Matthias Radakovits


Vienna, Austria

The Strain: 3x10 The Fall

'I hate you!'
Seriously. I've hated Zack from the very beginning, although at least the first actor still was somewhat bearable.
But not only does the 'newly' cast Zack deserve a prize for worst acting in history (and yes, I've seen 'The Room'); his character also deserves one for being the most disliked TV show character in history.
I honestly can't remember despising any character in a movie or show as much as I do Zack. Kudos to the writers for (accidentally?) creating the perfect villain. No, not the strigoi, but Zack.

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Skins: 7x04 Pure (2)

Unlike part 1, where they've just been trying way too hard with their 'PURE' thing, this episode just feels completely wholesome on every level. It really is a perfect finale for Gilly Cassie.

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Dark Matter: 3x10 Built, Not Born

I can't believe that it's easier for me to empathise with and genuinely like an android than 90% of the other human characters.
Especially that very short conversation between Suki and Six in the Marauder was simply heart-warming.

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Silicon Valley: 4x05 The Blood Boy

I don't know why, but I genuinely feel bad for Blood Boy. I kinda hoped he'd become somewhat more integral to the season's developments.

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Game of Thrones: 7x04 The Spoils of War

I'm at a loss of words. 'Holy shit' kinda describes it best. My goosebumps' goosebumps say that this might be the best episode I've ever watched on television.

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Atomic Blonde

I can't wait for this movie to finally launch!
And even if it's worse than expected, the soundtrack surely won't disappoint.

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The Magicians: 2x07 Plan B

They really nailed the humour in this episode. I haven't had so many uncontrollable laughs in ages and even thinking about what I just watched makes me chuckle.
Yeah, it might've been somewhat of a filler episode, but a brilliant one. I keep loving this show more and more.

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SKAM: 1x11 A really stupid choice

The ending was a bit obvious. I mean, no straight guy ever would call his best friend's girlfriend 'GIRL' during a Skype call.
So I kind of was just waiting for the revelation, which was nonetheless awesome and hella funny.

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13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

Being 5 episodes in, the first thing that Banana reminds me of, is Black Mirror, however weird that sounds.
Every episode focuses on a different person and they're all somehow connected with each other; some more, some less.
Also, every episode is more or less a standalone short story delivering great acting, great writing and perfect camera work, as well as a superb sound track pick.
I don't yet know why the last episode is so poorly rated, because I've yet to watch it; but leaving it out, Banana just delivers everything I want out of it. There's a lot of unforced and well-placed humor, a bit of great drama and a lot of characters that one can just connect with in an instant. Just a solid show that nobody ought to miss out on, no matter if they're LGBTQ or straight.

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Eyewitness: 1x01 Buffalo '07

Even though I really liked the Pilot, something just felt a little bit off about it.
The visual atmosphere they're creating is perfect and it clearly shows which direction this show is supposed to head. Also, the music is really well-picked and just fits.
But while the looks and the characters, as well as the story assume an atmosphere similar to classic Nordic crime shows, the pace so far feels way too fast, as if they couldn't manage to fit all the content into a single episode otherwise. That, for me, kind of disrupted all the things that were so great about it. Nevertheless, we'll see how it all develops- it was still a very solid Pilot.

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This Is Us
Looking: The Movie

I'm wondering if this utter sense of denial ever wears off.
No, that's not the end. Never. Waiting for closure 2.0.

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Chef's Table: 2x05 Ana Roš
Private Romeo

I'm really intrigued about the concept of Private Romeo.
The attempt to tell a classic Shakespearian story in a setting like this really is a rather hard feat.
Of course, there were some parts that were quite hard to follow and one really has to focus in order to understand it wholly, but overall, it was really nicely done.
The acting was surprisingly excellent, the shots were beautiful, aside from one or two small cutting errors, and doing something so complex with a budget so little really deserves an A for effort.

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Whatever it was the writers were smoking, it had to be awesome.
High-Rise is basically just a huge mind fuck with a lot of beautiful shots and a story that's been told in a way that's really not easy to get. So you have to pay close attention to everything and let the mind fuck get the better of you.
I think the best way to describe it in detail is not to describe it at all.
Obviously this is an artsy, drug-induced reflection of today's society and all the gaps there are within, as well as a, on first glance, weird social experiment. But everything that's beneath this twisted surface is something that each and every viewer has to explore for themselves.
Is it a good movie? I have no idea.
Did I like it? I have no idea.
What's certain is that it definitely made some kind of impact on me, which is the only thing I can justify my rating with, aside from the beautiful and well-made production itself.

