

Oslo, Oslo County

Eric: 1x02 Episode 2

There's a lot of intriguing questions developing at the moment. How did Vincent get that cut on his forehead? :thinking:

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@davezn Earlier, he did say that Cassie's got him while fighting. Doesn't mean it's true (I started doubting it myself this episode), but that's the thing he's put forth.

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And Just Like That…: 2x10 The Last Supper: Appetizer (1)

Seems a bit “convenient” that the writers choose to have Lisa be absolutely heart broken about being pregnant, not wanting to get an abortion and then her body just doing it on its own.
Oh wait, those aren’t even legal anymore in the US right?

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@alexlimberg oh good. Or, better. It’s probably not covered, but as long as it’s not outlawed :sweat_smile: Still, poor Lisa, carrying so much weight and piling on even more.

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Alice in Borderland: 1x03 Episode 3

Ok this game is really fucked up. For one, the rules don't make sense straight up... like they figure out real quick. If the wolf wins, obviously as wolf you would't go give others the wolf title. But... since it passes on when you look at another, couldn't you just all look at each other and all survive? Or get mirrors or something, to trick the game.

Let's see how they solve it.

RE: Well, fuck.

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@jirona right? Didn’t quite turn out that way. Is it your first time watching? I haven’t started on s2 yet, maybe I should rewatch 0.0

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Emily in Paris: 3x01 I Have Two Lovers

So glad this show is here just before Christmas break. It's my 'little pleasure'.
Emily was infuriating this episode and it made me wonder if I missed this side to her in previous seasons. I mean she is kind of a shitty friend (to Camille mostly) but this episode really highlighted how self centered she can be. I hope this won't be something continuing throughout the season.

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@marinka678 Oh I think she's always been like this, she just gets worse the more wrapped up she gets with work.

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x03 The Very Pulse of the Machine

So they’re making at least one sarcastic military episode each season now it seems.

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@kyria-crosszeria if that is all you got from this episode then I genuinely feel sorry for you.

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Thanks so much :wink: but this comment was for kill team kill, as trakt originally had the episode numbers and titles messed up. But I guess you didn’t get as far as to the “ironic military episode” yet. Oops! No worries. You’ll catch up.

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x05 Kill Team Kill

Zombies? Not in OUR country?
Cute animation but not the craziest thing I’ve seen today.

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@kyria-crosszeria Hi, I believe it's the wrong episode you commented. The zombie one is episode 4.

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Naw I went off of the title, not the numbers. Netflix and Trakt aren’t entirely on track with each other here. :woman_shrugging_tone2:

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Killing Eve: 4x07 Making Dead Things Look Nice

He was the only one, who I wanted to survive at the end. :(
But this was a good episode too.

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Such a sweet little teddy bear :tired_face:

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The Witcher: 2x05 Turn Your Back

Did she not notice the flowers once a month ? Suspicious

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@jasondaigo what a daft comment. Her blood was spilled during training injuries onto the ground. Flowers don't spring spontaneously from her menstruation on cloth...

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Cloth she apparently didn’t even get! Because… witchers be men, and clueless about such things :upside_down:

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The Witcher: 2x04 Redanian Intelligence

Uhm, who is this red haired doe-eyed nun and why does she bear Triss’ name?!
Please, what are they doing to the characters :upside_down:
I can forgive a chatty Geralt, blame it on the daddy-role, but hummm… at this point it seems like nobody is really true to their character anymore.

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@kyria-crosszeria Triss should've been a redhead from the start. She is a redhead everywhere else but season 1.

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It’s about the only thing that’s in character for her too – the hair colour.

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Squid Game: 1x06 Gganbu

You silly detective. I almost yelled when he didn’t put the phone cord back properly.

Everyone seems to conveniently forget they can stop the games if all agree. Then again last time it just sent them home not just stopped it.

The rules didn’t say anything about what happens if you have an even number marbles. You win when you have all but do you have to assume you lose if you have even? The rules are a little loosy goosy sometimes. Conveniently.

