

San Diego, CA


Horrible people and script. If you want rip your hair out, please watch this show. It was amusing at the beginning... but dragged on as the subject/conflict became very old between the main actors.

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@carbonr the 50% watched from Daniel says everything you need to know about the review

sure the season kinda slowed down a bit near the middle, but the ENDING i was absolutely gobsmacked at that entire last episode

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Squid Game: The Challenge

Fakest, phoniest, lamest, most manipulative crap I have ever watched!

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@mellowgeek it is even worse than i thought it would be :'( HOLY MOLEY

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Euphoria: 2x08 All My Life, My Heart Has Yearned for a Thing I Cannot Name

I never thought Euphoria would reach a point where it would make me feel indifference. There's a lot of redeemable moments this season, for sure (and please, give Zendaya all the awards), but to me the show retains only a few glimpses of its original charm and emotional potency. Which is a shame. Euphoria has always been over-the-top, but this season barely feels grounded in reality anymore. It's still undeniably entertaining, but I often struggle to feel the heart and intention that used to shine through these characters and their stories. Something's missing, and the result is underwhelming.

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@paulvincent83 yes sir! i absolutely realize it is an ongoing series and we thank the STARS that HBO is continuing this record-breaking show that you and i love so much

that being said, in terms of the timeline, the weird drug boss lady specifically said 'one month' and the finale had a literal 'three months later type of montage'
Paul, i appreciate you. you and i are lovers of this show, therefore friends :blush:
there's gonna be much debate, theories, speculation, passion and analysis of the wonderful season two before 2024.
also, Fez. wait. oh my god i am so dense and dumb.
Faye literally ratted out the weird drug queen lady during the wire tapped phone call to the police, so it can be realistic that that weirdo also got arrested before she could mess with Rue
i am so sorry :rofl:. Klovar fail

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Euphoria: 2x08 All My Life, My Heart Has Yearned for a Thing I Cannot Name

Reply by Klovarr

I never thought Euphoria would reach a point where it would make me feel indifference. There's a lot of redeemable moments this season, for sure (and please, give Zendaya all the awards), but to me the show retains only a few glimpses of its original charm and emotional potency. Which is a shame. Euphoria has always been over-the-top, but this season barely feels grounded in reality anymore. It's still undeniably entertaining, but I often struggle to feel the heart and intention that used to shine through these characters and their stories. Something's missing, and the result is underwhelming.

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@mrerburu i thought the evil drug lady who gave Rue the $10K worth of drugs threatened to have rue trafficked - yikes - if she didn't repay her money? was that not important when her crew flushed all of it down the toilet? i was expecting the final episode to end in a cliffhanger where she got thrown in a van or something , but i guess they ignored that entire plotline?

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Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire

30 minutes are enough, won't be able to go for more, such a collection clichés, be they for characters or plot. And visually so so cheap. If it's the new star wars we're doomed!

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The first 30 minutes was the only good part of the movie. You made the right choice skipping the rest of the entire movie, it was terrible

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Loki: 2x03 1893

Lol this gets boring and boring with every episode. What did we learn with this episode about everything in mcu and loki overall? Thor wasn't that tall??? Seriously? At least with season one, there was mystery, suspense. With this season, it's just plain boring.

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@hamadam this is the dumbest episode of the series so far. :(

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BEEF: 1x08 The Drama of Original Choice

Reply by Klovarr

just terrible people inflicting terrible things on other terrible people, being terrible

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@albertic0 in that spirit it kinda reminds me of White Lotus

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Batman and Superman: Battle of the Super Sons

Reply by Klovarr

Everything I hoped for and more! The CGI animation gets some taking used to to, but once u get adjusted it's a thrilling ride!

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@jarvis-8792002 it was SO GOOD!

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BEEF: 1x07 I Am a Cage

Reply by Klovarr

I'm not seeing much discussion on this show, but it is really good. I don't know what the... goal of it is? But I'm enjoying the journey, seeing these compelling characters live their lives and interconnect with each other.

Such a great episode and the ending really shocked me.

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@alexleedee UNBELIEVABLE ending oh my god

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First Kill

oh absolutely.
5/5 a total masterpiece fuck the gossip!

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@zedohee TOTALLY AGREE!!!!! I'm just starting episode 6 and it is very very good so far

incredibly tightly written, the music and cinematography are superb and the cliffhangers and pace of the show are something else

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The Book of Boba Fett

Review by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-01-05T21:40:07Z— updated 2023-02-25T18:21:10Z

These new Disney+ series are developing into the the modern, overbudgeted equivalent of direct-to-video films from the ‘90s.
In an age where popular and accessible television is continuously pushed to new and exciting heights (Daredevil, Money Heist, Ted Lasso, Stranger Things, Arcane to name a few), these recent shows banking on the Star Wars and Marvel brands feel amateurish, schlocky, and often read like bad fan fiction.
Look, Boba Fett in the original trilogy is nothing more than a visual.
He’s not really a character, I think he has about 4 or 5 lines, but he became popular because of his look.
You can’t just throw me in a story where he’s the main character and expect me to care without putting in the work.
It’s a show that operates in Disney’s new business model of throwing references, ‘member berries and empty spectacle on the screen, while the important and engaging stuff (character, story, drama, emotion, filmmaking) are reduced to an afterthought.
Granted, that’s pretty much the same problem that I have with a lot of IP related content from the past couple of years, but this show in particular feels so calculated, focus tested and cynical, it’s gross.
Even the production kinda sucks this time around (compared to The Mandalorian), it looks really ugly and washed out, more like Marvel than Star Wars.
Where is the voice of Jon Favreau?
Where is the voice of the director of Iron Man, one of the most character driven and vibrant blockbusters of the past 20 years?
This show is not even close to being up to par in just about every sense.

