The Walking Dead: 7x09 Rock in the Road

so many characters who used to be interesting and engaging have been reduced to one-dimensional vessels for exposition, and as a result they rarely make believable choices- leading to storylines being uncompelling and predictable. it's really disappointing to see this happening to a show that's held a very special place in my heart for so long, hopefully it'll start living up to its potential soon.

the trip wire scene was awesome tho

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The Sopranos: 4x04 The Weight

johnny sack i love you

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30 Rock: 5x13 ¡Qué Sorpresa!

michael kors is a friend - we own a gay racehorse together, and i convinced him to make wizard cloaks fashionable this winter

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the most important television show ever made

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x15 Self Control

ok wow, easily my favourite episode of the series so far

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