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Didn’t the rules just say you get eliminated if you have no marbles left and the goal is to try and get them from your opponent? So what if you ended up with the same amount of marbles again in the end, 10? Nobody even tried. Except whatever logic the couple with Ali tried to apply in the end. It suggested that there IS a possibility of the entire team to make it back alive, at least Ali was naive enough to believe him. And maybe there was, people just didn’t try because they were too desperate.

I never said I believed they would stop the games, if it meant to be sent back, but they’re awfully whiny sometimes. Like either stop the games, or accept your faith of death being very likely, anything else won’t really help you get through it @choiekdms

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Squid Game: 1x05 A Fair World

The other team got "nailed to the cross" so we could win.

I'm an atheist, but I think my heavy duty christian parents would say that that is blasphemy.

Also, hell yeah woman! I love when there is someone pointing out who ACTUALLY saved a life. If your kid dies its the doctors fault, if it lives god gets thanks for sending the atheist doctor to save it. yuck

Did I miss the fake guard ejecting shells? Kind of weird that the leader found one considering that the fake guard is using a revolver (where the shells don't get ejected to the side...)

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@player8472 I didn't notice him picking up a shell, but he DID dig out the actual bullet from the brain. And I'm not Christian either, but regardless, that "priest" is a fanatic rather than a believer, anything out of his mouth is... yikes.

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Midnight Mass: 1x05 Book V: Gospel

When they went on the boat, I knew that was his point. I really, really, really wanted to be wrong...

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@jensequel Same. It's been in his dreams all this time, but I just really didn't want this to be the point... really not... but I suppose the show is trying to make Erin be "someone", with this experience.

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Hilda: 2x11 Chapter 11: The Jorts Incident


That relatable moment when you get promoted to the head of three departments, one after the other.


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You having tidemice problems, too? :joy:

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Fate: The Winx Saga: 1x04 Some Wrecked Angel

So now we're made to distrust anyone who's been acting, as far as we know, for the better of everyone. Beatrix' story is believable, but still, she's a manipulative, psychotic killer, mh, actually, she's been lying a lot herself, despite having "good excused" as to why.
All that doesn't look too good on her, but it still makes me distrust the ulterior motives of the teachers a little bit. Just a little.

Because her entire argument(s) kind of rests on the "fact" that Rosalind implanted a true memory.

And that might not be the case. We have no idea who she really is, and why she's imprisoned.

So I'm still siding with the grown ups (well, besides another manipulative, psychotic Luna) and hope they and the kids will find common ground. They're not very wise on how though, going back on the "you know what you have to know", "a soldier just takes order" etc. That was a bit disappointing to see.

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Right? Let’s see how it continues! @thenightwolf

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The Bold Type: 3x03 Stroke of Genius

Unbelievable. Now not even consensual is enough? It was cold, “Jeff” used it as an excuse to be invited home, she knew exactly what he was trying to achieve. Kiss him goodnight and tell him to take the L.

Women in such a situation are afraid to cause a scene? Are you kidding me? They seldom have any issues kindly refusing civilised men’s advances. And then, in another episode, when a female Uber driver brushes the breast of Kat all is fine. Sure, if instead the driver was a man he would have been a chauvinist pig.

I like this show because it’s usually light. I love the dynamics between the three BFFs. Sometime I just can’t stand its heavy, and dumb, feminist agenda.

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@jecht-sin It isn't consent anymore when the other party uses coercion. Ignoring someone's requests to be left alone to push what you want, is coercion. Read up.

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The Bold Type: 2x08 Plan B

Bisexual and lesbian aren't interchangable words?? Bisexual women aren't lesbians just because they're in sapphic relationships any more than bisexual women becoming 'straight' when they're dating a man. Bisexual is it's own identity, a bisexual person doesn't stop being bisexual when they start dating someone, that isn't them 'picking a side.'

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@paranormalcy Lol I love how you got hung up on this and it hadn't even occurred to me, while I was getting hung up on other issues this show has. YES thank you. The whole show is like a fake propaganda thing, pretending to be feminist or inclusive or whatnot, but really just throwing those words around without actually being it.

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The Bold Type: 2x08 Plan B

I like the show but sometimes the plot lines are like... "Really?! Are you twelve years old?" I mean Kat who is supposed to be a department head (for social media!!) at a major national magazine just signs away her picture rights without reading the contract and looking for stuff like a morality clause or other stuff that could protect her?