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@jordyep agreed. just finished the season it was not enjoyable :(

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Wow, actually a really interesting and well written movie. Creepy, and well executed, despite the smaller budget. CGI was totally fine. Actor were all top-notch too.

It was actually really enjoyable, at least up till that very last scene. Not sure what they were going for with that, and it made the rest of the experience kinda fall flat on it's face after such an amazing build-up.

If you cut the movie short right after the final forest scene, it's a pretty solid 8-9/10 for what it is (small budget, indie sci-fi film). Adding that last scene brought it way down to like a 5-6. It really was just the weaker part of the entire movie, with lower-end effects and bare-bones over-acting on part of the "Dr." It added nothing to the overall story and should honestly be skipped.

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@alexnader Thank you for writing this!!! There are a TON of movies and books, TV shows etc. that just try to do too many things with their final scene. I think i'll check this movie out at your suggestion and just decide to not watch that final scene.

The Gerard Butler movie Gereenland has kinda a similar thing happening, not gonna say too much about that here i don't think you've seen it yet but yeah took an otherwise 9-10/10 movie and just was a lame ending. Again, don't want to spoil anything but if/when you watch Greenland, stop the movie at the1 hour, 51 minute mark. give it a couple hours or days to process, then watch the last 3 minutes you'll understand what i'm saying

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Shout by Klovarr
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-09-07T06:33:39Z— updated 2020-09-16T09:54:05Z

Mulan 2020 has awful reviews.

They are all wrong.

Granted, the first half of the movie is just 'okay', but the SECOND HALF, I loved every minute of it.

The rest of this review is spoilers, so go away.

so the whole Forbidden City part of the movie, after the avalanche was fucking awesome. I think I said aloud "Beatrix Mulan Kiddo" because the action on the second half is freaking awesome. ALSO, the Emporer is actually a fucking badass. The film resolves very well with the intro, and musical queues were on point.

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@lainfan oh my goodness, thank you friend

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Okay. Here's the thing. This movie was not well represented by its trailer. This takes much more from "This Crowded Earth" by Robert Bloch than I was expecting. The amount of "Morris the Explainer" scenes with Matt Damon is absolutely mind blowing and for a comedy, it doesn't really work. It is an semi-interesting think piece that I will be interested to see if I am still thinking about this tomorrow morning. Redefines bland despite a flashy concept. 6/10

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@tkpnpodcast This is my number one go-to example on how a movie trailer can egregiously misrepresent an entire movie. I ended up appreciating the sci-fi and post-apocalyptic elements of the movie it after I saw it on video. I wish I had seen in in a theater though.

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Akiba Maid War

Reply by Klovarr

It has been a while since a movie or show has made me cry, I certainly wasn’t expecting this bonkers anime to be the one to do it. It switches from comedy to drama at the drop of a hat. It does lean more towards comedy though, and it excels at it. Every episode is a joy to see what weird escapades they are gonna be getting into this time. And yet I found myself caring a great deal about the main cast and their lives. The final episode was a great way to tie things up, and after a very sad but realistic loss I found myself crying with a mixture of happiness and sadness with that final scene. It was a very fun and engaging time throughout.

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@viorosery 100% the animation, comedy and VIOLENCE are only overshadowed by the excellent drama and emotion of Akiba Maid War 10/10 might me my favorite one-shot TV show aside from Sharp Objects

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Reply by Klovarr

Alex Garland, the man behind Ex Machina and Annihilation has done it again. Floored by the first two episodes. The man creates art.

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@reclaimercube people who watch 2 or 3 episodes while playing Candy Crush on their cellphones and playing with their pet cats are give this show a 3/10 rating and saying it is pretentious artsy nonsense :laughing: :cry:

i absolutely loved it

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Don't Fuck in the Woods

Reply by Klovarr

The film was what it set out to be: an entertaining no-budget horror film that wasn't misogynistic and had some great metal. I've seen a lot worse horror made on a lot more money.

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@saint-pauly the CREATURE they did such a great job with the camerawork / lighting and that costume. Brilliant work

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Don't Fuck in the Woods

Reply by Klovarr

It deserves a 10/10 in its genre.

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@deathwassup a budget of only TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS

really REALLY great. watched it the other day, initial rated 7/10, bumped it up to 8/10 because i can't stop thinking about it.

today it's time for me to watch Don't Fuck in The Woods 2!

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Reply by Klovarr

What did I just watch? What a complete and utter load of...