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I really didn't have any high hopes about Deadpool, since almost everyone I know found it rather meh.
Which is why, now that I've seen it, I'm so positively surprised about it.
Sure, it's pure trash with semi-expensive CGI.
Yeah, there's a fair share of dick jokes and a lot of bad humor in general.
Also, yeah, it's basically a flat and linear love story.
And all of this is what makes Deadpool such a great movie.
This is one of those movies that don't take anything (including themselves) seriously. And for everyone who didn't get that: pay attention to at least the first 2 minutes. This fact is brought upon us even during the intro credits.
Of course, if you expect it to be a superhero movie like so many, it's understandable that you're highly disappointed.
But for someone like me who couldn't care less about superheroes (aside from Batman; seriously, he's just awesome.), this movie is pure shit-stained, trashy gold in the best way possible.

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Chef's Table: 2x01 Grant Achatz

Take Steve Jobs and amplify the amount of creativity, radicalism and the drive to establish an emotional connection to the product and the overall experience by a factor of 10.
Grant Achaz is a genius in so many ways, showing the rawest of dedication and obsession and the will to break (not only) boundaries to achieve something new and different. He's not only a chef, but a top-notch artist, portrayed perfectly in this one very short hour.

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Stranger by the Lake

summary: bunch of dudes cruising and hooking up by a lake. the slowest 97 minutes of my life.

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Person of Interest: 5x09 Sotto Voce

One of my top 5 most favourite episodes so far. The script was fantastic as usual and the ending emotional af.
Damn, I can't stand the thought of this show being over soon.

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Even though the 1:1 format is something that nobody would expect anymore nowadays, since it's been misused and overused way too often now, Xavier Dolan knew how to use this kind of effect carefully and not in an annoying way.

Aside from the format, Mommy was just an incredible, carefully and beautifully made movie.
There was not a single scene that felt overly scripted or 'unreal'- both acting and writing were on point throughout the entire 140 minutes.
Also, it was interesting to finally see a movie portraying the challenges that come with raising a both traumatised and psychologically unusual child in such a fashion. There was no intention to be (unnecessarily) provocative or to create some sort of fake awareness. It simply was a great story between a mother and her son that could've easily been based on real events (aside from the fact that all of this happened in a 'fake Canada' with 'fake laws', as explained right at the beginning of the movie).
Kudos to Xavier Dolan for making this great film, as well as the awesome use of music, and to the three main actors for their diverse and superb job!

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Scandal: 5x18 Till Death Do Us Part

This has to be one of my favourite episodes of Scandal, yet.
Yeah, the schematics are repetitive and we've already seen this kind of behaviour from Jake, Olivia and her dad before.
And yeah, we get that it's pretty much impossible to free oneself from Papa Pope's grasp, as they've shown us what feels like a kajillion times already.
But what I found really interesting about this episode are the constant flashbacks into Jake's past, since this was the first time we were ever granted with not only a glimpse of it, but an entire revelation as to why it really is so fricking hard to escape Olivia's dad and to rid oneself from his influence.
Conclusion? Rowan's a psychopath. Yeah, nothing new. But the kind and amount of psychological terror that he'd put on Jake over the years finally gives us a logical explanation to Jake's and Olivia's behaviour over the past seasons that at first glance might've seemed a bit irrational and without logic.

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11.22.63: 1x08 The Day in Question
Bad Education

To be completely honest, I don't have the slightest idea as to what to think about Bad Education.
It's a rather complex story, told from multiple perspectives that at the end create a picture that nobody would've expected at first.
There's this constant weird feeling of a piece of the story missing, which sought for a lot of attention throughout the entire film- I can't really remember the last time a film that's neither thrilling, nor forcefully attention-seeking has actually caught my attention for such a long period of time.
All in all, Bad Education really is a film worth watching, with some almost flawless acting, a great and complex plot and told in a fantastic way that just left me rather out of words while typing this comment. Great work!

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The Walking Dead: 6x14 Twice as Far

there were some good moments and a rather predictable twist, but overall it felt just weak and as if they were trying too hard to be #deep.

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Prayers for Bobby

this is definitely one of those movies that, once seen, can't and won't ever be forgotten. very emotional, very touching and a wake-up call for all strict christians, that religion leaves a whole lot of room for interpretation.

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Limitless: 1x18 Bezgranichnyy

this episode perfectly reflects the best of what limitless has to offer: a catching story, great actors, a lot of sarcasm, yet enough room to get your attention caught.

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How to Get Away with Murder: 2x15 Anna Mae

definitely not as catching as the previous season finale, yet again with a massive cliffhanger that shows just how they can't get away with murder.

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The Americans: 4x01 Glanders

that was more than just an appropriate start for season 4. really excited!

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