



i love this show but you CANNOT take it 100% seriously. at the end of the day its a WB/CW show lol
the only time in the show i really didnt like it was at some point in season 11, but im glad i got through that because it got really good again by season 13 or so.
watched all 15 seasons and promptly restarted watching again, now have watched 19 and a half seasons :sunglasses:

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Grey's Anatomy

the worst show ever. i love it.

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Grey's Anatomy

shonda im begging you please pleaseee stop

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i wish my life was a seinfeld episode

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

each episode is so awesomely complicated and has in depth plot points that makes it feel way longer than it is, but in a great way. Funny as shit. Someone said somewhere that it's always sunny has you laughing AT THEM, not with them, which, yeah, you do laugh at them. Lol

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Shout by kirst
BlockedParent2022-02-27T06:13:23Z— updated 2022-09-22T19:14:39Z

went insane over this over christmas break with like the only thing i did all day was eat, shameless, and sleep. yes ik unhealthy but it was winter break :person_shrugging:but dec. 30 i watched s7 e1 (practically forced myself to) and just stopped. idk why, i still enjoyed the show but i guess something happened? i just moved on, i guess. sad though i still wanna watch i just cant bring myself to for some reason. im much more used to 20/30 min shows now lol
now its september 2022 and i have gotten to... season 7 episode 4. i dont know what it is about this season not super interested in it. plenty fine w long running shows (watched ten seasons of supernatural in a month or so)

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Jane the Virgin

so dramatic i love it

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Malcolm in the Middle

the close up faces and dramatic shots are EVERYTHING

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Supernatural: Season 4

im just excited that castiel's here tbh

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Criminal Minds

my crocheting show… its exciting enough to not bore me with the repetitive crocheting and boring enough for me to not want to put it down and watch it with all my attention. my arm cramps up all the time from it tho cus i can watch for like 3-4 eps at a time while crocheting and not even notice

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Marvel's The Punisher

sooo good im so sad its over. i miss amy and frank already and i finished it last night

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Shout by kirst
BlockedParent2022-08-14T23:12:50Z— updated 2022-08-18T22:17:38Z

loving this show so far! its so entertaining. reminds me of boy meets world but way more romance (if that's even possible)

tell me why i had to stumble across this show because felicity played feeny's niece in that one episode of boy meets world when she was 17 and someone offhandedly mentioned that she played a non nerd in bmw but is playing a nerd here so i thought this show sounded cool and started watching it even tho i didnt expect to like it at all

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Season 1

amazing season, the first season is always the most memorable

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The Boys

i started watching for jensen ackles but ofc u gotta watch the first two seasons first to understand the third and by the time he showed up i didnt even care for him that much anymore bc the plot was just so good. first show ever i think ive watched that hasn't already been cancelled & i hate waiting for s4 so much. the violence is a bit much at times but the plot is good enough so it gets by.

i hate this new trend of shows being super short, though. i understand the episodes are long so technically its a 12 episode 30 min show but still. bc of these 8 episode seasons you get a lot of plot packed into each episode to the point where it almost (almost) seems like a chore to turn it on and u can't miss an episode or god forbid 5 minutes of an episode otherwise you'll have no idea what's happening. i get it, it's not seinfeld, whatever. that's not my point.

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Supernatural: Season 11

rocky start but really brought you back to earlier seasons in a good way

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Supernatural: Season 10

Shout by kirst
BlockedParent2022-10-01T00:32:41Z— updated 2022-10-06T05:01:05Z

i hate rowena with a passion. not just like "oh she's a villan" she's ANNOYING. the ending of this season felt so rushed, like nothing was happening for forever and then suddenly everything's being done in 2 episodes

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Boy Meets World: Season 5

Shout by kirst
BlockedParent2022-08-01T17:52:42Z— updated 2022-08-03T03:57:08Z

season 5 is just the best season no contest. the most memorable episodes are here and the storyline with jack and eric at college is super entertaining

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Space Force

cancelled?? they gave us that killer cliffhanger at the end of season 2 and fuckin cancelled it???

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Good Morning, Miss Bliss

this is on netflix btw. season one of saved by the bell, they mashed all the diff shows into saved by the bell

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Marvel's Daredevil: Season 2

maybe this'll get those hardcore fans of daredevil mad but i disliked season 1 (i only watched the first two episodes but still). frank castle's story is the only thing that keeps me watching throughout this season. i dont care about elektra or daredevil one bit. karen foggy and frank carry this season

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Parks and Recreation

god i love this show. there's an amazing plot (at least for a comedy show) and i laugh without fail every episode i watch

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The Boys: Season 1

Shout by kirst

the deep was the funniest character this season. sure, its fucked up what he did but so many things he was involved in was so funny (the dolphin, the lobster, the shave scene)

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Captain America: The First Avenger

Shout by kirst
BlockedParent2022-01-27T05:02:10Z— updated 2022-04-04T22:03:12Z

maybe im a sucker for post 1990s set movies maybe im a sucker for bucky and peggy, who knows. i do know that this movie is amazing & worth every rewatch ive done before trakt and will do in the future.

rewatch apr 4: every time i rewatch this i sit through the credits just to watch one of the worst after credit scenes ever made.

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Catch Me If You Can

the kelly scene is the best, u can see frank only truly wanted to b loved and have a full family again

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The Office

first time you watch it you have to watch in order, afterwards you physically cannot. i can't explain it

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Breaking Bad

I can understand the appeal, but at the same time... it's just so slow. I watched the whole first season and I just don't care enough about it to watch more. the memes and YouTube videos about it are both hella funny and hella entertaining though, I won't lie.

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Supernatural: 4x01 Lazarus Rising

Shout by kirst

this is my favorite season premier of all of supernatural! first of all we get that hand print and castiel. second we get that scene where dean crawls outta the grave and looks around w the trees all out like that, awesome. awesome awesome awesome.

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Iron Man

this ending will never get old! love it

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Arrested Development

i watched a tiktok that said arrested development had to trick fox into getting the three seasons they had in the original run and tbh i can understand that because this did not deserve the three seasons it got!

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Felicity: Season 2

i miss them all being friends :(

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