Kurtis Money


Los Angeles

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I don't know what made me think I'd hate this less on video. Instead it just amplifies everything wrong with this clunker. I just gotta move on man, ya know?

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Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

Watched this for We Hate Movies. Boy this started out with some real promise with the grandpas on their camping trip. Then they went back to space and shit got borrrrrrring. The humor in this is equivalent to an original play performed at your local dinner theater. And row row row your boat! Boooooo

Star Trek Beyond is gonna have to try really hard to disappoint now, geezow.

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Bee Movie

I remember when thus came out jerry was just a little too keen to promote it. It was just all over NBC and 30 Rock specifically. Maybe that's why I avoided it. But even if it sucked it's still jerry acting so there would good times ahead anyway. Turns out though the movie is great! And they deal with heady stuff for a kids movie. Like bee death and shit. Really great. Love it.

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Lady in the Water

What a bore. A ridiculously pompous, twee pile of crap. M night is a world saving author blah blah. Watched it for WHM. Maybe more later but too exhausted thinking about why I hate this movie to write it out. I gave this a heart bump because of my love of Bryce Dallas Howard and Big G.

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The Purge: Election Year

This was pretty good. Some great action scenes. Almost all the characters and their dialog are laugh out loud funny. Just do broad and zero subtext. But that is NOT why were watchin' the Purge am I right or am I right. Great action, great jumps, great reveal on who one of the baddies is....best purge right here.

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Captain Ron

This was tonight's tvT selection (weekly Tuesday viewing get together). It was this or Down and Out in Beverly Hills. Honestly we maybe shoulda gonna with Down n Out. Apparently it's known the world over because nick Nolte eats dog food TWICE in TWO different ways! That's what the IMDB trivia says. Anyway, Captain ron...such a bore! And why does Martin short get so bent out of shape?! Ron is not the wild guy you think he's gonna be. And Martin shorts final straw is when he's jealous that Ron is with a local lady. Martin is married!! To a Mary Kay place that is nude by the way in this movie. And gets her ear sucked by Short. Weird. Boring. And as pointed out by the crowd, lack of music.

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(Written July 4) 3/3 for my Forget the Fourth. This movie was a good time. Again I find myself bummed at the need to make BFG CG. It's forgiven it's just that the girl was so clearly comped into everything they could have easily shrunk her into real life set pieces and Rylance just in giant prosthetics. It did have an old school vibe to her comped in scenes though, like she was so clearly washed out and flat in a world of vibrant colors. Maybe that wasn't on purpose but it made it feel 80s to me or early 90s effects, like watching Indian in the Cupboard to me. Speaking of the 80s, apparently that's when this was set. It was written way before then right? At first I thought it was the 1800s then I thought present day then Reagan got a mention. So weird. Anyway a fun way to end Forget the Fourth.

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Dark Blue

Boy this movie was pretty great. I rear some reviews that said it was predictable. I don't know what movie they were watching. I did not see the last 25 minutes coming. Also wild seeing this now after seeing the new OJ doc that talks about the riots and their impact. I will say that until the riot stuff this movie didn't really look 1992. It could have been set in 2002 when it was shot except for the cars and Ving Rhames glasses.

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This was good. I wanted more badassery from blunt and less a comment on the politics of fighting the drug war. I think I went into this expecting a different movie. Still good though.

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Eye in the Sky

Whoa. Great movie, so suspenseful. And so scary too that this is what happens. They did a great job of showing every side of the argument.

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The Adjustment Bureau

I've seen this before. I always say I love this movie but forgot why. Upon rewatch I realized because it's a love story disguised as a thriller. I honestly think this was doomed to fail because how could they promote it? This could have been sold as a Nicolas sparks moview and made way more money. It's just so unabashedly all about love conquering all. I loved it!

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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

What a great movie. Loved it! If it wasn't Tina Fey on that cover I probably wouldn't search this out. But I'm really really glad I did. Also a lot of familiar faces in here...including Sterling K Brown, aka Johnnie Cochran on the FX OJ show! He's good but only in it for a few min.

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Pay the Ghost

Not bad! Love when I rent a horror film that went straight to redbox starring the Cage and it ain't half bad. Might not rec it but I liked it.

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The Bourne Ultimatum

Great movie. I'm not sure I caught this first time around but watching this back to back with Supremacy I realize this overlaps with that one. Pretty cool and a damn good story device for a sequel. They're also pulling it in Legacy which I'm now watching but stay tuned for that review if it worked. Definitely stoked for this August! (Update: Should not have been stoked)

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The Bourne Identity

Boy does this hold up. So great. So much fun to see where it all started. Also, I know this kicked off a trend still in use today of quick, close cuts on fighting, but it still works here. Doesn't feel tired or played. I for a long time thought Supremacy was better, but watching this then Supremacy, I have no idea why. Number 2 is great too, but I gotta give the gold ribbon to this one. If only for the parts where he is discovering who he is. Not the "who am I really? who did I kill?" stuff, but him realizing he's some sort of bad ass as he kicks peoples asses. That's awesome and can't be replicated in sequels.

