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Grantchester: 6x02 Episode 2

I hate the storyline involving Leonard. It's already been done before.

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@tiuri Not to this extent.

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NCIS: 20x18 Head Games

Why do lab technicians or similar always have to made out to be geeks, a person can have a high IQ without being a geek.

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@eddybegood You don't know many real life scientists do you Eddy? For one, the idea that they have high IQs is a myth.

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