Writing a longer review would be giving this garbage even more time than it deserves.

Avoid at all costs!

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@boostsamurai i should have listened to you :cry:

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The Orville: 3x04 Gently Falling Rain

Reply by Klovarr

"To the Undiscovered Country - The future."

I lost track of how much talent is in this episode. I kept getting distracted by Bruce Boxleitner reprising his role as the President of Earth. What a lore-rich and beautiful episode this is. I think there is something for everybody. From the classic humor in the simulator, to getting deeper into Krill lore, to seeing multiple space battles.

To the above quote, this is The Orville's version of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Right down to the Abrahamic leader figure. And this time the subversion is that peace goes to shit and all anyone can do is simply prevent going to open war on multiple fronts. The wildcard, that I'm mad I didn't see coming, is that Ed got Teleya pregnant and she now has a Krill-Human daughter that could upset galactic politics and cause an uprising on Krill. Ed is now sitting on an H-bomb, and he might have to press the trigger.

  • Blink and you'll miss that Keyali got promoted and then propositioned by LaMarr! I would like to know more.
  • Don't feel bad, Americans, Krill had a 2016 election, too.
  • I thought the response to the Krill abducting the Earth President was believable, but I still don't understand how you get a column of warships that close to the home world of a highly advanced and hostile race without firing a shot. Unless quantum drive is less like gliding through space and more like teleporting.
  • To continue taking the Star Trek VI analogy further than I should; If there is to be a brave, new world, that girl is going to have the hardest time living in it. I hope she's a recurring character.

Overall this episode has such a warmth to it, even on Planet Ibiza. All the vistas we get to see, all the held shots and silent moments. Seth said that every episode would feel like a movie, and so far that holds true. This is best one so far, and also one of the best of the entire series.

I cannot stress how meaningful it is to me that the camera is allowed to be in a fixed position for several seconds at a time! After finishing Obi-wan, I am so tired of free-roaming cameras and additional shaking being purposefully added in post when the scene is just someone talking.

I'm just going to keep saying it until it stops being true. Right now, there are exactly two scifi shows airing that are telling stories of this caliber. Neither of them are called Star Trek, but both of them are being worked on by Star Trek alumni. I'm at least grateful that science fiction that prioritizes smart storytelling is still an option. Gene would be proud of both of them. And I'd like to think he prefers this one. :)

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@chibas this is a beautiful review, thanks for sharing your talent for words with the rest of us <3

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Wonder Woman 1984

Reply by Klovarr

[HBO Max] Wonder Woman is a supporting character in her own sequel. So much so that they need to recover a character from the first movie to be her adventure partner. Goofy villains are the protagonists, but the action scenes are poorly shot. The only thing from the 80's are the visual effects. At least, Hans Zimmer believes the epic of the character. This is what happens when a mediocre director becomes a star.

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@miguelreina [HBO Max] Wonder Woman is a supporting character in her own sequel. So much so that they need to recover a character from the first movie to be her adventure partner. Goofy villains are the protagonists, but the action scenes are poorly shot. The only thing from the 80's are the visual effects. At least, Hans Zimmer believes the epic of the character. This is what happens when a mediocre director becomes a star.

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Reply by Klovarr


Review by Arianne
BlockedParent2017-06-11T16:19:08Z— updated 2017-06-16T03:39:17Z

This is a trashy show. You don't start episode 1 of a TV show on The CW network expecting something from HBO or AMC. I'm not sure what all these negative reviewers were expecting when they started this show. If you take this show seriously, then you're watching it wrong. If you're watching it for fun, just to tap out at the end of the day, maybe to shut your brain off so you can watch an overdramatic storyline that will have no effect on your being, then do give this a try. The overall storyline is ridiculous and completely unbelievable, but this is a teen soap drama. For a teen soap drama, I think it's very well-produced.

Script & Story: 6/10 – Like I said, the storyline is ridiculous, but the story does get better.
Acting: 8/10 – The four main actors are still fairly early in their careers, and you can tell which ones are less experienced, but they do get better in the second half of the first season, when they become more familiar with their own characters. Plus, the acting from the parent figures (e.g. Madchen Amick, Skeet Ulrich) helps provide more emotional realism to make certain scenes more convincing.
Set Production & Costume: 8/10 – I love how they designed the "small town feel" to their filming locations. The natural wilderness of Vancouver, British Columbia helps a lot in some of their scenes.
Characters: 9/10 – I'm not crazy for the lack of development for Archie, but they did really well in developing both Betty and Jughead. The introduction of Veronica's father in the second season will definitely help Veronica's character development, and I'm very confident Archie's character will undergo some changes in the second season too.
Cinematography: 10/10 – Some of the shots in this show are truly beautiful, especially for a teen soap drama.

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@rikayla Thanks Wendy for writing this review! A couple random things I really, REALLY appreciate in this show is the pacing and the music.

The pacing of this show is very VERY well done, what I mean is the overall flow of each episode and how fast-paced the twists can be which are almost perfectly blended in with all of the storylines that run all at the same time. This show has some of the very best cliffhangers I've seen in TV.

The music is also top-tier :smiley:

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