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@strazrouber All the time. Remember when Richard invited them over, and then Sutton and him said basically said "my friends... they're young"... hit the nail on the head, without saying whatever else they could have said. They're terribly immature, to a point it hurts sometimes.

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The Bold Type: 2x07 Betsy

I'm not gonna pretend to understand US politics and the huge debate that is gun control.

But, one of the things I love the most about this show is how open and inclusive it is, and how it always tries to reach that elusive middle ground. It lost a little bit of that this episode with Sutton getting rid of her gun after Jane pushed her.

I get where Jane was coming from, and I'm sure thousands of real life people share her trauma. But Sutton was very open minded and rational about the whole thing and she made valid arguments. I wish the writers would have resolved it differently.

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@abtr Agree. Gun ownership isn't made a problem in other countries. There's a lot of healthy discussion around the US angle, which may seem illogical in other places.
The whole thing how Jane basically forced her point on Sutton despite all the valid arguments from Sutton's side left me unimpressed with the show. (like so many details lol)

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The Bold Type: 2x06 The Domino Effect

As a bisexual woman, I am shocked at how such a progressive show could fall into the cheating bisexual stereotype while playing a song that uses a cheating bisexual in the music video. Not cool.

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@paranormalcy Right? Are you sure it's progressive though? I see it trying to deal with feminist issues, but it's doing so by going through the misogynist path first, for... a lot... of the episodes. I don't find it progressive at all, to me it feels like a pretty weak attempt. But then again, maybe that's how anything feminist needs to be approached by American standards, not that I know. :neutral_face:

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Thunder Force

I almost feel generous giving it a 3... listen I have no qualms with the story, its supposed to be cheesy, goofy. Its nothing unique and I can honestly sit and enjoy these type of movies and have a good laugh.

Mellisa carries the film but I'm sorry I found Octavias acting in this poor. She was so robotic and awkward and had no life in her whatsoever (my opinion of course) and as I say while Mellisa was the only redeeming factor I feel like even all of her characters are one dimensional and she now just plays the same roles with different tweaks. I do still find her funny but I hope she can branch out into different roles in the future.

I trudged along until the end but neither me or my wife was impressed and just found it poor with only a few laughs here and there (I think a few were forced as we were trying to find SOME humour and not feel like we'd wasted an evening)

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@randompadley I agree! I did like Melissa's acting (I also liked Bateman and his character), while Octavia's fell entirely flat for me. I just didn't connect at all. Most of her facial expressions looked the same to me, I got no real emotion coming from her. As if she were on botox 24/7 or something. Yikes. Kudos to finishing it in one go, I guess you having company helped. I had to take it in small bits in order to get to the end haha.

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The Bold Type: 1x01 Pilot

How awesome was that first episode? Great dialogue, interesting plot, likeable characters and LGBT representation. Instantly hooked.

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@minibutmighty That's why they call it a "hook"... anything to sell it.

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Nobody's Looking: 1x05 Not angel, angelus

Such wisdom. Hadn’t expected that, here. :joy:
‪“The truth is like a dildo, you know? You have to push it into people’s assholes very slowly. If you shove it in hard, they’ll retract.”‬

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@maxbelmont haha and thank you for bringing it back! It’s been a while :joy:

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October Faction: 1x10 The October Faction

How would Edith’s little speech to Viv pull any weight whatsoever when she knows just exactly how brutal and dishonest Presidio are? Science vs family? Really lady, that’s your approach? Ugh.

And why did the show have to bring in so many tropes in the past few episodes? Here we get the “oh shit someone is out to kill us and they’re basically breaking the door but I WONT MOVE UNTIL I GET ANSWERS!!!” ... really? :expressionless:

Still a good show all in all, I enjoyed the story. The writing in the beginning of the season was more enjoyable somehow. They’re baiting for a second season, but I doubt it will be a good one. Unless they catch themselves somehow and stop it with the tropes. Give the characters some time to breathe, to develop themselves properly.

