


Adventure Time: 8x01 Broke His Crown

8.0/10. Woohoo! Adventure Time is back! This one did a nice job of following up on the last episode, going into the aftermath of the fight with Hulk Susan but doing so in an interesting way. I find the notion of Grass-Finn intriguing. The notion of a person who is a combination of the timeline Finn who was in the Finnsword and the curse/emissary/octopus spider that was in the Grass-sword combining to make some kind of alternate Finn is the sort of sci-fi weirdnesss I appreciate from this show.

But what I really appreciate is the Regular Finn here. He's initially upset at this guy who he thinks is hurting Susan and copying his life, while eventually, he realizes that GrassFinn is as much a person, and as much him, as he is. (Doppelgangers lead to some awkward pronoun use). The details of Finn's maturity and psyche, from his being more zen about losing his arm this time, to his empathy and understanding for GrassFinn shows a boy who's grown up a lot and slowly but surely become the kind of person you hope the kids who watch this show see as a role model.

There's lot of other great details in here too. Jake's defensiveness against GrassFinn and attempts to make GrassFinn look him in the eye were very funny. BMO's frightenedness was adorable as usual. And my god, the banana guard on the phone was straight up hilarious. There were also tons of little plot-relevant details, like Susan being quietly wheeled away, or the ticking time bomb that is the grass-octopus thing (in some neat mirrored animation). This is Adventure Time firing on all cylinders, combining plot, humor, and character to make something that makes you laugh, makes you intrigued to find out what's next, and makes you care about the people at the center of the adventure.

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@andrewbloom It's been almost 6 years but just letting you know this review isn't for this episode lol

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Fear the Walking Dead: 6x03 Alaska

why did Isabelle tell Al there was beer in the crate on the roof but not antibiotics? Al told them about the plague and that she didn’t know if she was infected, you think she would’ve mentioned that there was also antibiotics in there lmao.

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@evanhanson27 I think the beer was a reference to the beer they shared when they met. I'm guessing she recognized it was Al and that was her way of saying to check the crate which had beer plus the other stuff. But who knows for sure lol

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Rick and Morty: 6x10 Ricktional Mortpoon's Rickmas Mortcation

An insanely mediocre way to close out an insanely lame season of television. The lightsaber stuff was funny, but relied to much on stupid pop culture references and just wasn't finale material. The big twist in this episode falls flat due to the fact that it literally only changes the audiences perspective on the previous episode, which was legitimately so forgettable that I had to mentally double check to make sure they weren't referencing events that never occurred on screen. The end of the episode implies that next season will use Rick Prime as a recurring antagonist and that we'll have a more serialized story, but I'm immediately calling bullcrap on that. At best we'll get a story heavy premiere followed by a lazy overused joke about serialization and then we'll be subjected to nine more episodes of painful mediocrity.

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@jakurz I can understand the serialization jokes to an extent, especially a few years back when Rick and Morty was blowing up, but they also need to understand that fans only want more serialization and story because the show gave it to us first and then pumped the brakes on it for a while until they felt ready to incorporate stuff again. Definitely a difference between teasing fans who want ridiculous things and teasing fans who want more of the good stuff that the creators already provided and essentially promised more of.

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One Piece: 21x1017 A Barrage of Powerful Techniques! The Fierce Attacks of the Worst Generation!

That was so goooood! A whole episode of non-stop action and the animation is top tier. I did good to stop reading the manga because I have no idea what is going to happen.

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@acoucalancha It's arcs like this that make me super glad I don't read it as well

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Attack on Titan: 4x26 Traitor

Can you please stop rating the episode before it airs? Kinda kills the whole point of this site

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@thomaskojima It's definitely not impossible to prevent ratings before an episode airs lmao

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Fear the Walking Dead: 7x02 Six Hours

can they please kill off Grace, because she is one of the worst characters on this show, it's already her fault the bombs dropped because she convinced Morgan to hand over his key based on a dream she had. she spends most of the episode feeling sorry for herself while wishing to die and begging a baby to stop crying.

the show runners continue to prove they know zero about nuclear fallout, because i'm pretty sure a gas mask and clothing that doesn't even cover you completely would protect you

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@quasar1967 To be fair, I'm sure if he didn't hand the key over Riley would've just killed the both of them anyway seeing as he had a gun and they didn't. But beyond that I agree that they've made her pretty obnoxious

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x14 Flash Strike

Reply by Kuhn

How exactly do they plan to conclude all these plot points in one more episode?!?
I've loved this season, but this feels like it needs another 5 episodes at least!