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The Palm Beach Story

This is good. It's the third best Sturges behind The Lady Eve and Sullivan's Travels, but it's good. I love Claudette Colbert in It Happened One Night and she's great in this.

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Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

Finally saw this for the first time. Good movie! What a great idea for a movie. Kids are gonna fail history do they go back in time to get the real peeps from history for their big report to pass the class. Genius. Growing up this was a few years before my time so when I would see this at the video store for some reason the VHS box cover would intimidate me like it's too scary or grown up. It's about learning history! Ha.

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Finding Dory

Good movie. Almost great...it was definitely hilarious. Great moments. I felt like they did hit the "I have short term memory loss" thing too many times. I know that's what the movie is about I get it, just felt there were one or two too many mentions of it and that quick zoom to flashbacks. Not a disappointment though. Want to see again.

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Finding Nemo

Great movie. This was the beginning of the "Pixar makes FILMS, not just animated movies I enjoy" for me.

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Buffalo Bill

This is hands down the most underrated thing in the history of underrated things. NO ONE knows about this show yet it's one of the best. For real. I am going to rewatch this weekend so I can weigh in on each episode here and get it some more love.

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Now You See Me 2

This was a blast. The first one is still tops but the end trick is pretty baller. Takes a minute to get going. It wasn't until the card scene that it really took off but then we were off to the races.

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In the Heart of the Sea

I get why this came and went. It's kind of an old school movie. And it got off to a slow start. But I'll be damned if I didn't start LOVING this when the Big Guy showed up. Thrilling stuff. That whale is so friggin big.

Chris hemsworth is a charismatic beast as usual. Future Spider-Man is also good. And that Gleeson dude is in this which is weird cuz the last movie I saw had him in it, The Guard.

Ron Howard can't catch a break. This was good and Rush is awesome.

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Iron Man 3

Watched this again, still fun. I am realizing though I might be better off only watching Marvel movies once. Not taking anything away from Marvel movies or saying they're worse than movies I can watch a bunch, its just that I never reach anywhere near the heights of how it feels to watch it in a theater with an audience. I'm thinking the best move is to leave it at that, so my memory of the film is how fun it was in theaters instead of the ho-hum experience of watching it on video later.

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Geez. Why would anyone try this?! Why?! Going down the Wiki rabbit hole on this now...

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Rescue Dawn

This was amazing. The colors and direction made it feel like the movie was even shot in 1965. This is at the least in the top 3 bales for me between this dark Knight and American hustle. Wait what about the fighter?! Damn this guy is in some good movies. Let's give it up for Steve Zahn too. Wish he had more roles like this. Or like saving silverman. That's great too. Much more a conventional film than I'm used to by werner herzog but still had some of his touches.

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The Lobster

Contains vague spoilers for ending:

Oy. This movie was a lot funnier than I expected. It was so odd too. I was loving it....then the ending happened. Or should I say didn't happen. This movie has one of those classic "it's up to the viewer to decide" non-endings that I hate. Sometimes this works but the majority of the time it's a cop out, a way for the director to think they're making a statement when in reality it just allows them to end without making a decision on the outcome. I hate leaving the theater and talking about what I think happened because I'm sure the director would eat that up, like "the ending is what you make it." Bull. No thanks.

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The Final Girls

This wasn't as good as I hoped. I liked it and it did some fun stuff with the genre but I just couldn't get past the PG13 rating and lack of blood. I'm sure having that rating was forced on them to attract a bigger audience but hard to buy an homage to 80s slasher flicks without buckets of red corn syrup splashing about. I also would have liked the movie within the movie to look more like an 80s movie instead of the ridiculously vibrant green screen sets they were on. Maybe that was also a budget thing or a reference to something I didn't catch but it took me out a bit. I will say the last 15 minutes kicked ass and made me stoked for a sequel. That stuff bumped this up a star in my books.

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The Untouchables

Shout by Kurtis Money
BlockedParent2016-08-04T05:11:28Z— updated 2019-07-08T20:41:47Z

Finally got around to watching this. I liked it, but I think I waited too long. The score is overbearing and schmaltzy. Some of the action scenes are pretty hammy. That whole scene in Canada is unbelievable. And not in the awesome sense, but in the I can't buy that many dudes with tommy guns can't hit four guys coming at them on horses. That feels like I'm nitpicking but I guess I'm using that moment to sum up my issue with some of the action. This movie feels older than it is. Like it came out in the 60s. Not that that means it's bad, just that it has the editing and fight choreography of an older era. Oh, and I was cracking up when Kevin Costner was dragging that carriage up the stairs. Surprised that baby didn't bounce out of there.

2nd viewing 7/2019:
Feel like I was a little hard on this movie 3 years ago. Bumped it from a 7 to an 8. Also I'm into the score now too.

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