Kurtis Money


Los Angeles

The Ugly Truth

How this was made in 2009 and not 1994 is beyond me. An absolute embarrassment. Will only get more awkward and terrible with time.

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@asiacrisp Take anything Gerry says on his shock jock radio show and that's a good starting point. Love that you are giving attitude about a movie you gave a 6. Hate to get your wrath on a 10!

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Murder, She Wrote: 3x14 Murder in a Minor Key

No Jessica? I got bored without her and stopped watching

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@grrrlbrarian SAME!! skipping it now, hoping they didn't do this "JB story but no Jessica" nonsense again

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Scream 4

Decent movie, not the best scream. I liked Emma Roberts and I did enjoy seeing Kristen Bell stab Anna Paquin. The biggest crime this movie makes is killing Alison Brie so early.

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Dude give this another shot! Rewatched to prep for 5 and I am shook at how much this one rules. I wasn’t nuts about it when it came out but now i think it’s a blast

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Pledge Night

Reply by Kurtis Money

Dear lord I’m 40 minutes into this 80 minute movie and they’re still just doing annoying hazing shit to the pledges. Where is the killer and why hasn’t anyone died yet?! Unbearable.

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Update: the deaths finally started happening. Not worth the wait but what a relief when the screaming laugh guy died. You know how sometimes the acting in a movie is so poor you get mad at the actor? All but 3 of the actors in this POS give me that feeling.

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LuLaRich: 1x01 Start Up

Turned it off 10 min in. I’m already super annoyed at these two and can’t see how I’d enjoy watching a 4 part doc series on them.

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Update: I finished ep and now on ep 3 and enjoying it. It’s not like a puff piece it’s a slow build but worth it.

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A fun, ridiculous, very very subpar Jaws ripoff. There are about 8 absolutely hysterical closeups on the whale's eye looking very menacingly at Richard Harris. So great. I am impressed with their whale footage. With the exception of the hilarious close ups on a the whale out of the water staring at boats like he's the angry chicken from Family Guy, it was very hard to tell what was the rubber whale and what was real footage. How did they do the shots of a whale angrily running into boats?

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Rereading my review now I’m offended at “very very subpar Jaws ripoff.” Two verys!!! I love this movie and if it’s very very anything it’s very very good!!

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Bad Moms

Reply by Kurtis Money

If you see the poster to this movie, the R rating and the fact it's from The Hangover producers and you think oh cool, this looks like a fun time...YOURE WRONG. DO NOT SEE THIS PIECE OF SHIT. ITS NOTHING LIKE THAT. This is a Katherine Heigl type movie with the F word. Man it was terrible. Also it's not an ensemble piece. This is ALL about Mila Kunis' character. Bell and Hahn are nothing more than her new friends. I can't believe I saw this in theaters. I wouldn't even Redbox this pile of garbage. Would have walked out if I wasnt a weirdo about finishing movies. SO BAAAAAAAAD

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@kurtmoney Yet your initial rating stands, somehow?

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Didn’t end up seeing it again to confirm. Happy to rewatch it now though and let ya know where I stand, 5 years later :thinking:

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Police Story 2

Shout by Greeneidal
BlockedParent2019-01-17T22:46:30Z— updated 2022-10-18T00:11:11Z

To be clear... Police Story 2 is NOT Police Story. I also made that abundantly clear the first time I reviewed it here, and rated it accordingly. That rating might have been a bit harsh...

It IS less funny, and way too long, but what is given to us when the inevitable stunt heavy action scenes show up, is some pure, all out, action goodness. I actually bumped my rating quite a bit after this viewing, and that's not just because I got to watch it in 4K this time (thanks Eureka), but because this time around, I enjoyed myself quite a bit.

Police Story 2 is always going to be the one of these three that I like the least, but it seems it has its place...no matter what grumpy me said way back when.

Old 5 Star review below

So...with Police Story 2 they tried to up the ante...and failed rather spectacularly. Police Story 2 is less funny, less action, slower paced, and is waaaaaaay too long. Compared to the first one, this one is a dud.

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@notoriousx Agreed! If you haven't already, definitely get the new Criterion of 1 and 2. The picture is amazing, especially in Police Story.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney

The twist is absolutely nuts. So many wtfs were said while watching this. I can't believe this actually got made. How did this get two Oscar winners? This feels like a bad mix of The Truman Show, Black Mirror and a Lifetime movie. Plus it seems like Steven Knight doesn't know what a video game is. Still it's worth a watch.

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@nmahoney416 I saw it last night and am still dumbfounded by every second of it. I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that if the son made the game that means that he wrote the code of every single one of those sex scenes. So every detail, including the The Room like scene of his dead dad having sex with his mom was made by him?! So many questions. And that ending! wow wow wow

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Mixed Nuts

This is just terrible, not worth your time. Too bad it has a decent cast.