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I was wondering this as well. I have a feeling we may be getting an hour+ finale like we had with the first episode of the series too. If not it’s gonna feel super rushed.

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South Park: Joining the Panderverse

Reply by Kuhn

Reply by trakth

It was great fun. I'm just very disappointed to have a whole South park movie about Disney and not have Mickey mouse show up.

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@funkybuff27 well he wasn't public domain yet, but now is. Maybe in Panderverse: the directors cut.

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He’s been in a few other episodes already over the last decade plus though, public domain isn’t an issue if it’s satire/parodic

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Fear the Walking Dead: 8x04 King County

Reply by Kuhn

This was the best episode so far this season, but it still really only slugged the story along. They tried to act like Georgia and Texas are just quick stops away from each other, and Morgan could just pop on by on the fly and take care of his decade old problem. Sure it's great he got the rifle, but he used it in situations that made no sense since he could've killed almost every one of those walkers with his stick. Wish this season was only 8 and not 16 episodes, already seeing the typical "running in place" going on, just this time with the emotional weight of returning to the start.

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@paulvincent83 I may be wrong but I think this season's actually only 12 to wrap up the show

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 2x15 The Summit (1)

Reply by Kuhn

A very good first half of the finale with some unexpected twist. Although I was wondering why the Batch never entertained the idea of infiltrating as regular troopers. Now I know.
Very cool to see Krennic and the mention of Project Stardust.

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I must have missed something, did they say why they don’t infiltrate as regular clones/clone armor?

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Fear the Walking Dead: 7x14 Divine Providence

Reply by Kuhn

Remember when this show was miles better than The Walking Dead?

Should have stopped watching when Nick was written out.

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@mansemat He chose to leave... saw the writing on the wall lol

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My Hero Academia: 6x03 One's Justice

Reply by Kuhn

The one downside to this arc is how easy it has seemed for the heroes, the last part with Twice was the best thing I have seen from MHA in a while

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@jt94 I'm sure there's a reason for that, I'm guessing things are going to turn fairly soon with Shigaraki and maybe others emerging

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The Walking Dead: 11x17 Lockdown

Reply by Kuhn

Decided not to rewatch S11E16 prior to this one, which was a big mistake. That episode aired just under four months ago, but it still feels like a lifetime ago, so I barely remembered what plotlines were going on while watching. And I'll admit that I wasn't exactly invested in the episodes that aired prior to this one, I think that making the final season a 24 episode run was a bad idea. But I quickly remembered what was going on, and this was actually one of the better episodes in quite some time. It would have helped if they showed an actual recap before the episode, not just a montage of every character from the beginning to the end of the series.

Also, you've got to love the trolls on this show's trakt page. "Can't wait for this garbage show to end", as if you actually watch it. And if you do, you've got a pretty nice life. You do realize that there are people in the world worrying about where their next meal is going to come from, right? If you're worried about TV shows, you've got it easy, and you should probably go outside sometime.

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@bmw92 11x16 aired in April, 6 months before this episode, not under 4

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x01 Stray Dog Strut

Reply by Kuhn

Episode 3

(Episodes all out of order)

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@kieranlittleuk I submitted a ticket about this last week, so hopefully it'll be fixed sometime soon

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Big Brother: 23x31 Live Eviction 10 - Another Double Eviction!

Reply by Kuhn

Look, I get that this is supposed to be live, but one you should be testing your equipment prior to going live, second, when it is not working right in the start like this episode either fix it before you go back on or smart thing that a live show should do is have a damn working backup microphone. But no, this show chooses to keep trying to use a crap mic!

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@thenightwolf Baffled my mind that they let it continue that way for the entire 2 hour episode. Could barely hear her the whole way through.

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 11x10 The Gang Goes to Hell (2)

Reply by Kuhn

A solid episode with a predictable ending. I kind of wish this was the finale, with a fade to black when drowning in the water, it would have been kind of perfect given the darkness of the show as a whole. The reset to normal at the end needed to happen but this could have been masterful if there wasn't another season coming.

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@nathanjliu It totally would have been, but then we also wouldn't get the scene of them immediately turning on each other the second they see light and realize there's hope for survival, which just further shows who they are as people.

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