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@wpafbo79 right... but then every once in a while, they actually pull off something rather amazing, which makes netflix worthwhile again. But hey at least we have a choice of what to watch on there, still better than how it used to be with normal TV and 3-10 channels :laughing:

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The Fall: 3x02 Episode Two

Shout by Tagouga

  • I loved that they addressed the issues of Paul standing outside the vehicle in the forest and him and Anderson not wearing any bullet proof vests. It kind of bugged me in the season finale how convenient this was, but it is good to see that it was being purposely done for the review plot that followed
  • I believe Paul and don't think he is faking it. However, what is the law concerning convicting someone with a memory loss? I mean he still committed the act but does it present a loophole the defense can use?
  • Since he is a murder suspect, it is weird that he is not handcuffed to the bed and there is no officer directly in front of his door
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@tago1987 There's quite a number of oversights on the side of the hospital in my opinion. Good point with the handcuffs. Yet just the fact alone that they're leaving a victim and a perpetrator so close to each other, when she's supposed to be in a safe place, yet they endanger at the very least her mental health by having him this close to her. Huge oversight.
Thirdly, not a fan how they'd assign him a nurse that fits his victims' profile. Stella sure had a bit of a "what?" moment, but it wasn't further addressed by anyone. Additionally, the way he grabbed her must have scared Kiera, yet she's pretending it's all fine. I'm not liking any of this hospital-setup.

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The Fall: 3x01 Episode One

Why are so many medical terminology?

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@toleeck Because the episode is in a hospital? :sweat_smile:

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The Fall: 2x04 Episode Four

"Who is senior investigating officer?" Y'know, just Merlin.

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@laurenhannah Hahaha yeah... I was confused for a moment :joy:

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Snowpiercer: 1x09 The Train Demanded Blood

Layton and the red switch was the most infuriating and unnecessary thing I've seen in a long time.

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@player8472 Hah, hadn't expected someone to reply in depth to my puny little comment. I did like Layton to begin with, but after the inner workings of the train came to be revealed, as well as the roles everyone plays, he'd just more and more became some figurehead of an outdated version of justice. It's not working anymore in the world they live in now. Parts of it were probably rightful (like looking for murderers and bringing them to justice) but not the whole throwing-the-leader-under-the-train.
Wouldn't really expect otherwise from power-hungry characters with less brains than Layton and Melanie (been a while I've seen it, especially talking about lady Winston-is-the-best and the other dude conspiring with her), but for Layton to keep going on his cruisade and continuing it... meh.

Well now the second season is out, so let's see how they try and turn it. Haven't started yet, but with her daughter back (and apparently not happy) there could be some interesting new dynamics.
Hoping they don't totally ruin the show :upside_down:

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American Gods: 1x03 Head Full of Snow

Before I watched this episode I had to search for some info because in the past 2 episodes I don't know wtf is the story is all about. Since this show is so weird. Then I read the synopsis of the book itself in Wikipedia. Now I get it, and I liked the bond between Mr. Sunday and Moon since they're related to each other . But my God this episode gives us another wtf moment.

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@helmheim ... Sunday......... that's... not it. The sun really isn't his day. :joy:

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Carnival Row: 1x06 Unaccompanied Fae

The thought never crossed my mind before, but due to a comment by someone else's I saw, I think Rycroft's father could be Absalom. It was prophesied to Piety by the Haruspex that his son will be even a greater man than him, and that may not be referring to Jonah. Unless he has another son besides Jonah who isn't Rycroft, it would make more sense that Rycroft was the son mentioned in the prophecy.

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@legendaryfang56 hmmm good point. But I doubt Absolom is behind the killing. Neither is he scary, like they said his father was. The lady sure has a taste for it, but would she really send a darkasher after her fae seer? :face_with_monocle: intriguing.

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The Alienist: 2x03 Labyrinth

That hospital is giving me the chills. Not sure the term is deserved for that place.
Kreizler's speach was really heartfelt and since we know the characters for quite some time now the scene works really well. Including all the things not said. Somehow I doubt that John will marry Violet.
I really have to give credit to Brühl for his performance througout the show. This is by far the best I've seen of him.

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@finfan Hospitals back in the time more often felt like a place of horror and death, than one of healing, I would wager. Just slightly more hopeful than the psychiatric wards. Shudder.

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