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@nmahoney416 WRONG!! hahah, I'm biased, I grew up watching this every year and I love it. I think I can see why people wouldn't like it but its so burned into my brain I friggin love it. I am very much in the minority on this one.

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Expectations on this have been sky high for me. I remember where I was when this movie was announced, that's how long I've been counting the days. Sure, I have my own picky gripes about a few moments in the first hour, but once it gets cooking and that final act hits, its all bullseyes. I really really dug it. Can't wait to see again!

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@kurtmoney Equally as good the third time!

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The Exorcist

While this film is currently classified as horror, that's actually not the case anymore. Back in 1973, this movie would no doubt be classified in that genre. It presented things never before seen in film. Words and actions coming out of a young girl that would shock and offend you. Imagery that would linger in your mind long after you went to bed...these were the reasons why this was absolutely horror. Those qualities that were unheard of 43 years ago are all over the place in today's world, which lessens the impact of such "terrifying" scenes. People forget that those aforementioned qualities only present themselves in the last half hour of this two-hour-long film. The first hour and a half dealt with a lot of really interesting things.

In the first 90 minutes, we are introduced to all of the characters and their own backstories. Each individual had a reason to be there, and it wasn't just because they were a priest and that's their job - no...they had deep, emotionally driven past that led them to that point. Regan's mother, being a famous actress, had connections and money to get her child the help she would need if she really was just mentally ill - but she knew it was more than that. Also, Regan's transformation was a slow build-up that would be incredibly boring if you exclusively look at this like it's a horror film. Don't. It is a character-driven drama with a paranormal kick that comes to a head in the end.

The only, I repeat, only issues I had with this film came down to translation and the basic plot that has been butchered in other projects since. No, I have never seen this movie, but I've seen countless films that also dealt with exorcism, and it's always the same basic routine, changed up a little. The Exorcist had that same routine without the extra condiments. It's relatively basic because it kept things simple. That's great if it is 1973, but it's been 43 years since it has been out. We are quickly approaching its 50th anniversary. There's no way anyone can watch this with a fresh and unaltered mind anymore, and that's really too bad.

If you've never seen The Exorcist, get out there and give it a try. You'll be surprised at the fully-developed plot it has, and all the care it took to tell a story without just making a "scary movie". Check it out!

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@iamdwg Even if you don't find this as scary as it was upon release, it is most definitely, without question, a horror film. Dr. No is still an action film even if the hand to hand fight scenes don't hold up to today's editing style and fight choreography.

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Expectations on this have been sky high for me. I remember where I was when this movie was announced, that's how long I've been counting the days. Sure, I have my own picky gripes about a few moments in the first hour, but once it gets cooking and that final act hits, its all bullseyes. I really really dug it. Can't wait to see again!

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@kurtmoney Better the second time!

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Reply by Kurtis Money

Starts out really baller but cannot really keep it up. Still not bad (esp. considering how cheap the poster looks).

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@sp1ti agreed. Started out so, so, so strong even with some questionable CGI but by the end it was just a little bit above average flick. Still a good time though.

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First Man

This movie is a disgrace to all of the sacrifices & hard work that went into the moon landing!! By omitting the scene of Neil & Buzz planting the American Flag on the moon, it undermines everything about the mission!!!

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@urban-legend Hey maybe see the movie first, bud. You're a disgrace to all of the hard work and sacrifice that goes into commenting on movies.

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Quantum of Solace

An underrated Bond film. People like to make fun of the title. Whatevs. I'll admit the script was hurt by the strike, they did what they could, it's the shortest Bond film and Craig's least successful outing. I still like it, and a revisit is always worth it for the GREAT song, and that motorcycle flip Bond does in the beginning. So badass.

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@rcarter25 Whoa! I disagree but I respect your opinion and am happy to hear there are more fans of Quantum out there. Here's hoping Bond 25 is great!

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Quantum of Solace

An underrated Bond film. People like to make fun of the title. Whatevs. I'll admit the script was hurt by the strike, they did what they could, it's the shortest Bond film and Craig's least successful outing. I still like it, and a revisit is always worth it for the GREAT song, and that motorcycle flip Bond does in the beginning. So badass.

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@rcarter25 I didn't call it unsuccessful. I said it was the least successful of the Craig Bonds, which is true.

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Leave No Trace

Good, good movie. Ben Foster is great...almost as great as Thomasin. Great actors the both of them. This was a small story told with so much emotion. It might look boring and is only rated PG, but it's solid. Check it out.

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@dgw I'm sitting here trying to figure out why you're coming at me and where you got "uninteresting" from my comment. I was only speaking to what I think the perception of the movie might be for someone. There are plenty of PG movies where I don't think twice about the rating. But I was just surprised that a drama about a father and daughter living in the woods would have serious enough elements to merit a higher rating but I was pleasantly surprised by this movie and wanted to convince someone else who may have the same reservations I did that it's worth checking out.

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The Venture Bros.: 3x06 Dr. Quymn, Medicine Woman

Reply by Kurtis Money

5.5/10. Pretty weird, rudderless episode. The whole awkward symmetry of the whole thing makes the episode pretty weird, and while the romantic merry go round between Doc, Dr. Quymn, Virginia, and Brock on the one hand, and Hank, Nancy and Drew, and Dean on the other gave the episode an engine to run on, it sputtered out with regularity. Dr. Venture's patheticness and anything-for-a-buck lows are amusing, as is Dean's disgust at everyone getting romantic, but for the most part, this was an episode that was light on laughs, and a little too weird with the interpersonal drama stuff. The twist with the were-o-dile is amusing, and the reveal of the ape saving poor Dean is a nice one. I just found this to be more of a slog than the usual Venture Bros. episode.

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@andrewbloom Hey man I'm rewatching this show for Season 7 and the book coming out and I'm really enjoying your reviews! I just listened to the commentary on this one and they agree with you, they admit this one got away from them a bit.

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Death Wish 3

I've never seen a Death Wish. Are they all this bonkers!?!?! Man this movie was hilarious. At times it felt like a spoof of a bad movie. Like the cuts were so sporadic and all over the place even just normal conversation was hard to follow sometimes. Hilarious! Love it!

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@patrickjkellyii Long live the giggler

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Arrested Development

where do I add the remix of season 4!? not seeing it in search results, watching them now....SO STOKED!!!!!!

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@poit57 Hey youre right! Mine are gone too....I watched the whole thing Saturday and they've been wiped from my history! I'm gonna wait a bit and see where they end up for good then re-enter.

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Night School

Reply by Kurtis Money

I love this movie so much I bought the SD on Amazon Video because its the only format i can find. PUT THIS ON BLU RAY!!!! PLEASE!!!! ITS SO GREAT!!!

It's got WTF elements to it that make it a blast but also really cool auteur decisions made with the story and shooting style and suspense building that I'm legit impressed. Love.

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@jekyl6669 haha yup! Bought it, watched it, still love it. I think the blu ray gods heard my pleas from last May and made it happen.

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Brawl in Cell Block 99

Fuck that ending. I'd give the movie an 8.5 up until literally the last two seconds of the movie. After that it's a high 6.5 or low 7/10.

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@ertpecs Dude whatever, I thought that was dope. Not sure why that ruins it considering the rest of the movie. But hey, we can't all love the same stuff. This movie I love though, big time.

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The Good Place
The Good Place

I wanted to love this because of Kristen but I just can't. It just feels all over the place and nowhere at all at the same time.

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@torikellybean curious how many eps you watched. i wonder how you would feel if you watched from when you stopped until today. not taking away from your opinion now, and not saying saying you are full of it, just saying if you were curious to check the show out just because you love KB, then check it out again. Full first season is on Netflix if you're in.

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Narcos: Season 3

This season was absolutely AMAZING. I was worried for sure...no Pablo, no badass blond dude, etc. But turns out we're just fine with Pena, who more than fills the shoes in the lead. Also love the two agents who work with him. And the Cali Cartel!!! I honestly never should have watched this before trying to sleep, every single episode was so full of tension I was WIRED after every single one. Can't wait for S4!!

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@kotapi I believe their plan is to do 4 seasons only and that season 4 is in production but very sadly a location scout died recently while scouting spots in Mexico, so I'm not sure if production is still shut down or what. My heart goes out to the family of the deceased, it is by far the worst for them but also a show like Narcos shooting in Mexico created hundreds of legit jobs for so many people it's a bummer this might prevent that in the future.

I know they want to wrap up their story with this last season so I'm excited for how that happens. But while you're waiting may I recommend seeing American Made with Tom Cruise. He plays a character that had an appearance in part of an episode in early season 1, so you'll be familiar with the story. Don't google who he is though! Just go to the movie. It's Narcos The Movie, but about one of the side characters....starring Tom Cruise!!! So good.

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Bloody Moon

This film was fucking terrible.

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Bloody Moon

This film was fucking terrible.

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Shout by Deleted

She’s a Liberal twat no than thanks!

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@hoopes4908 So you're not going to see it based on political beliefs but you still felt the need to rate it? I love that you gave it 2 though. What was that extra star for? if you're going to outright hate something for reasons having nothing to do with the movie that you didn't even watch, I figured you'd go with 1 star.

I didn't like it either, but I actually saw the movie.

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Rough Night

This movie is hilarious. Insanely underrated. Nobody saw this! But it's so great!!! I saw it in the theater last night and we were all dying. SEE THIS MOVIE!

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